60 research outputs found

    Airflow resistance

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    Not AvailableThe estimation of horizontal and vertical airflow resistance is essential for fabricating storage cum curing structure for multiplier onion. The horizontal and vertical airflow resistance of multiplier onion (var. CO-4) was investigated at three different moisture levels of 80.8, 84.2, and 88.8% w.b., and the airflow rates varied from 1 to 1.7 m3 s−1 m−2. The horizontal airflow resistance was studied at three different depths of fill of 10, 20, and 30 cm. The resistance of multiplier onion to airflow increased significantly with increasing depth of fill, moisture content, and airflow rate. Models, namely Shedd's, Hukill and Ives equation, were investigated to explore the horizontal airflow resistance of onion. Shedd's equation was found to be the most suitable model with a high coefficient of determination and low RMSE value. The vertical airflow resistance was studied at a depth of fill of 5–15 cm and spacing between racks of 20–40 cm. The airflow resistance may be best expressed by the linear model with the highest adjusted R2 of .842 and a predictedR2 of .8053. The optimum curing conditions were obtained at an airflow rate of 1.15 m3 s−1 m−2, 14.5 cm depth of fill, and 35 cm spacing between racks.Not Availabl

    Fetal Dopaminergic Neurons Transplanted to the Normal Striatum of Neonatal or Adult Rats and to the Denervated Striatum of Adult Rats

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    Fetal ventral mesencephalon from the 15th gestational day was grafted into the striatum of neonatal and adult rats. In one group of adult rats, fetal nigra was transplanted into normal striatum. In a second group, the tissue was transplanted at sites where dopaminergic fibers were denervated with 6-hydroxydopamine. The behavior of the dopaminergic neurons and glial reactions were studied by staining with cresyl violet to localize the transplants and by immunolabeling tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and glial fibrillary acidic protein. In normal adults, the transplants were small. At the edge of the transplants, TH-positive neurons were packed into clusters, and an interface without any significant crossover of TH-positive fibers was present. Glial reaction was minimal in and around the transplant. In the denervated striatum, transplants were generally larger than those in normal striatum and surrounded by a glial scar. TH-positive neurons were both closely packed and loosely arranged at the periphery of the transplants. Processes could be clearly defined and could be traced to the adjacent host striatum through the TH-free denervated area. In neonates, the transplants were large and at times extended beyond the striatum. Most TH-positive neurons were arranged linearly along the periphery of the transplant. Cell bodies were widely separated and a well-developed neuropil was present. Fibers from the transplant mingled freely with the host striatum without any interface. In all three transplant groups, tracing the TH-positive neurites was easy because they were thicker and coarser than other elements. No apparent glial reaction occurred in the neonates. Thus, the growth and maturation of dopaminergic neurons seemed to vary in different environments. The most conducive environment appears to be neonatal brain in which growth factors are readily available

    A Location Based Value Prediction for Quality of Web Service

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    The number of web services with functionality increases, the service users usually depends on web recommendation systems. Now a days the service users pay more importance on non functional properties which are also known as Quality of Service (QoS) while finding and selecting appropriate web services. Collaborative filtering approach predicts the QoS values of the web services effectively. Existing recommendation systems rarely consider the personalized influence of the users and services in determining the similarity between users and services. The proposed system is a ranking oriented hybrid approach which integrates user-based and item-based QoS predictions. Many of the non-functional properties depends on the user and the service location. The system thus employs the location information of users and services in selecting similar neighbors for the target user and service and thereby making personalized service recommendation for service users

    Early heart disease detection using data mining techniques with hadoop map reduce Early Heart Disease Detection Using Data Mining Techniques with Hadoop Map Reduce

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    International audienceHeart and other organs are important parts in human body. As per World Health Organisation(WHO)'s statistics, the cause of death in all over world is mostly due to cardiovascular diseases. The reason behind this are sedentary lifestyle which may lead to obesity, increase in cholesterol level, high blood pressure and hypertension. In this paper, by using various data mining techniques, such as Naive Bayes(NB), Decision Tree(DT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neural Network (NN) and clustering algorithms such as Association Rules. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-NN algorithms are used to extract the Knowledge from the large number of data set. The generated reports help doctors and nurses to identify about disease and their levels with which they can provide a better treatment to the patient. Text Mining is most commonly used mining technique in health care industry. In this paper we compare K-means clustering algorithm with Map Reduce Algorithm's implementation efficiency in parallel and distributed systems

    A Privacy Protection Mechanism for Mobile Online Social Networks

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    A Location sharing system is the most critical component in mobile online social networks (MOSNS).Huge number of user\u27s location information will be stored by the service providers. In addition to the location privacy and social network privacy cannot be guaranteed to the user in the earlier work. Regarding the enhanced privacy against the inside attacker implemented by the service provider in (MOSNS), we initiate a new architecture with multiple servers .It introduces a protected solution which supports a location sharing among friends and strangers. The user friend set in each query is submitted to the location server it divides into multiple subset by the location server. If the user makes a query to the server the data can be retrieved only for the registered users instead of all. We use Three Layer of Security likely, High, Medium and Low for the Privacy implementation. Simultaneously with a location sharing it offers check ability of the searching results reoccurred from the servers. We also prove that the new construction is safe under the stronger security model with enhanced privacy


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    The aim of the presentation is to produce vermicomposting from organic kitchen solid wastes using two types of earthworms such as Eisenia fetida and Perionyx excavatus and check the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium level between E. fetida and P. excavatus. This study examines the potential of the E. fetida and P. excavatus in the vermicompost of kitchen waste. As kitchen waste is rich in organic material. Physical and biochemical parameters were analyzed during the period of 60 days. Pre-decomposition is 15 days and subsequent vermicomposting is 60 days indicates, the rule of these species of vermitechnology increase was found in all the parameters such as total nitrogen (%), available phosphorus (%), and exchangeable potassium (%) while a decrease was found in pH and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in E. fetida as the timing of vermicomposting increased from 0 days to 60 days

    Heavy landing of Upeneus taeniopterus along Chennai coast

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    During the period from 20-06-2005 to 28- 06-2005, there was unusually heavy landing of goatfish by trawlers at Chennai Fisheries Harbour. In June 2005 alone 388 tonnes of goatfish were landed from depths of 60-80m with a catch rate of 5.4 kg per hour

    High intensity exercise training programme following cardiac transplant

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    A 26-year-old male patient who presented with symptoms of end stage cardiac failure as a result of dilated cardiomyopathy, had an orthotopic cardiac transplantation. A comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programme was provided to him and he was introduced to a sport (tennis). The exercise training programme progressed from low intensity training to high intensity programme over a period of 15 months. A cardio-pulmonary exercise test done 22 months after surgery suggested that he was able to achieve the aerobic capacity comparable to that of a normal South Indian subject. He participated successfully in the World Transplant Games in Sydney and returned safely. This suggests that after a proper cardiac rehabilitation programme, patients undergoing heart transplantation can achieve normal physiological responses to lead a normal active lif

    Trophic level of fishes occurring along the Indian coast

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    Data on the trophic level (TrL) of 707 species of exploited finfishes, crustaceans and cephalopods along the Indian coast were collected from different sources. The TrL ranges from 2.0 to 4.7 and the mean TrL is 3.5. The mean TrL of pelagic finfishes is 3.68, and the TrL decreased towards demersal habitat (3.44). A strong positive correlation exists between maximum body length of finfishes and TrL. The mean TrL of exploitation was 3.25. The complexities of assigning TrL values are discussed

    First report on the occurrence of the silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis (Müller & Henle, 1839) in commercial landings along the east coast of India

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    Silky sharks Carcharhinus falciformis (Müller & Henle, 1839) are large oceanic sharks, known to be circumtropical in distribution, occurring mostly in the subtropics between 40æ%N and 40æ%S. They are highly migratory, known to inhabit continental and insular shelves and slopes, deep water reefs, and the open sea. They are also occasionally sighted in inshore waters. They are solitary in nature and are often found near schools of tuna, increasing the chances of forming a bycatch of tuna fisheries. These sharks have been reported in the fishery only along the southwest coast of India, and were recorded in small numbers at Cochin during 2000-2002. In 2010 however, this species formed about 16.3% of the shark landings at Cochin. In spite of this, these sharks have not formed a fishery along the east coast