6 research outputs found

    Atención prenatal en grupo: efectividad y retos de su implementación

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    Group prenatal care is an alternative model of care during pregnancy, replacing standard individual prenatal care. The model has shown maternal benefits and has been implemented in different contexts. We conducted a narrative review of the literature in relation to its effectiveness, using databases such as PubMed, EBSCO, Science Direct, Wiley Online and Springer for the period 2002 to 2018. In addition, we discussed the challenges and solutions of its implementation based on our experience in Mexico. Group prenatal care may improve prenatal knowledge and use of family planning services in the postpartum period. The model has been implemented in more than 22 countries and there are challenges to its implementation related to both supply and demand. Supply-side challenges include staff, material resources and organizational issues; demand-side challenges include recruitment and retention of participants, adaptation of material, and perceived privacy. We highlight specific solutions that can be applied in diverse health systems.La atención prenatal en grupo es un modelo alternativo de atención durante el embarazo, que sustituye la atención prenatal individual estándar. El modelo ha mostrado beneficios maternos y se ha implementado en diferentes contextos. Llevamos a cabo una revisión narrativa de la literatura en relación a su efectividad, utilizando bases de datos como PubMed, EBSCO, Science Direct, Wiley Online y la editorial Springer, para el periodo 2002 a 2018. Adicionalmente, discutimos los retos y soluciones de su implementación desde nuestra experiencia en México. La atención prenatal en grupo puede mejorar el conocimiento prenatal y el uso de servicios de planificación familiar en el postparto. El modelo se ha implementado en más de 22 países y existen retos de su implementación desde la oferta y la demanda. Los retos desde la oferta incluyen al personal, recursos materiales y cuestiones organizacionales; desde la demanda, el reclutamiento y retención de participantes, adaptación del material y privacidad percibida. Resaltamos soluciones concretas que pueden aplicar a diversos sistemas de salud

    Group Prenatal Care in Mexico: perspectives and experiences of health personnel

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar barreras y facilitadores de la implementación del modelo de Atención Prenatal en Grupo en México (APG), desde la perspectiva del personal de salud. MÉTODOS: Estudio cualitativo descriptivo en cuatro clínicas de la Secretaría de Salud en dos estados de México (Morelos e Hidalgo) de junio de 2016 a agosto de 2018. Se realizaron 11 entrevistas semi-estructuradas a prestadores de servicios de salud. Se exploraron sus percepciones y experiencias durante la implementación del modelo de APG. Se identificaron barreras y facilitadores para su adopción en dos dimensiones: a) estructurales (espacio, recursos, personal de salud, volumen de pacientes, comunidad) y b) actitudinales (motivación, liderazgo, aceptabilidad, abordaje de problemas, clima y comunicación). RESULTADOS: Las barreras más relevantes reportadas en el nivel estructural fueron la disponibilidad de espacio físico en las unidades y la sobrecarga de trabajo del personal de salud. Se identificó la dificultad para adoptar una relación menos jerárquica durante la atención a las gestantes en el nivel actitudinal. El principal facilitador a nivel actitudinal fue la aceptabilidad que los prestadores tienen del modelo. Un hallazgo específico para el contexto de la implementación en México fue la resistencia al cambio en la relación médico-paciente; resulta difícil abandonar el modelo jerárquico prevaleciente y cambiar a una relación más horizontal con las gestantes. CONCLUSIONES: El análisis de la implementación del modelo de APG en México, desde la perspectiva del personal de salud, ha evidenciado barreras y facilitadores similares a las experiencias en otros contextos. Esfuerzos futuros para la adopción del modelo deberán enfocarse en la atención oportuna de las barreras identificadas, sobre todo aquellas señaladas en la dimensión actitudinal que pueden ser modificadas a través de capacitaciones continuas al personal de salud.OBJECTIVE: Identify barriers and facilitators to implementing the Group Prenatal Care model in Mexico (GPC) from the health care personnel’s perspective. METHODS: We carried out a qualitative descriptive study in four clinics of the Ministry of Health in two states of Mexico (Morelos and Hidalgo) from June 2016 to August 2018. We conducted 11 semi-structured interviews with health care service providers, and we examined their perceptions and experiences during the implementation of the GPC model. We identified the barriers and facilitators for its adoption in two dimensions: a) structural (space, resources, health personnel, patient volume, community) and b) attitudinal (motivation, leadership, acceptability, address problems, work atmosphere and communication). RESULTS: The most relevant barriers reported at the structural level were the availability of physical space in health units and the work overload of health personnel. We identified the difficulty in adopting a less hierarchical relationship during the pregnant women’s care at the attitudinal level. The main facilitator at the attitudinal level was the acceptability that providers had of the model. One specific finding for Mexico’s implementation context was the resistance to change the doctor-patient relationship; it is difficult to abandon the prevailing hierarchical model and change to a more horizontal relationship with pregnant women. CONCLUSION: Analyzing the GPC model’s implementation in Mexico, from the health care personnel’s perspective, has revealed barriers and facilitators similar to the experiences in other contexts. Future efforts to adopt the model should focus on timely attention to identified barriers, especially those identified in the attitudinal dimension that can be modified by regular health care personnel training

    Exposure to nitric oxide protects against oxidative damage but increases the labile iron pool in sorghum embryonic axes

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    Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and diethylenetriamine NONOate (DETA NONOate), were used as the source of exogenous NO to study the effect of NO upon germination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) seeds through its possible interaction with iron. Modulation of cellular Fe status could be an important factor for the establishment of oxidative stress and the regulation of plant physiology. Fresh and dry weights of the embryonic axes were significantly increased in the presence of 0.1 mM SNP, as compared to control. Spin trapping EPR was used to assess the NO content in axes from control seeds after 24 h of imbibition (2.4±0.2 nmol NO g−1 FW) and seeds exposed to 0.01, 0.1, and 1 mM SNP (3.1±0.3, 4.6±0.2, and 6.0±0.9 nmol NO g−1 FW, respectively) and 1 mM DETA NONOate (6.2±0.6 nmol NO g−1 FW). Incubation of seeds with 1 mM SNP protected against oxidative damage to lipids and maintained membrane integrity. The content of the deferoxamine–Fe (III) complex significantly increased in homogenates of axes excised from seeds incubated in the presence of 1 mM SNP or 1 mM DETA NONOate as compared to the control (19±2 nmol Fe g−1 FW, 15.2±0.5 nmol Fe g−1 FW, and 8±1 nmol Fe g−1 FW, respectively), whereas total Fe content in the axes was not affected by the NO donor exposure. Data presented here provide experimental evidence to support the hypothesis that increased availability of NO drives not only protective effects to biomacromolecules, but to increasing the Fe availability for promoting cellular development as well

    Plant and Mammal Aquaporins: Same but Different

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    Aquaporins (AQPs) constitute an ancient and diverse protein family present in all living organisms, indicating a common ancient ancestor. However, during evolution, these organisms appear and evolve differently, leading to different cell organizations and physiological processes. Amongst the eukaryotes, an important distinction between plants and animals is evident, the most conspicuous difference being that plants are sessile organisms facing ever-changing environmental conditions. In addition, plants are mostly autotrophic, being able to synthesize carbohydrates molecules from the carbon dioxide in the air during the process of photosynthesis, using sunlight as an energy source. It is therefore interesting to analyze how, in these different contexts specific to both kingdoms of life, AQP function and regulation evolved. This review aims at highlighting similarities and differences between plant and mammal AQPs. Emphasis is given to the comparison of isoform numbers, their substrate selectivity, the regulation of the subcellular localization, and the channel activity