286 research outputs found

    On the Synchronizing Probability Function and the Triple Rendezvous Time for Synchronizing Automata

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    Cerny's conjecture is a longstanding open problem in automata theory. We study two different concepts, which allow to approach it from a new angle. The first one is the triple rendezvous time, i.e., the length of the shortest word mapping three states onto a single one. The second one is the synchronizing probability function of an automaton, a recently introduced tool which reinterprets the synchronizing phenomenon as a two-player game, and allows to obtain optimal strategies through a Linear Program. Our contribution is twofold. First, by coupling two different novel approaches based on the synchronizing probability function and properties of linear programming, we obtain a new upper bound on the triple rendezvous time. Second, by exhibiting a family of counterexamples, we disprove a conjecture on the growth of the synchronizing probability function. We then suggest natural follow-ups towards Cernys conjecture.Comment: A preliminary version of the results has been presented at the conference LATA 2015. The current ArXiv version includes the most recent improvement on the triple rendezvous time upper bound as well as formal proofs of all the result

    On random primitive sets, directable NDFAs and the generation of slowly synchronizing DFAs

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    We tackle the problem of the randomized generation of slowly synchronizing deterministic automata (DFAs) by generating random primitive sets of matrices. We show that when the randomized procedure is too simple the exponent of the generated sets is O(n log n) with high probability, thus the procedure fails to return DFAs with large reset threshold. We extend this result to random nondeterministic automata (NDFAs) by showing, in particular, that a uniformly sampled NDFA has both a 2-directing word and a 3-directing word of length O(n log n) with high probability. We then present a more involved randomized algorithm that manages to generate DFAs with large reset threshold and we finally leverage this finding for exhibiting new families of DFAs with reset threshold of order Ω(n2/4) \Omega(n^2/4) .Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1805.0672

    Data-driven computation of invariant sets of discrete time-invariant black-box systems

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    We consider the problem of computing the maximal invariant set of discrete-time black-box nonlinear systems without analytic dynamical models. Under the assumption that the system is asymptotically stable, the maximal invariant set coincides with the domain of attraction. A data-driven framework relying on the observation of trajectories is proposed to compute almost-invariant sets, which are invariant almost everywhere except a small subset. Based on these observations, scenario optimization problems are formulated and solved. We show that probabilistic invariance guarantees on the almost-invariant sets can be established. To get explicit expressions of such sets, a set identification procedure is designed with a verification step that provides inner and outer approximations in a probabilistic sense. The proposed data-driven framework is illustrated by several numerical examples.Comment: A shorter version with the title "Scenario-based set invariance verification for black-box nonlinear systems" is published in the IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS

    On feedback stabilization of linear switched systems via switching signal control

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    Motivated by recent applications in control theory, we study the feedback stabilizability of switched systems, where one is allowed to chose the switching signal as a function of x(t)x(t) in order to stabilize the system. We propose new algorithms and analyze several mathematical features of the problem which were unnoticed up to now, to our knowledge. We prove complexity results, (in-)equivalence between various notions of stabilizability, existence of Lyapunov functions, and provide a case study for a paradigmatic example introduced by Stanford and Urbano.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Tight Bounds for Consensus Systems Convergence

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    We analyze the asymptotic convergence of all infinite products of matrices taken in a given finite set, by looking only at finite or periodic products. It is known that when the matrices of the set have a common nonincreasing polyhedral norm, all infinite products converge to zero if and only if all infinite periodic products with period smaller than a certain value converge to zero, and bounds exist on that value. We provide a stronger bound holding for both polyhedral norms and polyhedral seminorms. In the latter case, the matrix products do not necessarily converge to 0, but all trajectories of the associated system converge to a common invariant space. We prove our bound to be tight, in the sense that for any polyhedral seminorm, there is a set of matrices such that not all infinite products converge, but every periodic product with period smaller than our bound does converge. Our technique is based on an analysis of the combinatorial structure of the face lattice of the unit ball of the nonincreasing seminorm. The bound we obtain is equal to half the size of the largest antichain in this lattice. Explicitly evaluating this quantity may be challenging in some cases. We therefore link our problem with the Sperner property: the property that, for some graded posets, -- in this case the face lattice of the unit ball -- the size of the largest antichain is equal to the size of the largest rank level. We show that some sets of matrices with invariant polyhedral seminorms lead to posets that do not have that Sperner property. However, this property holds for the polyhedron obtained when treating sets of stochastic matrices, and our bound can then be easily evaluated in that case. In particular, we show that for the dimension of the space n8n \geq 8, our bound is smaller than the previously known bound by a multiplicative factor of 32πn\frac{3}{2 \sqrt{\pi n}}

    Efficient Algorithms for the Consensus Decision Problem

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    We address the problem of determining if a discrete time switched consensus system converges for any switching sequence and that of determining if it converges for at least one switching sequence. For these two problems, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions that can be checked in singly exponential time. As a side result, we prove the existence of a polynomial time algorithm for the first problem when the system switches between only two subsystems whose corresponding graphs are undirected, a problem that had been suggested to be NP-hard by Blondel and Olshevsky.Comment: Small modifications after comments from reviewer

    A Note on a Recent Attempt to Improve the Pin-Frankl Bound

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    We provide a counterexample to a lemma used in a recent tentative improvement of the the Pin-Frankl bound for synchronizing automata. This example naturally leads us to formulate an open question, whose answer could fix the line of proof, and improve the bound.Comment: Short note presenting a counterexample and the resulting open questio

    Reachability of Consensus and Synchronizing Automata

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    We consider the problem of determining the existence of a sequence of matrices driving a discrete-time consensus system to consensus. We transform this problem into one of the existence of a product of the transition (stochastic) matrices that has a positive column. We then generalize some results from automata theory to sets of stochastic matrices. We obtain as a main result a polynomial-time algorithm to decide the existence of a sequence of matrices achieving consensus.Comment: Update after revie

    Minimally Constrained Stable Switched Systems and Application to Co-simulation

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    We propose an algorithm to restrict the switching signals of a constrained switched system in order to guarantee its stability, while at the same time attempting to keep the largest possible set of allowed switching signals. Our work is motivated by applications to (co-)simulation, where numerical stability is a hard constraint, but should be attained by restricting as little as possible the allowed behaviours of the simulators. We apply our results to certify the stability of an adaptive co-simulation orchestration algorithm, which selects the optimal switching signal at run-time, as a function of (varying) performance and accuracy requirements.Comment: Technical report complementing the following conference publication: Gomes, Cl\'audio, Beno\^it Legat, Rapha\"el Jungers, and Hans Vangheluwe. "Minimally Constrained Stable Switched Systems and Application to Co-Simulation." In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Miami Beach, FL, USA, 201