393 research outputs found

    Exact Solution of Noncommutative Field Theory in Background Magnetic Fields

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    We obtain the exact non-perturbative solution of a scalar field theory defined on a space with noncommuting position and momentum coordinates. The model describes non-locally interacting charged particles in a background magnetic field. It is an exactly solvable quantum field theory which has non-trivial interactions only when it is defined with a finite ultraviolet cutoff. We propose that small perturbations of this theory can produce solvable models with renormalizable interactions.Comment: 9 Pages AMSTeX; Typos correcte

    Explicit solution of the (quantum) elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model

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    We derive explicit formulas for the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model as infinite series, to all orders and for arbitrary particle numbers and coupling parameters. The eigenfunctions obtained provide an elliptic deformation of the Jack polynomials. We prove in certain special cases that these series have a finite radius of convergence in the nome qq of the elliptic functions, including the two particle (= Lam\'e) case for non-integer coupling parameters.Comment: v1: 17 pages. The solution is given as series in q but only to low order. v2: 30 pages. Results significantly extended. v3: 35 pages. Paper completely revised: the results of v1 and v2 are extended to all order

    Anomalies and Schwinger terms in NCG field theory models

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    We study the quantization of chiral fermions coupled to generalized Dirac operators arising in NCG Yang-Mills theory. The cocycles describing chiral symmetry breaking are calculated. In particular, we introduce a generalized locality principle for the cocycles. Local cocycles are by definition expressions which can be written as generalized traces of operator commutators. In the case of pseudodifferential operators, these traces lead in fact to integrals of ordinary local de Rham forms. As an application of the general ideas we discuss the case of noncommutative tori. We also develop a gerbe theoretic approach to the chiral anomaly in hamiltonian quantization of NCG field theory.Comment: 30 page

    Elliptic soliton solutions of the spin non-chiral intermediate long-wave equation

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    We construct elliptic multi-soliton solutions of the spin non-chiral intermediate long-wave (sncILW) equation with periodic boundary conditions. These solutions are obtained by a spin-pole ansatz including a dynamical background term; we show that this ansatz solves the periodic sncILW equation provided the spins and poles satisfy the elliptic AA-type spin Calogero-Moser (sCM) system with certain constraints on the initial conditions. The key to this result is a B\"{a}cklund transformation for the elliptic sCM system which includes a non-trivial dynamical background term. We also present solutions of the sncILW equation on the real line and of the spin Benjamin-Ono equation which generalize previously obtained solutions by allowing for a non-trivial background term.Comment: 33 page

    Volcanic ash as fertiliser for the surface ocean

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    Iron is a key limiting micro-nutrient for marine primary productivity. It can be supplied to the ocean by atmospheric dust deposition. Volcanic ash deposition into the ocean represents another external and so far largely neglected source of iron. This study demonstrates strong evidence for natural fertilisation in the iron-limited oceanic area of the NE Pacific, induced by volcanic ash from the eruption of Kasatochi volcano in August 2008. Atmospheric and oceanic conditions were favourable to generate a massive phytoplankton bloom in the NE Pacific Ocean which for the first time strongly suggests a connection between oceanic iron-fertilisation and volcanic ash supply

    BRST symmetry of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in Cho--Faddeev--Niemi decomposition

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    We determine the nilpotent BRST and anti-BRST transformations for the Cho--Faddeev-Niemi variables for the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory based on the new interpretation given in the previous paper of the Cho--Faddeev-Niemi decomposition. This gives a firm ground for performing the BRST quantization of the Yang--Mills theory written in terms of the Cho--Faddeev-Niemi variables. We propose also a modified version of the new Maximal Abelian gauge which could play an important role in the reduction to the original Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 11 pages, no figure; Introduction improved, 3 references adde
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