8 research outputs found

    Human melanoma cells xenotransplantation model using zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae and the research of the effect of doxorubicin on tumour development

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    Czerniak z艂o艣liwy jest agresywnym nowotworem sk贸ry, a jego p贸藕na diagnoza i powstanie przerzut贸w wi膮偶e si臋 z du偶ym ryzykiem 艣mierci. Czynnikami przyczyniaj膮cymi si臋 do kancerogenezy s膮 nadmierna ekspozycja na promieniowanie ultrafioletowe (UV), co prowadzi do powstania mutacji w DNA melanocyt贸w tj. kom贸rek sk贸ry odpowiedzialnych za produkcj臋 melaniny. Transformacja nowotworowa w melanocytach zaj艣膰 mo偶e w ci膮gu kilku miesi臋cy. Organizmem modelowym, dzi臋ki kt贸remu mo偶na bada膰 kom贸rki nowotworowe i ich reakcj臋 na chemioterapeutyki, mo偶e by膰 danio pr臋gowany (Danio rerio). Larwy danio nie posiadaj膮 odporno艣ci nabytej, co umo偶liwia ksenotransplantacj臋 ludzkich kom贸rek nowotworowych do organizmu larwy bez ich odrzucenia. Co wi臋cej, dzi臋ki przezroczystemu cia艂u, mo偶liwe jest przy偶yciowe obrazowanie larw i obserwacja kom贸rek nowotworowych. Testowane w badaniach leki mog膮 zosta膰 podane larwom poprzez immersj臋, czyli bezpo艣rednio do 艣rodowiska wodnego, w kt贸rym utrzymywane s膮 larwy danio. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o opracowanie modelu ksenotransplantacji ludzkich kom贸rek czerniaka do 偶贸艂tka larw danio pr臋gowanego oraz zbadanie wp艂ywu doksorubicyny (DOX), cz臋sto u偶ywanego leku przeciwnowotworowego o w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach cytostatycznych, na kom贸rki czerniaka po ksenotransplantacji do larw danio. Badania rozpocz臋to od eksperyment贸w in vitro, w kt贸rych wykazano, 偶e ludzkie kom贸rki czerniaka nie obumieraj膮 w temperaturze 32 掳C, dzi臋ki czemu mo偶liwa jest ich mikroiniekcja do danio i p贸藕niejsza inkubacja larw w temperaturze ni偶szej ni偶 37 掳C. W kolejnym etapie bada艅 zoptymalizowano technik臋 mikroiniekcji ludzkich kom贸rek nowotworowych do 偶贸艂tka larw danio pr臋gowanego w drugim dniu po zap艂odnieniu. Okre艣lono r贸wnie偶 bezpieczn膮 dla larw danio dawk臋 doksorubicyny (10 mg/L). W ostatnim etapie eksperyment贸w zbadano wp艂yw doksorubicyny na kom贸rki ludzkiego czerniaka linii 1205Lu, kt贸re zosta艂y podane do 偶贸艂tka larw danio pr臋gowanego dwa dni po zap艂odnieniu. Kom贸rki wcze艣niej wybarwiono barwnikiem fluorescencyjnym, dzi臋ki czemu mo偶liwe by艂o ich obrazowanie w mikroskopie fluorescencyjnym. Larwy obserwowano z wykorzystaniem mikroskopu fluorescencyjnego godzin臋 po iniekcji oraz w 1, 2 i 3 dniu po podaniu DOX. Badanymi czynnikami by艂y pole powierzchni oraz kolisto艣膰 skupisk utworzonych przez kom贸rki nowotworowe. W przeprowadzonych badaniach nie wykazano wp艂ywu doksorubicyny na pole powierzchni i kolisto艣膰 skupisk kom贸rek czerniaka. Opracowany model ksenotransplantacji kom贸rek czerniaka do larw danio mo偶e s艂u偶y膰 do badania efektu dzia艂ania innych lek贸w przeciwnowotworowych.Malignant melanoma is an aggressive skin cancer and its late diagnosis and metastasis frequently leads to death. Responsible for cancerogenesis are excessive UV irradiation, which may induce DNA mutations in melanocytes, the melanin-producing cells found in the skin. They can change from regular into cancerous cells in a matter of months. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae can be used as a laboratory model organism to study cancer cells and their response to different chemotherapeutics. Zebrafish larvae don't have an adaptive immunity, so human cancer cells are not rejected after xenotransplantation. The larvae are transparent making possible imaging of tumor development in vivo. Finally, the therapeutic agents can be easily administered into zebrafish larvae through immersion. The main aim of this work was to establish a model of xenotransplantation of human melanoma cells to the yolk of zebrafish larvae and to study the effect of doxorubicin (DOX), a well-known therapeutic with cytostatic activity, on human melanoma cells using zebrafish larvae model. In vitro experiments proved that human melanoma cells can be incubated at 32 掳C, which allowed us to perform microinjection of melanoma cells into yolk of zebrafish larvae, which are normally kept in temperature lower than 37 掳C. To do this, first, microinjection of melanoma cells into the zebrafish yolk at two days post fertilization (dpf) was optimised. In order to study the effect of doxorubicin on melanoma cells xenotransplants in zebrafish larvae, the safe dose of DOX was chosen as 10 mg/L based on the toxicity test. Finally, to study the effect of DOX on human melanoma cells, zebrafish larvae (AB-TL line) were injected into the yolk with 1205Lu cells at 2 dpf. Cells were stained with fluorescent dye, making them detectable using fluorescence microscopy. DOX (10 mg/L) was administered via water (changed daily). Larvae were imaged at 1 hour and 1, 2, and 3 days post DOX administration. The tumor surface area and its circularity were calculated. Our results demonstrated that there were no statistically significant differences in the surface area and circularity of tumors between DOX-treated and control larvae. The optimisation of melanoma cell microinjection into yolk of zebrafish larvae allow us to study the effect of other melanoma-specific drug using zebrafish model in the future

    The Influence of Admixtures Accelerating the Pine Bark Composting Process on Variation in the Bacteriological State of Composts

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    The focus of the study was on the dynamics of the variation in the population of copiotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria and actinobacteria as well as the level of acid and alkaline phosphatase activities taking place during pine bark composting, depending on the application of different organic admixtures and the Effective Microorganisms microbiological preparation as well as variation in pH values and temperature. Above all, the trend in the variation in the population of microorganisms under analysis and enzymatic activity depended on the type of admixture applied to the composted pine bark. Apart from that, the course of microbiological activity was also influenced by temperature variation, which resulted from the course of the composting process. The results obtained in the experiment proved that the admixture of PGM (plant green matter) to the composted prisms had stimulating influence on the microbiological indexes under analysis

    Indole Derivatives Bearing Imidazole, Benzothiazole-2-Thione or Benzoxazole-2-Thione Moieties鈥擲ynthesis, Structure and Evaluation of Their Cytoprotective, Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Fungicidal Activities

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    In the search for new bioactive compounds, a methodology based on combining two molecules with biological properties into a new hybrid molecule was used to design and synthesize of a series of ten indole derivatives bearing imidazole, benzothiazole-2-thione, or benzoxazole-2-thione moieties at the C-3 position. The compounds were spectroscopically characterized and tested for their antioxidant, antibacterial, and fungicidal activities. The crystal structures were determined for five of them. Comparison of the closely related structures containing either benzothiazole-2-thione or benzoxazole-2-thione clearly shows that the replacement of -S- and -O- ring atoms modify molecular conformation in the crystal, changes intermolecular interactions, and has a severe impact on biological activity. The results indicate that indole-imidazole derivatives with alkyl substituent exhibit an excellent cytoprotective effect against AAPH-induced oxidative hemolysis and act as effective ferrous ion chelating agents. The indole-imidazole compound with chlorine atoms inhibited the growth of fungal strains: Coriolus聽versicolor (Cv), Poria placenta (Pp), Coniophora puteana (Cp), and Gloeophyllum trabeum (Gt). The indole-imidazole derivatives showed the highest antibacterial activity, for which the largest growth-inhibition zones were noted in M. luteus and P. fluorescens cultures. The obtained results may be helpful in the development of selective indole derivatives as effective antioxidants and/or antimicrobial agents

    Assessment of the influence of composts on microbiological and biochemical parameters of substrates and the morphological traits of scarlet sage / Ocena wp艂ywu kompost贸w na parametry mikrobiologiczne i biochemiczne pod艂o偶y oraz cechy morfologiczne sza艂wii b艂ysz cz膮cej

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    Celem bada艅 by艂a ocena stanu mikrobiologicznego (liczba bakterii heterotrofi cznych, promieniowc贸w, ple艣ni) i biochemicznego (aktywno艣膰 ureazy i fosfatazy kwa艣nej) torfu z domieszk膮 kompost贸w wytworzonych na bazie osadu 艣ciekowego. Ponadto celem bada艅 by艂o wykazanie wp艂ywu niniejszych pod艂o偶y na cechy morfologiczne sza艂wii b艂yszcz膮cej (wysoko艣膰, liczba i d艂ugo艣ci p臋d贸w, liczba p膮k贸w i kwiatostan贸w, indeks zazielenienia (SPAD)). Komposty wyprodukowane z osadu 艣ciekowego, s艂omy pszennej, kukurydzianej i 艂ubinowej zmieszano z torfem w r贸偶nym udziale procentowym, od 25% do 75%