41 research outputs found

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    A Lewy-testes demencia klinikai és neuropatológiai jellemzői | Clinical and neuropathological characteristics of dementia with Lewy bodies

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    Absztrakt: A Lewy-testes demencia a második leggyakoribb neurodegeneratív demencia. A pontos diagnózisa gyakran csak neuropatológiai vizsgálattal lehetséges. A betegség fő morfológiai jellemzője a kóros α-szinukleinben gazdag Lewy-test és Lewy-neurit – csakúgy, mint a rokon kórkép Parkinson-kór és az ahhoz társuló demencia esetén. A patomechanizmus fontos tényezői a neurotranszmitter rendszerek zavara, a szinaptikus diszfunkció és az ubikvitin-proteaszóma rendszer elégtelen működése. Jellemző a kognitív teljesítmény fluktuációja, parkinsonizmus és vizuális hallucináció. Mivel gyakran nem típusos a klinikai kép és időbeni lefolyás, a képalkotó eljárások és biomarkerek elősegíthetik a korai felismerést. Noha hatékony oki terápia nincs, életminőséget javító kezelések lehetségesek. A klinikopatológiai vizsgálatok kiemelten fontosak a patomechanizmus jobb megértése, a pontos diagnózis és a hatékony terápia érdekében. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(17): 643–652. | Abstract: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the second most common neurodegenerative dementia. The accurate diagnosis is often possible only by neuropathological examination. The morphologic hallmarks are the presence of α-synuclein-rich Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites, identical to those seen in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD). Neurotransmitter deficits, synaptic and ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) dysfunction play major role in the pathomechanism. Characteristic symptoms are cognitive fluctuation, parkinsonism and visual hallucinations. Due to the often atypical clinical presentation novel imaging techniques and biomarkers could help the early diagnosis. Although curative treatment is not available, therapies can improve quality of life. Clinicopathological studies are important in exploring pathomechanisms, ensuring accurate diagnosis and identifying therapeutic targets. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(17): 643–652

    Ecosystem services provided by freshwater and marine diatoms

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    Diatoms, a unique group of algae colonising a wide range of aquatic habitats and contributing to human well-being in many ways. We list and summarise these services using the classification of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), i.e. supporting, regulating, provisioning and cultural services. The most relevant supporting services are photosynthesis and primary production, as well as sediment formation. They also play a key role in nutrient cycling and habitat provisioning and serve as food for many organisms. Regulating services as oxygen production, climate control or sediment stabilisation are difficult to discuss without diatoms. Many provisioning services, directly used by humans, can be obtained from diatoms. These are tangible products such as medicines and immunostimulants but direct technologies such as wastewater treatment, micro- and nanotechnologies were also developed using diatoms. Studying of the past, present, and future linked to diatoms as a tool for palaeolimnology, ecological status assessment of waters and climate modelling is essential. Finally, the impressive morphology and ornaments of diatom frustules make them one of the most spectacular microorganisms, inspiring artists or providing a number of educational opportunities. Therefore, protecting aquatic habitats they inhabit is not simply a nature conservation issue but the key for human well-being in the future

    Effect of the Nature of Donor Atoms on the Thermodynamic, Kinetic and Relaxation Properties of Mn(II) Complexes Formed With Some Trisubstituted 12-Membered Macrocyclic Ligands

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    During the past few years increasing attention has been devoted to Mn(II) complexes as possible substitutes for Gd(III) complexes as contrast agents in MRI. Equilibrium (log KMnL or pMn value), kinetic parameters (rates and half-lives of dissociation) and relaxivity of the Mn(II) complexes formed with 12-membered macrocyclic ligands were studied. The ligands were selected in a way to gain information on how the ligand rigidity, the nature of the donor atoms in the macrocycle (pyridine N, amine N, and etheric O atom), the nature of the pendant arms (carboxylates, phosphonates, primary, secondary and tertiary amides) affect the physicochemical parameters of the Mn(II) complexes. As expected, decreasing the denticity of DOTA (to afford DO3A) resulted in a drop in the stability and inertness of [Mn(DO3A)]− compared to [Mn(DOTA)]2−. This decrease can be compensated partially by incorporating the fourth nitrogen atom into a pyridine ring (e.g., PCTA) or by replacement with an etheric oxygen atom (ODO3A). Moreover, the substitution of primary amides for acetates resulted in a noticeable drop in the stability constant (PC3AMH), but it increased as the primary amides (PC3AMH) were replaced by secondary (PC3AMGly) or tertiary amide (PC3AMPip) pendants. The inertness of the Mn(II) complexes behaved alike as the rates of acid catalyzed dissociation increased going from DOTA (k1 = 0.040 M−1s−1) to DO3A (k1 = 0.45 M−1s−1). However, the rates of acid catalyzed dissociation decreased from 0.112 M−1s−1 observed for the anionic Mn(II) complex of PCTA to 0.0107 M−1s−1 and 0.00458 M−1s−1 for the cationic Mn(II) complexes of PC3AMH and PC3AMPip ligands, respectively. In spite of its lower denticity (as compared to DOTA) the sterically more hindered amide complex ([Mn(PC3AMPip)]2+) displays surprisingly high conditional stability (pMn = 8.86 vs. pMn = 9.74 for [Mn(PCTA)]−) and excellent kinetic inertness. The substitution of phosphonates for the acetate pendant arms (DOTP and DO3P), however, resulted in a noticeable drop in the conditional stability as well as dissociation kinetic parameters of the corresponding Mn(II) complexes ([Mn(DOTP)]6− and [Mn(DO3P)]4−) underlining that the phosphonate pedant should not be considered as a suitable building block for further ligand design while the tertiary amide moiety will likely have some implications in this respect in the future

    Autumn drought drives functional diversity of benthic diatom assemblages of continental intermittent streams

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    International audienceClimate change is predicted to increase drought occurrence and severity in small continental watercourses. Here, we studied the structure and the functional diversity of benthic diatom assemblages in lowland intermittent and permanent watercourses of the Carpathian Basin. We assumed that the community structure of intermittent and permanent watercourses would be markedly different, and the functional diversity in both would be strongly influenced by autumn drought. We found that intermittent streams were primarily characterized by small-sized generalists and aerophilic taxa, while permanent watercourses were inhabited by large-sized planktic or fast moving groups. The functional richness was significantly lower in intermittent than in permanent streams. This decrease in the functional richness of benthic algal communities may negatively affect the functioning of lotic algal communities. We conclude that diatom assemblages in lowland intermittent watercourses are sensitive indicators of changes in ecosystem properties, and should be considered in appropriate evaluation and management of extreme climatic events on aquatic ecosystems

    In vivo assessment of tumor targeting potential of 68Ga-labelled randomly methylated beta-cyclodextrin (RAMEB) and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) using positron emission tomography

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    Cyclodextrin derivates (CyDs) can form complexes with cyclooxygenase-2 induced tumor promoting prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Based on our previous observations, 68Ga-labelled CyDs may represent promising radiopharmaceuticals in the positron emission tomography (PET) diagnostics of PGE2 positive tumors. We aimed at evaluating the tumor-targeting potential of 68Ga-NODAGA conjugated randomly methylated beta-cyclodextrin (68Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB) and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (68Ga-NODAGA-HPβCD) using in vivo PET imaging with experimental tumor models. Tumor radiopharmaceutical uptake was assessed applying PET and gamma counter in vivo and ex vivo respectively, following the administration of 18FDG, 68Ga-NODAGA-RAMEB or 68Ga-NODAGA-HPβCD via the lateral tail vein to the subsequent tumor-bearing animals: HT1080, A20, PancTu-1, BxPC3, B16-F10, Ne/De and He/De. All investigated tumors were identifiable with both 68Ga-labelled CyDs; however, in vivo results, in correlation with the ex vivo data, revealed that the PGE2 positive BxPC3, A20, Ne/De and He/De tumors presented the highest accumulation. In case of HT1080, A20, B16-F10 tumors significant differences were encountered between the accumulations of both 68Ga-labelled radiopharmaceuticals of the same tumor. Subcutaneously and the orthotopically transplanted Ne/De tumors differed significantly (p ≤ 0.01) regarding tracer uptake. 68Ga-labelled CyDs may open a novel field in the PET diagnostics of PGE2 positive primary tumors and metastases

    In Vivo Preclinical Assessment of β-Amyloid–Affine [11C]C-PIB Accumulation in Aluminium-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease-Resembling Hypercholesterinaemic Rat Model

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    Aluminum (Al) excess and hypercholesterinaemia are established risks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The aim of this study was to establish an AD-resembling hypercholesterinaemic animal model—with the involvement of 8 week and 48 week-old Fischer-344 rats—by Al administration for the safe and rapid verification of β-amyloid-targeted positron emission tomography (PET) radiopharmaceuticals. Measurement of lipid parameters and β-amyloid–affine [11C]C-Pittsburgh Compound B ([11C]C-PIB) PET examinations were performed. Compared with the control, the significantly elevated cholesterol and LDL levels of the rats receiving the cholesterol-rich diet support the development of hypercholesterinaemia (p ≤ 0.01). In the older cohort, a notably increased age-related radiopharmaceutical accumulation was registered compared to in the young (p ≤ 0.05; p ≤ 0.01). A monotherapy-induced slight elevation of mean standardised uptake values (SUVmean) was statistically not significant; however, adult rats administered a combined diet expressed remarkable SUVmean increment compared to the adult control (SUVmean: from 0.78 ± 0.16 to 1.99 ± 0.28). One and two months after restoration to normal diet, the cerebral [11C]C-PIB accumulation of AD-mimicking animals decreased by half and a third, respectively, to the baseline value. The proposed in vivo Al-induced AD-resembling animal system seems to be adequate for the understanding of AD neuropathology and future drug testing and radiopharmaceutical development