26 research outputs found

    Quantifying cerebral blood arrival times using hypoxia-mediated arterial BOLD contrast

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    Cerebral blood arrival and tissue transit times are sensitive measures of the efficiency of tissue perfusion and can provide clinically meaningful information on collateral blood flow status. We exploit the arterial blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal contrast established by precisely decreasing, and then increasing, arterial hemoglobin saturation using respiratory re-oxygenation challenges to quantify arterial blood arrival times throughout the brain. We term this approach the Step Hemoglobin re-Oxygenation Contrast Stimulus (SHOCS). Carpet plot analysis yielded measures of signal onset (blood arrival), global transit time (gTT) and calculations of relative total blood volume. Onset times averaged across 12 healthy subjects were 1.1 ± 0.4 and 1.9 ± 0.6 for cortical gray and deep white matter, respectively. The average whole brain gTT was 4.5 ± 0.9 s. The SHOCS response was 1.7 fold higher in grey versus white matter; in line with known differences in tissue-specific blood volume fraction. SHOCS was also applied in a patient with unilateral carotid artery occlusion revealing ipsilateral prolonged signal onset with normal perfusion in the unaffected hemisphere. We anticipate that SHOCS will further inform on the extent of collateral blood flow in patients with upstream steno-occlusive vascular disease, including those already known to manifest reductions in vasodilatory reserve capacity or vascular steal

    Assessing Perfusion in Steno-Occlusive Cerebrovascular Disease Using Transient Hypoxia-Induced Deoxyhemoglobin as a Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Agent

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Resting brain tissue perfusion in cerebral steno-occlusive vascular disease can be assessed by MR imaging using gadolinium-based susceptibility contrast agents. Recently, transient hypoxia-induced deoxyhemoglobin has been investigated as a noninvasive MR imaging contrast agent. Here we present a comparison of resting perfusion metrics using transient hypoxia-induced deoxyhemoglobin and gadolinium-based contrast agents in patients with known cerebrovascular steno-occlusive disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twelve patients with steno-occlusive disease underwent DSC MR imaging using a standard bolus of gadolinium-based contrast agent compared with transient hypoxia-induced deoxyhemoglobin generated in the lungs using an automated gas blender. A conventional multi-slice 2D gradient echo sequence was used to acquire the perfusion data and analyzed using a standard tracer kinetic model. MTT, relative CBF, and relative CBV maps were generated and compared between contrast agents. RESULTS The spatial distributions of the perfusion metrics generated with both contrast agents were consistent. Perfusion metrics in GM and WM were not statistically different except for WM MTT. CONCLUSIONS Cerebral perfusion metrics generated with noninvasive transient hypoxia-induced changes in deoxyhemoglobin are very similar to those generated using a gadolinium-based contrast agent in patients with cerebrovascular steno-occlusive disease

    Transfer function analysis assesses resting cerebral perfusion metrics using hypoxia-induced deoxyhemoglobin as a contrast agent

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    Introduction: Use of contrast in determining hemodynamic measures requires the deconvolution of an arterial input function (AIF) selected over a voxel in the middle cerebral artery to calculate voxel wise perfusion metrics. Transfer function analysis (TFA) offers an alternative analytic approach that does not require identifying an AIF. We hypothesised that TFA metrics Gain, Lag, and their ratio, Gain/Lag, correspond to conventional AIF resting perfusion metrics relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV), mean transit time (MTT) and relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF), respectively.Methods: 24 healthy participants (17 M) and 1 patient with steno-occlusive disease were recruited. We used non-invasive transient hypoxia-induced deoxyhemoglobin as an MRI contrast. TFA and conventional AIF analyses were used to calculate averages of whole brain and smaller regions of interest.Results: Maps of these average metrics had colour scales adjusted to enhance contrast and identify areas of high congruence. Regional gray matter/white matter (GM/WM) ratios for MTT and Lag, rCBF and Gain/Lag, and rCBV and Gain were compared. The GM/WM ratios were greater for TFA metrics compared to those from AIF analysis indicating an improved regional discrimination.Discussion: Resting perfusion measures generated by The BOLD analysis resulting from a transient hypoxia induced variations in deoxyhemoglobin analyzed by TFA are congruent with those analyzed by conventional AIF analysis

    Measuring Cerebrovascular Reactivity: Sixteen Avoidable Pitfalls

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    An increase in arterial PCO2_{2} is the most common stressor used to increase cerebral blood flow for assessing cerebral vascular reactivity (CVR). That CO2_{2} is readily obtained, inexpensive, easy to administer, and safe to inhale belies the difficulties in extracting scientifically and clinically relevant information from the resulting flow responses. Over the past two decades, we have studied more than 2,000 individuals, most with cervical and cerebral vascular pathology using CO2_{2} as the vasoactive agent and blood oxygen-level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging signal as the flow surrogate. The ability to deliver different forms of precise hypercapnic stimuli enabled systematic exploration of the blood flow-related signal changes. We learned the effect on CVR of particular aspects of the stimulus such as the arterial partial pressure of oxygen, the baseline PCO2_{2}, and the magnitude, rate, and pattern of its change. Similarly, we learned to interpret aspects of the flow response such as its magnitude, and the speed and direction of change. Finally, we were able to test whether the response falls into a normal range. Here, we present a review of our accumulated insight as 16 "lessons learned." We hope many of these insights are sufficiently general to apply to a range of types of CO2_{2}-based vasoactive stimuli and perfusion metrics used for CVR

    L-arginine effects on cerebrovascular reactivity, perfusion and neurovascular coupling in MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) syndrome.

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    ObjectiveWe previously showed that MELAS patients have decreased cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) (p≤ 0.002) and increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) (pG tRNALeu(UUR)) with variable % mutant blood mtDNA to assess effects of L-Arginine (L-Arg) (single dose and 6-wk steady-state trial) on regional CBF, arterial CVR and neurovascular coupling.MethodsPatients were studied with 3T MRI using arterial spin labeling (ASL) to measure CBF and changes in % Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signal to changes in arterial partial pressure of CO2 to measure CVR. Task fMRI consisted of an alternating black and white checkerboard to evaluate visual cortex response in MELAS and controls.ResultsFollowing L-Arg, there was restoration of serum Arg (76-230 μM) in MELAS sibs and a trend towards increasing CVR in frontal and corresponding decrease in occipital cortex; CVR was unchanged globally. There was a 29-37% reduction in baseline CBF in one patient following 6 wks of L-Arg. Pre-treatment fMRI activation in response to visual cortex stimulus was markedly decreased in the same patient compared to controls in primary visual striate cortex V1 and extrastriate regions V2 to V5 with a marked increase toward control values following a single dose and 6 wks of L-Arg.ConclusionProposed "healing" effect may be due to more efficient utilization of energy substrates with increased cellular energy balances and ensuing reduction in signalling pathways that augment flow in the untreated state.Classification of evidenceThis prospective pilot study provides Class III evidence that oral L-Arginine (100 mg/kg single dose or 100 mg/kg three times daily po X 6 weeks) normalizes resting blood flow from elevated pre-treatment levels in patients with MELAS syndrome, selectively increases their CVR from reduced pre-treatment levels in regions most impaired at the expense of less abnormal regions, and normalizes reduced BOLD fMRI activation in response to visual cortex stimulus.Clinical trials.gov (nih)NCT01603446

    Vascular Steal Explains Early Paradoxical Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent Cerebrovascular Response in Brain Regions with Delayed Arterial Transit Times

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    Introduction: Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during manipulation of inhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) can be used to measure cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) and map regions of exhausted cerebrovascular reserve. These regions exhibit a reduced or negative BOLD response to inhaled CO2. In this study, we sought to clarify the mechanism behind the negative BOLD response by investigating its time delay (TD). Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI with the injection of a contrast agent was used as the gold standard in order to provide measurement of the blood arrival time to which CVR TD could be compared. We hypothesize that if negative BOLD responses are the result of a steal phenomenon, they should be synchronized with positive BOLD responses from healthy brain tissue, even though the blood arrival time would be delayed. Methods: On a 3-tesla MRI system, BOLD CVR and DSC images were collected in a group of 19 patients with steno-occlusive cerebrovascular disease. For each patient, we generated a CVR magnitude map by regressing the BOLD signal with the end-tidal partial pressure of CO2 (PETCO2), and a CVR TD map by extracting the time of maximum cross-correlation between the BOLD signal and PETCO2. In addition, a blood arrival time map was generated by fitting the DSC signal with a gamma variate function. ROI masks corresponding to varying degrees of reactivity were constructed. Within these masks, the mean CVR magnitude, CVR TD and DSC blood arrival time were extracted and averaged over the 19 patients. CVR magnitude and CVR TD were then plotted against DSC blood arrival time. Results: The results show that CVR magnitude is highly correlated to DSC blood arrival time. As expected, the most compromised tissues with the longest blood arrival time have the lowest (most negative) CVR magnitude. However, CVR TD shows a noncontinuous relationship with DSC blood arrival time. CVR TD is well correlated to DSC blood arrival time (p Conclusion: These results support the hypothesis that negative reactivity is the result of a steal phenomenon, lowering the BOLD signal as soon as healthier parts of the brain start to react and augment their blood flow. BOLD CVR MRI is capable of identifying this steal distribution, which has particular diagnostic significance as it represents an actual reduction in flow to already compromised tissue