884 research outputs found

    Legal Aspects of Police Radar

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    As a vehicle approaches the radar unit, it enters its operating zone or zone of influence. The length and width of the zone depends on such factors as the strength of the signal and the transmittor height above the ground. The unit will record the speed of only one vehicle at a time, determined by the vehicle presenting the best target by reason of reflecting surface, position, or speed. Based on this, many courts have pointed out possible defenses to proof of speed by radar. One court has stated in its opinion there are many more defenses that can be interposed to radar speed interception than to motorcycle apprehension

    Legal Aspects of Police Radar

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    As a vehicle approaches the radar unit, it enters its operating zone or zone of influence. The length and width of the zone depends on such factors as the strength of the signal and the transmittor height above the ground. The unit will record the speed of only one vehicle at a time, determined by the vehicle presenting the best target by reason of reflecting surface, position, or speed. Based on this, many courts have pointed out possible defenses to proof of speed by radar. One court has stated in its opinion there are many more defenses that can be interposed to radar speed interception than to motorcycle apprehension

    The Effects of Prolonged Job Insecurity on the Psychological Well-Being of Workers

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    Job insecurity has been increasing since the 1980s. While researchers have found job insecurity to be negatively associated with multiple indicators of well-being for workers and their families in cross sectional studies, less is known about the long term effects of prolonged job insecurity. Specifically, there is a need to collect measures of both insecurity and its consequences at multiple time periods. The current study followed workers for 3 1/2 years to assess the effects of chronic job insecurity on psychological distress. Results indicate that while workers reported increased feelings of security over time, there were longer term negative effects on workers\u27 depression levels. The importance of government regulations to decrease insecurity is discussed

    On the Statistical Distribution of Epidermal Papillomata in Mice

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    IN a previous investigation reported from this laboratory (Ball and McCarter, 1960) it was noted that tumours produced in the skin of the CFW mouse by treatment with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) and croton oil, were not distributed among the mice in accordance with the expected Poisson's distribution. Animals bearing no tumours and those bearing many were much more numerous than expected. A quantitative analysis of induced primary adenomatous pulmonary tumours in mice was reported by Polissar and Shimkin (1954). They showed that the occurrence of such tumours was subject to Poisson's distribution and that deviations from this distribution could be attributed to heterogeneity of susceptibility in the animals. We have now analyzed the data obtained in our laboratory in three populations of mice undergoing epidermal carcinogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Strain CFW.-These mice were females, purchased from Carworth Farms Inc., New City, New York. They were housed in groups of 10 in acrylic plastic boxes with stainless steel tops. The bedding was sawdust. Water and Purina Fox Chow Cubes were freely available. Strain CFW/D.-This strain originated when, through error, a male was included among the female CFW mice purchased from the supplier in 1958. Since that time, brother-sister mating has been carried out with a view to obtaining a single inbred line. Litters selected for brother-sister mating were chosen on the basis of health, number in the litter and even distribution of the sexes and not for sensitivity to carcinogenesis. The mice were in the thirteenth and fourteenth inbred generations when used. They were cared for as described above. Strain I.-This strain was obtained several years ago through the kindness of Dr. H. B. Andervont. The mice had been mated brother-to-sister for 71 to 72 generations when the experiment was begun. Chemicals. 7,1 2-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and benzo((a)pyrene were obtained from Eastman Organic Chemicals. Croton oil was obtained from Bush and Co., Canada. Paraffin oil viscosity 125/135 NF was a product of Fisher Scientific Co., Montreal, Canada. Meprobamate (Miltown) was kindly supplied by Dr. F. M

    Eating As Treatment (EAT): A Stepped-Wedge, Randomized Controlled Trial of a Health Behavior Change Intervention Provided by Dietitians to Improve Nutrition in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Undergoing Radiation Therapy (TROG 12.03)

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    Purpose: Malnutrition in head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment is common and associated with poorer morbidity and mortality outcomes. This trial aimed to improve nutritional status during radiation therapy (RT) using a novel method of training dietitians to deliver psychological techniques to improve nutritional behaviors in patients with HNC. Methods and Materials: This trial used a stepped-wedge, randomized controlled design to assess the efficacy of the Eating As Treatment (EAT) program. Based on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy, EAT was designed to be delivered by oncology dietitians and integrated into their clinical practice. During control steps, dietitians provided treatment as usual, before being trained in EAT and moving into the intervention phase. The training was principles based and sought to improve behavior-change skills rather than provide specific scripts. Patients recruited to the trial (151 controls, 156 intervention) were assessed at 4 time points (the first and the final weeks of RT, and 4 and 12 weeks afterward). The primary outcome was nutritional status at the end of RT as measured by the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment. Results: Patients who received the EAT intervention had significantly better scores on the primary outcome of nutritional status at the critical end-of-treatment time point (β = −1.53 [−2.93 to −.13], P =.03). Intervention patients were also significantly more likely than control patients to be assessed as well-nourished at each time point, lose a smaller percentage of weight, have fewer treatment interruptions, present lower depression scores, and report a higher quality of life. Although results were not statistically significant, patients who received the intervention had fewer and shorter unplanned hospital admissions. Conclusions: This trial is the first of its kind to demonstrate the effectiveness of a psychological intervention to improve nutrition in patients with HNC who are receiving RT. The intervention provides a means to ameliorate malnutrition and the important related outcomes and consequently should be incorporated into standard care for patients receiving RT for HNC

    Identification and analysis of genes expressed in the adult filarial parasitic nematode Dirofilaria immitis

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    The heartworm Dirofilaria immitis is a filarial parasitic nematode infecting dogs and other mammals worldwide causing fatal complications. Here, we present the first large-scale survey of the adult heartworm transcriptome by generation and analysis of 4005 expressed sequence tags, identifying about 1800 genes and expanding the available sequence information for the parasite significantly. Brugia malayi genomic data offered the most valuable information to interpret heartworm genes, with about 70% of D. immitis genes showing significant similarities to the assembly. Comparative genomic analyses revealed both genes common to metazoans or nematodes and genes specific to filarial parasites that may relate to parasitism. Characterization of abundant transcripts suggested important roles for genes involved in energy generation and antioxidant defense in adults. In particular, we proposed that adult heartworm likely adopted an anaerobic electron transfer-based energy generation system distinct from the aerobic pathway utilized by its mammalian host, making it a promising target in developing next generation macrofilaricides and other treatments. Our survey provided novel insights into the D. immitis transcriptome and laid a foundation for further comparative studies on biology, parasitism and evolution within the phylum Nematoda

    Competitive transport processes of chloride, sodium, potassium, and ammonium in fen peat

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2018.08.004 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/There is sparse information on reactive solute transport in peat; yet, with increasing development of peatland dominated landscapes, purposeful and accidental contaminant releases will occur, so it is important to assess their mobility. Previous experiments with peat have only evaluated single-component solutions, such that no information exists on solute transport of potentially competitively adsorbing ions to the peat matrix. Additionally, recent studies suggest chloride (Cl-) might not be conservative in peat, as assumed by many past peat solute transport studies. Based on measured and modelled adsorption isotherms, this study illustrates concentration dependent adsorption of Cl- to peat occurred in equilibrium adsorption batch (EAB) experiments, which could be described with a Sips isotherm. However, Cl- adsorption was insignificant for low concentrations (<500 mg L−1) as used in breakthrough curve experiments (BTC). We found that competitive adsorption of Na+, K+, and NH4+ transport could be observed in EAB and BTC, depending on the dissolved ion species present. Na+ followed a Langmuir isotherm, K+ a linear isotherm within the tested concentration range (~10 – 1500 mg L−1), while the results for NH4+ are inconclusive due to potential microbial degradation. Only Na+ showed clear evidence of competitive behaviour, with an order of magnitude decrease in maximum adsorption capacity in the presence of NH4+ (0.22 to 0.02 mol kg-1), which was confirmed by the BTC data where the Na+ retardation coefficient differed between the experiments with different cations. Thus, solute mobility in peatlands is affected by competitive adsorption.NSERC Canadian Network for Aquatic Ecosystem ServicesNSERC ["NETGP417353-11"]NSERC Discovery ["174626-2013-RGPIN"