833 research outputs found


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    In the southwest of Ireland and the Celtic Sea (ICES Divisions VIIaS, g & j), herring are an important commercial species to the pelagic and polyvalent fleet. For a period in the 1970s and1980s, larval surveys were conducted for herring in this area. However, since 1989, acoustic surveys have been carried out, and currently are the only tuning indices available for this stock. In the Celtic Sea and VIIj, herring acoustic surveys have been carried out since 1989. Since 2004 the survey has been fixed in October and carried out onboard the RV Celtic Explorer. The geographical confines of the annual 21 day survey have been modified in recent years to include areas to the south of the main winter spawning grounds in an effort to identify the whereabouts of winter spawning fish before the annual inshore spawning migration. Spatial resolution of acoustic transects has been increased over the entire south coast survey area. The acoustic component of the survey has been further complemented since 2004 by detailed hydrographic, marine mammal and seabird surveys

    How well do activity monitors estimate energy expenditure? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To determine the accuracy of wrist and arm-worn activity monitors’ estimates of energy expenditure (EE). Data sources: SportDISCUS (EBSCOHost), PubMed, MEDLINE (Ovid), PsycINFO (EBSCOHost), Embase (Ovid) and CINAHL (EBSCOHost). Design: A random effects meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the difference in EE estimates between activity monitors and criterion measurements. Moderator analyses were conducted to determine the benefit of additional sensors and to compare the accuracy of devices used for research purposes with commercially available devices. Eligibility criteria: We included studies validating EE estimates from wrist-worn or arm-worn activity monitors against criterion measures (indirect calorimetry, room calorimeters and doubly labelled water) in healthy adult populations. Results: 60 studies (104 effect sizes) were included in the meta-analysis. Devices showed variable accuracy depending on activity type. Large and significant heterogeneity was observed for many devices (I2 >75%). Combining heart rate or heat sensing technology with accelerometry decreased the error in most activity types. Research-grade devices were statistically more accurate for comparisons of total EE but less accurate than commercial devices during ambulatory activity and sedentary tasks. Conclusions: EE estimates from wrist and arm-worn devices differ in accuracy depending on activity type. Addition of physiological sensors improves estimates of EE, and research-grade devices are superior for total EE. These data highlight the need to improve estimates of EE from wearable devices, and one way this can be achieved is with the addition of heart rate to accelerometry. PROSPEROregistration number: CRD42018085016

    The identity of clinical associates in psychology: a cross sectional, national survey

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    Background The Clinical Associate in Psychology (CAP) is a new psychological profession within the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom. This paper considers the processes developing the CAPs’ professional identity, specifically how their roles are embedded within services. Methods This study utilised an online survey of CAPs and all academic, clinical and managerial staff involved with CAPs. An inductive thematic analysis was undertaken. Results A total of 164 participants responded to the survey. Five themes were identified: Widening Access to Psychology, Workforce Development, Navigating the Unfamiliar, Trained [Master’s level] Professionals and An Emerging Ethos. In addition, key skills and unique contributions from CAPs were identified. Conclusions A clear professional identity is emerging, with CAPs depicted as offering versatile interventions in diverse health care settings, fostering a positive and encouraging integration of psychological expertise into the healthcare service. The study highlights areas for development to facilitate the growth and advancement of the role within the psychological workforce

    Nurse sow strategies in the domestic pig: II. Consequences for piglet growth, suckling behaviour and sow nursing behaviour

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    peer-reviewedNurse sow strategies are used to manage large litters on commercial pig farms. However, new-born piglets transferred to nurse sows in late lactation might be compromised in terms of growth and survival. We investigated the effects of two nurse sow strategies on piglet growth, suckling behaviour and sow nursing behaviour. At 1-day post-farrowing, the four heaviest piglets from large litters were transferred to a nurse sow either 21 (1STEP21, n=9 litters) or 7 (2STEP7, n=10 litters) days into lactation. The remainder of the litter remained with their mother and was either kept intact (remain intact (RI), n=10 litters) or had some piglets cross-fostered to equalise birth weights (remain equalised (RE), n=9 litters). The 7-day-old piglets from 2STEP7 were transferred onto a sow 21 days into lactation (2STEP21, n=10 litters). The growth of new-born piglets on 1STEP21 and 2STEP7 nurse sows was initially lower than in RI litters (F3,33.8=4.61; P0.5). After the 1st week of lactation, the weights and growth rates did not differ between treatments. Fighting behaviour during nursing bouts decreased over time. The frequency of fights was higher in 1STEP21 and 2STEP21 litters compared with RI litters (t122=3.06 and t123=3.00, respectively, P<0.05). The 2STEP21 litters had shorter nursing bouts than RI and 1STEP21 litters (t107=−2.81 and t81.7=2.8, respectively, P<0.05), which were more frequently terminated by 2STEP21 than RI sows (t595=2.93; P<0.05). Transferring heaviest piglets from RI and RE litters to nurse sows reduced the percentage of teat changes during nursing bouts (RI: F1,275=16.61; RE: F1,308=43.59; P<0.001). In conclusion, nurse sow strategies do not appear to compromise piglet growth. However, new-born piglets transferred onto sows in late lactation experienced more competition at the udder, suggesting that the sows’ stage of lactation is of importance to how achievable nurse sow strategies are. Thus, the two-step nurse sow strategy is likely the best option (in relation to growth and suckling behaviour), as it minimises the difference between piglet age and sow stage of lactation

    Sensitivity analysis of an Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor control rod model

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    A model has been made of the primary shutdown system of an Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor nuclear power station. The aim of this paper is to explore the use of sensitivity analysis techniques on this model. The two motivations for performing sensitivity analysis are to quantify how much individual uncertain parameters are responsible for the model output uncertainty, and to make predictions about what could happen if one or several parameters were to change. Global sensitivity analysis techniques were used based on Gaussian process emulation; the software package GEM-SA was used to calculate the main effects, the main effect index and the total sensitivity index for each parameter and these were compared to local sensitivity analysis results. The results suggest that the system performance is resistant to adverse changes in several parameters at once

    Effect of orientation on broadband acoustic scattering of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba : implications for inverting zooplankton spectral

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 1998. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104 (1998): 2121-2135, doi:10.1121/1.423726.Acoustic scattering experiments involving simultaneous acquisition of broadband echoes and video footage from several Antarctic krill were carried out to determine the effect of animal orientation on echo spectral structure. A novel video analysis technique, applied to extract krill angle of orientation corresponding to each insonification, revealed that echo spectra from krill near broadside incidence relative to the incident acoustic wave exhibited widely spaced, deep nulls, whereas off-broadside echo spectra had a more erratic structure, with several closely spaced nulls of variable depth. The pattern of changes in echo spectra with orientation for the experimentally measured acoustic returns was very similar to theoretically predicted patterns based on a distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) model. Information contained in the broadband echo spectra of the krill was exploited to invert the acoustic returns for angle of orientation by applying a newly developed Covariance Mean Variance Classification (CMVC) approach, using generic and animal-specific theoretical and empirical model spaces. The animal-specific empirical model space was best able to invert for angle of orientation. The CMVC inversion technique can be implemented using a generic empirical model space to determine angle of orientation based on broadband echoes from individual zooplankton in the field.L.V.MT.’s research was supported by the Ocean Acoustics, Oceanic Biology and URIP programs of the Office of Naval Research Grant Nos. N00014-89-J-1729, N00014-95-1-0287, and N00014-92-J-1527, the Biological Oceanography program of the National Science Foundation Grant No. OCE-9201264, and the WHOI/MIT Joint Program Education Office

    An association analysis of sow parity, live-weight and back-fat depth as indicators of sow productivity

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    Publication history: Accepted - 4 June 2018; Published online - 18 July 2018; Published - March 2019.Understanding how critical sow live-weight and back-fat depth during gestation are in ensuring optimum sow productivity is important. The objective of this study was to quantify the association between sow parity, live-weight and back-fat depth during gestation with subsequent sow reproductive performance. Records of 1058 sows and 13 827 piglets from 10 trials on two research farms between the years 2005 and 2015 were analysed. Sows ranged from parity 1 to 6 with the number of sows per parity distributed as follows: 232, 277, 180, 131, 132 and 106, respectively. Variables that were analysed included total born (TB), born alive (BA), piglet birth weight (BtWT), pre-weaning mortality (PWM), piglet wean weight (WnWT), number of piglets weaned (Wn), wean to service interval (WSI), piglets born alive in subsequent farrowing and sow lactation feed intake. Calculated variables included the within-litter CV in birth weight (LtV), pre-weaning growth rate per litter (PWG), total litter gain (TLG), lactation efficiency and litter size reared after cross-fostering. Data were analysed using linear mixed models accounting for covariance among records. Third and fourth parity sows had more (P<0.05) TB, BA and heavier BtWT compared with gilts and parity 6 sow contemporaries. Parities 2 and 3 sows weaned more (P<0.05) piglets than older sows. These piglets had heavier (P<0.05) birth weights than those from gilt litters. LtV and PWM were greater (P<0.01) in litters born to parity 5 sows than those born to younger sows. Sow live-weight and back-fat depth at service, days 25 and 50 of gestation were not associated with TB, BA, BtWT, LtV, PWG, WnWT or lactation efficiency (P>0.05). Heavier sow live-weight throughout gestation was associated with an increase in PWM (P<0.01) and reduced Wn and lactation feed intake (P<0.05). Deeper back-fat in late gestation was associated with fewer (P<0.05) BA but heavier (P<0.05) BtWT, whereas deeper back-fat depth throughout gestation was associated with reduced (P<0.01) lactation feed intake. Sow back-fat depth was not associated with LtV, PWG, TLG, WSI or piglets born alive in subsequent farrowing (P>0.05). In conclusion, this study showed that sow parity, live-weight and back-fat depth can be used as indicators of reproductive performance. In addition, this study also provides validation for future development of a benchmarking tool to monitor and improve the productivity of modern sow herd.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland (DAFM), University of Leeds
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