723 research outputs found

    EGS — Goodbye or Back to the Future 95

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    The heat content of the crystalline basement is by far the biggest energy resource of the earth crust. First attempts to access this resource date back to the early 1970´th and more than a dozen research and industrial projects have been performed since than in various countries. But still the technique, known as HDR (Hot-Dry-Rock) or EGS (Enhanced-Geothermal-Systems) is not mature and the thermal power achieved so far does not meet economical standards. In addition further development is now hindered by the risk of induced earthquakes

    Compressive Nonparametric Graphical Model Selection For Time Series

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    We propose a method for inferring the conditional indepen- dence graph (CIG) of a high-dimensional discrete-time Gaus- sian vector random process from finite-length observations. Our approach does not rely on a parametric model (such as, e.g., an autoregressive model) for the vector random process; rather, it only assumes certain spectral smoothness proper- ties. The proposed inference scheme is compressive in that it works for sample sizes that are (much) smaller than the number of scalar process components. We provide analytical conditions for our method to correctly identify the CIG with high probability.Comment: to appear in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 201

    Wirtschaftlichkeitsfaktoren beim integrationsorientierten Reengineering:Verteilungsarchitektur und Integrationsschritte aus ökonomischer Sicht

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    Im Rahmen des integrationsorientierten Reengineering sollen in Betrieb befindliche und neu zu entwickelnde Softwaresysteme in ein integriertes verteiltes Anwendungssystem (IVAS) integriert werden. Zu diesem Zweck muß vor Beginn des Integrationsprozesses die Verteilungsarchitektur festgelegt werden. Anschließend können durch einzelne nacheinander erfolgende Integrationsschritte vorhandene bzw. neu entwickelte Softwaresysteme in das IVAS integriert werden. Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht beschäftigt sich zum einen mit den Faktoren, die aus ökonomischer Sicht einen Einfluß auf die Wahl der Verteilungsarchitektur haben. Zum anderen wird untersucht, welche Faktoren einen Einfluß auf die Entscheidung haben, ob ein Altsystem einem Reengineering-Prozeß unterzogen oder ersetzt werden soll.<br/

    Towards Social CRM – Scoping the Concept and Guiding Research

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    Web 2.0 and Social Media (SoMe) provide new opportunities for collaboration and co-value creation which supports a customer-centric management. Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) addresses these opportunities and aims at a high stakeholder engagement as a means to establish mutually beneficial relationships. At present, scholars attempt to comprehend what constitutes SCRM. This paper reviews state-of-the-art scholarly literature to provide a consolidated view on the current SCRM knowledge base. It reveals concurrent opinions, diverging perceptions and future directions for research along the dimensions SCRM definitions, objectives and approaches. We conclude that SCRM as a novel concept requires transformational efforts among all organizational parts. Approaches towards SCRM align on organizational determinants, CRM processes, the customer relationship lifecycle or develop conceptual models. We propose that research further explore this domain to progress the understanding of SCRM as basis for corresponding frameworks

    On the Toxicology and Ecology of Organic Colorants

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    Conceptual Modeling for Web Site Development

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    Today’s web site development practice lacks suitable software engineering principles. In this paper we argue to adopt state-of-the-art software engineering principles and tools in order to improve web site development

    Save money, book now! - Nudging users to complete online travel bookings

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    Online travel agencies have emerged as the preferred channel to make travel arrangements, but industry reports show that the conversion rates on OTA websites are extremely low. Against this background, we aimed to create a user-interface design element that motivates users to complete their online booking instead of searching and comparing further options. This research in progress builds on insights from the emerging field of digital nudging and used a systematic process for developing a digital nudge based on the design science research paradigm. Specifically, we created a text-based nudge leveraging the goal framing effect, which will be empirically tested through an experiment in future research. Our research contributes to both behavioral and design-oriented research on persuasive technology and digital nudging as well as to practice aiming to create persuasive choice architectures for specific use contexts and goals

    Understanding the Habitual Use of Wearable Activity Trackers

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    Given the large discrepancy between rates at which wearable activitytrackers (WATs) are initially adopted and their continued use, the question concerning how sustainable use emerges arises. While IS research has found habit an important driver of sustained use, the mechanisms of habit formation have been left unexplored. To address this research gap, we conducted narrative interviews to investigate the habit-formation mechanisms behind the use of WATs. We identified two drivers of habitual WAT use and constructed five narratives that provide insights into the habit-formation processes of WAT users and possible interrupting factors. Our results provide a valuable basis for both theory and practice in explaining how sustained WAT use develops

    Digital Nudging: Altering User Behavior in Digital Environments

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    Individuals make increasingly more decisions on screens, such as those on websites or mobile apps. However, the nature of screens and the vast amount of information available online make individuals particularly prone to deficient decisions. Digital nudging is an approach based on insights from behavioral economics that applies user interface (UI) design elements to affect the choices of users in digital environments. UI design elements include graphic design, specific content, wording or small features. To date, little is known about the psychological mechanisms that underlie digital nudging. To address this research gap, we conducted a systematic literature review and provide a comprehensive overview of relevant psychological effects and exemplary nudges in the physical and digital sphere. These insights serve as a valuable basis for researchers and practitioners that aim to study or design information systems and interventions that assist user decision making on screens
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