269 research outputs found

    Open-separating dominating codes in graphs

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    Using dominating sets to separate vertices of graphs is a well-studied problem in the larger domain of identification problems. In such problems, the objective is to choose a suitable dominating set CC of a graph GG such that the neighbourhoods of all vertices of GG have distinct intersections with CC. Such a dominating and separating set CC is often referred to as a \emph{code} in the literature. Depending on the types of dominating and separating sets used, various problems arise under various names in the literature. In this paper, we introduce a new problem in the same realm of identification problems whereby the code, called \emph{open-separating dominating code}, or \emph{OSD-code} for short, is a dominating set and uses open neighbourhoods for separating vertices. The paper studies the fundamental properties concerning the existence, hardness and minimality of OSD-codes. Due to the emergence of a close and yet difficult to establish relation of the OSD-codes with another well-studied code in the literature called open locating dominating codes, or OLD-codes for short, we compare the two on various graph families. Finally, we also provide an equivalent reformulation of the problem of finding OSD-codes of a graph as a covering problem in a suitable hypergraph and discuss the polyhedra associated with OSD-codes, again in relation to OLD-codes of some graph families already studied in this context

    On three domination numbers in block graphs

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    The problems of determining minimum identifying, locating-dominating or open locating-dominating codes are special search problems that are challenging both from a theoretical and a computational point of view. Hence, a typical line of attack for these problems is to determine lower and upper bounds for minimum codes in special graphs. In this work we study the problem of determining the cardinality of minimum codes in block graphs (that are diamond-free chordal graphs). We present for all three codes lower and upper bounds as well as block graphs where these bounds are attained

    Reconstructing extended Petri nets with priorities - handling priority conflicts revisited

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    This work aims at reconstructing Petri net models for biological systems from experimental time-series data. The reconstructed models shall reproduce the experimentally observed dynamic behavior in a simulation. For that, we consider Petri nets with priority relations among the transitions and control-arcs, to obtain additional activation rules for transitions to control the dynamic behavior. An integrative reconstruction method, taking both priority relations and control-arcs into account, was proposed by Favre and Wagler in 2013. Here, we detail the aspect of choosing priorities and control-arcs such that dynamic conflicts can be resolved to finally arrive at the experimentally observed behavior

    Fleet Management for Autonomous Vehicles Using Multicommodity Coupled Flows in Time-Expanded Networks

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    VIPAFLEET is a framework to develop models and algorithms for managing a fleet of Individual Public Autonomous Vehicles (VIPA). We consider a homogeneous fleet of such vehicles distributed at specified stations in a closed site to supply internal transportation, where the vehicles can be used in different modes of circulation (tram mode, elevator mode, taxi mode). We treat in this paper a variant of the Online Pickup-and-Delivery Problem related to the taxi mode by means of multicommodity coupled flows in a time-expanded network and propose a corresponding integer linear programming formulation. This enables us to compute optimal offline solutions. However, to apply the well-known meta-strategy Replan to the online situation by solving a sequence of offline subproblems, the computation times turned out to be too long, so that we devise a heuristic approach h-Replan based on the flow formulation. Finally, we evaluate the performance of h-Replan in comparison with the optimal offline solution, both in terms of competitive analysis and computational experiments, showing that h-Replan computes reasonable solutions, so that it suits for the online situation

    How unique is Lovász's theta function?

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    International audienceThe famous Lovász's ϑ function is computable in polynomial time for every graph, as a semi-definite program (Grötschel, Lovász and Schrijver, 1981). The chromatic number and the clique number of every perfect graph G are computable in polynomial time. Despite numerous efforts since the last three decades, stimulated by the Strong Perfect Graph Theo-rem (Chudnovsky, Robertson, Seymour and Thomas, 2006), no combinatorial proof of this result is known. In this work, we try to understand why the "key properties" of Lovász's ϑ function make it so "unique". We introduce an infinite set of convex functions, which includes the clique number ω and ϑ . This set includes a sequence of linear programs which are monotone increasing and converging to ϑ . We provide some evidences that ϑ is the unique function in this setting allowing to compute the chromatic number of perfect graphs in polynomial time

    Impact of the distance choice on clustering gene expression data using graph decompositions

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    The study of gene interactions is an important research area in biology and grouping genes with similar expression profiles to clusters is a first step towards a better understanding of their functional relationships. In Kaba et al. 2007, a new clustering approach was presented, using gene interaction graphs to model this data, and decomposing the graphs by means of clique minimal separators. A clique separator is a clique whose removal increases the number of connected components of the graph; the decomposition is obtained by repeatedly copying a clique separator into the components it defines, until only subgraphs with no clique separators are left: these subgraphs will be our clusters. The advantage of our approach is that this decomposition can be computed efficiently, is unique, and yields overlapping clusters. For that, the similarity between each pair of genes is estimated by a distance function, then a family of gene interaction graphs is constructed by choosing several thresholds, where an edge is added between two genes if their distance is below the threshold. Hereby, both the choice of the distance function and of the threshold influences the construction of the gene interaction graphs. In Kaba et al. 2007, several criteria are developed to select thresholds in an appropriate way. Here we discuss the impact of the choice of the distance function; our results suggest that this choice does not effect the final decomposition of the gene interaction graphs into clusters
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