4,491 research outputs found

    Human motion retrieval based on freehand sketch

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    In this paper, we present an integrated framework of human motion retrieval based on freehand sketch. With some simple rules, the user can acquire a desired motion by sketching several key postures. To retrieve efficiently and accurately by sketch, the 3D postures are projected onto several 2D planes. The limb direction feature is proposed to represent the input sketch and the projected-postures. Furthermore, a novel index structure based on k-d tree is constructed to index the motions in the database, which speeds up the retrieval process. With our posture-by-posture retrieval algorithm, a continuous motion can be got directly or generated by using a pre-computed graph structure. What's more, our system provides an intuitive user interface. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Development of long-range phase coherence on the Kondo lattice

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    Despite of many efforts, we still lack a clear picture on how heavy electrons emerge and develop on the Kondo lattice. Here we introduce a key concept named the hybridization bond phase and propose a scenario based on phase correlation to address this issue. The bond phase is a gauge-invariant quantity combining two onsite hybridization fields mediated by inter-site magnetic correlations. Its probabilistic distribution decays exponentially with site distance, from which a characteristic length scale can be extracted to describe the spatial correlation of Kondo hybridizations. Our calculations show that this correlation length grows logarithmically with lowering temperature at large Kondo coupling, and reveal a precursor pseudogap state with short-range phase correlation before long-range phase coherence is developed to form the Kondo insulating (or heavy electron) state at low temperatures. This provides a potential microscopic explanation of the two-stage hybridization proposed by recent pump-probe experiment and the logarithmic scaling in the phenomenological two-fluid model. Our work offers a novel theoretical framework to describe the phase-related physics in Kondo lattice systems.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure


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    The title compound, C14H11ClN2O, was synthesized by the reaction of 2-chloro­benzaldehyde and 2-amino­benzamide in an ionic liquid. The pyrimidine ring adopts a skew-boat conformation and the two benzene rings make a dihedral angle of 87.1 (1)°. In the crystal, N—H⋯O and C—H⋯N hydrogen bonding links the mol­ecules along b

    A Revised Optimal Spanning Table Method for Expanding Competence Sets

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    The optimal expansion problem of competence sets can be solves by either mathematical programming method or table based method developed by Feng (2001). Compared to the mathematical programming method, table based method for competence set expansion is a more efficient algorithm in using relevant tableaus to solve the optimal expansion problems. This paper proposes a revised table based method to facilitate developing a computer code. A computer program, called TBM, based on the revised algorithm, was developed to solve the large scale problems of expanding competence sets. A numerical example is given, and some possible future research topics on the related theme are discussed. Keywords: competence set expansion; habitual domains; spanning table methodRésumé: Le problème de l'expansion optimale des ensembles de compétence peut être résolu soit par la méthode de programmation mathématique, soit par une méthode basée sur les tableaux développée par Feng (2001). Comparée à la méthode de programmation mathématique, la méthode basée sur les tableaux pour l'expansion des ensembles de compétence est un algorithme plus efficace dans l'utilisation des tableaux appropriés pour résoudre les problèmes d'expansion optimale. Cet article propose une méthode basée sur les tableaux révisé pour faciliter l'élaboration d'un code informatique. Un programme d'ordinateur, appelé TBM, basé sur l'algorithme révisé, a été développé pour résoudre les problèmes de l'expansion des ensembles de compétences à grande échelle. Un exemple numérique est donné, et quelques sujets possibles de futures recherches sur le thème sont débattues.Mots-clés: expansion des ensembles de competences; domaines habituels; méthode de tableau construi


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    In the title compound, C10H14N8O, the tetra­zine and pyrazole rings form a dihedral angle of 48.81 (2)°. In the crystal, inter­molecular N—H⋯N and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into layers parallel to (101)

    Projective-anticipating, projective, and projective-lag synchronization of time-delayed chaotic systems on random networks

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    We study projective-anticipating, projective, and projective-lag synchronization of time-delayed chaotic systems on random networks. We relax some limitations of previous work, where projective-anticipating and projective-lag synchronization can be achieved only on two coupled chaotic systems. In this paper, we can realize projective-anticipating and projective-lag synchronization on complex dynamical networks composed by a large number of interconnected components. At the same time, although previous work studied projective synchronization on complex dynamical networks, the dynamics of the nodes are coupled partially linear chaotic systems. In this paper, the dynamics of the nodes of the complex networks are time-delayed chaotic systems without the limitation of the partial-linearity. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, we suggest a generic method to achieve the projective-anticipating, projective, and projective-lag synchronization of time-delayed chaotic systems on random dynamical networks and find both the existence and sufficient stability conditions. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated and verified by examining specific examples using Ikeda and Mackey-Glass systems on Erdos-Renyi networks.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure