17 research outputs found

    The white collar complex is essential for sexual reproduction but dispensable for conidiation and invasive growth in Fusarium verticillioides

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    Fvwc1 and Fvwc2, orthologues of the wc-1 and wc-2 genes encoding for proteins of the white collar complex (WCC) in Neurospora crassa were cloned from Fusarium verticillioides and lack-of-function wc mutants were obtained by targeted gene disruption. Photo-conidiation was found to be absent in F. verticillioides, on the contrary, the wild type strain produced less conidia under continuous illumination than in the dark. Inactivation of any of the wc genes led to total female sterility, without affecting male fertility or asexual conidiation. No loss in colonization capability/invasive growth of the wc mutants was observed, when assessed on tomato fruits. Both Fvwc1 and Fvwc2 showed constitutive expression in the wild type cultures incubated in the dark and exposure to light caused only negligible increases in their transcription. Both Fvwc1 and Fvwc2 were down-regulated in a ΔFvmat1-2-1 gene disruption mutant, lacking a functional mating type (mat1-2-1) gene, suggesting that the MAT1-2-1 product has a positive regulatory effect on the white collar genes

    Transcriptional regulation of the Neurospora circadian clock gene wc-1 affects the phase of circadian output

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    WHITE COLLAR-1 (WC-1) is the limiting component of the White Collar Complex (WCC) controlling expression of the Neurospora circadian clock protein Frequency (FRQ). Accumulation of WC-1 is supported by FRQ on a post-transcriptional level. Here, we show that transcription of wc-1 is organized in a complex way. Three promoters drive transcription of wc-1. P(dist) is dependent on WCC. P(prox) is independent of WCC in darkness, but inducible by light in a WCC-dependent manner. A third promoter, P(int), is located in the wc-1 open reading frame and promotes expression of an amino-terminally truncated WC-1 isoform of unknown function. Expression of wc-1 by P(dist) or P(prox) alone, or by a heterologous promoter, affects the entrained phase of circadian conidiation and the response of Neurospora to light. Our results indicate that transcriptional regulation of wc-1 is required to modulate the circadian phase of clock output

    The Tim9p/10p and Tim8p/13p Complexes Bind to Specific Sites on Tim23p during Mitochondrial Protein Import

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    The import of polytopic membrane proteins into the mitochondrial inner membrane (IM) is facilitated by Tim9p/Tim10p and Tim8p/Tim13p protein complexes in the intermembrane space (IMS). These complexes are proposed to act as chaperones by transporting the hydrophobic IM proteins through the aqueous IMS and preventing their aggregation. To examine the nature of this interaction, Tim23p molecules containing a single photoreactive cross-linking probe were imported into mitochondria in the absence of an IM potential where they associated with small Tim complexes in the IMS. On photolysis and immunoprecipitation, a probe located at a particular Tim23p site (27 different locations were examined) was found to react covalently with, in most cases, only one of the small Tim proteins. Tim8p, Tim9p, Tim10p, and Tim13p were therefore positioned adjacent to specific sites in the Tim23p substrate before its integration into the IM. This specificity of binding to Tim23p strongly suggests that small Tim proteins do not function solely as general chaperones by minimizing the exposure of nonpolar Tim23p surfaces to the aqueous medium, but may also align a folded Tim23p substrate in the proper orientation for delivery and integration into the IM at the TIM22 translocon