558 research outputs found
Educommunication: a theoretical approach of studying media in school environments
Edu-communication is a field of study founded by the Latin American theoretical currents
of liberating pedagogy, popular communication and cultural studies. This essay reviews their
foundation and recent theoretical development in Peru. The three fundamental contributions
of edu-communication are as follows: recognizing inter-subjectivity as being a critical
element for understanding the interactions between individuals and media, the attention
assigned to cultural communicative practices and political dimensions, and its focus on the
individual rather than on the technological device, deviating from the more instrumental
theoretical perspectives.La educomunicación es un campo de estudio fundado por las corrientes teóricas latinoamericanas
de la pedagogía liberadora, la comunicación popular y los estudios culturales.
Este trabajo revisa sus fundamentos y desarrollo reciente en el Perú. Las tres contribuciones
fundamentales de la educomunicación son: el reconocimiento de la intersubjetividad como
elemento crítico para la comprensión de las interacciones entre individuos y medios, la atención
a las prácticas culturales comunicativas y su dimensión política, así como su enfoque
centrado en las personas antes que en los dispositivos tecnológicos, diferenciándose de otras
perspectivas más instrumentales.A educomunicação é um campo de estudo fundado por correntes teóricas latino-americanas
da pedagogia libertadora, da comunicação popular e dos estudos culturais. Este trabalho revê
os seus fundamentos e o desenvolvimento recente no Peru. As três contribuições fundamentais
de educomunicação são: o reconhecimento da intersubjetividade como um elemento
crítico para a compreensão das interações entre indivíduos e os media, a atenção às práticas
culturais de comunicação e a sua dimensão política, bem como o seu foco primeiramente
centrado nas pessoas do que nos dispositivos tecnológicos, opondo-se às teorias mais instrumentais
Toward an Understanding of "Weak Signals" of Technological Change and Innovation in the Internet Industry
Identifying the emergence and development of new technologies has become an essential ability for firms competing in dynamic environments. Nonetheless, current technology intelligence practices are unstructured and vaguely defined. Moreover, the existing literature in future technology studies lacks strong, systematic explanations of what technologies are, where technologies come from, and how new technologies emerge and evolve. The present study builds on Structuration Theory, and proposes the structurational model of emerging technologies (SMET). The SMET suggests not only an ongoing view of technologies as social objects, but also a process for thinking through scientifically the complex, multidimensional and emergent dynamic of social and technological change. The SMET proposes that the emergence and development of a new technology can be tracked by examining systematically and collectively the extent of development of its technology-related social structure – its degree of structuration. The degree of structuration of a technology is an ongoing process instantiated in social practices, and can be observed through visible patterns or specific social outcomes of systemic activity organized in three analytical dimensions: structures of meaning, power, and legitimacy. The SMET assumes that the conceptual initiation of a new technology triggers new patterns of social activity or a signal of technological change; thus, the variation in the slope or trajectory of the degree of structuration of a technology may indicate an early signal of technological change. The SMET sets a foundation for identifying early signals of technological change when it is used on a systematic basis.
Empirically, the study conducted an exploratory case study in the Internet industry. The study employed a sequential transformative mixed method procedure, and relied on 77 Internet experts to create retrospectively a systematic and collective interpretation of the Internet industry in the last ten (10) years. The test of hypotheses was based on only seven (7) Internet technologies due to time and instrumental constraints. The results confirm the fundamental relationships among constructs in the model, and support, thus, the SMET. The degree of structuration of a technology is revealed as a process independent of individuals’ participation in the enactment of a technology. Technological outcomes are explained by the extent of development of structures of meaning, power, and legitimacy (i.e., the degree of structuration of a technology). Moreover, influential technological outcomes shape individuals’ perspectives over time – i.e., the structurational effect. Hence, the study not only provides evidence that supports this novel theoretical framework, but also illustrates methodologically how to identify the emergence and development of new technologies. Likewise, the study discusses the implications of these results for technology management practices (e.g., product and technology development, innovation policies, and technology transfer activities). Lastly, the study recognizes limitations and suggests further research avenues
The unusual evolution of a simple bone cyst in the mandible: a case report
The simple bone cyst, as newly classified by WHO in 2005, is a lesion related to the jawbones. Therefore, it is not
a cyst, since it is a cavity devoid of epithelial tissue. It is a rare pathology affecting the mandible more than the
maxilla. Its onset occurs mainly during the first two decades of life, irrespective of sex. The purpose of our report
is to exhibit the particular case of a 17-year-old male patient whose radiography showed an osteolytic lesion in his
right mandibular body. Exploratory surgery and biopsy are performed showing a simple bone cyst. Since then, he
is controlled through imaging studies, but presenting an atypical evolution, with its size increasing considerably
within a 4-year follow-up
Variation in the access to deep soil water pools explains tree-to-tree differences in drought-triggered dieback of Mediterranean oaks
Individual differences in the access to deep soil water pools may explain the differential damage among coexisting, conspecific trees as a consequence of drought-induced dieback. We addressed this issue by comparing the responses to a severe drought of three Mediterranean oak species with different drought tolerance, Quercus pubescens L. and Quercus frainetto Ten., mainly thriving at xeric and mesic sites, respectively, and Quercus cerris L., which dominates at intermediate sites. For each species, we compared coexisting declining (D) and non-declining (ND) trees. The stable isotope composition (δ2H, δ18O) of xylem and soil water was used to infer a differential use of soil water sources. We also measured tree size and radial growth to quantify the long-term divergence of wood production between D and ND trees and non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) in sapwood to evaluate if D trees presented lower NSC values. The ND trees had access to deeper soil water than D trees except in Q. frainetto, as indicated by significantly more depleted xylem water values. However, a strong δ2H offset between soil and xylem water isotopes observed in peak summer could suggest that both tree types were not physiologically active under extreme drought conditions. Alternative processes causing deuterium fractionation, however, could not be ruled out. Tree height and recent (last 15-25 years) growth rates in all species studied were lower in D than in ND trees by 22 and 44%, respectively. Lastly, there was not a consistent pattern of NSC sapwood concentration; in Q. pubescens, it was higher in ND trees while in Q. frainetto, the D trees were the ones exhibiting the higher NSC concentration. We conclude that the vulnerability to drought among conspecific Mediterranean oaks depends on the differential access to deep soil water pools, which may be related to differences in rooting depth, tree size and growth rate.This research was financially supported by the project OT4CLIMA (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Project N. ARS01_00405) ‘Advanced EO Technologies for studying climate change impacts on the environment’ and by the project ‘Alarm of forest mortality in Southern Italy’ (Gorgoglione Administration, Basilicata Region, Italy). M.C. was supported by the PhD program from the University of Basilicata (Italy). J.J.C. acknowledges funding by the project CGL2015-69186-C2-1-R project (Spanish Ministry of Economy). We acknowledge the E-OBS dataset from the EU-FP6 project UERRA (http://www.uerra.eu) and the data providers in the ECA&D project (https://www.ecad.eu)
Proyecto de factibilidad técnica - urbana, mediante el uso del sistema de información geográfica (SIG), para ampliar la red de internet en el barrio de la Villaflora, en la ciudad de Quito, provincia de Pichincha en el período 2011
El presente documento, constituye una aplicación de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), para ampliar la red de internet en el sector de la Villa Flora; para lo cual hemos utilizado herramientas del Geomarketing como análisis de mercado mediante encuestas que permitan conocer la opinión del consumidor acerca del servicio, costos, preferencias, usos; y de esta manera determinar el sitio idóneo para que se establezca un nuevo nodo que evite la congestión del servicio para la población en general.
partir de los ochenta, el Internet se ha desarrollado más allá de las expectativas generadas, detectándose básicamente un impulso del manejo de herramientas tecnológicas como son el uso de los Tic's (Tecnologías de la Información)1
Internet es una de las palabras más nombradas en los últimos tiempos por quienes se aproximan a la tecnología o a la informática. Reúne un conjunto de denotaciones y connotaciones, de acuerdo a los grupos de usuarios, y a los servicios cambiantes y en continua evolución. Con más de 200 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo, Internet se ha convertido en el medio de comunicación más extendido en toda la historia de la humanidad.
Si bien el ciberespacio es virtual, miles de personas, pequeños negocios y grandes empresas, lo utilizan para desarrollar las más diversas actividades, como un mecanismo de solución integral.
Las posibilidades que brinda el Internet, se derivan de acciones provenientes de la vida cotidiana, como son la búsqueda laboral, aspectos financieros, la literatura, los medios, el arte, la educación, espectáculos, los deportes, etc. Por lo mencionado anteriormente hoy en día las empresas y las personas consideran el uso del Internet un pilar fundamental para aportar en su desarrollo y crecimiento
Introducción: En salud pública, la parasitosis intestinal es un problema persistente en la
población pediátrica de 2 a 5 años, siendo causa principal de anemia y desnutrición
infantil. El rol materno es importante como responsable del cuidado del infante y tutora
para la enseñanza de un adecuado hábito de higiene, previniendo además cualquier
enfermedad infectocontagiosa.
Objetivos: Determinar la asociación existente entre el nivel de conocimiento y las
prácticas preventivas de parasitosis intestinal en madres de niños menores de 5 años
atendidos en el Centro de Salud Gustavo Lanatta Luján-V zona de Collique, Junio 2023.
Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico transversal, cuya población objetivo fueron las
madres que acudieron al centro de salud con sus niños, empleándose la técnica de
encuesta y dos cuestionarios validados dirigidos a evaluar las variables de estudio. Se
empleó el software STATA v16. para el análisis estadístico obteniendo la razón de
prevalencia ajustada.
Resultados: En el análisis multivariado se obtuvo que por cada año que aumente la edad,
la proporción de madres que realizan prácticas preventivas malas aumenta en 1,07 veces
(RPa: 0,015; IC95%: 1,01-1,14; p: 0,015) asimismo las madres que poseen un nivel de
conocimiento bajo/medio sobre parasitosis intestinal tienen 3,04 veces mayor riesgo a
presentar practicas preventivas malas sobre parasitosis intestinal (RPa: 3,04; IC95%:
1,21-7,67; p=0,018).
Conclusión: Existe asociación entre el nivel de conocimiento y la edad con las prácticas
preventivas de parasitosis intestinal en madres de niños menores de 5 años atendidos en
el Centro de Salud Gustavo Lanatta Luján-V zona de Collique, Junio 202
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