40 research outputs found

    Perceptions of the Use of Blueprinting in a Formative Theory Assessment in Pharmacology Education

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    Objectives: This study aimed to assess perceptions of the use of a blueprint in a pharmacology formative theory assessment. Methods: This study took place from October 2015 to February 2016 at a medical college in Gujurat, India. Faculty from the Department of Pharmacology used an internal syllabus to prepare an assessment blueprint. A total of 12 faculty members prepared learning objectives and categorised cognitive domain levels by consensus. Learning objectives were scored according to clinical importance and marks were distributed according to proportional weighting. A three-dimensional test specification table of syllabus content, assessment tools and cognitive domains was prepared. Based on this table, a theory paper was created and administered to 126 pharmacology students. Feedback was then collected from the faculty members and students using a 5-point Likert scale. Results: The majority of faculty members agreed that using a blueprint ensured proper weighting of marks for important topics (90.00%), aligned questions with learning objectives (80.00%), distributed questions according to clinical importance (100.00%) and minimised inter-examiner variations in selecting questions (90.00%). Few faculty members believed that use of the blueprint created too many easy questions (10.00%) or too many difficult questions (10.00%). Most students felt that the paper had a uniform distribution of questions from the syllabus (90.24%), that important topics were appropriately weighted (77.23%), was well organised (79.67%) and tested indepth subject knowledge (74.80%). Conclusion: These findings indicate that blueprinting should be an integral part of written assessments in pharmacology education

    Efficient tree structured algorithm for providing confidentiality of location data to minimize communication overhead in LBS Services

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    We present an effective and protection safeguarding polygons spatial inquiry structure for area based administrations, called Polaris. With Polaris, the LBS supplier redistributes the encoded LBS information to cloud server, and the enrolled client can question any polygon range to get precise LBS results without revealing his/her inquiry data to the LBS supplier and cloud server. Proficient uncommon polygons spatial inquiry calculation over ciphertext is developed dependent on an enhanced homomorphic encryption innovation over Composite request gathering. With SPSQ, Polaris can look re-appropriated scrambled LBS information in cloud server by the encoded demand, and react the scrambled polygons spatial question results precisely


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    Recommendation systems are mainly used in e-commerce and other services for providing acceptable recommendation to the customer. Within a decade, the shopping in online, data of a particular item in online and online services increased speedly, analyzing enormous information or bigdata as a limitation for administrative recommender framework. Recommendation systems are exceptionally mainstream (well known) in research group,  where numerous way to deal with give proposals to users are recommended. Existing recommender system define an similar ratings and ranking of services to different users while they have not speculate many user preferences so they have failed to fulfils user needs.  Proposed methodology defines a personalized recommendation take care about user preferences and recommend relevant service to users.  So collaborative filtering is a appropriate method to get accurate recommendations

    Image Segmentation Using Gray-Scale Morphology and Marker-Controlled Watershed Transformation

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    Segmentation, a new method, for color, gray-scale MR medical images, and aerial images, is proposed. The method is based on gray-scale morphology. Edge detection algorithm includes function edge and marker-controlled watershed segmentation. It features the simple algorithm implemented in MATLAB. The watershed segmentation has been proved to be a powerful and fast technique for both contour detection and region-based segmentation. In principle, watershed segmentation depends on ridges to perform a proper segmentation, a property that is often fulfilled in contour detection where the boundaries of the objects are expressed as ridges. For region-based segmentation, it is possible to convert the edges of the objects into ridges by calculating an edge map of the image. Watershed is normally implemented by region growing, based on a set of markers to avoid oversegmentation

    Effectiveness of antepartum breathing exercises on the outcome of labour: A randomized controlled trial [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Abstract Background Childbirth is a life-transforming intense event to a woman and her family. Even though a variety of non-pharmacological techniques are readily available to alleviate the distress of women in labour, the majority of women are unaware of its benefits. The objective of the study was to explore the impact of a simple non-pharmacological technique i.e., antepartum breathing exercises on maternal outcomes of labour among primigravid women. Methods A single centre prospective, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial was conducted at the antenatal outpatient clinic of a secondary healthcare institution. Eligible primigravid women were randomized into intervention and standard care groups. Both groups received standard obstetrical care. In addition, the intervention group were taught antepartum breathing exercises and were advised to practise daily and also during the active stage of labour. The primary outcome of the trial was the maternal outcome of labour measured in terms of onset of labour, nature of delivery, duration of labour, and need for augmentation of labour. Data was collected using World Health Organization (WHO) partograph, structured observational record on the outcome of labour. Results A total of 98 (70%) primigravid women who practised antepartum breathing exercises had spontaneous onset of labour. The odds of spontaneous onset of labour after randomization in the intervention group was 2.192 times more when compared to standard care at a (95% confidence interval 1.31–3.36, p<.001). Also, the requirement for augmentation of labour was minimal and there was a reduction in the rate of caesarean deliveries (p <.05) based on the χ2 test. The overall mean duration of labour was less compared to standard care group F(1)= 133.800, p <.001. Conclusion Antepartum breathing exercises during labour can facilitate spontaneous vaginal birth, shorten the duration of labour, and reduce the need for operative interference

    <i>WhatsApp</i> use among African international distance education (IDE) students: transferring, translating and transforming educational experiences

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    Much of the research on how social media is embedded into the educational practices of higher education students has a Western orientation. In concentrating on a case study of the varied ways in which African International Distance Education (IDE) students actively use social media to shape their learning experiences, we discuss an under-researched group. The paper draws on analysis of 1295 online questionnaires and 165 in-depth interviews with IDE students at UNISA, South Africa, one of the largest providers of IDE globally. WhatsApp emerges as ‘the’ key social media tool that opens up opportunities for IDE students to transfer, translate and transform their educational journey when studying ‘at a distance’. Although WhatsApp does provide a ‘space of opportunity’ for some students, this is framed through socio-technical marginalisation, itself a reflection of demographic legacies of inequality. Exploring social media practices though the case of African IDE students places these students centre stage and adds to the awareness of the multiple centres from which international education is practiced

    Automated Detection of Malarial Retinopathy in Digital Fundus Images for Improved Diagnosis in Malawian Children with Clinically Defined Cerebral Malaria

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    Cerebral malaria (CM), a complication of malaria infection, is the cause of the majority of malaria-associated deaths in African children. The standard clinical case definition for CM misclassifies ~25% of patients, but when malarial retinopathy (MR) is added to the clinical case definition, the specificity improves from 61% to 95%. Ocular fundoscopy requires expensive equipment and technical expertise not often available in malaria endemic settings, so we developed an automated software system to analyze retinal color images for MR lesions: retinal whitening, vessel discoloration, and white-centered hemorrhages. The individual lesion detection algorithms were combined using a partial least square classifier to determine the presence or absence of MR. We used a retrospective retinal image dataset of 86 pediatric patients with clinically defined CM (70 with MR and 16 without) to evaluate the algorithm performance. Our goal was to reduce the false positive rate of CM diagnosis, and so the algorithms were tuned at high specificity. This yielded sensitivity/specificity of 95%/100% for the detection of MR overall, and 65%/94% for retinal whitening, 62%/100% for vessel discoloration, and 73%/96% for hemorrhages. This automated system for detecting MR using retinal color images has the potential to improve the accuracy of CM diagnosis

    Chitin Binding Proteins Act Synergistically with Chitinases in Serratia proteamaculans 568

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    Genome sequence of Serratia proteamaculans 568 revealed the presence of three family 33 chitin binding proteins (CBPs). The three Sp CBPs (Sp CBP21, Sp CBP28 and Sp CBP50) were heterologously expressed and purified. Sp CBP21 and Sp CBP50 showed binding preference to β-chitin, while Sp CBP28 did not bind to chitin and cellulose substrates. Both Sp CBP21 and Sp CBP50 were synergistic with four chitinases from S. proteamaculans 568 (Sp ChiA, Sp ChiB, Sp ChiC and Sp ChiD) in degradation of α- and β-chitin, especially in the presence of external electron donor (reduced glutathione). Sp ChiD benefited most from Sp CBP21 or Sp CBP50 on α-chitin, while Sp ChiB and Sp ChiD had major advantage with these Sp CBPs on β-chitin. Dose responsive studies indicated that both the Sp CBPs exhibit synergism ≥0.2 µM. The addition of both Sp CBP21 and Sp CBP50 in different ratios to a synergistic mixture did not significantly increase the activity. Highly conserved polar residues, important in binding and activity of CBP21 from S. marcescens (Sm CBP21), were present in Sp CBP21 and Sp CBP50, while Sp CBP28 had only one such polar residue. The inability of Sp CBP28 to bind to the test substrates could be attributed to the absence of important polar residues

    Effect of pantoprazole and its interactions with vecuronium on the neuromuscular junction

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    Objective : To study the effect of pantoprazole on neuromuscular transmission and its interactions with vecuronium at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Materials and Methods : Effect of pantoprazole on neuromuscular transmission (2 µM - 16 mM) and reversal of neuromuscular blockade by pantoprazole and vecuronium with neostigmine (3.3 µM), 3,4-diaminopyridine (0.25 mM), KCl (6 mM), and CaCl 2 (10 mM) were studied by the indirect and direct stimulated preparation of rat phrenic nerve hemidiaphragm. Cumulative reponse curves (CRC) of vecuronium (1 µM to 32 µM) were studied in the absence and presence of 32 µM, 64 µM, and 128 µM pantoprazole. Time for head drop by vecuronium infusion was recorded in the absence and presence of acute and chronic administration of pantoprazole (1.9 mg/kg) in rabbits. Results : Pantoprazole potentiated the basal contractile twitch responses at a lower concentration followed by neuromuscular blockade at a higher concentration. The neuromuscular blockade was not reversed by neostigmine (3.3 µM), 3,4-diaminopyridine (0.25 mM), KCl (6 mM), and CaCl 2 (10 mM). Pantoprazole potentiated the vecuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade. It decreased the total time for complete blockade in rat phrenic nerve hemidiaphragm preparation (P < 0.05) and decreased the time for the head drop in rabbits with vecuronium infusion (P < 0.0001). Conclusion : Pantoprazole has a direct neuromuscular blocking action. It has the potential to interact with vecuronium