570 research outputs found
The impact of COVID-19 confinement in the Euro Area: a Bayesian DSGE approach
Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies. Academic Year: 2019-2020With the aim of providing a preliminary forecast of the economic repercussion of the recent confinement, we estimate a canonical medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model (DSGE) for the Euro Area economy, augmented with financial frictions. Relying on such characterisation of the economy, we carry out a series of simulations in which we use a shock to the labour supply as the primary conductor of the consequences of this pandemic disturbance. Moreover, we assess the adequacy of quantitative easing policies that many central banks are adopting as a measure to counterbalance the economic damage caused by COVID-19. We conclude that these initiatives serve as an immediate response, but they are limited by central banks’ infation target and should be accompanied by other measures able to speed up the recovery in the medium and long run
The impact of COVID-19 confinement in the Euro Area: a Bayesian DSGE approach
Master in Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies. Academic Year: 2019-2020With the aim of providing a preliminary forecast of the economic repercussion of the recent confinement, we estimate a canonical medium-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model (DSGE) for the Euro Area economy, augmented with financial frictions. Relying on such characterisation of the economy, we carry out a series of simulations in which we use a shock to the labour supply as the primary conductor of the consequences of this pandemic disturbance. Moreover, we assess the adequacy of quantitative easing policies that many central banks are adopting as a measure to counterbalance the economic damage caused by COVID-19. We conclude that these initiatives serve as an immediate response, but they are limited by central banks’ infation target and should be accompanied by other measures able to speed up the recovery in the medium and long run
On the Influence of the Main Floor Layout of Buildings in Economic Flood Risk Assessment: Results from Central Spain
Multiple studies have been carried out on the correct estimation of the damages (direct tangible losses) associated with floods. However, the complex analysis and the multitude of variables conditioning the damage estimation, as well as the uncertainty in their estimation, make it difficult, even today, to reach one single, complete solution to this problem. In no case has the influence that the topographic relationship between the main floor of a residential building and the surrounding land have in the estimation of flood economic damage been analysed. To carry out this analysis, up to a total of 28 magnitude–damage functions (with different characteristics and application scales) were selected on which the effect of over-elevation and under-elevation of the main floor of the houses was simulated (at intervals of 20 cm, between −0.6 and +1 m).
According to each of the two trends, an overestimation or underestimation of flood damage was observed. This pattern was conditioned by the specific characteristics of each magnitude–damage function, meaning that the percentage of damage became asymptotic from a certain flow depth value. In a real scenario, the consideration of this variable (as opposed to its non-consideration) causes an average variation in the damage estimation around 30%. Based on these results, the analysed variable can be considered as (1) another main source of uncertainty in the correct estimation of flood damage, and (2) an essential variable to take into account in a flood damage analysis for the correct estimation of loss
Egg Parasitoids of Proconiini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Northwestern Mexico, with Description of a New Species of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)
Nine species of Mymaridae and Trichogrammatidae parasitic on eggs of Proconiini sharpshooters (Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) were collected in northwestern Mexico in relation to neoclassical biological control efforts against glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar), in California. Gonatocerus chula Triapitsyn and Bernal sp. n., which belongs to the ater species group of Gonatocerus Nees (Mymaridae), is described. Specimens of G. chula sp. n. were reared from eggs of the smoke-tree sharpshooter, Homalodisca liturata Ball, on jojoba [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) C. K. Schneider] leaves collected in central Sonora state, Mexico. Also given are new data on other egg parasitoids of Homalodisca spp. and Oncometopia spp. in Sinaloa and Sonora states, Mexico, including Gonatocerus atriclavus Girault, G. morrilli (Howard), and G. novifasciatus Girault, and the Trichogrammatidae Burksiella sp(p)., Ittys sp., Pseudoligosita sp., Ufens ceratus Owen, and U. principalis Owen. For the first time, a species of Ittys is recorded from eggs of Proconiini, and U. principalis from Mexico. Colonies of G. atriclavus, G. novifasciatus and Pseudoligosita sp. were successfully established in a quarantine laboratory at University of California, Riverside, on eggs of the glassy-winged sharpshooter. These three parasitoid species had never been reared under laboratory conditions. In addition, seven species of Proconiini were collected in central and northwestern Mexico: Cyrtodisca major (Signoret), Homalodisca insolita (Walker), H. liturata Ball, Oncometopia sp. cf. clarior (Walker), O. sp. cf. trilobata Melichar, O. (Similitopia) sp., and Phera centrolineata (Signoret). Oncometopia sp. cf. clarior, O. sp. cf. trilobata, and O. (Similitopia) sp. appeared to be undescribed species
El problema en la enseñanza de las matemáticas es que no se trabaja proce-dimientos sino respuestas y se logra la atención de los estudiantes basados en aspectos concretos de la realidad educativa. Los alumnos no pueden com-prender la integridad del problema que lee y menos aún razonar y resolver situaciones matemáticas simples. Para ello nos formulamos la siguiente inte-rrogante ¿De qué manera la utilización del cuento influye en el aprendizaje de operaciones aritméticas de los estudiantes del 4to grado de Primaria de la I.E. Nº 32384 César Vergara Tello, Llata, Huamalíes, 2017?
El enfoque de medición de las variables la investigación desarrollada es Cuan-titativa, en cuanto se ha usado la recolección de datos para probar la hipótesis, con base en la medición numérica y el análisis estadístico, para establecer patrones de comportamiento y probar teorías en la discusión de resultados, el nivel de investigacion señalan que los estudios de causa-efecto que requieren control, tienen como característica cumplir los criterios de causalidad, ubicándose en el nivel explicativo, el Diseño del trabajo de estudio es cuasi experimental “son diseños que trabajan en grupos ya formados, no aleatorizados, por tanto su validez interna es pequeña porque no hay control sobre las variables extrañas. La población está constituida por 305 estudiantes del 1° al 6° grado de la I.E. Nº 32384 César Octavio Vergara Tello de Llata, Huamalies, 2017, de los cuales se tomó como muestra a 48 estudiantes del cuarto grado “A” y “B” como grupo control y experimental, respectivamente. Como técnica e instrumento para la recolección de datos se empleó la lista de cotejo y el cuestionario que fueron validadas mediante juicio de expertos. El análisis de información obtenida se efectuó de manera cuan-titativa, presentando los resultados en cuadros estadísticos y, para mejor vi-sualización en gráfico de barras. Como resultado fundamental se ha obtenido que la aplicación de los cuentos influye significativamente en el aprendizaje de las operaciones aritméticas en la I.E. Nº 32384 de Llata, Huamalíes, Huá-nuco, 2017, conforme se muestra en la tabla 03 y Gráfico 04 del Pre Test y, Tabla 07 y Gráfico 08 perteneciente al Post Test, respectivamente.Tesi
Las sociedades por acciones simplificadas, su impacto en la constitución de sociedades en Colombia desde la óptica del análisis económico del derecho societario
Este trabajo se plantea como problema de investigación la indagación acerca del desarrollo conceptual y empírico de las SAS en el derecho Colombiano, intentando describir como se asumió la figura en nuestra legislación y como se ha desarrollado la misma en la práctica del campo societario en Colombia. Podría formularse la pregunta en el siguiente sentido ¿El Análisis Económico de Derecho Societario influenció en la expedición de la Ley 1258 de 2008, y está a su vez ha impactado en la práctica mercantil, entendida como la creación y formalización de empresas y sociedades comerciales en Colombia?Pregrad
Cooling Process Analysis of a 5-Drum System for Radioactive Waste Processing
A cooling system design for the processing of radioactive waste drums is investigated in
this work, with the objective of providing insights for the determination of the air flow rate required
to ensure an acceptable slag temperature (323 K or below) after 5 days. A methodology based
on both 3D and 2D axisymmetric Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling is developed.
Transient temperature distributions within the drums in time and space determined by the heat
transfer characteristics are studied in detail. A sensitivity analysis is also carried out assuming
different physical properties of the radioactive slag. It was found out that for all variations analyzed,
the maximum temperature of slag at the end of five days cooling is below 323 K, where the maximum
outlet air temperature for a minimum air inlet velocity of 1 m/s is between 320 K and 323 K
depending on the radioactive slag properties. When glass-like radioactive slag properties are assumed,
the internal heat conduction within the slag is limiting the overall heat transfer, therefore requiring
significantly longer cooling times
Cambio lingüístico y lexicalización de “dizque” en Colombia
El presente estudio explica el proceso de gramaticalización de dizque desde dice que. Primero se muestran veinte variantes gráficas en el proceso diacrónico desde decir que al dizque. En segundo lugar, este estudio explica la bitransitividad del verbo decir con la partícula relativa que. En tercer lugar, se muestra la evidencialidad como expresión de una fuente de información en el uso comunicativo de dizque. Finalmente, se explica el proceso evolutivo de la gramaticalización y lexicalización de dizque en Colombia
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