61 research outputs found

    Conceptualizing a Human Right to Prevention in Global HIV/AIDS Policy

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    Given current constraints on universal treatment campaigns, recent advances in public health prevention initiatives have revitalized efforts to stem the tide of HIV transmission. Yet, despite a growing imperative for prevention—supported by the promise of behavioral, structural and biomedical approaches to lower the incidence of HIV—human rights frameworks remain limited in addressing collective prevention policy through global health governance. Assessing the evolution of rights-based approaches to global HIV/AIDS policy, this review finds that human rights have shifted from collective public health to individual treatment access. While the advent of the HIV/AIDS pandemic gave meaning to rights in framing global health policy, the application of rights in treatment access litigation came at the expense of public health prevention efforts. Where the human rights framework remains limited to individual rights enforced against a state duty bearer, such rights have faced constrained application in framing population-level policy to realize the public good of HIV prevention. Concluding that human rights frameworks must be developed to reflect the complementarity of individual treatment and collective prevention, this article conceptualizes collective rights to public health, structuring collective combination prevention to alleviate limitations on individual rights frameworks and frame rights-based global HIV/AIDS policy to assure research expansion, prevention access and health system integration

    Methane retrieved from TROPOMI: Improvement of the data product and validation of the first 2 years of measurements

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    The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the Sentinel 5 Precursor (S5-P) satellite provides methane (CH4) measurements with high accuracy and exceptional temporal and spatial resolution and sampling. TROPOMI CH4_{4} measurements are highly valuable to constrain emissions inventories and for trend analysis, with strict requirements on the data quality. This study describes the improvements that we have implemented to retrieve CH4_{4} from TROPOMI using the RemoTeC full-physics algorithm. The updated retrieval algorithm features a constant regularization scheme of the inversion that stabilizes the retrieval and yields less scatter in the data and includes a higher resolution surface altitude database. We have tested the impact of three state-of-the-art molecular spectroscopic databases (HITRAN 2008, HITRAN 2016 and Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions – Improved Atmospheric Spectroscopy Databases SEOM-IAS) and found that SEOM-IAS provides the best fitting results. The most relevant update in the TROPOMI XCH4_{4} data product is the implementation of an a posteriori correction fully independent of any reference data that is more accurate and corrects for the underestimation at low surface albedo scenes and the overestimation at high surface albedo scenes. After applying the correction, the albedo dependence is removed to a large extent in the TROPOMI versus satellite (Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite – GOSAT) and TROPOMI versus ground-based observations (Total Carbon Column Observing Network – TCCON) comparison, which is an independent verification of the correction scheme. We validate 2 years of TROPOMI CH4 data that show the good agreement of the updated TROPOMI CH4 with TCCON (−3.4 ± 5.6 ppb) and GOSAT (−10.3 ± 16.8 ppb) (mean bias and standard deviation). Low- and high-albedo scenes as well as snow-covered scenes are the most challenging for the CH4 retrieval algorithm, and although the a posteriori correction accounts for most of the bias, there is a need to further investigate the underlying cause

    Low-Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild House Mice

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    Background: Avian influenza viruses are known to productively infect a number of mammal species, several of which are commonly found on or near poultry and gamebird farms. While control of rodent species is often used to limit avian influenza virus transmission within and among outbreak sites, few studies have investigated the potential role of these species in outbreak dynamics. Methodology/Principal Findings: We trapped and sampled synanthropic mammals on a gamebird farm in Idaho, USA that had recently experienced a low pathogenic avian influenza outbreak. Six of six house mice (Mus musculus) caught on the outbreak farm were presumptively positive for antibodies to type A influenza. Consequently, we experimentally infected groups of naïve wild-caught house mice with five different low pathogenic avian influenza viruses that included three viruses derived from wild birds and two viruses derived from chickens. Virus replication was efficient in house mice inoculated with viruses derived from wild birds and more moderate for chicken-derived viruses. Mean titers (EID50 equivalents/mL) across all lung samples from seven days of sampling (three mice/day) ranged from 103.89 (H3N6) to 105.06 (H4N6) for the wild bird viruses and 102.08 (H6N2) to 102.85 (H4N8) for the chicken-derived viruses. Interestingly, multiple regression models indicated differential replication between sexes, with significantly (p\u3c0.05) higher concentrations of avian influenza RNA found in females compared with males. Conclusions/Significance: Avian influenza viruses replicated efficiently in wild-caught house mice without adaptation, indicating mice may be a risk pathway for movement of avian influenza viruses on poultry and gamebird farms. Differential virus replication between males and females warrants further investigation to determine the generality of this result in avian influenza disease dynamics

    Carbon dioxide retrieval from OCO-2 satellite observations using the RemoTeC algorithm and validation with TCCON measurements

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    In this study we present the retrieval of the column-averaged dry air mole fraction of carbon dioxide (X-CO2) from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite observations using the RemoTeC algorithm, previously successfully applied to retrieval of greenhouse gas concentration from the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT). The X-CO2, product has been validated with collocated ground-based measurements from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) for almost 2 years of OCO-2 data from September 2014 to July 2016. We found that fitting an additive radiometric offset in all three spec tral bands of OCO-2 significantly improved the retrieval. Based on a small correlation of the X-CO2, error over land with goodness of fit, we applied an a posteriori bias correction to our OCO-2 retrievals. In overpass averaged results, X-CO2, retrievals have an SD of similar to 1.30 ppm and a station-tostation variability of similar to 0.40 ppm among collocated TCCON sites. The seasonal relative accuracy (SRA) has a value of 0.52 ppm. The validation shows relatively larger difference with TCCON over high-latitude areas and some specific regions like Japan

    113 CFe X 3Δi Iron carbide

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    Approach to the detection of abnormal behavior of processes in process control systems based on log analysis

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    В роботі запропоновано підхід до виявлення аномалій поведінки знання-ємних бізнес-процесів на основі порівняльного аналізу трас у складі журналів реєстрації подій. Підхід враховує темпоральному і об’єктний аспекти виконання бізнес-процесу. Темпоральний аспект визначає послідовність подій, що відображають виконання дій бізнес-процесу. Обєктний визначає характеристики об’єктів, що використовуютья бізнес-процесом при виконанні цих дій. При пошуку аномальних фрагментів обчислюється відстань між трасами у просторі атрибутів подій. В якості ознак початку та закінчення аномального фрагменту використовується кут відхилення між трасами. Підхід визначає множину атрибутів об’єктів, пов’язаних з виконанням аномального фрагменту, а також значень цих атрибутів, що в подальшому може бути використано для удосконалення бізнес-процесу.The paper proposes an approach to the detection of abnormalities in the behavior of knowledge-capacity business processes on the basis of comparative analysis of tracks in the log of events logging. The approach takes into account the temporal and object aspects of the implementation of the business process. The temporal aspect defines the sequence of events that reflect the execution of the business process. Object defines the characteristics of objects that use the business process when performing these actions. When searching for abnormal fragments, the distance between paths in the attribute event space is calculated. As an indicator of the beginning and end of an abnormal fragment, the angle of deviation between the tracks is used. The approach defines the set of attributes of objects associated with the execution of an anomalous fragment, as well as the values of these attributes, which can then be used to improve the business process