887 research outputs found

    Communication in the Third Dimension: Song Perch Height of Rivals Affects Singing Response in Nightingales

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    Many animals use long-range signals to compete over mates and resources. Optimal transmission can be achieved by choosing efficient signals, or by choosing adequate signalling perches and song posts. High signalling perches benefit sound transmission and reception, but may be more risky due to exposure to airborne predators. Perch height could thus reflect male quality, with individuals signalling at higher perches appearing as more threatening to rivals. Using playbacks on nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos), we simulated rivals singing at the same height as residents, or singing three metres higher. Surprisingly, residents increased song output stronger, and, varying with future pairing success, overlapped more songs of the playback when rivals were singing at the same height than when they were singing higher. Other than expected, rivals singing at the same height may thus be experienced as more threatening than rivals singing at higher perches. Our study provides new evidence that territorial animals integrate information on signalling height and thus on vertical cues in their assessment of rivals

    Impact of Cation Intercalation on the Electronic Structure of Ti3C2Tx MXenes in Sulfuric Acid

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    Intercalation in Ti3C2Tx MXene is essential for a diverse set of applications such as water purification, desalination, electrochemical energy storage, and sensing. The interlayer spacing between the Ti3C2Tx nanosheets can be controlled by cation intercalation; however, the impact of intercalation on the Ti3C2Tx MXene chemical and electronic structures is not well understood. Herein, we characterized the electronic structure of pristine, Li , Na , K , and Mg intercalated Ti3C2Tx MXenes dispersed initially in water and 10 mM sulfuric acid H2SO4 using X ray absorption spectroscopy XAS . The cation intercalation is found to dramatically influence the chemical environment of Ti atoms. The Ti oxidation of the MXene increases progressively upon intercalation of cations of larger sizes after drying in air, while interestingly a low Ti oxidation is observed for all intercalated MXenes after dispersion in diluted H2SO4. In situ XAS at the Ti L edge was conducted during electrochemical oxidation to probe the changes in the Ti oxidation state in the presence of different cations in H2SO4 aqueous electrolyte. By applying the sensitivity of the Ti L edge to probe the oxidation state of Ti atoms, we demonstrate that cation intercalation and H2SO4 environment significantly alter the Ti3C2Tx surface chemistr

    Transmission Characteristics of Primate Vocalizations: Implications for Acoustic Analyses

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    Acoustic analyses have become a staple method in field studies of animal vocal communication, with nearly all investigations using computer-based approaches to extract specific features from sounds. Various algorithms can be used to extract acoustic variables that may then be related to variables such as individual identity, context or reproductive state. Habitat structure and recording conditions, however, have strong effects on the acoustic structure of sound signals. The purpose of this study was to identify which acoustic parameters reliably describe features of propagated sounds. We conducted broadcast experiments and examined the influence of habitat type, transmission height, and re-recording distance on the validity (deviation from the original sound) and reliability (variation within identical recording conditions) of acoustic features of different primate call types. Validity and reliability varied independently of each other in relation to habitat, transmission height, and re-recording distance, and depended strongly on the call type. The smallest deviations from the original sounds were obtained by a visually-controlled calculation of the fundamental frequency. Start- and end parameters of a sound were most susceptible to degradation in the environment. Because the recording conditions can have appreciable effects on acoustic parameters, it is advisable to validate the extraction method of acoustic variables from recordings over longer distances before using them in acoustic analyses

    Spatially resolved X ray absorption spectroscopy investigation of individual cation intercalated multi layered Ti3C2Tx MXene particles

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    Ti3C2Tx MXene is a two dimensional 2D material possessing highly active hydrophilic surfaces coupled with high metallic conductivity. Cations intercalation between the Ti3C2Tx nanosheets has a significant role in many applications such as water purification, desalination, and electrochemical energy storage. The pseudocapacitive charging mechanism involving surface redox reactions at the Ti3C2Tx surface enables higher energy densities than electrical double layer capacitors, and higher power densities than batteries. In this context, the oxidation state of surface Ti atoms involved in redox reactions has a high impact on the capacitance of Ti3C2Tx MXene and this can be impacted by cation intercalation. Thus, the electronic structure of multi layered Ti3C2Tx particles is investigated by X ray absorption XA spectroscopy, while also benefitting from a high spatial resolution of 30 nm from X ray photoemission electron microscopy. In this work, the XA spectra from multi layered intercalated Ti3C2Tx particles of different thicknesses were recorded at the Ti L and O K edges. The Ti oxidation state in pristine, Li , and Mg intercalated Ti3C2Tx was found to be thickness dependent, while Na and K intercalated Ti3C2Tx particles did not reveal differences upon changing thickness. This work demonstrates thickness dependent modification of the MXene surface chemistry upon cation intercalation in different individual Ti3C2Tx particle

    Skin mucormycosis presenting as an erythema-nodosum-like rash in a renal transplant recipient: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Cutaneous mucormycosis is a rare entity related to kidney transplantation. It usually presents with ecthyma-like lesions and black necrotic cellulitis. We report an unusual case of primary cutaneous mucormycosis presenting as erythema-nodosum-like lesions in a woman who had received a renal transplant.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 49-year-old woman with diabetes received a living-unrelated kidney transplant. Her clinical course was uneventful for the first six months after transplantation. She then developed multiple, painful, erythema-nodosum-like lesions on her right leg and thigh following an episode of minor trauma. Mucormycosis was diagnosed by skin biopsy. Microscopic examination also showed panniculitis. The patient was treated successfully with amphotericin B and surgical resection. To our knowledge, this is the first description of primary cutaneous mucormycosis with erythema-nodosum-like lesions and panniculitis after renal transplantation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cutaneous mucormycosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis when a kidney transplant recipient develops erythema-nodosum-like lesions with panniculitis.</p

    Internet-based search of randomised trials relevant to mental health originating in the Arab world

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    BACKGROUND: The internet is becoming a widely used source of accessing medical research through various on-line databases. This instant access to information is of benefit to busy clinicians and service users around the world. The population of the Arab World is comparable to that of the United States, yet it is widely believed to have a greatly contrasting output of randomised controlled trials related to mental health. This study was designed to investigate the existence of such research in the Arab World and also to investigate the availability of this research on-line. METHODS: Survey of findings from three internet-based potential sources of randomised trials originating from the Arab world and relevant to mental health care. RESULTS: A manual search of an Arabic online current contents service identified 3 studies, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycINFO searches identified only 1 study, and a manual search of a specifically indexed, study-based mental health database, PsiTri, revealed 27 trials. CONCLUSION: There genuinely seem to be few trials from the Arab world and accessing these on-line was problematic. Replication of some studies that guide psychiatric/psychological practice in the Arab world would seem prudent

    Pseudocapacitance of MXene nanosheets for high-power sodium-ion hybrid capacitors

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    High-power Na-ion batteries have tremendous potential in various large-scale applications. However, conventional charge storage through ion intercalation or double-layer formation cannot satisfy the requirements of such applications owing to the slow kinetics of ion intercalation and the small capacitance of the double layer. The present work demonstrates that the pseudocapacitance of the nanosheet compound MXene Ti2C achieves a higher specific capacity relative to double-layer capacitor electrodes and a higher rate capability relative to ion intercalation electrodes. By utilizing the pseudocapacitance as a negative electrode, the prototype Na-ion full cell consisting of an alluaudite Na2Fe2(SO4)3 positive electrode and an MXene Ti2C negative electrode operates at a relatively high voltage of 2.4V and delivers 90 and 40mAhg-1 at 1.0 and 5.0Ag -1 (based on the weight of the negative electrode), respectively, which are not attainable by conventional electrochemical energy storage systems

    Early Fasting Is Long Lasting: Differences in Early Nutritional Conditions Reappear under Stressful Conditions in Adult Female Zebra Finches

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    Conditions experienced during early life can have profound effects on individual development and condition in adulthood. Differences in nutritional provisioning in birds during the first month of life can lead to differences in growth, reproductive success and survival. Yet, under natural conditions shorter periods of nutritional stress will be more prevalent. Individuals may respond differently, depending on the period of development during which nutritional stress was experienced. Such differences may surface specifically when poor environmental conditions challenge individuals again as adults. Here, we investigated long term consequences of differences in nutritional conditions experienced during different periods of early development by female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) on measures of management and acquisition of body reserves. As nestlings or fledglings, subjects were raised under different nutritional conditions, a low or high quality diet. After subjects reached sexual maturity, we measured their sensitivity to periods of food restriction, their exploration and foraging behaviour as well as adult resting metabolic rate (RMR). During a short period of food restriction, subjects from the poor nutritional conditions had a higher body mass loss than those raised under qualitatively superior nutritional conditions. Moreover, subjects that were raised under poor nutritional conditions were faster to engage in exploratory and foraging behaviour. But RMR did not differ among treatments. These results reveal that early nutritional conditions affect adult exploratory behaviour, a representative personality trait, foraging and adult's physiological condition. As early nutritional conditions are reflected in adult phenotypic plasticity specifically when stressful situations reappear, the results suggest that costs for poor developmental conditions are paid when environmental conditions deteriorate
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