13 research outputs found

    An economic evaluation model of the logistic system based on container transportation

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    Over the recent years, the use of containers in the transport system has dramatically increased. The rise of world containerisation is the result of the interplay of macroeconomic, microeconomic and policy‐oriented factors. World trade is facilitated through the elimination of trade barriers and the liberalisation and deregulation of markets. Market liberalisation revealed a demand for enhancing the development of logistics services throughout the world. In the conceptual metamorphosis of the transportation system, cargo movements are viewed in light of the total distribution system. Producers, commodity shippers, ocean, air and land carriers, ports, logistics managers, freight forwarders and consignees are involved in such a total system. The physical distribution of cargo, then, involves an integrated logistics system. This article examines of changes in the transport system that occurred during the last decades because of the invention and application of containers. Moreover, an economic model of evaluating the logistic system based on container transportation is discussed. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Analysis of the current logistics and transport challenges in the context of the changing environment

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    The rapidly changing world determines changes in the business processes. Logistics and transport are the areas facing constant changes. Therefore, an important point is to analyse the current problems of logistics and transport within the context of the changing environment. For many years, the experts of the Dept of Logistics and Transport Management of the Faculty of Transport Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University have been pursuing research both, in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) in Lithuania and foreign countries. This research has been directed toward improvements to logistics and the entire supply chain in pursuit of economic, social and ecological competitiveness, an increase in the competitiveness and attractiveness of the transport system in the context of sustainable development, the impact of this system on the economic and social welfare of society, an increase in the competitiveness and attractiveness of the transport sector of improving the legal framework and the application of innovative technologies (including IT) in the transport sector aimed at implementing economic and social cohesion goals. The article deals with some of the key issues of the above introduced research

    Modelling of the containers handling’s cycle in the intermodal transport terminal

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos uosto konteinerių terminalų veiklos planavimo problemos. Pagrindinis darbo objektas – konteinerio aptarnavimo technologinis ciklas intermodalinio transporto terminale. Autorės suformuluotas konteinerio aptarnavimo ciklo matematinis modelis leido nustatyti ciklą įtakojančius veiksnius, juos įvertinti ir, remiantis jų reikšmingumu bendram ciklui, atlikti tradicinių terminalo technologijų daugiakriterinį vertinimą siekiant trumpiausio konteinerių aptarnavimo laiko. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai ir rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros ir autorės publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai bei aštuoni priedai. Įvade trumpai aptarta tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, pristatytas tyrimų objektas, suformuluotas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašyta tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, rezultatų praktinė reikšmė bei pateikti ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje išvardintos autorės paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose disertacijos tema. Pirmajame skyriuje atskleista terminalų reikšmė intermodalinių vežimų sistemai. Atlikta mokslinės literatūros šaltinių, skirtų terminalo veiklos problemoms spręsti, analizė. Taip pat išanalizuotos dažniausiai uosto konteinerių terminaluose naudojamos techninės priemonės. Antrasis skyrius skirtas populiariausių daugiakriterinio vertinimo metodų bei jų taikymo analizei. Parinktas priimtiniausias daugiakriterinio vertinimo metodas, taikytinas technologijų alternatyvų vertinimui. Trečiasis skyrius skirtas konteinerio aptarnavimo ciklo tyrimui. Skyriuje pateiktas autorės sudarytas matematinis konteinerio aptarnavimo ciklo modelis bei nustatyti tiesiogiai jį įtakojantys veiksniai. Ketvirtajame skyriuje įvertinta konteinerio aptarnavimo ciklą įtakojančių veiksnių įtaka. Gautų rezultatų pagrindu pritaikytas daugiakriterinio vertinimo metodas ir sukurta metodika intermodalinio terminalo technologijų vertinimui atlikti. Disertacijos tema publikuoti 9 moksliniai straipsniai ir pristatyti 9 pranešimai Lietuvos bei kitų šalių mokslinėse konferencijose

    A multi-criteria evaluation of container terminal technologies applying the COPRAS-G method

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    Over the recent years, the usage of containers has dramatically increased; subsequently, port container terminals annually serve more and more intensive flows, which leads to the necessity to find the ways of increasing terminal performance in order to achieve that a growing number of containers would be expeditiously served. The minimization of container handling duration in a terminal would reduce the total transportation time and create preconditions for an increase in the efficiency of the transport chain. The article deals with the above introduced problem on the basis of research on container handling operations applying different technologies when the objective function is the optimization of the container handling cycle that includes assessing the parameters of terminal technical systems and determining the most rational container handling technology. For this purpose, the system of the factors directly influencing the container handling cycle and expert assessment estimating the weight of each factor of the overall handling duration have been determined. With reference to the obtained results and adapted multi-attribute assessment method COPRAS-G, the evaluation of traditional terminal technologies was performed thus determining the most efficient technology under supposed conditions. First Published Online: 21 Dec 201

    The analysis of sustainable transport system development in Lithuania

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    Recently, sustainable development, as well as sustainable transport, have become the guiding principles of human activities. Transport is of special importance for economic development of Lithuania, therefore a sustainable transport system is required for achieving major goals of sustainable development. The paper discusses general aims of the European Union and Lithuania’s sustainable development strategies and the role of sustainable transport in this common development. Moreover, environmental, economical and social indicators describing sustainable transport development are considered. The analysis of sustainable transport development of Lithuania is also made, and the impact of transport on economics and the welfare of socials is evaluated. Article in Lithuanian. Darnaus transporto sistemos plėtojimo Lietuvoje analizė Santrauka. Darnus vystymasis šiandien yra tapęs pagrindiniu žmogiškosios veiklos principu, ne išimtis – ir darni transporto sektoriaus plėtra. Lietuvoje transportas turi ypač didelę reikšmę bendram ekonomikos lygiui, todėl darnus transporto sistemos plėtojimas yra būtinas siekiant bendro darnaus vystymosi tikslų. Šiame straipsnyje aptariama ES ir Lietuvos darnios plėtros  strategijų pagrindiniai tikslai bei darnaus transporto vaidmuo bendroje plėtroje. Taip pat analizuojami pagrindiniai darnų transporto sektoriaus plėtojimą vertinantys aplinkos apsaugos, ekonominiai ir socialiniai rodikliai. Remiantis nustatytų rodiklių duomenimis, atlikta Lietuvos transporto sektoriaus  darnaus plėtojimo analizė bei įvertintas transporto poveikis ekonomikai ir visuomenės gerovei.  Reikšminiai žodžiai: darnus vystymasis, transporto sistema, plėtros rodikliai

    Review of current state of European 3PL market and its main challenges

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    This article examines basic reasons behind the use of 3 PL, i.e. the main drivers of outsourcing (Chapter 2) as well as explains the essence of 3PL service (Chapter 3). In Chapter 4 the analysis of current state of 3 PL market in Europe has been analysed. Finally, Chapter 5 gives an overview of the main challenges that European 3 PL service providers currently are facing

    Analysis of Lithuanian transport sector possibilities in the context of European-Asian trade relations

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    The fundamental importance of an integrated international multimodal transport system has been clearly recognised. The identification and development of well functioning transport relations on the basis of existing transport corridors and networks requires properly defined, formalised, and coordinated joint actions among the relevant countries, international institutions and organisations. The geographical position of Lithuania has determined that the country is crossed by the two European transport corridors approved at the Conferences of the European Transport Ministers in Crete and Helsinki, creating ability for Lithuania in trade between EU and Asia. Paper presents an overview of recent changes in world economy and international trade emphasizing the growing importance of European - Asian relations. Then analysis of existing transport links assuring possible ways for freight movements between these two regions are examined and method for the comparison of transportation alternatives based on corridor utility is presented. Finally, some key development trends towards the strengthening of Lithuanian transport system role in the context of European-Asian trade relations are discussed

    Analysis of sustainable freight and passenger road transport development using ITS

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    The paper presents an analysis of measures to be taken for development of sustainable transport system. Increasing traffic intensity unavoidably requires faster development and modernisation of transport infrastructure, which means not only larger investment but also better transport policy and introduction of more advanced solutions, such as promotion and deployment of ITS – intelligent transport systems and services. In Lithuania for development of a modern transport system meeting the EU standards and criteria, the key priority is given to development, rehabilitation and modernisation of those transport infrastructure objects that form an integral part of TEN-T. Another as much as significant task is to improve road, railway, water and multimodal transport infrastructure of national and regional significance in order to cope with the growing mobility needs of the society, promote development of business and tourism, and increase competitiveness of the economy. In recent years the ITS deployment policy have been strongly promoted in the national level. Road safety is a further area where substantial improvement is needed, despite significant achievements in the past. Application of ITS is seen as one of the most effective tools in order to improve traffic safety and other areas of transport

    The feasibility study to transfer goods between ports of Klaipeda and Swinoujusce

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    The purpose of this article is to present results of the research of feasibilities of freight transportation by ferry between Klaipeda Seaport in Lithuania and Swinoujusce Seaport in Poland. The study is related to the BSR Interreg III B NP project Baltic Gateway PLUS. The study includes the following researches: (1) to specify freight flows to Region Berlin via Klaipeda Seaport; (2) to specify freight flows to Region Berlin via Kalvariju cross border check point. The applied method is the collection of official statistical data for years 2005 and 2006 from legal statistical bureaus and some freight operators. The study concluded that freight flow via Klaipeda port and Kalvariju check point (incl. Lazdiju) to the so-called Region Berlin defined as the destination point in which freight was unloaded was 199,59 thousand tons in 2005 and 229,96 thousand tons in 2006. Freight flow via Klaipeda port and Kalvariju check point (incl. Lazdiju) from the so-called Region Berlin defined as origin point in which freight was loaded was 48,88 thousand tons in 2005 and 78,45 thousand tons in 2006. About 10 % of freight flow in axis Kalvariju-Berlin is loaded/unloaded in the so-called Region Berlin. About 90 % of flow in the mentioned axe is a cross trade flow of Region Berlin