309 research outputs found

    Observer design and identification methods for hybrid systems

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    Identification of an industrial hybrid system

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    In this paper we present an experimental study in the identification of an industrial hybrid system. Piecewise ARX models, that consist of a number of ARX models, together with the partition of the regressor space into regions where each of the models is valid, were identified Effects of dry friction, and mechanical constraints in the experimental setup are demonstrated, and their infl uence on the identification procedure is discussed. Com- parison of the simulated responses of the identified models with the responses of the real system shows that the obtained models are able to describe relevant aspects of the dynamics of the experimental setup. Ways to improve the identification procedure are proposed

    Cervical margin relocation in indirect adhesive restorations: A literature review

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    Purpose: The aim of this review was to summarize the existing scientific literature investigating on cervical margin relocation technique (CMR) performed prior to the adhesive cementation of the indirect restorations. Study selection: An electronic search with no date restriction was conducted in the MEDLINE database, accessed through PubMed. The following main keywords were used: "cervical margin relocation", "coronal margin relocation", "deep margin elevation" and "proximal box elevation". Results: Seven in vitro studies and 5 clinical reports investigating on CMR are taken into consideration for the present review. The most frequently investigated parameter in almost all of the in vitro studies was the marginal adaptation of the indirect restorations. One study additionally assessed the influence of CMR on the fracture behavior of the restored teeth and one study assessed the bond strength of the indirect composite restoration to the proximal box floor. Clinical reports provided documentation with a detailed description of the treatment protocol. In the current literature no randomized controlled clinical trials or prospective or retrospective clinical studies on CMR technique could be found. Conclusions: On the basis of the reviewed literature, it can be concluded that currently there is no strong scientific evidence that could either support or discourage the use of CMR technique prior to restoration of deep subgingival defects with indirect adhesive restorations. Randomized controlled clinical trials are necessary to provide the reliable evidence on the influence of CMR technique on the clinical performance, especially on the longevity of the restorations and the periodontal health

    Output feedback control for a class of piecewise linear systems

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    In this paper we present an output feedback controller design for a class of bi-modal piecewise linear systems. The proposed output feedback controller consists of a switching state observer and a static state feedback. The observer and the controller are designed separately using the techniques of input-to-state stability (ISS). A sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability of the system in the closed loop with a designed observer and state feedback is derived.The derived theory is illustrated by an example

    Biochemical characterization of colorectal carcinoma tissue

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    Kolorektalni karcinom je najčešći malignitet gastrointestinalnog trakta. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se u KRK i zdravoj mukozi odrede: morfometrijska, teksturna i fraktalna analiza digitalizovanih mikrografa, koncentracija elemenata, parametri oksidativnog stresa, koncentracija masnih kiselina i biohemijski sastav uz pomoć infracrvene spektroskopije. U studiji preseka učestvovalo je 111 pacijenata starijih od 18 godina, operisanih zbog KRK, i podeljeni su u četiri grupe: sredovečni/stariji, muškarci/žene. U tumoru su značajno veće koncentracije K, Mg, Cu, Se, Ca, dok su Na, Zn, Cd, Hg i Cr u značajno manjoj koncetrciji. Odnos Cu/Zn značajno je veći u tumoru, pacijenti u više uznapredovalim stadijumima imaju veći odnos Cu/Zn. Pokazali smo značajno veće koncentracije MDA u tumorskom tkivu, kao i značajne razlike u sastavu masnih kiselina između tumorskog tkiva i zdrave mukoze. Najduže telomere su u tumorskom tkivu, a najkraće u zdravoj mukozi. Uočene su značajne razlike u vrednostima pojedinih patohistoloških mikrografa između stadijuma I. i II. sa jedne strane, i III. i posebno IV. sa druge. Prikazane su različite spektralne karakteristike zdravog i tumorskog tkiva. Rezultati ove studije pokazuju da je odnos bakar/cink značajan prognostički faktor za invazivnost i progresiju KRK; da je odnos AA/EPA pouzdan pokazatelj inflamatornog statusa tumora i progresije; veće vrednosti SI govore u prilog biološki manje agresivnog tumora i jačeg imunskog odgovora; u tumoru postoji povećana lipidna peroksidacija i okdidativni stres se dešava na nivou reaktivnih kiseoničnih, ali ne i azotnih vrsta. Najduže telomere su u tumorskom tkivu, potom u leukocitima periferne krvi, a najkraće u zdravoj mukozi. Na osnovu digitalnih mikrografa može se lako izdvojiti tumorsko tkivo od zdrave mukoze u stadijumu I i II, dok se u stadijumu IV dobijaju slični rezultati za tumorsko i zdravo tkivo. Na osnovu IR spektralnih karakteristika , u malignom tkivu prisutna je manja količina lipida i nukleinskih kiselina, dok se količina proteina uvećava.Colorectal cancer is the most common malignancy of the gastrointestinal tract. The objectives of this study were to determine in CRC and healthy mucosa: morphometric, textural and fractal analysis of digitized micrographs, elemental concentration, oxidative stress parameters, fatty acid concentration and biochemical composition using infrared spectroscopy. The cross-sectional study involved 111 patients over the age of 18 who underwent surgery due to CRC and were divided into four groups: middle-aged / elderly, men / women. The concentrations of K, Mg, Cu, Se, Ca are significantly higher in the tumor, while Na, Zn, Cd, Hg and Cr are in significantly lower concentrations. The Cu/Zn ratio is significantly higher in tumor, patients in more advanced stages have a higher Cu/Zn ratio. We showed significantly higher concentrations of MDA in tumor tissue, as well as significant differences in fatty acid composition between tumor tissue and healthy mucosa. The longest telomeres are in tumor tissue, and the shortest in healthy mucosa. Significant differences in the values of individual pathohistological micrographs between stages I and II were observed on one side, and III. and especially IV. on the other. Different spectral characteristics of healthy and tumor tissue were presented. Results of this study show that the Cu/Zn ratio is a significant prognostic factor for CRC invasiveness and progression; the AA/EPA ratio is a reliable indicator of tumor inflammatory status and progression; higher SI values support a biologically less aggressive tumor and a stronger immune response; there is increased lipid peroxidation in the tumor and oxidative stress occurs at the level of reactive oxygen species, but not nitrogen species. The longest telomeres are in tumor tissue, then in peripheral blood leukocytes, and the shortest in healthy mucosa. On the basis of digital micrographs, tumor tissue can be easily isolated from healthy mucosa in stages I and II, while in stage IV similar results are obtained. Based on the IR spectral characteristics, a smaller amount of lipids and nucleic acids is present in the malignant tissue, while the amount of protein increases

    Dinamika rasta kraniofacijalnog kompleksa osoba sa Tarner sindromom

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    The morphology of craniofacial complex in Turner syndrome patients has been studied thoroughly, while data on growth pattern and rate are still scarce. Since growth hormone therapy is implemented in treatment of these patients, there was a need for exploring the craniofacial morphology and growth of Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone. The main aim of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the morphology and craniofacial complex growth of Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone and to compare them with healthy controls. Twenty one lateral cephalometric radiographs of Turner syndrome girls were compared to 46 radiographs of healthy controls, in order to establish the differences in craniofacial morphology. In order to examine the growth, the groups were divided according to cervical vertebral maturation stage into subgroups (“pre-growth” and “growth”). The craniofacial growth was assessed according to changes between subgroups and by superimposing 10 pairs of cephalograms of examined group. The craniofacial morphology in Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone was characterised by bimaxillar retrognathism, underdeveloped mandible, overdeveloped mandibular ramus and longer facial heights, when compared to healthy controls. The craniofacial growth did not differ between examined groups during pregrowth period. On the contrary, during growth period altered growth rate and pattern of craniofacial complex in Turner syndrome group caused the differences in craniofacial morphology. It has been established that both upper and lower jaws grow in such direction that causes bimaxillar retrognathism and that there is a difference in growth rate of jaws and facial heights in girls with Turner syndrome. Other structures did not exhibit differences in growth rate and pattern. The craniofacial growth of Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone differs in growth rate and pattern, when compared with healthy controls, which causes distinctive craniofacial morphology.Morfologija kraniofacijalnog kompleksa osoba sa Tarner sindromom je podrobno ispitana, dok su podaci o dinamici rasta oskudni u literaturi. Kako je hormon rasta sve više zastupljen u lečenju ovih pacijentkinja, javila se potreba za ispitivanjem morfologije i rasta kraniofacijalnog kompleksa osoba sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta. Ciljevi ove disertacije bili su da se ispita da li se i u kojoj meri morfologija i rast kraniofacijalnog kompleksa devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta razlikuje od zdravih devojčica. Razlike u morfologiji kraniofacijalnog kompleksa ustanovljene su na osnovu rendgen-kefalometrijske analize 21-og profilnog snimka glave devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta i 46 snimaka zdravih devojčica. Kako bi se ispitao rast kraniofacijalnog kompleksa svi snimci su, na osnovu stadijuma skeletne zrelosti vratnih pršljenova, podeljeni u dve podgrupe („pre intenzivnog rasta“ i „intenzivnog rasta“). Dinamika rasta ispitana je na osnovu promena između podgrupa kao i rezultata superponiranja 10 parova snimaka glave devojčica ispitivane grupe. Morfologija kraniofacijalnog kompleksa devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta se razlikovala od morfologije zdravih po bimaksilarnom retrognatizmu, nedovoljno razvijenom telu i prerazvijenoj grani donje vilice i većim visinama lica. Do perioda intenzivnog rasta nisu uočene razlike u rastu kraniofacijalnog kompleksa između devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta i zdravih devojčica. Tokom perioda intenzivnog rasta, razlike u dinamici i intenzitetu rasta dovele su do promena u morfologiji kraniofacijalnog kompleksa. Ustanovljeno je da je kod devojčica sa Tarner sindromom pravac rasta vilica takav da dovodi do bimaksilarnog retrognatizma i da postoji razlika u intenzitetu rasta vilica i visina lica. Nije ustanovljena razlika u dinamici i intenzitetu rasta ostalih struktura. Rast kraniofacijalnog kompleksa devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta se, po dinamici i intenzitetu, u određenoj meri razlikuje od rasta zdravih osoba što uzrokuje karakterističnu morfologiju kraniofacijalnog kompleksa

    Teškoće u održavanju oralnog zdravlja kod dece i adolescenata sa poremećajima iz autističnog spektra - opažanja roditelja

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    Introduction/Objective Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by features that have the potential to make oral hygiene and dental appointments challenging. The aim of this study was to investigate difficulties related to oral hygiene and dental appointments that may be encountered in children and adolescents with ASD, in comparison to their typically developing peers. Methods A 48-item questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of the study and distributed to parents of children and adolescents with ASD in three specialized daycare centers, as well as to parents of typically developing children and adolescents at the Clinic for Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry in Belgrade, Serbia. Ninety-two questionnaires were considered and statistically analyzed in the SPSS program, using χ2 and Mann-Whitney U-test. Results The following statistically significant differences were found between children and adolescents with ASD and their typically developing peers: general difficulties in everyday oral hygiene, need of help for basic oral hygiene tasks, tooth brushing frequency, sensory difficulties related to toothbrush and toothpaste, level of anxiety prior to dental appointment, cooperation during appointment, sensory difficulties related to touch, operatory light and sound of dental unit, number of treatments under general anesthesia, and the number of refused dental treatments. Conclusion Children and adolescents with ASD face significantly more difficulties concerning everyday oral hygiene and dental appointments in comparison to their typically developing peers. Dentists' awareness of issues that are specific to this population of patients is important in order to enable quality dental care.Uvod/Cilj Poremećaji autističnog spektra (PAS) mogu biti uzrok poteškoća vezanih za održavanje oralne higijene, kao i za posete stomatologu. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrde razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vršnjaka sa aspekta održavanja oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu. Metode Upitnik od 48 pitanja distribuiran je roditeljima dece i adolescenata sa PAS u tri specijalizovana dnevna boravka, kao i roditeljima kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vršnjaka. Devedeset dva upitnika je uzeto u obzir i statistički analizirano u programu SPSS. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i njihovih tipično razvijenih vršnjaka utvrđene su u sledećim kategorijama: teškoće u svakodnevnoj oralnoj higijeni, potreba za pomoći u održavanju oralne higijene, učestalost pranja zuba, senzorne teškoće vezane za četkicu i zubnu pastu, nivo anksioznosti pre posete stomatologu, saradnja tokom stomatološkog tretmana, senzorne teškoće vezane za dodir stomatologa, svetlo i zvuk stomatološkog uređaja, broj tretmana pod opštom anestezijom i broj odbijenih stomatoloških usluga. Zaključak Deca i adolescenti sa PAS suočavaju se sa znatno većim poteškoćama u pogledu svakodnevne oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu u poređenju sa tipično razvijenim vršnjacima. Svest stomatologa o pitanjima koja su specifična za ovu populaciju pacijenata je važna kako bi se deci i adolescentima sa PAS omogućila kvalitetna stomatološka nega

    Craniofacial growth in Turner syndrome patients

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    Morfologija kraniofacijalnog kompleksa osoba sa Tarner sindromom je podrobno ispitana, dok su podaci o dinamici rasta oskudni u literaturi. Kako je hormon rasta sve više zastupljen u lečenju ovih pacijentkinja, javila se potreba za ispitivanjem morfologije i rasta kraniofacijalnog kompleksa osoba sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta. Ciljevi ove disertacije bili su da se ispita da li se i u kojoj meri morfologija i rast kraniofacijalnog kompleksa devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta razlikuje od zdravih devojčica. Razlike u morfologiji kraniofacijalnog kompleksa ustanovljene su na osnovu rendgen-kefalometrijske analize 21-og profilnog snimka glave devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta i 46 snimaka zdravih devojčica. Kako bi se ispitao rast kraniofacijalnog kompleksa svi snimci su, na osnovu stadijuma skeletne zrelosti vratnih pršljenova, podeljeni u dve podgrupe („pre intenzivnog rasta“ i „intenzivnog rasta“). Dinamika rasta ispitana je na osnovu promena između podgrupa kao i rezultata superponiranja 10 parova snimaka glave devojčica ispitivane grupe. Morfologija kraniofacijalnog kompleksa devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta se razlikovala od morfologije zdravih po bimaksilarnom retrognatizmu, nedovoljno razvijenom telu i prerazvijenoj grani donje vilice i većim visinama lica. Do perioda intenzivnog rasta nisu uočene razlike u rastu kraniofacijalnog kompleksa između devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta i zdravih devojčica. Tokom perioda intenzivnog rasta, razlike u dinamici i intenzitetu rasta dovele su do promena u morfologiji kraniofacijalnog kompleksa. Ustanovljeno je da je kod devojčica sa Tarner sindromom pravac rasta vilica takav da dovodi do bimaksilarnog retrognatizma i da postoji razlika u intenzitetu rasta vilica i visina lica. Nije ustanovljena razlika u dinamici i intenzitetu rasta ostalih struktura. Rast kraniofacijalnog kompleksa devojčica sa Tarner sindromom koje primaju hormon rasta se, po dinamici i intenzitetu, u određenoj meri razlikuje od rasta zdravih osoba što uzrokuje karakterističnu morfologiju kraniofacijalnog kompleksa.The morphology of craniofacial complex in Turner syndrome patients has been studied thoroughly, while data on growth pattern and rate are still scarce. Since growth hormone therapy is implemented in treatment of these patients, there was a need for exploring the craniofacial morphology and growth of Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone. The main aim of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the morphology and craniofacial complex growth of Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone and to compare them with healthy controls. Twenty one lateral cephalometric radiographs of Turner syndrome girls were compared to 46 radiographs of healthy controls, in order to establish the differences in craniofacial morphology. In order to examine the growth, the groups were divided according to cervical vertebral maturation stage into subgroups (“pre-growth” and “growth”). The craniofacial growth was assessed according to changes between subgroups and by superimposing 10 pairs of cephalograms of examined group. The craniofacial morphology in Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone was characterised by bimaxillar retrognathism, underdeveloped mandible, overdeveloped mandibular ramus and longer facial heights, when compared to healthy controls. The craniofacial growth did not differ between examined groups during pregrowth period. On the contrary, during growth period altered growth rate and pattern of craniofacial complex in Turner syndrome group caused the differences in craniofacial morphology. It has been established that both upper and lower jaws grow in such direction that causes bimaxillar retrognathism and that there is a difference in growth rate of jaws and facial heights in girls with Turner syndrome. Other structures did not exhibit differences in growth rate and pattern. The craniofacial growth of Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone differs in growth rate and pattern, when compared with healthy controls, which causes distinctive craniofacial morphology

    Marginal sealing of relocated cervical margins of mesio-occluso-distal overlays.

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    We investigated the effect of cervical marginal relocation (CMR) on marginal sealing with two different viscosity resin composites, before adhesive cementation of composite computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture mesio-occluso-distal (MOD) overlays. Standardized MOD cavities prepared in 39 human molars were randomly assigned to three groups. The proximal margins on the mesial side were located 1 mm below the cementoenamel junction. On the distal side of the tooth, the margins were located 1 mm above the cementoenamel junction. In Groups 1 and 2, mesial proximal boxes were elevated with a hybrid composite (GC Essentia MD) and a flowable composite (GC G-ænial Universal Flo), respectively. CMR was not performed in Group 3. The overlays were adhesively cemented, and interfacial leakage was quantified by scoring the depth of silver nitrate penetration along the adhesive interfaces. Leakage score at the dentin-CMR composite interface did not significantly differ between the two tested composites but was significantly lower for Group 3. In all groups, scores were significantly higher at the dentin interface than at the enamel interface. These results indicate that the performance of flowable and microhybrid resin composites, as indicated by marginal sealing ability, is comparable for CMR

    The influence of resin infiltration pretreatment on orthodontic bonding to demineralized human enamel

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    Prior research reveal that low-viscosity resin is able to significantly penetrate initial caries lesions, which leads to their stabilization. The objective of the present report is to assess the shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic brackets bonded with different adhesives to demineralized enamel treated with a low-viscosity resin infiltrant. It also aims to compare the achieved bond strengths to those achieved in relation to sound enamel (SE). A total of 48 newly extracted third molars were collected, distributed in four groups (n=12), covered with a nail varnish, with 4 x 4 mm of uncoated area, immersed in Buskes demineralizing solution (14 days, 37 °C) or remained untreated. Group I: SE + Transbond XT; Group II: demineralized enamel (DE) + ICON + Transbond XT; Group III: DE + ICON + Scotchbond Universal; Group IV: DE + ICON + Assure PLUS. SBS was quantified in megapascals (MPa) and statistically analyzed (ANOVA, p 0.05). The mode of failure was assessed microscopically (10 x magnification). The highest SBS detected was in Group IV, and the difference was statistically significant (F = 14.37; p = 0.000). Treatment with a resin infiltrant on DE does not impair the shear bond strength when compared to SE, although it does produce a significantly higher strength when combined with Assure PLUS