5 research outputs found

    Dichotomous roles for externalized cardiolipin in extracellular signaling : promotion of phagocytosis and attenuation of innate immunity

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    We perform an experiment designed to assess the accuracy of beliefs about characteristics and decisions. Subjects are asked to declare beliefs typically formed through real world experiences. They are then asked to report beliefs concerning other individuals from the same environment. We test two main hypotheses: (i) whether for items not perfectly observable, individuals suffer from some type of biased beliefs; (ii) whether this bias is reduced when information is more readily available. We find a powerful and ubiquitous bias in perceptions that is “self-centered” in the sense that those at extremes tend to perceive themselves as closer to the middle of the distribution than is the case. This bias does not completely disappear when the information is more readily available. We present evidence from our experiment that limited attention and self-serving deception can provide explanations for this bias and present important economic applications. Among the distinct molecular signatures present in the mitochondrion is the tetra-acylated anionic phospholipid cardiolipin, a lipid also present in primordial, single-cell bacterial ancestors of mitochondria and multiple bacterial species today. Cardiolipin is normally localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane; however, when cardiolipin becomes externalized to the surface of dysregulated mitochondria, it promotes inflammasome activation and stimulates the elimination of damaged or nonfunctional mitochondria by mitophagy. Given the immunogenicity of mitochondrial and bacterial membranes that are released during sterile and pathogen-induced trauma, we hypothesized that cardiolipins might function as “eat me” signals for professional phagocytes. In experiments with macrophage cell lines and primary macrophages, we found that membranes with mitochondrial or bacterial cardiolipins on their surface were engulfed through phagocytosis, which depended on the scavenger receptor CD36. Distinct from this process, the copresentation of cardiolipin with the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) agonist lipopolysaccharide dampened TLR4-stimulated production of cytokines. These data suggest that externalized, extracellular cardiolipins play a dual role in host-host and host-pathogen interactions by promoting phagocytosis and attenuating inflammatory immune responses

    Research progress on gut health of farmers teleost fish: a viewpoint concerning the intestinal mucosal barrier and the impact of its damage

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