32 research outputs found

    Consumer perspectives on arranging circular economy in Finland

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    The article identifies consumer perspectives related to the activities that facilitate circular economy transitions across major consumption domains. Building on insights from surveys on the circular economy, we review consumer perspectives in the key consumption domains of food, housing, and transport, as well as consumer electronics. Our focus is on the responsibility for organizing the reuse of products and services, the preferred procedures for extending the lifespan of products and services, and the ways to acquire products and services. Analyzing responses from a representative survey of the population in Finland in 2018 (n=1555), we argue that consumers’ perspectives vary significantly across the domains examined. The responsibility for reuse is attributed mainly to consumers themselves, particularly in housing and consumer electronics. Personal activities are also highlighted in the extension of product and service lifespans in the domains of consumer electronics and transportation. As for acquisitions, the respondents overwhelmingly favored ownership over services or sharing. Further, statistically significant differences due to gender, age, education, income level, and household size were observed. The results indicate that domain-specific strategies to promote circularity that consider consumers’ backgrounds are likely to attract a better response from consumers than an all-encompassing approach.Peer reviewe

    Kuka päättää hyvinvointimallin tulevaisuudesta?

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    Ten years after : Is the party-centered theory of campaign professionalization still valid?

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    This study tests the explanatory strength of the party-centered theory of electoral campaign professionalism. The theory was previously subject to testing in various types of elections during the first decade of the new millennium, covering Germany, Austria, Sweden, and Finland. Nevertheless, empirical research in this field has been on hold for almost a decade, obstructing the development of the theory during a time when politics and political campaigns have taken new paths. In this article, the theory is revisited, presenting results from a unique time series study covering 48 party campaigns between 2009 and 2019 in three consecutive European parliamentary elections in two multiparty democracies, Sweden and Finland. Our results provide weak support for the party-centered theory of campaign professionalism in the form it was originally operationalized. Only a centralized party organization and a large support base with a catch-all strategy were found to be statistically significant predictors of campaign professionalism.Peer reviewe

    Tuhansien toimenpiteiden Suomi: Orpon hallituksen ohjelmaneuvottelut teknopoliittisena prosessina

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    Katsausartikkeli analysoi kokoomuksen puheenjohtaja Petteri Orpon luotsaamia hallitusneuvotteluita ja niiden tuloksena syntynyttä hallitusohjelmaa teknokraattisen asiantuntijatiedon käytön näkökulmasta. Kysymystä lähestytään käyttämällä teknopolitiikan käsitettä, joka viittaa poliittisten päämäärien ja runsaan asiantuntijatiedon yhdistämiseen. Tuloksista nousee esiin vahva yhteys neuvottelupöydissä tehtyjen toimenpidekirjausten ja asiantuntijakuulemisten välillä. Havaintoa voidaan selittää usealla eri tavalla, mutta katsauksen tulkinta korostaa hallitusneuvottelujen poliittisen asetelman merkitystä enemmän kuin asiantuntijoiden itsensä pyrkimystä vallankäyttöön. Oikeistopopulistisen puolueen mukanaolo neuvotteluissa saattoi myös osaltaan lisätä asiantuntijatiedon käyttöä. Sama vaikutus oli kokoomuksen pyrkimyksellä rakentaa hyvin yksityiskohtainen ohjelma, jota oli mahdollista ryhtyä nopeasti toteuttamaan

    Lack of Congruence between European Citizen Perspectives and Policies on Circular Economy

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    Keywords: circular economy, policy congruence, consumers, citizen visions, sustainability, topic modelling.The concept of circular economy has become a catchphrase for describing redesign of economies and industries towards better sustainability. The consideration of consumers holds a prominent role in the concept, yet consumers‟ concerns and hopes are not well accounted for. This article takes a forward-looking approach to the relationship between consumers and policies on circular economy. It analyses an extensive and systematically collected corpus of European citizen visions on desirable and sustainable futures from this perspective, and compares the outcomes to newly adopted circular economy policies in Europe. The article argues that European policies on circular economy should increasingly connect to energy and climate issues as well as social topics, if they are to build congruence between citizen and policy understandings, and thereby raise public acceptance for the concept.Peer reviewe

    Kuluttajat ja kansalaiset jakamistaloudessa - Tutkijapuheenvuoroja jakamistalouden kehitykseen

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    Jakamistalouden tutkimus avaa uusia näkymiä kulutusyhteiskunnan muutokseen. Julkaisu Kuluttajat ja kansalaiset jakamistaloudessa koostuu tutkijapuheenvuoroista, jotka kuvaavat kotitalouksien jakamistalouden moninaisuutta sekä kytköksiä yhteisöllisyyteen, kiertotalouteen ja digitaalisiin alustoihin. Tutkijoiden arviot perustuvat Tilastokeskuksen syksyllä 2019 keräämään kyselyyn, jossa selvitettiin kotitalouksien jakamistalouden palvelujen käyttöä