2,769 research outputs found

    Spectral cluster bounds for orthonormal systems and oscillatory integral operators in Schatten spaces

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    We generalize the LpL^p spectral cluster bounds of Sogge for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on compact Riemannian manifolds to systems of orthonormal functions. The optimality of these new bounds is also discussed. These spectral cluster bounds follow from Schatten-type bounds on oscillatory integral operators.Comment: 30 page

    The Stein-Tomas inequality in trace ideals

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    The goal of this review is to explain some recent results regarding generalizations of the Stein-Tomas (and Strichartz) inequalities to the context of trace ideals (Schatten spaces).Comment: Proceedings of the Laurent Schwartz semina

    Maximizers for the Stein-Tomas inequality

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    We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the precompactness of all optimizing sequences for the Stein-Tomas inequality. In particular, if a well-known conjecture about the optimal constant in the Strichartz inequality is true, we obtain the existence of an optimizer in the Stein-Tomas inequality. Our result is valid in any dimension.Comment: 37 page

    Bridging Perturbative Expansions with Tensor Networks

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    We demonstrate that perturbative expansions for quantum many-body systems can be rephrased in terms of tensor networks, thereby providing a natural framework for interpolating perturbative expansions across a quantum phase transition. This approach leads to classes of tensor-network states parametrized by few parameters with a clear physical meaning, while still providing excellent variational energies. We also demonstrate how to construct perturbative expansions of the entanglement Hamiltonian, whose eigenvalues form the entanglement spectrum, and how the tensor-network approach gives rise to order parameters for topological phase transitions.Comment: published versio

    Fractal spectral triples on Kellendonk's C∗C^*-algebra of a substitution tiling

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    We introduce a new class of noncommutative spectral triples on Kellendonk's C∗C^*-algebra associated with a nonperiodic substitution tiling. These spectral triples are constructed from fractal trees on tilings, which define a geodesic distance between any two tiles in the tiling. Since fractals typically have infinite Euclidean length, the geodesic distance is defined using Perron-Frobenius theory, and is self-similar with scaling factor given by the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue. We show that each spectral triple is θ\theta-summable, and respects the hierarchy of the substitution system. To elucidate our results, we construct a fractal tree on the Penrose tiling, and explicitly show how it gives rise to a collection of spectral triples.Comment: Updated to agree with published versio

    Restriction theorems for orthonormal functions, Strichartz inequalities, and uniform Sobolev estimates

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    We generalize the theorems of Stein-Tomas and Strichartz about surface restrictions of Fourier transforms to systems of orthonormal functions with an optimal dependence on the number of functions. We deduce the corresponding Strichartz bounds for solutions to Schrödinger equations up to the endpoint, thereby solving an open problem of Frank, Lewin, Lieb and Seiringer. We also prove uniform Sobolev estimates in Schatten spaces, extending the results of Kenig, Ruiz, and Sogge. We finally provide applications of these results to a Limiting Absorption Principle in Schatten spaces, to the well-posedness of the Hartree equation in Schatten spaces, to Lieb-Thirring bounds for eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials, and to Schatten properties of the scattering matrix

    Extremizers for the Airy–Strichartz inequality

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    We identify the compactness threshold for optimizing sequences of the Airy–Strichartz inequality as an explicit multiple of the sharp constant in the Strichartz inequality. In particular, if the sharp constant in the Airy–Strichartz inequality is strictly smaller than this multiple of the sharp constant in the Strichartz inequality, then there is an optimizer for the former inequality. Our result is valid for the full range of Airy–Strichartz inequalities (except the endpoints) both in the diagonal and off-diagonal cases

    Large deviation principles for words drawn from correlated letter sequences

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    When an i.i.d.\ sequence of letters is cut into words according to i.i.d.\ renewal times, an i.i.d.\ sequence of words is obtained. In the \emph{annealed} LDP (large deviation principle) for the empirical process of words, the rate function is the specific relative entropy of the observed law of words w.r.t.\ the reference law of words. In Birkner, Greven and den Hollander \cite{BGdH10} the \emph{quenched} LDP (= conditional on a typical letter sequence) was derived for the case where the renewal times have an \emph{algebraic} tail. The rate function turned out to be a sum of two terms, one being the annealed rate function, the other being proportional to the specific relative entropy of the observed law of letters w.r.t.\ the reference law of letters, obtained by concatenating the words and randomising the location of the origin. The proportionality constant equals the tail exponent of the renewal process. The purpose of the present paper is to extend both LDP's to letter sequences that are not i.i.d. It is shown that both LDP's carry over when the letter sequence satisfies a mixing condition called \emph{summable variation}. The rate functions are again given by specific relative entropies w.r.t.\ the reference law of words, respectively, letters. But since neither of these reference laws is i.i.d., several approximation arguments are needed to obtain the extension.Comment: 15 pages. Corrections in Proposition 3.1 and Lemma 4.3, new Lemma 5.3, additional explanations in Section 4.4 and other minor modification
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