6 research outputs found

    Effect of Immiscible Secondary Fluid on Particle Dynamics and Coffee Ring Characteristics during Suspension Drying

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    Particle motion and coffee ring patterns in water-borne suspensions of polystyrene (PS) particle added with small amounts of secondary hydrophobic decalin are investigated during the drying of the suspension droplets, mainly employing light scattering methods. Very tiny secondary fluid insertions via high-speed agitation effectively link the particles through hydrophobic dissolution leading to the formation of multimodal particulate clusters, with resistance to the outward capillary flow and suppression of coffee ring formation after drying. The impact of decalin on particles is corroborated by actual images acquired from an optical profiler and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The average particle motion inside the suspension changed by decalin was expressed in terms of mean square displacement (MSD) based on diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS). Employing multispeckle diffusing wave spectroscopy (MSDWS), the rapid motion or β-relaxation of particles in various suspensions with and without decalin is quantified in early lag time during the drying of droplets. The change in particle dynamics during suspension drop drying, when adding a small secondary fluid, plays a key role in tuning coffee ring patterns

    Effect of Urethane Crosslinking by Blocked Isocyanates with Pyrazole-Based Blocking Agents on Rheological and Mechanical Performance of Clearcoats

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    A novel blocked isocyanate crosslinker was synthesized, and its applicability was investigated for the low-temperature curing of automotive clearcoats. Various pyrazole derivatives were prepared as blocking agents in isocyanate crosslinkers, which strongly affect the deblocking and curing properties of the urethane-bonded coating systems. The thermal curing properties of clearcoat samples containing a pyrazole-based blocked isocyanate crosslinker and polyol resin were characterized under two different temperature conditions (120 and 150 °C). The decrease in the amount of hydroxyl groups in the polyol before and after curing was expressed by the change in OH stretching frequency in the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra. The real-time rheological storage moduli of the bulk clearcoat mixtures were measured via a rotational rheometer to determine the effect of pyrazole-based blocking agents on the curing dynamics. In addition, a rigid-body pendulum tester (RPT) was employed to investigate the curing behavior in the thin film form. The nano-indentation and the nano-scratch tests were conducted to examine the surface hardness and scratch resistance characteristics of the cured clearcoat films. The results show that a low-temperature curing system of clearcoats can be realized by tuning the curing temperature and reactivity of isocyanate crosslinkers blocked with pyrazole-based substituents

    Effect of isocyanate crosslinkers blocked with amine derivatives on rheological and crosslinking characteristics of automotive clearcoats

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    Isocyanate crosslinkers with blocking agents based on various amine derivatives were newly synthesized for automotive clearcoat applications. Amine-based blocking agents were prepared by varying the alkyl substituent attached on both sides of the main nitrogen atom (named DEA, DiPA, NtBEA, and NtBiA) to modify their deblocking feature in blocked isocyanates (BIs) and curing reaction under thermal curing conditions. Curing properties of clearcoats containing amine-based BIs were characterized at the normal curing temperature of 150 degrees C and were compared with those by the commercialized BI, Desmodur (R) PL350. The dissociation ability of the amine-based BIs was interpreted using the density functional theory (DFT) simulation under their optimized geometric configurations. The urethane reaction between isocyanate group in BIs and hydroxyl group in a hydroxyl-functionalized polyol binder within clearcoats was confirmed from the OH stretching absorbance data via Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer. The real-time cross-linking dynamics of various clearcoats with amine-based BIs were comprehensively investigated using rotational rheometer and rigid-body pendulum tester. The surface mechanical properties of fully-cured clearcoat films were measured by nano-indentation and nano-scratch testers to address the crosslinked network formation caused by amine-based BIs. It is demonstrated that the amine-based BIs could be favorably applied to thermal curing process of clearcoats, based on their reactivity and curing performance

    Effect of Silica Nanoparticles Blocked with Epoxy Groups on the Crosslinking and Surface Properties of PEG Hydrogel Films

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    Silica nanoparticles (G-SiNPs) blocked with 3-glycidoxypropyl trimethoxysilane (GPTS) were newly applied to hydrogel films for improving film coating properties and to distribute the epoxy groups on the film surface. The effects of the content of epoxy-functionalized G-SiNPs on the crosslinking features by photo-induced radical polymerization and the surface mechanical properties of the hydrogel films containing poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) were investigated. The real-time elastic modulus of various PEG hydrogel mixtures with prepared particles was monitored using a rotational rheometer. The distribution of epoxy groups on the crosslinked film surface was directly and indirectly estimated by the elemental analysis of Si and Br. The surface mechanical properties of various hydrogel films were measured by nano-indentation and nano-scratch tests. The relationship between the rheological and surface properties of PEG-based hydrogel films suggests that the use of small amounts of G-SiNPs enhances the surface hardness and crosslinked network of the film and uniformly distributes sufficient epoxy groups on the film surface for further coating applications

    Reactivity and Curing Efficiency of Isocyanate Cross-Linkers with Imidazole-Based Blocking Agents for Low-Temperature Curing of Automotive Clearcoats

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    For the application of low-temperature curing on automotive clearcoats, isocyanate cross-linkers blocked with imidazole derivatives were newly synthesized. The effect of the alkyl groups in the imidazole derivatives on the deblocking behavior and curing kinetics was investigated. The free isocyanate groups exposed by the deblocking of imidazole-based blocking agents were monitored by real-time Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The bond dissociation energy, activation energy of deblocking, and H-N distance were interpreted through density functional theory simulation of various imidazole-based blocked isocyanates. To evaluate their applicability to automotive clearcoats, the synthesized imidazole-based blocked isocyanates were mixed with a polyol binder containing hydroxyl groups, and the clearcoat samples were cured at relatively low curing temperatures (100, 110, and 120 degrees C). The real-time storage modulus was measured using a rotational rheometer to elucidate the thermal curing dynamics by the blocking agents. In addition, the surface hardness of the cured clearcoat layers, which is affected by the chemical structure of the imidazole derivatives, was evaluated by nanoindentation test. In-depth analyses of the deblocking behaviors and thermal curing properties of clearcoats using imidazole-based blocked isocyanates demonstrated that the newly developed coating system could be suitably applied for the development of low-temperature curing technology