53 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity and origin of the feral horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park

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    Feral horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP) represent an iconic era of the North Dakota Badlands. Their uncertain history raises management questions regarding origins, genetic diversity, and long-term genetic viability. Hair samples with follicles were collected from 196 horses in the Park and used to sequence the control region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and to profile 12 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) markers. Three mtDNA haplotypes found in the TRNP horses belonged to haplogroups L and B. The control region variation was low with haplotype diversity of 0.5271, nucleotide diversity of 0.0077 and mean pairwise difference of 2.93. We sequenced one mitochondrial genome from each haplotype determined by the control region. Two complete mtDNA sequences of haplogroup L were closely related to the mtDNA of American Paint horse. The TRNP haplotype B did not have close matches in GenBank. The phylogenetic test placed this sequence in a group consisting of two horses from China, one from Yakutia, and one from Italy raising a possibility of historical transportation of horses from Siberia and East Asia to North America. Autosomal STR loci were polymorphic and indicated that the TRNP horses were distinctly different from 48 major horse breeds. Heterozygosity, mean number of alleles, and other measures of diversity indicated that TRNP herd diversity was below that observed for most other feral herds and domestic breeds. Both mtDNA and STRs demonstrated that the existing genetic data sets of horses are insufficient to determine the exact origins of the TRNP horses. However, measures of nuclear and mitochondrial diversity have elucidated management needs. It is recommended that new genetic stock be introduced and that adaptive management principles are employed to ensure that unique mitochondrial lineages are preserved and genetic diversity is increased and maintained over time

    Equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies maps to a 4.9 megabase interval on horse chromosome 6

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies (MCOA) syndrome consists of a diverse set of abnormalities predominantly localized to the frontal part of the eye. The disease is in agreement with a codominant mode of inheritance in our horse material. Animals presumed to be heterozygous for the mutant allele have cysts originating from the temporal ciliary body, peripheral retina and/or iris. In contrast, animals predicted to be homozygous for the disease-causing allele possess a wide range of multiple abnormalities, including iridociliary and/or peripheral retinal cysts, iridocorneal angle abnormalities, cornea globosa, iris hypoplasia and congenital cataracts. MCOA is most common in the Rocky Mountain horse breed where it occurs at a high frequency among Silver colored horses. The Silver coat color is associated with mutations in <it>PMEL17 </it>that resides on ECA6q23. To map the <it>MCOA </it>locus we analyzed 11 genetic markers on ECA6q and herein describe a chromosome interval for the <it>MCOA </it>locus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We performed linkage analysis within 17 paternal half-sib families of the Rocky Mountain horse breed. More than half of the 131 offspring had the Cyst phenotype and about one third had MCOA. Segregation data were obtained by genotyping 10 microsatellite markers most of which are positioned on ECA6q22-23, as well as the missense mutation for the Silver phenotype in <it>PMEL17</it>. Significant linkage was found between the <it>MCOA </it>locus and eight of the genetic markers, where marker <it>UPP5 </it>(Theta = 0, z = 12.3), <it>PMEL17ex11 </it>(Theta = 0, z = 19.0) and <it>UPP6 </it>(Theta = 0, z = 17.5) showed complete linkage with the <it>MCOA </it>locus. DNA sequencing of <it>PMEL17 </it>in affected and healthy control individuals did not reveal any additional mutations than the two mutations associated with the Silver coat color.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>MCOA </it>locus can with high confidence be positioned within a 4.9 megabase (Mb) interval on ECA6q. The genotype data on <it>UPP5</it>, <it>PMEL17ex11 </it>and <it>UPP6 </it>strongly support the hypothesis that horses with the Cyst phenotype are heterozygous for the mutant allele and that horses with the MCOA phenotype are homozygous for the mutant allele.</p

    A missense variant in the coil1A domain of the keratin 25 gene is associated with the dominant curly hair coat trait (Crd) in horse

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    Curly horses present a variety of curl phenotypes that are associated with various degrees of curliness of coat, mane, tail and ear hairs. Their origin is still a matter of debate and several genetic hypotheses have been formulated to explain the diversity in phenotype, including the combination of autosomal dominant and recessive alleles. Our purpose was to map the autosomal dominant curly hair locus and identify the causal variant using genome-wide association study (GWAS) and whole-genome sequencing approaches. A GWAS was performed using a Bayesian sparse linear mixed model, based on 51 curly and 19 straighthaired French and North American horses from 13 paternal families genotyped on the Illumina EquineSNP50 Bead-Chip. A single strong signal was observed on equine chromosome 11, in a region that encompasses the type I keratin gene cluster. This region was refined by haplotype analysis to a segment including 36 genes, among which are 10 keratin genes (KRT-10, -12, -20, -23, -24, -25, -26, -27, -28, -222). To comprehensively identify candidate causal variants within all these genes, whole-genome sequences were obtained for one heterozygous curly stallion and its straighthaired son. Among the four non-synonymous candidate variants identified and validated in the curly region, only variant g. 21891160G> A in the KRT25 gene (KRT25:p.R89H) was in perfect agreement with haplotype status in the whole pedigree. Genetic association was then confirmed by genotyping a larger population consisting of 353 horses. However, five discordant curly horses were observed, which carried neither the variant nor the main haplotype associated with curliness. Sequencing of KRT25 for two discordant horses did not identify any other deleterious variant, which suggests locus rather than allelic heterogeneity for the curly phenotype. We identified the KRT25: p. R89H variant as responsible for the dominant curly trait, but a second dominant locus may also be involved in the shape of hairs within North American Curly horses

    An 8.22 Mb Assembly and Annotation of the Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y Chromosome.

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    The unique evolutionary dynamics and complex structure make the Y chromosome the most diverse and least understood region in the mammalian genome, despite its undisputable role in sex determination, development, and male fertility. Here we present the first contig-level annotated draft assembly for the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y chromosome based on hybrid assembly of short- and long-read sequence data of flow-sorted Y. The latter was also used for cDNA selection providing Y-enriched testis transcriptome for annotation. The final assembly of 8.22 Mb comprised 4.5 Mb of male specific Y (MSY) and 3.7 Mb of the pseudoautosomal region. In MSY, we annotated 15 X-degenerate genes and two novel transcripts, but no transposed sequences. Two MSY genes, HSFY and RBMY, are multicopy. The pseudoautosomal boundary is located between SHROOM2 and HSFY. Comparative analysis shows that the small and cytogenetically distinct alpaca Y shares most of MSY sequences with the larger dromedary and Bactrian camel Y chromosomes. Most of alpaca X-degenerate genes are also shared with other mammalian MSYs, though WWC3Y is Y-specific only in alpaca/camels and the horse. The partial alpaca Y assembly is a starting point for further expansion and will have applications in the study of camelid populations and male biology

    Comparative FISH-Mapping of MC1R, ASIP, and TYRP1 in New and Old World Camelids and Association Analysis With Coat Color Phenotypes in the Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)

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    Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), the agouti signaling protein (ASIP), and tyrosinase related protein 1 (TYRP1) are among the major regulators of pigmentation in mammals. Recently, MC1R and ASIP sequence variants were associated with white and black/dark brown coat colors, respectively, in the dromedary. Here we confirmed this association by independent sequencing and mutation discovery of MC1R and ASIP coding regions and by TaqMan genotyping in 188 dromedaries from Saudi Arabia and United States, including 38 black, 53 white, and 97 beige/brown/red animals. We showed that heterozygosity for a missense mutation c.901C &gt; T in MC1R is sufficient for the white coat color suggesting a possible dominant negative effect. Likewise, we confirmed that the majority of black dromedaries were homozygous for a frameshift mutation in ASIP exon 2, except for 4 animals, which were heterozygous. In search for additional mutations underlying the black color, we identified another frameshift mutation in ASIP exon 4 and 6 new variants in MC1R including a significantly associated SNP in 3′UTR. In pursuit of sequence variants that may modify dromedary wild-type color from dark-reddish brown to light beige, we identified 4 SNPs and one insertion in TYRP1 non-coding regions. However, none of these were associated with variations in wild-type colors. Finally, the three genes were cytogenetically mapped in New World (alpaca) and Old World (dromedary and Bactrian camel) camelids. The MC1R was assigned to chr21, ASIP to chr19 and TYRP1 to chr4 in all 3 species confirming extensive conservation of camelid karyotypes. Notably, while the locations of ASIP and TYRP1 were in agreement with human-camelid comparative map, mapping MC1R identified a new evolutionary conserved synteny segment between camelid chromosome 21 and HSA16. The findings contribute to coat color genomics and the development of molecular tests in camelids and toward the chromosome level reference assemblies of camelid genomes

    Major inconsistencies of inferred population genetic structure estimated in a large set of domestic horse breeds using microsatellites

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    STRUCTURE remains the most applied software aimed at recovering the true, but unknown, population structure from microsatellite or other genetic markers. About 30% of structure-based studies could not be reproduced (Molecular Ecology, 21, 2012, 4925). Here we use a large set of data from 2,323 horses from 93 domestic breeds plus the Przewalski horse, typed at 15 microsatellites, to evaluate how program settings impact the estimation of the optimal number of population clusters Kopt that best describe the observed data. Domestic horses are suited as a test case as there is extensive background knowledge on the history of many breeds and extensive phylogenetic analyses. Different methods based on different genetic assumptions and statistical procedures (dapc, flock, PCoA, and structure with different run scenarios) all revealed general, broad-scale breed relationships that largely reflect known breed histories but diverged how they characterized small-scale patterns. structure failed to consistently identify Kopt using the most widespread approach, the ΔK method, despite very large numbers of MCMC iterations (3,000,000) and replicates (100). The interpretation of breed structure over increasing numbers of K, without assuming a Kopt, was consistent with known breed histories. The over-reliance on Kopt should be replaced by a qualitative description of clustering over increasing K, which is scientifically more honest and has the advantage of being much faster and less computer intensive as lower numbers of MCMC iterations and repetitions suffice for stable results. Very large data sets are highly challenging for cluster analyses, especially when populations with complex genetic histories are investigated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Copy Number Variation in the Horse Genome

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    We constructed a 400K WG tiling oligoarray for the horse and applied it for the discovery of copy number variations (CNVs) in 38 normal horses of 16 diverse breeds, and the Przewalski horse. Probes on the array represented 18,763 autosomal and X-linked genes, and intergenic, sub-telomeric and chrY sequences. We identified 258 CNV regions (CNVRs) across all autosomes, chrX and chrUn, but not in chrY. CNVs comprised 1.3% of the horse genome with chr12 being most enriched. American Miniature horses had the highest and American Quarter Horses the lowest number of CNVs in relation to Thoroughbred reference. The Przewalski horse was similar to native ponies and draft breeds. The majority of CNVRs involved genes, while 20% were located in intergenic regions. Similar to previous studies in horses and other mammals, molecular functions of CNV-associated genes were predominantly in sensory perception, immunity and reproduction. The findings were integrated with previous studies to generate a composite genome-wide dataset of 1476 CNVRs. Of these, 301 CNVRs were shared between studies, while 1174 were novel and require further validation. Integrated data revealed that to date, 41 out of over 400 breeds of the domestic horse have been analyzed for CNVs, of which 11 new breeds were added in this study. Finally, the composite CNV dataset was applied in a pilot study for the discovery of CNVs in 6 horses with XY disorders of sexual development. A homozygous deletion involving AKR1C gene cluster in chr29 in two affected horses was considered possibly causative because of the known role of AKR1C genes in testicular androgen synthesis and sexual development. While the findings improve and integrate the knowledge of CNVs in horses, they also show that for effective discovery of variants of biomedical importance, more breeds and individuals need to be analyzed using comparable methodological approaches.Sharmila Ghosh, Zhipeng Qu, Pranab J. Das, Erica Fang, Rytis Juras, E. Gus Cothran, Sue McDonell, Daniel G. Kenney, Teri L. Lear, David L. Adelson, Bhanu P. Chowdhary, Terje Raudsep

    Y-Chromosomal Insights into Breeding History and Sire Line Genealogies of Arabian Horses

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    The Y chromosome is a valuable genetic marker for studying the origin and influence of paternal lineages in populations. In this study, we conducted Y-chromosomal lineage-tracing in Arabian horses. First, we resolved a Y haplotype phylogeny based on the next generation sequencing data of 157 males from several breeds. Y-chromosomal haplotypes specific for Arabian horses were inferred by genotyping a collection of 145 males representing most Arabian sire lines that are active around the globe. These lines formed three discrete haplogroups, and the same haplogroups were detected in Arabian populations native to the Middle East. The Arabian haplotypes were clearly distinct from the ones detected in Akhal Tekes, Turkoman horses, and the progeny of two Thoroughbred foundation sires. However, a haplotype introduced into the English Thoroughbred by the stallion Byerley Turk (1680), was shared among Arabians, Turkomans, and Akhal Tekes, which opens a discussion about the historic connections between Oriental horse types. Furthermore, we genetically traced Arabian sire line breeding in the Western World over the past 200 years. This confirmed a strong selection for relatively few male lineages and uncovered incongruences to written pedigree records. Overall, we demonstrate how fine-scaled Y-analysis contributes to a better understanding of the historical development of horse breeds.Peer Reviewe

    Targeted analysis of four breeds narrows equine Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies locus to 208 kilobases

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    The syndrome Multiple Congenital Ocular Anomalies (MCOA) is the collective name ascribed to heritable congenital eye defects in horses. Individuals homozygous for the disease allele (MCOA phenotype) have a wide range of eye anomalies, while heterozygous horses (Cyst phenotype) predominantly have cysts that originate from the temporal ciliary body, iris, and/or peripheral retina. MCOA syndrome is highly prevalent in the Rocky Mountain Horse but the disease is not limited to this breed. Affected horses most often have a Silver coat color; however, a pleiotropic link between these phenotypes is yet to be proven. Locating and possibly isolating these traits would provide invaluable knowledge to scientists and breeders. This would favor maintenance of a desirable coat color while addressing the health concerns of the affected breeds, and would also provide insight into the genetic basis of the disease. Identical-by-descent mapping was used to narrow the previous 4.6-Mb region to a 264-kb interval for the MCOA locus. One haplotype common to four breeds showed complete association to the disease (Cyst phenotype, n = 246; MCOA phenotype, n = 83). Candidate genes from the interval, SMARCC2 and IKZF4, were screened for polymorphisms and genotyped, and segregation analysis allowed the MCOA syndrome region to be shortened to 208 kb. This interval also harbors PMEL17, the gene causative for Silver coat color. However, by shortening the MCOA locus by a factor of 20, 176 other genes have been unlinked from the disease and only 15 genes remain