7,582 research outputs found

    Vertex Reconstruction Using a Single Layer Silicon Detector

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    Typical vertex finding algorithms use reconstructed tracks, registered in a multi-layer detector, which directly point to the common point of origin. A detector with a single layer of silicon sensors registers the passage of primary particles only in one place. Nevertheless, the information available from these hits can also be used to estimate the vertex position, when the geometrical properties of silicon sensors and the measured ionization energy losses of the particles are fully exploited. In this paper the algorithm used for this purpose in the PHOBOS experiment is described. The vertex reconstruction performance is studied using simulations and compared with results obtained from real data. The very large acceptance of a single-layered multiplicity detector permits vertex reconstruction for low multiplicity events where other methods, using small acceptance subdetectors, fail because of insufficient number of registered primary tracks.Comment: accepted for publication in Nucl. Instr. Meth.

    Investigation of spray dispersion and particulate formation in diesel fuel flames

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    An experimental study of electrostatical atomized and dispersed diesel fuel jets was conducted at various back pressures to 40 atm. A new electrostatic injection technique was utilized to generate continuous, stable fuel sprays at charge densities of 1.5 to 2.0 C/m3 of fluid at one atm, and about 1.0 C/m3 at 40 atm. Flowrates were varied from 0.5 to 2.5 ml/s and electric potentials to -18 kV. Visual observations showed that significant enhanced dispersion of charged fuel jets occurred at high back pressures compared to aerodynamic breakup and dispersion. The average drop size was about the same as the spray triode orifice diameter, and was between the Kelly theory and the Rayleigh limit. The ignition tests, done only at one atm, indicated stable combustion of the electrostatically dispersed fuel jets

    Systematics of heavy-ion fusion hindrance at extreme sub-barrier energies

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    The recent discovery of hindrance in heavy-ion induced fusion reactions at extreme sub-barrier energies represents a challenge for theoretical models. Previously, it has been shown that in medium-heavy systems, the onset of fusion hindrance depends strongly on the "stiffness" of the nuclei in the entrance channel. In this work, we explore its dependence on the total mass and the QQ-value of the fusing systems and find that the fusion hindrance depends in a systematic way on the entrance channel properties over a wide range of systems.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., 5 pages, 3 figure

    CGC, QCD Saturation and RHIC data (Kharzeev-Levin-McLerran-Nardi point of view)

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    This is the talk given at the Workshop:"Focus on Multiplicitioes", Bari, Italy, 17-19 June,2004.. In this talk, we are going to discuss ion-ion and deuteron - nucleus RHIC data and show that they support, if not more, the idea of the new QCD phase: colour glass condensate with saturated parton density. .Comment: 26 pages with 33 figure

    Fusion-Fission of 16O+197Au at Sub-Barrier Energies

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    The recent discovery of heavy-ion fusion hindrance at far sub-barrier energies has focused much attention on both experimental and theoretical studies of this phenomenon. Most of the experimental evidence comes from medium-heavy systems such as Ni+Ni to Zr+Zr, for which the compound system decays primarily by charged-particle evaporation. In order to study heavier systems, it is, however, necessary to measure also the fraction of the decay that goes into fission fragments. In the present work we have, therefore, measured the fission cross section of 16O+197Au down to unprecedented far sub-barrier energies using a large position sensitive PPAC placed at backward angles. The preliminary cross sections will be discussed and compared to earlier studies at near-barrier energies. No conclusive evidence for sub-barrier hindrance was found, probably because the measurements were not extended to sufficiently low energies.Comment: Fusion06 - Intl. Conf. on Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Venezia, Italy, March 19-223, 2006 5 pages, 4 figure

    Rethinking the QCD collisional energy loss

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    It is shown that to leading order the collisional energy loss of an energetic parton in the hot quark gluon plasma reads dE/dx∌α(mD2)T2dE/dx \sim \alpha(m_D^2)T^2, where the scale of the coupling is determined by the (parametrically soft) Debye screening mass. Compared to previous expressions derived by Bjorken and other authors, dEB/dx∌α2T2ln⁥(ET/mD2)dE^B/dx \sim \alpha^2 T^2 \ln(ET/m_D^2), the rectified result takes into account the running of the coupling, as dictated by quantum corrections beyond tree level. As one significant consequence, due to asymptotic freedom, the QCD collisional energy loss becomes independent of the jet energy in the limit E≫TE \gg T. It is advocated that this resummation improved perturbative result might be useful to (re-)estimate the collisional energy loss for temperatures relevant in heavy ion phenomenology.Comment: contribution to "Hot Quarks 2006", Villasimius, Italy, 15-20 May 200

    Energy dependence of the saturation scale and the charged multiplicity in pp and AA collisions

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    A natural framework to understand the energy dependence of bulk observables from lower energy experiments to the LHC is provided by the Color Glass Condensate, which leads to a "geometrical scaling" in terms of an energy dependent saturation scale Q_s. The measured charged multiplicity, however, seems to grow faster (~\sqrt{s}^0.3) in nucleus-nucleus collisions than it does for protons (~\sqrt{s}^0.2), violating the expectation from geometric scaling. We argue that this difference between pp and AA collisions can be understood from the effect of DGLAP evolution on the value of the saturation scale, and is consistent with gluon saturation observations at HERA.Comment: RevTeX, 8 pages, 4 figures. V2: modified discussion of fragmentation, published in EPJ
