26 research outputs found

    The importance of understanding annual and shorter-term temperature patterns and variation in the surface levels of polar soils for terrestrial biota

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    Ground temperatures in the top few centimetres of the soil profile are key in many biological processes yet remain very poorly documented, especially in the polar regions or over longer timescales. They can vary greatly seasonally and at various spatial scales across the often highly complex and heterogeneous polar landscapes. It is challenging and often impossible to extrapolate soil profile temperatures from meteorological air temperature records. Furthermore, despite the justifiably considerable profile given to contemporary large-scale climate change trends, with the exception of some sites on Greenland, few biological microclimate datasets exist that are of sufficient duration to allow robust linkage and comparison with these large-scale trends. However, it is also clear that the responses of the soil-associated biota of the polar regions to projected climate change cannot be adequately understood without improved knowledge of how landscape heterogeneity affects ground and sub-surface biological microclimates, and of descriptions of these microclimates and their patterns and trends at biologically relevant physical and temporal scales. To stimulate research and discussion in this field, we provide an overview of multi-annual temperature records from 20 High Arctic (Svalbard) and maritime Antarctic (Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc) sites. We highlight important features in the datasets that are likely to have influence on biology in polar terrestrial ecosystems, including (a) summer ground and sub-surface temperatures vary much more than air temperatures; (b) winter ground temperatures are generally uncoupled from air temperatures; (c) the ground thawing period may be considerably shorter than that of positive air temperatures; (d) ground and air freeze–thaw patterns differ seasonally between Arctic and Antarctic; (e) rates of ground temperature change are generally low; (f) accumulated thermal sum in the ground usually greatly exceeds air cumulative degree days. The primary purpose of this article is to highlight the utility and biological relevance of such data, and to this end the full datasets are provided here to enable further analyses by the research community, and incorporation in future wider comparative studies

    University of Wroclaw achievements in polar meteorology and climatology

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    W niniejszym artykule dokonano syntezy dorobku ośrodka wrocławskiego w meteorologii i klimatologii polarnej, wskazano też na momenty przełomowe ale też kryzysowe w tej 60-letniej historii. Efektem ostatnich lat jest aktywność badawcza, która ma cechy innowacji i zastosowania meteorologii/klimatologii na pograniczu dziedzin (glacjologia, geomorfologia, biologia, chemia atmosfery). Cechą charakterystyczną badań wrocławskich geografów nadal pozostaje duże zaangażowanie w trudnych i nowatorskich tematach. Wyniki badań mają często charakter interdyscyplinarny. Spoglądając na dorobek wrocławski i innych ośrodków naukowych powinniśmy mieć świadomość, że dopiero nowoczesność stosowanych metod pomiarowych i narzędzi analiz nada polskiej klimatologii polarnej odpowiednią wartość naukową w wymiarze europejskim.This paper summarizes the University of Wroclaw achievements in polar meteorology and climatology. An attempt was made to identify milestones but also critical points in the 60-year history. Resumed after years of absence activity seems to be innovative with applications in many scientific branches (glaciology, geomorphology, biology, chemistry of atmosphere). A feature of geographers from Wroclaw still is a strong commitment to challenging and innovative topics, with results which are often interdisciplinary. Looking at the achievements of Wroclaw and other polish research centers should be aware that only modern methods of measurement and analysis tools will give the Polish polar climatology adequate scientific value of a European dimension

    Meteorological and biometeorological conditions in the Hornsund region (Western Spitsbergen) in 2009

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    W artykule zostały zaprezentowane rezultaty pomiarów meteorologicznych przeprowadzonych w południowej części Ziemi Wedela Jarlsberga, SW Spitsbergen w roku 2009. Pomiary były prowadzone na czterech stanowiskach: na terasie morskiej (PSP), morenie bocznej lodowca (WER) i na lodowcu: w strefie akumulacji (HT9) i poniżej linii równowagi (HT4). Informacje o wartościach elementów meteorologicznych zostały wykorzystane do oceny warunków biotermiczno-meteorologicznych jakie występowały w tych typach terenu. W tym celu przeanalizowano wartości wskaźnika ochładzania wiatrem (WCI), temperatury odczuwalnej (STI) oraz poszczególnych strumieni wymiany ciepła między człowiekiem a otoczeniem.Presented paper is focused on the meteorological and biometeorological conditions observed in south part of the Wedel Jarslberg Land (SW Spitsbergen) in 2009. Meteorological data used in presented study were collected in four locations: at the Polish Polar Station (PSP: 77.00159°N 15.54131°E, 10 m a.s.l.), lateral moraine of Werenskiold Glacier (WER: 77.07101°N, 15.17852°E, 31 m a.s.l.), middle part of Hans Glacier below equlibium line (HT4: 77.04738°N, 15.63275°E, 180 m a.s.l.) and accumulation’s zone of Hans Glacier (HT9: 77.11656°N, 15.48781°E, 430 m a.s.l.). The average air temperature registered in 2009 was -2.7°C and it is one of the warmest year from starting of the meteorological observations at the Polish Polar Station in 1978. The last two months (November and December) were exceptional: with almost 6°C higher monthly average of air temperature (in comparison with average from 1983 to 2006). Meteorological data as: air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar irradiation were used for calculating the following biometeorological indexes: wind chill index (WCI), subjective temperature index (according to Błażejczyk; STI), man-environment heat exchange fluxes (mC, mE, mRes), radiation and total heat exchange balances (mQ, mS). A significant variety of the biometeorological stimuli at investigated area were observed: in lateral moraine (WER) the most often “comfortable” conditions occurred – up to 34% of the time of August – if wind chill index is taken into account – while this class of thermal feelings at HT4 location is rare (less than 1% of the time of August). The high value of negative heat balance of man exposed to meteorological conditions at the Hans glacier during winter could be danger for human body, if no special arctic wear is used

    Trial analysis of high efficiency atmospheric precipitation with respect to atmospheric circulation in selected stations of the Atlantic part of the Arctic in 1981-2010

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    Opad atmosferyczny o dużej wydajności, szczególnie w odniesieniu do zmian klimatu, jest jednym z ważnych czynników wpływających na funkcjonowanie geoekosystemów środowiska obszarów polarnych. Celem niniejszego opracowania była analiza dobowych sum opadu atmosferycznego na dziewięciu wybranych stacjach synoptycznych atlantyckiego sektora Arktyki w wieloleciu 1981-2010. Dla całego analizowanego obszaru stwierdzono istotny udział opadów o dobowych sumach przekraczających 10 mm w rocznych i miesięcznych sumach opadu. Na części analizowanych stacji (Hornsund, Ny Alesund) odnotowano niewielki wzrost częstości występowania opadów o dużych sumach dobowych, jednak na podstawie przeanalizowanych danych nie można jednoznacznie stwierdzić wzrostu w odniesieniu do wszystkich analizowanych stacji, a tym bardziej do całego atlantyckiego wycinka Arktyki. Występowanie opadów o dużym natężeniu wiązało się z konkretnymi typami cyrkulacji atmosferycznej. Dla większości stacji najbardziej opadonośna była cyrkulacja z sektora południowego.Contemporary climate change mark out intensively in polar regions. Due to some climatologists one of the most important effects of climate change is increase of frequency and intensity of atmospheric precipitation. It has a significant meaning for functioning of polar geoecosystems, especially for glacier ice mass balance, duration and height of snow cover, intensity of hydrological and geomorphological processes as well as the animated environment. The research objective of this study is trial analysis of high efficiency precipitation events in nine chosen synoptic stations in the Atlantic part of the Arctic in period 1981-2010 with particular focus on the first decade of the 21st century as well analyses of these cases in terms of synoptic conditions. Significant contribution of high efficiency precipitation in monthly and yearly precipitation sums have been found in all analysed stations. In some of the analysed stations there was a slight increase of frequency of high efficiency precipitation noticed, however basing on the analysed data it is impossible to explicitly show an increasing trend neither in all analysed stations nor the more in the whole Atlantic Arctic. Correlation between high efficiency precipitation and atmospheric circulation types was very clear. For majority of stations the southern circulation was crucial for high precipitation (humid air masses inflow). In some cases there was clearly visible role of location of the station and influence of orography on the precipitation field. It is important to notice the quality of available databases and considerable difficulties in obtaining reliable, complete and homogenous precipitation data, what makes all analyses of this climatological element in polar areas difficult. The results shown in this study should be regarded as preliminary and basis for further discussion on signalized problems

    Meteorological and biometeorological conditions of South-West Svalbard in 2010

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    Opracowanie nawiązuje do prezentowanych w latach ubiegłych artykułów, których celem jest przedstawienie warunków meteorologicznych i biometeorologicznych jakie występowały w południowej części Ziemi Wedela Jarlsberga, SW Svalbard. Dane, na podstawie których tego dokonano, zostały zgromadzone w roku 2010 w następujących punktach: na terasie morskiej (PSP), pobliskim szczycie górskim (FUG) i na Lodowcu Hansa: w strefie akumulacji (HT9) i poniżej linii równowagi (HT4). Zgromadzone dane meteorologiczne są w pełni oryginalne i nigdzie dotychczas niepublikowane. Na ich podstawie przeprowadzono analizę warunków meteorologicznych i biometeorologicznych jakie występowały w 2010 roku. Po raz pierwszy autorzy zastosowali wskaźnik UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index) do oceny warunków klimatu odczuwalnego tego obszaru.Results of meteorological and biometeorological investigation in polar region are the aim of presented paper. Investigated area is located in SW part of Spitsbergen (surrounding of Hornsund fjord) where operate the Polish Polar Station. Data used in the paper were collected in 2010 by an automatic weather stations (measured parameters: air temperature and relative humidity, wind speed and direction, global and reflected solar radiation) located: at the Polish Polar Station (PSP: 77.00159 N 15.54131 E, 10 m a.s.l.), middle part of Hans Glacier below equilibrium line (HT4: 77.04738 N 15.63275 E, 180 m a.s.l.) and accumulation's zone of Hans Glacier (HT9: 77.11656 N 15.48781 E, 430 m a.s.l.). Only a peak of Fugleberget (FUG 77.02008 N 15.56587 E, 568 m a.s.l.) were equipped with air temperature and relative humidity logger HOBO Pro series. Biometeorological conditions of investigated area were evaluated by Wind Chill Index, analysis of man-environment heat exchange fluxes and Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI; new developed tool for biometeorological investigation). Above indices identified accumulation zone as a place with specific biometeorological condition: average values of UTCI and WCI indicate mildest biothermal environment. However, in this area highest biometeorological stimuli are observed. Weather condition of SW Spitsbergen is strongly modified by atmospheric circulation. In 2010 air masses flowed from north sector were observed (36% days) twice often than from south

    First Polish Greenland expedition in the year 1937. Results of meteorological survey conducted by Stanisław Siedlecki and Alfred Jahn

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono wybrane wyniki (wraz z krótką interpretacją) pomiarów meteo-rologicznych przeprowadzonych przez S. Siedleckiego i A. Jahna w czasie pierwszej polskiej wyprawy naukowej na Grenlandię w 1937 roku. Słowa kluczowe: wyniki pomiarów meteorologicznych, Grenlandia 1937.The paper presents unpublished results of meteorological measurements, which were carried out during the first Polish scientific expedition to Western Greenland in the year 1937. All the materials have been compiled as a graphs and diagrams. The archival daily maps of atmospheric pressure distribution for the northern hemisphere (NCAR Daily Northern Hemisphere SLP grids; 1937) were also used, on the basis of which a short interpretation of the collected materials was made. According to the authors, the main factor influenced the weather conditions and local climate characteristics of the Polonia Glacier and Arfersiorfik Fiord area in the 1937 summer season was the passage of pressure lows through the Davis Strait and Baffin Sea area. When the favourable barometric conditions occurred in the region, the foehn effect was formed on the orographical barrier around the fiord and above the glacier’s plateau. In the analyzed dataset the foehn periods were characterized, among others, by clearly visible positive anomalies of air temperature. In the remaining periods the air temperature, wind direction and wind velocity in the upper part of the fiord were influenced by cold air, which flew downward from the ice sheet, alongside the Polonia Glacier and Arfersiorfik Fiord axis

    Metrology for pressure, temperature, humidity and airspeed in the atmosphere

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    The Joint Research Project METEOMET - "Metrology for Meteorology" realized in the frame of the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) is described in the paper. The project is focused on the traceability of measurements involved in the climate changes: surface and upper air measurements of temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, solar irradiance and reciprocal influences between measurands. It includes development and testing of novel instruments as well as improved calibration procedures and facilities for ground based observations, including in-situ practical calibrations and best practice dissemination. The project consortium is based on 18 National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), three un-funded partners and several collaborators, such as universities, research centers, meteorological organization and institutions, from Europe and other non-European countries. Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) in Italy is the project coordinator. Three Polish organizations participate in the project: the Central Office of Measure (MG-GUM), the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research (INTiBS) and the Wrocław University (UWr)

    Biometeorological and meteorological conditions in the Hornsund region during the warm season of 2007 and 2008

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    W artykule dokonano charakterystyki warunków meteorologicznych i biometeorologicznych w rejonie Hornsundu w okresie ciepłym (od 1 czerwca do 30 września) w roku 2007 i 2008. Pomiary wykonywano w czterech punktach: w Hornsundzie, na Lodowcu Hansa (na linii równowagi i w jego partii firnowej) oraz na szczycie Fugleberget. Przeanalizowano zróżnicowanie warunków meteorologicznych i biometeorolo-gicznych w zależności od: wysokości nad poziomem morza, odległości od morza i charakteru podłoża. Wyko-rzystano m.in. cztery wskaźniki biometeorologiczne: wskaźnik ochładzania wiatrem (WCI), przewidywaną termo-izolacyjność odzieży (Iclp), wielkość ochładzającą powietrza (H) oraz temperaturę odczuwalną (STI). Stwierdzono, że zróżnicowanie przestrzenne badanych elementów meteorologicznych oraz wskaźników biometeorologicznych w rejonie Hornsundu latem 2007 i 2008 roku było znaczące. Przedstawiono wpływ cyrkulacji atmosferycznej na poszczególne elementy meteorologiczne i wskaźniki biometeorologiczne.In the paper meteorological and biometeorological conditions in the region of Hornsund during the warm season are discussed. The measurements of meteorological and biometeorological para-meters were carried out from 1st June to 30th September 2007 and 2008 at four points: Hornsund (HOR, ö = 77°00’N, ë = 15°33’E, 10 m above sea level), Fugle (FUG, ö = 77°01’ N, ë = 15°34’ E, 568 m above sea level), as well as at middle (HT4, ö = 77°04’ N, ë = 15°63’ E, 184 m above sea level) and firnal (HT9, ö = 77°11’ N, ë = 15°48’ E, 421 above sea level) parts of Hans Glacier (Fig. 1). Spatial differentiation of biometeorological conditions were studied in relation to altitude, ground cover and distance from the sea shore. To define biometeorological conditions the following indices were used: subjective temperature (STI), cooling power (H), wind chill index (WCI) and insulation predicted (Iclp). Significant temporal and spatial differences in studied indices were found. The most severe stimuli were observed at the glacier (HT4 and HT9) and in the mountains (FUG). However, relatively mild conditions were noted during sunny hours. We have also observed close relationships between meteorological elements and biometeorolo-gical indices and atmospheric circulation. The greatest possibility of unfavourable thermal sensations occurs during air advection from N-NNW-NW. The mildest conditions can be expected at advection from SW and W