40 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Spacetime Singularities Arising in Higher Dimensional Monopole-Vaidya Collapse

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    Secure E-Learning by Using Data Mining Technique

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    There are many fields which are using data and technology approaches to improve Education and Learning.Academic Analytics is a supplier of high-quality, custom business intelligence data and solution. Learning Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their factors, for reasons of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs .Data Mining techniques have been applied in both, Learning and Administrative problems. In Learning, the process is divided into learner-oriented and educator-oriented. In learner oriented the focus is on supporting the student to learn more effectively by suggesting new contents and in educator oriented the goal is to provide the educator a tool to allow system so it can guide the learner more effectively

    Design and Implementation of Wireless Environment Monitoring System

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    This paper describes the development of a sustainable power source that can supply sufficient power to wireless sensors in remote locations while requiring less maintenance and low costs. The soil energy is utilized by Microbial Fuel Cell. The soil with microorganisms can produce energy when they are attached with two electrodes, one positive and another negative electrode. This leads to flow of electrons contributing to electricity. The electricity is then utilized to Electronic circuit consisting of microcontroller and the humidity and temperature sensors are attached to it to read out the values of temperature and humidity on PC by using ZigBee Transceiver.Â

    Genetic diversity and geographical differentiation of nipa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) populations in peninsular Malaysia based on AFLP

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    Nipa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) is a useful and widely distributed palm in Southeast Asia, but its habitats are declining due to industrial development. Information on genetic diversity, geographical differentiation, and phylogenetic relationships among the populations is important in order to develop conservation strategies for this species. In this study, the genetic diversity within and among 29 natural populations in Peninsular Malaysia was analyzed using the AFLP molecular technique. Polymorphism within a population was detected for 27 populations and three geographically distinct groups of nipa. The results showed that the highest frequency of heterozygosity was found in the west coast southern region, followed by the west coast northern region, and with the lowest frequency in the east coast region. In the phylogenetic tree, the three geographical regions that formed distinct groups with the west coast southern region group were located between the west coast northern region group and the east coast region. These results may suggest that nipa in Peninsular Malaysia has been diffused from or along the west coast southern region to the other regions. The three regional groups are differentiated genetically and it is recommended that all three regions should be targets for the conservation of nipa habitats, in order to reduce genetic erosion within the nipa in Peninsular Malaysia

    Oxidative Stress in Wild Boars Naturally and Experimentally Infected with Mycobacterium bovis

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    Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS-RNS) are important defence substances involved in the immune response against pathogens. An excessive increase in ROS-RNS, however, can damage the organism causing oxidative stress (OS). The organism is able to neutralise OS by the production of antioxidant enzymes (AE); hence, tissue damage is the result of an imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant status. Though some work has been carried out in humans, there is a lack of information about the oxidant/antioxidant status in the presence of tuberculosis (TB) in wild reservoirs. In the Mediterranean Basin, wild boar (Sus scrofa) is the main reservoir of TB. Wild boar showing severe TB have an increased risk to Mycobacterium spp. shedding, leading to pathogen spreading and persistence. If OS is greater in these individuals, oxidant/antioxidant balance in TB-affected boars could be used as a biomarker of disease severity. The present work had a two-fold objective: i) to study the effects of bovine TB on different OS biomarkers (namely superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalasa (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GR) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)) in wild boar experimentally challenged with Mycobacterium bovis, and ii) to explore the role of body weight, sex, population and season in explaining the observed variability of OS indicators in two populations of free-ranging wild boar where TB is common. For the first objective, a partial least squares regression (PLSR) approach was used whereas, recursive partitioning with regression tree models (RTM) were applied for the second. A negative relationship between antioxidant enzymes and bovine TB (the more severe lesions, the lower the concentration of antioxidant biomarkers) was observed in experimentally infected animals. The final PLSR model retained the GPX, SOD and GR biomarkers and showed that 17.6% of the observed variability of antioxidant capacity was significantly correlated with the PLSR X's component represented by both disease status and the age of boars. In the samples from free-ranging wild boar, however, the environmental factors were more relevant to the observed variability of the OS biomarkers than the TB itself. For each OS biomarker, each RTM was defined as a maximum by one node due to the population effect. Along the same lines, the ad hoc tree regression on boars from the population with a higher prevalence of severe TB confirmed that disease status was not the main factor explaining the observed variability in OS biomarkers. It was concluded that oxidative damage caused by TB is significant, but can only be detected in the absence of environmental variation in wild boar

    hpvPDB: An Online Proteome Reserve for Human Papillomavirus

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women worldwide. The molecular understanding of HPV proteins has significant connotation for understanding their intrusion in the host and designing novel protein vaccines and anti-viral agents, etc. Genomic, proteomic, structural, and disease-related information on HPV is available on the web; yet, with trivial annotations and more so, it is not well customized for data analysis, host-pathogen interaction, strain-disease association, drug designing, and sequence analysis, etc. We attempted to design an online reserve with comprehensive information on HPV for the end users desiring the same. The Human Papillomavirus Proteome Database (hpvPDB) domiciles proteomic and genomic information on 150 HPV strains sequenced to date. Simultaneous easy expandability and retrieval of the strain-specific data, with a provision for sequence analysis and exploration potential of predicted structures, and easy access for curation and annotation through a range of search options at one platform are a few of its important features. Affluent information in this reserve could be of help for researchers involved in structural virology, cancer research, drug discovery, and vaccine design

    Elucidating Molecular Interactions of Natural Inhibitors with HPV-16 E6 Oncoprotein through Docking Analysis

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women worldwide. The life-threatening infection caused by HPV demands the need for designing anticancerous drugs. In the recent years, different compounds from natural origins, such as carrageenan, curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, indole-3-carbinol, jaceosidin, and withaferin, have been used as a hopeful source of anticancer therapy. These compounds have been shown to suppress HPV infection by different researchers. In the present study, we explored these natural inhibitors against E6 oncoprotein of high-risk HPV-16, which is known to inactivate the p53 tumor suppressor protein. A robust homology model of HPV-16 E6 was built to anticipate the interaction mechanism of E6 oncoprotein with natural inhibitory molecules using a structure-based drug designing approach. Docking analysis showed the interaction of these natural compounds with the p53-binding site of E6 protein residues 113-122 (CQKPLCPEEK) and helped the restoration of p53 functioning. Docking analysis, besides helping in silico validation of natural compounds, also helps understand molecular mechanisms of protein-ligand interactions

    Effect of Different Sowing Dates and Spacing on Soybean Varieties for Seed Quality during Rabi Season

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    Soybean, the number one oil seed crop in the world has recently occupied an important place in the edible oil and agricultural economy of the country. Lack of good quality seed is one of the major problems encountered in soybean production. Soybean as commercial crop is successful in kharif season as the agro-climatic conditions are found suitable. But climatic conditions may cause the adverse effect on seed production of different soybean varieties in kharif season. Hence, to fulfill the demand of quality soybean seed, efforts has been made to produce the soybean in rabi season. The research trial on rabi season soybean seed production was conducted during 2021-22 at the Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. The field experiment was laid out in split-split plot design having three replications. Total nine treatment combinations were there, consist of three sowing dates viz., 16 Dec, 31 Dec and 15 Jan in main plot and three spacing as 30 x 10 cm, 45 x 10 cm and 60 x 10 cm in sub plot and three varieties are AMS 100-39, RSC 10-46 and KDS-753 in sub-sub plot. It can be revealed from the experimental results that graded seed yield (kg ha-1) and weight of graded 100 seed (g) were extensively greater in early sown crop of 16 Dec., variety RSC 10-46 and spacing 45 x 10 cm. Sowing date 16 Dec recorded minimum under size seed weight.  In variety RSC 10-46 recorded minimum under size seed weight followed by variety AMS-100-39 (44.96 kg ha-1) and spacing of 45 x 10 cm. Treatment combination D1V2(sowing on 16 Dec. and variety RSC 10-46) recorded minimum under size seed yield. Significantly maximum weight of graded 100 seed was recorded by sowing date 16 Dec. (10.44 g) ,variety RSC 10-46 and spacing 45 x 10 cm