46,224 research outputs found

    Angular correlations in multi-jet final states from kt-dependent parton showers

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    We investigate parton-branching methods based on transverse-momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions and matrix elements for the Monte Carlo simulation of multi-particle final states at high-energy colliders. We observe that recently measured angular correlations in ep final states with multiple hadronic jets probe QCD coherence effects in the space-like branching, associated with finite-angle gluon radiation from partons carrying small longitudinal momenta, and not included in standard shower generators. We present Monte Carlo calculations for azimuthal two-jet and three-jet distributions, for jet multiplicities and for correlations in the transverse-momentum imbalance between the leading jets. We discuss comparisons with current experimental multi-jet data, and implications of corrections to collinear-ordered showers for LHC final states.Comment: 25 pages. Discussion and references expanded; results unchanged. Additional calculations include

    Space shuttle: Basic subsonic static aerodynamic characteristics for Grumman H-33 orbiter configuration (M equals 0.17)

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    Results of an experimental aerodynamic investigation of the H-33 space orbiter are presented. The investigation was undertaken to determine static aerodynamic characteristics of the orbiter at a Mach number of 0.17. These data were determined by employing a 1/25 scale model of the orbiter for pitch and yaw variations of -4 degrees to 24 degrees to 15 degrees, respectively. Investigations were conducted in the 7 - by - 10 foot wind tunnel

    Hadroproduction of electroweak gauge boson plus jets and TMD parton density functions

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    If studies of electroweak gauge boson final states at the Large Hadron Collider, for Standard Model physics and beyond, are sensitive to effects of the initial state's transverse momentum distribution, appropriate generalizations of QCD shower evolution are required. We propose a method to do this based on QCD transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization at high energy. The method incorporates experimental information from the high-precision deep inelastic scattering (DIS) measurements, and includes experimental and theoretical uncertainties on TMD parton density functions. We illustrate the approach presenting results for production of W-boson + n jets at the LHC, including azimuthal correlations and subleading jet distributions.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. v2: comments and references added, typos corrected; results unchange

    A kT-dependent sea-quark density for the CASCADE Monte Carlo event generator

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    Parton-shower event generators that go beyond the collinear-ordering approximation at small x have so far included only gluon and valence quark channels at transverse momentum dependent level. We describe results of recent work to include effects of the sea-quark distribution with explicit dependence on the transverse quark-momentum.This sea-quark density is then applied to the description of forward Z -production. The qq*->Z matrix element (with one off-shell quark) is calculated in an explicit gauge invariant way, making use of high energy factorization. The kT-factorized result has been implemented into the CCFM Monte-Carlo CASCADE and a numerical comparison with the qg*->Zq matrix element has been carried out.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, based on a talk given at the XXI Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 11-15 April, Newport News, Virginia (2011

    The CCFM uPDF evolution uPDFevolv

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    uPDFevolv is an evolution code for TMD parton densities using the CCFM evolution equation. A description of the underlying theoretical model and technical realization is given together with a detailed program description, with emphasis on parameters the user may want to changeComment: Code and description on https://updfevolv.hepforge.org Version to be published in EPJ

    Treating jet correlations in high pile-up at hadron colliders

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    Experiments in the high-luminosity runs at the Large Hadron Collider face the challenges of very large pile-up. Primary techniques to deal with this are based on precise vertex and track reconstruction. Outside tracker acceptances, however, lie regions of interest for many aspects of the LHC physics program. We explore complementary approaches to pile-up treatment and propose a data-driven jet-mixing method which can be used outside tracker acceptances without depending on Monte Carlo generators. The method can be applied to treat correlation observables and take into account, besides the jet transverse momentum pedestal, effects of hard jets from pile-up.Comment: Latex. 8 pages, 5 figure

    Multi-scale simulations of black hole accretion in barred galaxies: Self-gravitating disk models

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    Due to the non-axisymmetric potential of the central bar, barred spiral galaxies form, in addition to their characteristic arms and bar, a variety of structures within the thin gas disk, like nuclear rings, inner spirals and dust-lanes. These structures in the inner kiloparsec are most important to explain and understand the rate of black hole feeding. The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of stellar bars in spiral galaxies on the thin self-gravitating gas disk. We focus on the accretion of gas onto the central supermassive black hole and its time-dependent evolution. We conduct multi-scale simulations simultaneously resolving the galactic disk and the accretion disk around the central black-hole. We vary in all simulations the initial gas disk mass. As additional parameter we choose either the gas temperature for isothermal simulations or the cooling timescale in case of non-isothermal simulations. Accretion is either driven by a gravitationally unstable or clumpy accretion disk or by energy dissipation in strong shocks. Most simulations show a strong dependence of the accretion rate at the outer boundary of the central accretion disk (r<300 pcr< 300~\mathrm{pc}) on the gas flow at kiloparsec scales. The final black hole masses reach up to ∼109M⊙\sim 10^9 M_\odot after 1.6 Gyr1.6~\mathrm{Gyr}. Our models show the expected influence of the Eddington limit and a decline in growth rate at the corresponding sub-Eddington limit

    Space Charge Effects in Ferroelectric Thin Films

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    The effects of space charges on hysteresis loops and field distributions in ferroelectrics have been investigated numerically using the phenomenological Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire theory. Cases with the ferroelectric fully and partially depleted have been considered. In general, increasing the number of charged impurities results in a lowering of the polarization and coercive field values. Squarer loops were observed in the partially depleted cases and a method was proposed to identify fully depleted samples experimentally from dielectric and polarization measurements alone. Unusual field distributions found for higher dopant concentrations have some interesting implications for leakage mechanisms and limit the range of validity of usual semiconductor equations for carrier transport.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure
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