395 research outputs found

    The basic K nuclear cluster K- pp and its enhanced formation in the p + p -> K+ + X reaction

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    We have studied the structure of K- pp nuclear cluster comprehensively by solving this three-body system exactly in a variational method starting from the Ansatz that the Lambda(1405) resonance (Lambda*) is a K-p bound state. We have found that our original prediction for the presence of K-pp as a compact bound system with M = 2322MeV/c2,B=48MeVandGamma=60MeVremainsunchangedbyvaryingtheKba−rNandNNinteractionswidelyasfarastheyreproduceLambda(1405).ThestructureofK−pprevealsamolecularfeature,namely,theK−inLambda∗asan"atomiccenter"playsakeyroleinproducingstrongcovalentbondingwiththeotherproton.Wehaveshownthattheelementaryprocess,p+p−>K++Lambda∗+p,whichoccursinashortimpactparameterandwithalargemomentumtransfer(Q 1.6 MeV/c2, B = 48 MeV and Gamma = 60 MeV remains unchanged by varying the Kba-rN and NN interactions widely as far as they reproduce Lambda(1405). The structure of K- pp reveals a molecular feature, namely, the K- in Lambda* as an "atomic center" plays a key role in producing strong covalent bonding with the other proton. We have shown that the elementary process, p + p -> K+ + Lambda* + p, which occurs in a short impact parameter and with a large momentum transfer (Q ~ 1.6 GeV/c), leads to unusually large self-trapping of Lambda* by the participating proton, since the Lambda*-p system exists as a compact doorway state propagating to K- pp (R{Lambda*-p} ~ 1.67 fm).Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. Phys, Rev. C, in pres

    Tensor-optimized shell model for the Li isotopes with a bare nucleon-nucleon interaction

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    We study the Li isotopes systematically in terms of the tensor-optimized shell model (TOSM) by using a bare nucleon-nucleon interaction as the AV8' interaction. The short-range correlation is treated in the unitary correlation operator method (UCOM). Using the TOSM+UCOM approach, we investigate the role of the tensor force on each spectrum of the Li isotopes. It is found that the tensor force produces quite a characteristic effect on various states in each spectrum and those spectra are affected considerably by the tensor force. The energy difference between the spin-orbit partner, the p1/2 and p3/2 orbits of the last neutron, in 5Li is caused by opposite roles of the tensor correlation. In 6Li, the spin-triplet state in the LS coupling configuration is favored energetically by the tensor force in comparison with jj coupling shell model states. In 7,8,9Li, the low-lying states containing extra neutrons in the p3/2 orbit are favored energetically due to the large tensor contribution to allow the excitation from the 0s orbit to the p1/2 orbit by the tensor force. Those three nuclei show the jj coupling character in their ground states which is different from 6Li.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1108.393

    Stochastic Variational Search for ΛΛ4^{4}_{\Lambda\Lambda}H

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    A four-body calculation of the pnΛΛpn\Lambda\Lambda bound state, $^{\ 4}_{\Lambda\Lambda}H,isperformedusingthestochasticvariationalmethodandphenomenologicalpotentials.TheH, is performed using the stochastic variational method and phenomenological potentials. The NN,, \Lambda N,and, and \Lambda\LambdapotentialsaretakenfromarecentLetterbyFilikhinandGal,PRL89,172502(2002).AlthoughtheirFaddeev−Yakubovskycalculationfoundnobound−statesolutionoverawiderangeof potentials are taken from a recent Letter by Filikhin and Gal, PRL{\bf 89}, 172502 (2002). Although their Faddeev-Yakubovsky calculation found no bound-state solution over a wide range of \Lambda\Lambdainteractionstrengths,thepresentvariationalcalculationgivesabound−stateenergy,whichisclearlylowerthanthe interaction strengths, the present variational calculation gives a bound-state energy, which is clearly lower than the _\Lambda^3{H}+\Lambdathreshold,evenforaweak threshold, even for a weak \Lambda\Lambdainteractionstrengthdeducedfromarecentexperimental interaction strength deduced from a recent experimental B_{\Lambda\Lambda}(^{6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}{He})value.Thebindingenergiesobtainedarecloseto,andslightlylargerthan,thevaluesobtainedfromthethree−body value. The binding energies obtained are close to, and slightly larger than, the values obtained from the three-body d\Lambda\Lambda$ model in the Letter.Comment: Corrected typos, added addtional calculations regarding a truncated to l=0 interaction model, 4 pages, 3 figure

    New Way to Produce Dense Double-Antikaonic Dibaryon System, \bar{K}\bar{K} NN, through Lambda(1405)-Doorway Sticking in p+p Collisions

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    A recent successful observation of a dense and deeply bound \bar{K} nuclear system, K^-pp, in the p + p \rightarrow K^+ + K^-pp reaction in a DISTO experiment indicates that the double-\bar{K} dibaryon, K^-K^-pp, which was predicted to be a dense nuclear system, can also be formed in p+p collisions. We find theoretically that the K^- -K^- repulsion plays no significant role in reducing the density and binding energy of K^-K^-pp and that, when two \Lambda(1405) resonances are produced simultaneously in a short-range p+p collision, they act as doorways to copious formation of K^-K^-pp, if and only if K^-K^-pp is a dense object, as predicted.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, Accepted Apr. 19, 201

    A search for deeply bound kaonic nuclear states

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    We have measured proton and neutron energy spectra by stopping negative kaons on liquid helium4. Two distinct peak structures were found on both spectra, which were assigned to the formation of new kinds of strange stribaryons. In this paper, we summarize both results.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, HYP2003 conference proceeding

    Role of the tensor interaction in He isotopes with a tensor-optimized shell model

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    We studied the role of the tensor interaction in He isotopes systematically on the basis of the tensor-optimized shell model (TOSM). We use a bare nucleon-nucleon interaction AV8 obtained from nucleon-nucleon scattering data. The short-range correlation is treated in the unitary correlation operator method (UCOM). Using the TOSM+UCOM approach, we investigate the role of tensor interaction on each spectrum in He isotopes. It is found that the tensor interaction enhances the LS splitting energy observed in 5He, in which the p1/2 and p3/2 orbits play different roles on the tensor correlation. In {6,7,8}He, the low-lying states containing extra neutrons in the p3/2 orbit gain the tensor contribution. On the other hand, the excited states containing extra neutrons in the p1/2 orbit lose the tensor contribution due to the Pauli-blocking effect with the 2p2h states in the 4He core configuration.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Characterizing Interdisciplinarity of Researchers and Research Topics Using Web Search Engines

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    Researchers' networks have been subject to active modeling and analysis. Earlier literature mostly focused on citation or co-authorship networks reconstructed from annotated scientific publication databases, which have several limitations. Recently, general-purpose web search engines have also been utilized to collect information about social networks. Here we reconstructed, using web search engines, a network representing the relatedness of researchers to their peers as well as to various research topics. Relatedness between researchers and research topics was characterized by visibility boost-increase of a researcher's visibility by focusing on a particular topic. It was observed that researchers who had high visibility boosts by the same research topic tended to be close to each other in their network. We calculated correlations between visibility boosts by research topics and researchers' interdisciplinarity at individual level (diversity of topics related to the researcher) and at social level (his/her centrality in the researchers' network). We found that visibility boosts by certain research topics were positively correlated with researchers' individual-level interdisciplinarity despite their negative correlations with the general popularity of researchers. It was also found that visibility boosts by network-related topics had positive correlations with researchers' social-level interdisciplinarity. Research topics' correlations with researchers' individual- and social-level interdisciplinarities were found to be nearly independent from each other. These findings suggest that the notion of "interdisciplinarity" of a researcher should be understood as a multi-dimensional concept that should be evaluated using multiple assessment means.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in PLoS On
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