650 research outputs found

    Network optimization in railway transport planning

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    This work is dealing with train timetabling problem. In the first chapter, one can find an introduction to network flows which is needed for understanding deeper concepts later on. Namely, basic graph theory definitions are stated as well as core problems like the minimum cost flow and shortest path problem. Furthermore, two equivalent representations of network flows are described, including some useful properties connected to each of them. At the end of the chapter, linear programming and simplex method are introduced into some detail. In the second chapter more complex theory is introduced. At the beginning, multi-commodity flow problem is stated and few solutions approaches are briefly described. Once we settled for one of them, the rest of the chapter is dealing with Lagrangian relaxation and column generation techniques. Since column generation is the main result needed for solving our problem, some finer results, like determining lower and upper bounds, are stated. In the last, third chapter, one can find a model for representing train timetabling problem for a single line network. That model was introduced by Valentina Cacchiani in her Ph.D. thesis. In this work, periodicity of timetable is assumed because it makes computations way quicker, as well as it has some other benefits. At the end, one can find an algorithm based on column generation technique for solving introduced model. That algorithm is based on 6 steps, and after reading this work, one should be able to fully understand each of them.Ovaj rad bavi se problemom rasporeda vožnje u željezničkom prometu. U prvom poglavlju nalazi se uvod u mrežne tokove koji je potreban za razumijevanje naprednijih koncepata. Konkretno, iskazane su osnovne definicije teorije grafova kao i neki temeljni problemi poput problema najjeftinijeg toka i problema najkraćeg puta. Nadalje, opisana su dva ekvivalenta prikaza mrežnih tokova, uključujući neka korisna svojstva za svaki od njih. Na kraju poglavlja, linearno programiranje i simpleks metoda, objašnjeni su na razini razumijevanja. U drugom poglavlju nalazi se naprednija teorija koja se nadovezuje na prvo poglavlje. Na početku poglavlja prikazan je problem više dobara, kao i nekoliko pristupa rješavanju navedenog problema. Nakon što smo se odlučili za jedan od pristupa, ostatak poglavlja bavi se Lagrangeovom relaksacijom i metodom generacije stupaca. Kako je upravo metoda generacije stupaca najvažniji rezultat za rješavanje našega problema, napredniji rezultati vezani uz određivanje donjih i gornjih granica su detaljno objasnjeni. U posljednjem, trećem poglavlju, nalazi se model za prikazivanje problema rasporeda vožnje za mreže s jednom tračnicom. Navedeni model prvi puta je predstavljen u doktorskom radu Valentine Cacchiani. U ovom radu također pretpostavljamo periodičnost rasporeda vožnje kako bismo, između ostalih, ostvarili prednost poput bržeg vremena računanja. Na kraju rada nalazi se algoritam, temeljen na metodi generacije stupaca, za rješavanje predstavljenog modela. Navedeni algoritam sastoji se od 6 koraka, od kojih je svaki detaljno opisan u ovome radu

    Study on the dispersion pattern of soybean leaf beetle (Paedonia inclusa stal.)

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    The dispersion pattern of soybean leaf beetle (Phaedonia inclusa Stal.) was analyzed by the use of Iwao\u27s method. Basically larvae, imagoes, and egg\u27s colonies were conta¬giously distributed. They clumped in an area equal to one plant. Intra colony distribu¬tion was random. At high density, the distribution was more compact, with intra colony distribution was also aggregated. At lower density, the distribution loosened, with clump area equal to a quadrat size of eight plants


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    Background : Fluphenazine decanoate is an anti psychotic group prescribed for typical schizophrenic for the long time usage. It can increased oxidative stress. Catalase is an enzyme that can be used as a marker for oxidative stress, can be seen from histopathology hepar cells ranged from mild damage to cell death. The research seeking damage of histopathology hepar cells and the enzyme catalase after induced by fluphenazine decanoate. Aims : To know the damage of histopathology hepar and enzyme catalase levels of wistar rat induced by fluphenazine decanoate. Methods : This experimental research used post test only control group design. 15 of male wistar rats divided randomly into 3 group, namely the control group (K) which is given with the standard diet and the injection of sesame oil, and the group treatment I (P1) is given with fluphenazine decanoate 1 mg/kgBB, whereas the group treatment II (P2) is given with fluphenazine decanoate 2 mg/kgBB. In the day of 28, rats were terminated and the hepar were taken to be made extracts for the measurement of levels of catalase and to be made histopathological slides. Results : The highest level of catalase with percentage of 62.5 and the worst histophatology damage with histopathology score of 2.5 found in the group with induced by 2 mg/kgBB dose of fluphenazine decanoate. There is a difference of the levels of catalase between control group and PI group eventhough not significantly, while the other groups showed a significant relationships. Conclusion : There is the damage of histopathology hepar on hepatic cell (as seen on hystopathological slides) and the increased levels of the enzyme catalase on wistar rats induced by 2 mg dose of fluphenazine decanoate. Keywords: Fluphenazine decanoate, anti-hepatotoxic, damage histopathology hepar, enzyme catalas

    Agent-based mapping of credit risk for sustainable microfinance

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    Inspired by recent ideas on how the analysis of complex financial risks can benefit from analogies with independent research areas, we propose an unorthodox framework for mapping microfinance credit risk---a major obstacle to the sustainability of lenders outreaching to the poor. Specifically, using the elements of network theory, we constructed an agent-based model that obeys the stylised rules of microfinance industry. We found that in a deteriorating economic environment confounded with adverse selection, a form of latent moral hazard may cause a regime shift from a high to a low loan repayment probability. An after-the-fact recovery, when possible, required the economic environment to improve beyond that which led to the shift in the first place. These findings suggest a small set of measurable quantities for mapping microfinance credit risk and, consequently, for balancing the requirements to reasonably price loans and to operate on a fully self-financed basis. We illustrate how the proposed mapping works using a 10-year monthly data set from one of the best-known microfinance representatives, Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Finally, we discuss an entirely new perspective for managing microfinance credit risk based on enticing spontaneous cooperation by building social capital.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Pengaruh Vitamin E Dan Olahraga Terhadap Stres Oksidatif: Studi Pada Mencit Yang Terpapar Minyak Goreng Berulang

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    Latar belakang: Penggunaan minyak goreng berulang mengakibatkan dihasilkannya senyawa yang bersifat destruktif, yaitu SOR (Senyawa Oksigen Reaktif). Gugus radikal bebas ini dapat berikatan dengan membran lipid, menghasilkan lebih banyak radikal bebas yang akan merusak sel-sel lainnya. Peningkatan aktivitas radikal bebas ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar MDA. Kerusakan sel dapat diproteksi dengan antioksidan. Vitamin E dan olahraga merupakan antioksidan eksogen dan endogen alami yang dapat memproteksi tubuh dari oksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh vitamin E dan olahraga dapat mencegah stress oksidatif mencit yang terpapar minyak goreng pedagang kaki lima. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan post test only control group design. Lima belas ekor mencit dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Kelompok kontrol negatif hanya diberikan diet standar selama 14 hari, sedangkan kelompok kontrol positif diberi diet standar dan minyak goreng berulang sebanyak 0,5ml/100gram/hari selama 14 hari. Kelompok perlakuan diberi diet standar, minyak goreng berulang sebanyak 0,5ml/100gram/hari, berolahraga renang tiap 2 hari pagi dan sore selama 2 menit, serta vitamin E 52 IU/kgBB/hari, selama 14 hari. Hasil: Mencit tampak sehat sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan, tidak nampak efek samping, tidak ada drop out. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok K2 dengan P (p=0,000). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata kadar MDA darah mencit kelompok K1 dengan K2 dan P. Antara K1 dengan P kadar MDA tidak berbeda secara signifikan (p>0,05) berarti tambahan vitamin E dan olahraga dapat membuat kadar MDA mencit setara normal. Simpulan: Vitamin E dan olahraga dapat mencegah stress oksidatif, terbukti dari kadar MDA mencit yang terpapar minyak goreng berulang yang setara dengan kelompok kontrol

    Da’wah Strategy for Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sabah (JHEAINS) in the Tuaran Region Towards Muallaf

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    Jabatan Hal Ehwal Islam Negri Sabah (JHEAINS) is a da'wah organization that operates in society. This research aims to discover the da'wah strategy used by the Tuaran section of JHEAINS in its da'wah efforts against Muslim converts. This research analyses the methods, approaches and obstacles to JHEAINS' da'wah towards Muslim converts. The technique used in this research is descriptive; this method aims to systematically describe specific facts factually and carefully using observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The research results show that JHEAINS uses several da'wah methods with Fardhiyyah, tarbiyyah, al-Ardiyyah, al-Bi'thiyyah, al-Mujadalah and counselling approaches. Even so, the JHEAINS organization faces several obstacles in preaching to Muslim converts. This research has significant implications, especially for converts and preachers in the JHEAINS organization spreading da'wah in Tuaran

    Tabel Kehidupan Daphnia pulex Setelah Aplikasi Pupuk Organik = Life Table of Daphnia pulex After Organic Fertilizer Application

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    ABSTRACT Daphnia pulex is one of zooplankton species which has been used frequently in fish larvae rearing as a natural food, because it can be cultured easily, has high reproductive potential, and contain high nutrition value as well. To increase its population growth rate organic fertilizer is necessary. However, the best introducing time of Daphnia pulex into culture system after organic fertilizer application is not known yet. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the best time to introduce Daphnia pulex into the culture system after organic fertilizer application. Neonates of Daphnia pulex were individually dispenses into culture tubes (erlenmeyer 50 mL) suspended in aquarium (60 litre). Each culture tubes (contain 10 neonates 0 day old) tied by plankton net 75 mm mesh size around the mouth. Four treatments representing different days (0, 5, 10, and 15 days) after organic fertilizer (cattle manure, poultry droppings, dried rice stalks, stem of banana, 1 :1 :1 :1, at the rate of 0.263 kg.m.5) application and control (without organic fertilizer) in four replications were tested. Daphnia pulex population in the culture tubes were examined daily to construct life table. Water quality parameters measured were temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, NH3-N, NO3-N, PO4-P, and turbidity. Application of organic fertilizer into culture media of Daphnia pulex resulted in increasing survival rate, intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), net reproductive rate (R), and decrease average generation time (T) significantly than that of control, but not to time to first reproduction (A), peak reproduction (I), and life span (W). Among the time after organic fertilizer application treatment, except 0 day, there were no significant differences. All Daphnia pulex population dynamic parameters in 0 day after application treatment showed low response compared to 5 days after application because of water quality (ammonia, DO, and pH) deterioration. The best time to introduce Daphnia pulex after organic fertilizer application was 5 day. Key words : Daphnia pulex, organic fertilizer, introducing time, deterioration

    Kajian Analisis Keperluan: Pembangunan Modul Pembelajaran Literasi Tenaga Pengintegrasian STEM Sekolah Rendah

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    Kajian analisis keperluan dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk melihat isu dan permasalahan topik tenaga dan elektrik murid sekolah rendah di daerah Kota Kinabalu yang membawa kepada perlunya pembangunan modul literasi tenaga pengintegrasian STEM. Kajian ini dilaksanakan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan persampelan bertujuan melibatkan tiga orang guru dan empat orang murid menggunakan kaedah temu bual separa struktur manakala kajian kuantitatif melibatkan 100 orang murid responden menggunakan borang soal selidik keperluan murid. Hasil kajian kualitatif diperolehi berdasarkan kepada ciri keperluan yang dinyatakan oleh Morrison et. al iaitu i) keperluan sedia ada murid dan guru, dan ii) keperluan perasaan murid dan guru. Keperluan sedia ada murid dan guru dilihat melalui topik yang sukar diajar dan dipelajari, pengalaman pembelajaran murid, amalan pengajaran guru dan masalah yang dihadapi guru semasa mengajar topik tersebut. Keperluan perasaan iaitu keperluan untuk memperbaiki prestasi diri pula dilihat melalui keperluan yang diharapkan oleh murid semasa topik ini diajar dan keperluan guru dalam pengajaran topik ini. Kajian kuantitatif mempunyai 13 item soal selidik yang dianalisis secara deskriptif melalui skor peratus terdiri daripada lima kriteria iaitu tahap pengetahuan tenaga, amalan penggunaan tenaga, sikap terhadap tenaga, pengalaman pembelajaran dan keperluan strategi pembelajaran yang diharapkan. Dapatan daripada semua item dalam soal selidik menunjukkan peratus yang tinggi terhadap keperluan pembangunan modul untuk topik pembelajaran Tenaga dan Elektrik. Kesimpulannya, isu dan jurang permasalahan yang wujud membawa kepada perlunya pembangunan modul literasi tenaga dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah di daerah ini agar literasi tenaga yang merangkumi aspek pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkah laku murid terhadap tenaga dapat ditingkatkan

    Tuna and billfish larval distributions in a warming ocean

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    Tuna and billfish are charismatic pelagic fishes attracting considerable scientific attention due to their ecophysiological and socioeconomic importance. However, the knowledge of their basin-wide spawning and larval habitats, especially in a warming ocean, is limited. We use the largest available dataset on tuna and billfish larvae in the Pacific Ocean to build a geostatistical species-distribution model with high explanatory power. The results reveal the spatial distribution of tuna and billfish larvae through all seasons across the Pacific. The model also identifies the optimal temperature ranges for nine major species and assesses the potential impact of ocean warming on larval distributions. We additionally present evidence that environmental variables, such as pH, phosphate concentration, and sea-surface height, exert secondary effects on larval distributions that warrant further investigation. Our findings make a quantum leap in understanding the ecophysiology of tuna and billfish, providing valuable information for future conservation efforts.Comment: 26 pages, 1 table, 6 figure