23 research outputs found

    Hybrid vehicles

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    Prijevoz od točke A do točke B je problematika kojom se čovječanstvo oduvijek bavi. Rješenje hibridnog vozila pruža neka poboljšanja, smanjenje zagađenja, optimizacija performansi i potrošnje goriva. U cjelinama je predočeno od čega se sastoji hibridno vozilo, na koji način funkcionira te su opisane optimizacije vožnje, odnosno mogućnosti koje pruža kompjutersko upravljanje. Kao zaključak predstavljeni su neki modeli, te odaziv hibridnih vozila na tržište.Transportation from point A to point B is a problem of which mankind has always deals with. This solution of hybrid vehicle offers some improvements, reduction of pollution, driving performance optimization and optimization of fuel consumption. In the units was shown from what constitutes hybrid vehicle, how it works and describes the driving optimization, and the opportunities of computer controlling. To sum up, there are presented some models, and the response of hybrid vehicles on the market

    Heisenberg double versus deformed derivatives

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    Two approaches to the tangent space of a noncommutative space whose coordinate algebra is the enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra are known: the Heisenberg double construction and the approach via deformed derivatives, usually defined by procedures involving orderings among noncommutative coordinates or equivalently involving realizations via formal differential operators. In an earlier work, we rephrased the deformed derivative approach introducing certain smash product algebra twisting a semicompleted Weyl algebra. We show here that the Heisenberg double in the Lie algebra case, is isomorphic to that product in a nontrivial way, involving a datum ϕ\phi parametrizing the orderings or realizations in other approaches. This way, we show that the two different formalisms, used by different communities, for introducing the noncommutative phase space for the Lie algebra type noncommutative spaces are mathematically equivalent

    Correlation of Endothelin-1 Concentration and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Activity with the Staging of Liver Fibrosis

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    Increased serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (SACE) activity and serum concentration of endothelin-1 (ET-1) were found in liver cirrhosis. We investigated a correlation between the different stages of liver fibrosis and SACE activity and serum ET-1 concentration. Seventy patients with pathohistologically established chronic liver disease were divided in three groups according to Ishak criteria for liver fibrosis: minimal fibrosis (Ishak score 0–1, n=20), medium fibrosis (Ishak score 2–5, n=20) and cirrhosis (Ishak score 6, n=30). SACE activity and ET-1 concentration were determined using commercial ELISA kits. SACE activity and ET-1 concentrations were proportional to the severity of disease, the highest being in patients with liver cirrhosis. Maximal increase in SACE activity was found between minimal and medium fibrosis while maximal increase in ET-1 concentration was revealed between medium fibrosis and cirrhosis. The analysis of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for SACE activity suggested a cut-off value to separate minimal from medium fibrosis at 59.00 U/L (sensitivity 100%, specificity 64.7%). The cut-off value for serum ET-1 concentration to separate medium fibrosis from cirrhosis was 12.4 pg/mL (sensitivity 96.8%, specificity 94.4%). A positive correlation between SACE activity and ET-1 concentration was registered (Spearman’s ñ=0.438, p=0.004). Both SACE activity and ET-1 concentration were increased in all stages of liver fibrosis. Cut-off points for SACE activity and ET-1 concentration could be a biochemical marker for the progression of fibrosis. Positive correlation between SACE activity and ET-1 concentration might indicate their interaction in the development of liver cirrhosis

    Polyphenol bioavailability and modulatory potential on brain antioxidative markers in C57BL/6 mouse

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    Background and purpose: Prunus spinose L. is a traditionally consumed, recently scientifically reexamined plant. Brain bioavailability and functionality of polyphenols (PPH) of blackthorn flower extract (PSE) was investigated.Materials and methods: C57BL/6 mice received oral daily repeated doses of 25 mg/kg body weight of total PSE polyphenols for 28 days. Brain concentrations of individual polyphenols from PSE were determined by UPLC/MS on 1st,7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th day. Brain antioxidative defense markers were examined as indicators of functionality after bioaccumulation.Results: A total of 68.7% PPH present in PSE were detected in the brain. Higher (p≤0.05) Cmax/AUClast in the PSE treatment vs. control group was recorded for 59.1% of brain detected compounds, indicating relatively good bioaccumulation in the brain. The highest present compounds in PSE were not necessarily the ones mostly bioapsorbed in the brain. Kaempherols were not significantly distributed, opposite to phenolic acids, quercetins or epicgaloatechin-3-gallate. The compounds with the highest concentrations on 28th day were 4-p-coumaroylquinonic acid, (-)-epicatechin, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin–rhamnoside, kaempherol-3-rutinoside and quercetin-3-gucoside. Brain lipid peroxidation (MDA) decreased (p<0.05) on the 21st and 28th day in the PSE group. Increase (p<0.05) in GSH concentration was observed on the 21st and 28th and SOD activity on the 28th day. Catalase activity was unchanged. It could be hypothesized that highest PPH concentration-ratios, caused reduction of lipid peroxidation by radical scavenging and simultaneous induction of glutathione and SOD pathways.Conclusions: Screened compounds could be candidates for examining or creation of brain targeted “neuro-nutriceuticals” polyphenol mixtures

    Revision of the Endodontic Filling with Solvents Eucalyptol, Halothane and Orange Oil

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    Kloroform je bio najčešće rabljena otopina kojom se je uklanjala gutaperka iz korijenskoga kanala. Rasprave o njegovoj sigurnosti potakle su uporabu novih otapala. Svrha ovoga rada bila je usporediti vrijeme potrebno za otapanje gutaperke eukaliptolom, halotanom i narančinim uljem. Sedamdeset jednokorijenskih zuba je sterilizirano, obrađeno konvencionalnom "step-back" tehnikom i ispunjeno tehnikom hladne lateralne kondenzacije te pohranjeno u 0,9% otopini NaCl 180 dana. Nakon toga izvršena je revizija korijenskoga punila. Revizija se smatrala završenom kad više nije bilo vidljivih tragova gutaperke i punila na kovinskim instrumentima i papirnim štapićima. U raščlambi rezultata primijenjeni su postupci prikladni prirodi raspodjele podataka ključnih varijabli (ANOVA s "post hoc" testovima). Utvrđena je statistički vjerodostojna razlika između brzine otapanja eukaliptolom u usporedbi s halotanom i narančinim uljem.Chloroform was the most frequently used solvent for removing guttapercha from the root canal. However, dispute with regard to its safety prompted the use of new solvents. The aim of this study was to compare the time required for dissolving gutta-percha by eucalyptol, halothane and orange oil. Seventy single rooted teeth were sterilised, treated by conventional "step-back" technique and filled by cold lateral condensation technique, and stored in 0.9% NaCl solvent for 180 days. After which revision of the root filler was performed. The revision was considered complete when no signs of gutta-percha and the filler were visible on the metallic instruments and paper sticks. In view of the distribution of data on key variables, ANOVA, with "post hoc" tests was applied during the analysis of results. Statistically reliable difference was determined between the speed of dissolvability with eucalyptol and the speed with halothane and orange oil

    Uticaj prisustva rezidua ohratoksina a i toksičnih elemenata u tkivima na bezbednost svinjskog mesa

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    The aim and task of this study was to determine the presence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in blood serum, liver and kidneys of fattening swine, slaughtered regularly, originating from different areas of Serbia. During meat inspection on the slaughterhouse line samples of blood, kidney and liver per animal were randomly sampled (n=90) and analyzed by HPLC for ochratoxin A. Also, the presence of nephrotoxic (cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic) elements in kidneys was carried out. Of the 90 liver samples, 26.6% contained OTA in the range of 0.22-14.5 ng/g, while the incidence of OTA in serum and kidney samples were very similar (31 and 33.3%, respectively). The analyses showed that serum samples were positive in the range of 0.22-221 ng/mL, while ochratoxin A concentrations in the kidney were between 0.17 and 52.5 ng/g. The mean distribution of OTA residue followed the pattern: serum>kidneys>liver (100>34>17), while in respect to occurrence it followed the pattern: kidneys>serum>liver (100>93.4>79.9). The results of this study showed that 2.2% of kidney sample had a content of ochratoxin A above the maximum permitted limit in Serbia of 10 ng/g. The results from this survey indicated that there was a low correlation between the OTA level in serum and liver as well as in the OTA level in kidney and liver (r=0.319 and 0.341, respectively) while the strongest correlation was found between the OTA level in serum and in kidney (r=0.973). The presence of mercury was found in 33.3% of kidney samples in the range of 0.005-0.055 mg/kg, while the presence of cadmium was found to a lesser degree (27.7%). The Hg concentrations in the kidney samples were lower than 0.10 mg/kg and did not exceed the guideline level established in Serbia, while concentration of cadmium in only one kidney sample was greater than 1.0 mg/kg, and exceeded the limit proposed by the Serbian Rule Book. The presence of arsenic was found only in one sample, while the presence of lead was not established. This study shows the presence of OTA in Serbian slaughtered pigs at levels comparable to those reported in other countries.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi prisustvo rezidua ohratoksina A (OTA) i toksičnih elemenata (kadmijum, olovo, živa i arsen) u tkivima zaklanih, tovnih svinja, poreklom iz različitih regiona Srbije. Tokom veterinarsko-sanitarnog pregleda zaklanih svinja, na liniji klanja, metodom slučajnog uzorkovanja uzimani su uzorci krvi, a zatim pripadajuća jetra i bubrezi, odgovarajuće životinje (n=90). Prisustvo rezidua OTA utvrđeno je u 26,6% uzoraka jetre u količini od 0,22 do 14,5 ng/g, dok je zastupljenost rezidua OTA u uzorcima krvne plazme i bubrega bila skoro identična (31,1 i 33,3%, ponaosob). Sadržaj OTA u uzorcima krvne plazme kretao se od 0,22 do 220,8 ng/mL, dok se u uzorcima bubrega kretao od 0,17 do 52,5 ng/g. Distribucija OTA u ispitanim tkivima (u %) u odnosu na sadržaj kretala se sledećim redosledom: krvna plazma> bubrezi>jetra (100>34>17), dok se u odnosu na zastupljenost rezidua kretala sledećim redosledom bubrezi>krvna plazma>jetra (100> 93,4>79,9). Rezultati naših istraživanja ukazuju na to da je u 2,2% ispitanih uzoraka bubrega utvrđen sadržaj OTA iznad maksimalno dozvoljene granice (10 ng/g). Nizak stepen pozitivne korelacije utvrđen je između sadržaja OTA u krvnoj plazmi i jetri (r=0,319), kao i između sadržaja OTA u jetri i bubrezima (r=0,341). Vrlo visok stepen pozitivne korelacije utvrđen je između sadržaja OTA u krvnoj plazmi i bubrezima (r=0,973). Prisustvo rezidua žive utvrđeno je u 33,3% uzoraka bubrega, u odnosu na učestalost nalaza rezidua kadmijuma koja je bila nešto manja (27,7%). Sadržaj žive kretao se u granicama predviđenim pravilnikom (0,005-0,055 mg/kg), dok je sadržaj kadmijuma u jednom uzorku bio iznad maksimalno dozvoljene granice (1,23 mg/kg). Prisustvo arsena utvrđeno je samo u jednom uzorku, dok prisustvo olova nije utvrđeno

    Replantation of Avulsed Permanent Maxillary Central Incisors with Avital Periodontal Ligament (PDL)- A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Obrađen je slučaj u kojem su izbijeni trajni medialni incizivi s vitalnim periodontnim ligamentom i koji su prije replantacije podvrgnuti fluoridaciji kako bi se produžila resorpcija korjenova. Nakon uobičajene pripreme korjenskoga kanala Ca (OH)2 pastom, izbijeni zubi tretirani su zakiseljenim fluornim preparatom 4 minute i replantirani uz imobilizaciju zičano-kompozitnim splintom tijekom deset dana. Na temelju kliničkoga praćenja (kontrolni rendgen, test pomičnosti, gingivalni indeks), dvije godine nakon replantacije klinički je nalaz uredan bez znakova nadomjesne resorpcije. Ovaj slučaj potvrđuje da nakon jetkanja ortofosfornom kiselinom aktivni fluor penetracijom u cementne tubule impregnira površinu korijena zuba usporavajući nadomjesnu resorpciju. Time se produžuje vijek izbijenog zuba u ustima, što je velik napredak u liječenju izbijenih zuba s avitalnim PDL-om.Replantation of permanent central incisors with avital periodontal ligaments following exarticulation due to trauma is presented. The avulsed teeth were fluoridated before replantation for the purpose of deferring resorption. Following usual procedures for root canal preparation, the avulsed teeth were teated with an acidic fluoride solution for 4 minutes followed by replantation and immobilization with a wire-composite splint for a period of ten days. Based upon clinical follow-up parameters (radiographs, mobility test; gingival index) there are no signs of replacement root resorption thirty months following replantation. This case confirms that active fluoride penetrates into the cementum tubules impregnating the surface of the root and slowing down replacement root resorption. This prolongs the survival time of the avulsed tooth in the mouth which presents an advancement in the treatment of this type of avulsion

    Technical inspection of machines for crop protection

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    Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, usklađuje se zakonodavstvo sa europskom direktivom 2009/128/EC, prema kojoj svi strojevi za zaštitu bilja moraju imati valjani tehnički pregled. Konačni nacrt zakona stupio je na snagu 24. siječnja 2014. godine (NN 14/14), prema kojem se tehnički pregled za sve strojeve u eksploataciji mora obaviti do 26. studenog 2016. godine. Trenutno u RH tehnički pregled obavilo je otprilike 16.000 strojeva koji su upisani u FIS bazu podataka. Glavnina strojeva sa valjanom naljepnicom o tehničkom pregledu je iz panonskog dijela države, a pretpostavka je da pregled mora obaviti još cca. 15 000 strojeva. Ministarstvo poljoprivrede sa Odjelom za održivu uporabu pesticida je nadležno za provedbu navedenog zakona, a tehnički pregled obavlja 11 mobilnih ispitnih stanica. Uspostavljen je sustav edukacije inspektora za tehnički pregled strojeva koji se obavlja prema normi EN 13790. Valjanost tehničkog pregleda izdaje se na rok od 3 godine, dok se novim strojevima (kupljeni nakon 01.01.2013. godine) izdaje naljepnica sa rokom od 5 godina, bez tehničkog pregleda, samo sa upisom u FIS bazu.By joining the Republic of Croatia with the European Union, legislation is aligned with the European Directive 2009/128/EC, according to which all plant protection machines must have a valid technical inspection. The final law draft entered into force on January 24, 2014 (NN 14/14), whereby a technical inspection of all machines in exploitation must be completed by November 26, 2016. Currently in the Republic of Croatia a technical inspection was carried out approx. 16 000 machines entered in the FIS database. Most of the machines with a valid label on the technical inspection are from the Pannonian part of the state, and the assumption is that the inspection must be accomplished by approx. 15 000 machines. The Ministry of Agriculture with the Department for Sustainable Use of Pesticides is competent for the implementation of this law, and a technical inspection is carried out by 11 mobile test stations. An inspectors’ education system has been established and the technical inspection is carried out according to EN 13790 standard. The validity of the technical inspection is issued for a period of 3 years, while the new machines (purchased after 01.01.2013.), received a 5-year valid sticker without a technical inspection, only with the entry into the FIS database

    Toxicological Assessment of Toxic Element Residues in Swine Kidney and Its Role in Public Health Risk Assessment

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    In order to ensure the safety of consumers in Serbia the prevalence of toxic elements (As, Cd, Hg, Pb) in swine kidney collected from three different areas in Serbia (n = 90) was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Also, in order to find information on the effects of accumulation of toxic elements on swine kidney, pathohistological examination of the kidneys was performed. The presence of mercury was found in 33.3% of kidney samples in the range of 0.005–0.055 mg/kg, while the presence of cadmium was detected less often (27.7%) but in larger amounts (0.05–1.23 mg/kg). The presence of arsenic was found only in one sample, while no lead was found. The results of the metal-to-metal correlation analysis supported there were the result of different sources of contamination. Pathohistological examination of kidneys confirms tubulopathies with oedema and cell vacuolization. In addition, haemorrhages and necrosis of proximal kidney tubule cells were found. This study demonstrates that toxic elements in Serbian slaughtered pigs are found at levels comparable to those reported in other countries, and consequently the levels reported in this study do not represent a concern from a consumer safety point of view. The lack of a strong correlation between histopathological changes and the incidence of toxic elements found in this study might be explained as the result of synergism among toxic elements and other nephrotoxic compounds which enhance the toxicity of the individual toxins even at the relatively low mean concentrations observed in this study