61 research outputs found

    Las estructuras de impacto doble del terciario medio de Azuara y Rubielos de la Cérida (España)

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    We report on the Azuara impact structure and its Rubielos de la Cérida companion crater, which establish the largest terrestrial doublet impact structure presently known. Both structures have diameters of roughly 35 – 40 km and they have been formed in a purely sedimentary target. From stratigraphic considerations and palaeontologic dating, an Upper Eocene or Oligocene age is very probable Geological mapping has established abundant geologic impact evidence in the form of monomictic and polymictic breccias and breccia dikes, megabreccias, dislocated megablocks, remarkable structural features, extensive impact ejecta and impact signatures even in distant autochthonous deposits. The most striking impact evidence for both structures is given by strong shock metamorphism, including melt and diaplectic glass, planar deformation features (PDFs), different kinds of impact melt rocks (from former silicate melt, carbonate melt, carbonate-phosphate melt) and suevite breccias. Glassy amorphous carbon particles in a solid C-O compound may be related with fullerenes and may originate from a quenched melt of extremely shocked coal or from extremely shocked limestones. It is assumed that the impact had considerable influence on the Mid-Tertiary regional geology of the Iberian System, and we suggest that respective geologic models which have so far not considered this peculiar and far-reaching event, need considerable revision. Key words: Azuara impact structure, Rubielos de la Cérida impact structure, Iberian chain (Spain), shock metamorphism, impact melt rocks, impact breccias, ejecta, Tertiary.El presente artículo se centra en las estructuras de impacto de Azuara y Rubielos de la Cérida, que con diámetros de aproximadamente 35-40 Km fueron generadas en un objetivo puramente sedimentario. Ambas constituyen la estructura terrestre de impacto doble de mayor tamaño conocida hasta el momento. A partir de los datos estratigráficos y paleontológicos, su edad más probable es Eoceno sup. u Oligoceno. La cartografia geológica realizada ha permitido localizar abundantes evidencias de impacto e incluso efectos del impacto en depósitos autóctonos distantes. La evidencia de impacto más importante para ambas estructuras viene dada por la presencia de un intenso metamorfismo de choque, incluyendo fundido y vidrio diapléctico, rasgos de deformación planar (PDFs), diferentes tipos de rocas de fundido de impacto (formadas a partir de fundido silicatado, de fundido carbonatado y fundido de carbonato-fosfato) y brechas suevíticas. Partículas de vidrio carbonoso amorfo sitas en un componente sólido de C-O pueden estar relacionadas con fullerenos, y haberse formado a partir del enfriamiento de un fundido procedente o bien de carbón intensamente chocado o bien de calizas intensamente chocadas. Pensamos que el impacto tuvo una influencia considerable en el terciario medio de esta región del Sistema Ibérico, y sugerimos que aquellos modelos en los que no se ha tenido en cuenta este evento peculiar y de amplia repercusión necesitan una revisión considerable. Palabras clave: Estructura de impacto de Azuara, estructura de impacto de rubielos de la Cérida, Cadena Ibérica (España), metamorfismo de choque, rocas de fundido de impacto, brechas de impacto, eyecta, Terciario

    Geologising urban political ecology (UPE): the urbanisation of sand in Accra, Ghana

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    This paper makes a call for an urban political ecology (UPE) which engages more extensively with Earth’s geological formations. As a material at the centre of global urbanisation process, sand is offered as a geological entry point. The paper presents an analysis of the urbanisation of sand, or the ways in which sand is brought into the urban realm, grounding this reading in Accra—a growing city on Ghana’s Atlantic coast. Drawing from 14 months of ethnographic fieldwork, the paper charts the socio-natural politics through which sand is first unearthed from the edges of the city—an extractive processes otherwise known as “sand winning” in Ghana. By examining the forms of power which govern uneven revenue flows to communities, the displacement of farming groups, the widespread loss of farmland and a contested regime of governance, the analysis exposes the socio-natural politics through which the city’s geological baseline is first unearthed

    Habitat Composition and Connectivity Predicts Bat Presence and Activity at Foraging Sites in a Large UK Conurbation

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    Background: Urbanization is characterized by high levels of sealed land-cover, and small, geometrically complex, fragmented land-use patches. The extent and density of urbanized land-use is increasing, with implications for habitat quality, connectivity and city ecology. Little is known about densification thresholds for urban ecosystem function, and the response of mammals, nocturnal and cryptic taxa are poorly studied in this respect. Bats (Chiroptera) are sensitive to changing urban form at a species, guild and community level, so are ideal model organisms for analyses of this nature. Methodology/Principal Findings: We surveyed bats around urban ponds in the West Midlands conurbation, United Kingdom (UK). Sites were stratified between five urban land classes, representing a gradient of built land-cover at the 1 km 2 scale. Models for bat presence and activity were developed using land-cover and land-use data from multiple radii around each pond. Structural connectivity of tree networks was used as an indicator of the functional connectivity between habitats. All species were sensitive to measures of urban density. Some were also sensitive to landscape composition and structural connectivity at different spatial scales. These results represent new findings for an urban area. The activity of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber 1774) exhibited a non-linear relationship with the area of built land-cover, being much reduced beyond the threshold of,60 % built surface. The presence of tree networks appears to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization for this species
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