285 research outputs found

    Zeeman tomography of magnetic white dwarfs. II, The quadrupole-dominated magnetic field of HE 1045-0908

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    We report time-resolved optical flux and circular polarization spectroscopy of the magnetic DA white dwarf HE 1045−0908 obtained with FORS1 at the ESO VLT. Considering published results, we estimate a likely rotational period of P rot 2.7 h, but cannot exclude values as high as about 9 h. Our detailed Zeeman tomographic analysis reveals a field structure which is dominated by a quadrupole and contains additional dipole and octupole contributions, and which does not depend strongly on the assumed value of the period. A good fit to the Zeeman flux and polarization spectra is obtained if all field components are centred and inclinations of their magnetic axes with respect to each other are allowed for. The fit can be slightly improved if an offset from the centre of the star is included. The prevailing surface field strength is 16 MG, but values between 10 and ∼ 75 MG do occur. We derive an effective photospheric temperature of HE 1045−0908 of T eff = 10 000 ± 1000 K. The tomographic code makes use of an extensive database of pre-computed Zeeman spectra (Paper I)

    The helium atom in a strong magnetic field

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    We investigate the electronic structure of the helium atom in a magnetic field b etween B=0 and B=100a.u. The atom is treated as a nonrelativistic system with two interactin g electrons and a fixed nucleus. Scaling laws are provided connecting the fixed-nucleus Hamiltonia n to the one for the case of finite nuclear mass. Respecting the symmetries of the electronic Ham iltonian in the presence of a magnetic field, we represent this Hamiltonian as a matrix with res pect to a two-particle basis composed of one-particle states of a Gaussian basis set. The corresponding generalized eigenvalue problem is solved numerically, providing in the present paper results for vanish ing magnetic quantum number M=0 and even or odd z-parity, each for both singlet and triplet spin symmetry. Total electronic energies of the ground state and the first few excitations in each su bspace as well as their one-electron ionization energies are presented as a function of the magnetic fie ld, and their behaviour is discussed. Energy values for electromagnetic transitions within the M=0 sub space are shown, and a complete table of wavelengths at all the detected stationary points with respect to their field dependence is given, thereby providing a basis for a comparison with observed ab sorption spectra of magnetic white dwarfs.Comment: 21 pages, 4 Figures, acc.f.publ.in J.Phys.

    Hydrogen atom moving across a strong magnetic field: analytical approximations

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    Analytical approximations are constructed for binding energies, quantum-mechanical sizes and oscillator strengths of main radiative transitions of hydrogen atoms arbitrarily moving in magnetic fields 10^{12}-10^{13} G. Examples of using the obtained approximations for determination of maximum transverse velocity of an atom and for evaluation of absorption spectra in magnetic neutron star atmospheres are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables, LaTeX with IOP style files (included). In v.2, Fig.1 and Table 5 have been corrected. In v.3, a misprint in the fit for oscillator strengths, Eq.(21), has been correcte

    Downfolding from Ab Initio to Interacting Model Hamiltonians: Comprehensive Analysis and Benchmarking

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    Model Hamiltonians are regularly derived from first-principles data to describe correlated matter. However, the standard methods for this contain a number of largely unexplored approximations. For a strongly correlated impurity model system, here we carefully compare standard downfolding techniques with the best-possible ground-truth estimates for charge-neutral excited state energies and charge densities using state-of-the-art first-principles many-body wave function approaches. To this end, we use the vanadocene molecule and analyze all downfolding aspects, including the Hamiltonian form, target basis, double counting correction, and Coulomb interaction screening models. We find that the choice of target-space basis functions emerges as a key factor for the quality of the downfolded results, while orbital-dependent double counting correction diminishes the quality. Background screening to the Coulomb interaction matrix elements primarily affects crystal-field excitations. Our benchmark uncovers the relative importance of each downfolding step and offers insights into the potential accuracy of minimal downfolded model Hamiltonians.Comment: 15 pages (+8 pages Supplemental Material), 8 figure

    Microstructure effects on the phase transition behavior of a prototypical quantum material

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    Materials with insulator metal transitions promise advanced functionalities for future information technology. Patterning on the microscale is key for miniaturized functional devices, but material properties may vary spatially across microstructures. Characterization of these miniaturized devices requires electronic structure probes with sufficient spatial resolution to understand the influence of structure size and shape on functional properties. The present study demonstrates the use of imaging soft X ray absorption spectroscopy with a spatial resolution better than 2 amp; 956;m to study the insulator metal transition in vanadium dioxide thin film microstructures. This novel technique reveals that the transition temperature for the conversion from insulating to metallic vanadium dioxide is lowered by 1.2 K 0.4 K close to the structure edges compared to the center. Facilitated strain release during the phase transition is discussed as origin of the observed behavior. The experimental approach enables a detailed understanding of how the electronic properties of quantum materials depend on their patterning at the micrometer scal

    Hydrogen Molecules In Superstrong Magnetic Field: II. Excitation Levels

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    We study the energy levels of H2_2 molecules in a superstrong magnetic field (B\go 10^{12} G), typically found on the surfaces of neutron stars. The interatomic interaction potentials are calculated by a Hartree-Fock method with multi-configurations assuming electrons are in the ground Landau state. Both the aligned configurations and arbitrary orientations of the molecular axis with respect to the magnetic field axis are considered. Different types of molecular excitations are then studied: electronic excitations, aligned (along the magnetic axis) vibrational excitations, transverse vibrational excitations (a constrained rotation of the molecular axis around the magnetic field line). Similar results for the molecular ion H2+_2^+ are also obtained and compared with previous variational calculations. Both numerical results and analytical fitting formulae are given for a wide range of field strengths. In contrast to the zero-field case, it is found that the transverse vibrational excitation energies can be larger than the aligned vibration excitation, and they both can be comparable or larger than the electronic excitations. For B\go B_{crit}=4.23\times 10^{13} G, the Landau energy of proton is appreciable and there is some controversy regarding the dissociation energy of H2_2. We show that H2_2 is bound even for B>>BcritB>>B_{crit} and that neither proton has a Landau excitation in the ground molecular state.Comment: Revtex (45 pages), 3 postscript figures; Phys. Rev. A in pres

    Photon shot-noise limited transient absorption soft X-ray spectroscopy at the European XFEL

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    Femtosecond transient soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is a very promising technique that can be employed at X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FELs) to investigate out-of-equilibrium dynamics for material and energy research. Here we present a dedicated setup for soft X-rays available at the Spectroscopy & Coherent Scattering (SCS) instrument at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL). It consists of a beam-splitting off-axis zone plate (BOZ) used in transmission to create three copies of the incoming beam, which are used to measure the transmitted intensity through the excited and unexcited sample, as well as to monitor the incoming intensity. Since these three intensity signals are detected shot-by-shot and simultaneously, this setup allows normalized shot-by-shot analysis of the transmission. For photon detection, the DSSC imaging detector, which is capable of recording up to 800 images at 4.5 MHz frame rate during the FEL burst, is employed and allows approaching the photon shot-noise limit. We review the setup and its capabilities, as well as the online and offline analysis tools provided to users

    The interplay of local electron correlations and ultrafast spin dynamics in fcc Ni

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    The complex electronic structure of metallic ferromagnets is determined by a balance between exchange interaction, electron hopping leading to band formation, and local Coulomb repulsion. The interplay between the respective terms of the Hamiltonian is of fundamental interest, since it produces most, if not all, of the exotic phenomena observed in the solid state. By combining high energy and temporal resolution in femtosecond time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy with ab initio time-dependent density functional theory we analyze the electronic structure in fcc Ni on the time scale of these interactions in a pump-probe experiment. We distinguish transient broadening and energy shifts in the absorption spectra, which we demonstrate to be caused by electron repopulation and correlation-induced modifications of the electronic structure, respectively. Importantly, the theoretical description of this experimental result hence requires to take the local Coulomb interaction into account, revealing a temporal interplay between band formation, exchange interaction, and Coulomb repulsion

    The masked demos: Associational anonymity and democratic practice

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    The increased use of anonymous digital platforms raises substantive concerns about accountability in digital spaces. However, contemporary evaluations of anonymity focus too narrowly on its protective function: its ability to protect a diversity of speakers and ideas. Drawing on two examples of anonymous political engagements – Publius’s writing of the Federalist Papers and college students’ use of the social media platform Yik Yak – we develop an account of anonymity’s associational function: the processes by which people generate and negotiate collective identities, discussions, and actions in wider publics. As we argue, anonymity’s associational function can (1) generate conditions under which individuals develop collective interests and identities to foster collective action, and (2) enable novel interactions between these individuals and communities and the larger publics of which they are part. We conclude with a discussion of how attention to associational anonymity can contribute to a more nuanced account of democracy in practice
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