10 research outputs found

    Context Specification Language for Formally Verifying Consent Properties on Models and Code

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    International audienceRecent privacy laws and regulations raise the stakes in ver-ifying that software systems respect user consent. The current state ofthe art shows that privacy by design and formal methods can help. Still,ensuring the validity of privacy properties, in particular consent proper-ties, at different stages of software development, is hard. This paper pro-poses a step towards solving this issue by introducing a new tool, namedCASTT, that allows software engineers to verify consent properties at twodifferent development stages: system modeling and code verification. Todescribe the system, this paper introduces a new formal context specifi-cation language named CSpeL, which allows to specify the key elementsinvolved in consent and their relationships. The tool is evaluated on twouse cases targeting different application domains: healthcare and website.We also evaluate the correctness and the efficiency of our tool

    A new generic representation for modeling privacy

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    International audienceVerifying how personal data is used in industrialapplications is of utmost importance for evaluating privacy.Existing works propose many definitions of privacy and offera wide variety of approaches for verifying privacy properties.Yet, as far as we know, there is currently no generic settingallowing to model all these concepts, as well as to express andverify related privacy properties, whilst taking into accountthe various abstraction levels involved when designing andimplementing a computer system.This work proposes a generic representation for model-ing privacy relying on a new classification scheme and a newontology. These aim to be generic enough for modeling keyprivacy concepts and their relationships, as well as helpingexpress and verify related properties at different levels ofabstractions. Our representation of privacy can also bespecialized into various existing ones, according to differentcriteria, whilst allowing us to instantiate it for mapping itsgeneric elements to existing examples or concrete use cases

    All-optical measurements of background, amplitude, and timing jitters for high speed pulse trains or PRBS sequences using autocorrelation function

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    International audienceWe present a simple method for all-optical measurements of background, amplitude, and timing jitters of ultra high speed pulse trains or PRBS sequences using the jitter dependence of the intercorrelation-peak shape. This method is numerically and experimentally demonstrated on a 42.66 Gbit/s PRBS sequence and then applied to measure the jitter growths occurring during the propagation of a 160-GHz pulse train in a classical SMF/DCF dispersion map

    Prolonged SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Patients Receiving Anti-CD20 Monoclonal Antibodies: A Diagnostic Challenged by Negative Nasopharyngeal RT-PCR and Successful Treatment with COVID-19 High-Titer Convalescent Plasma

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    We highlighted in this current paper similar prolonged respiratory presentation with COVID-19 pneumonia in four severely immunocompromised patients currently being treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), such as ocrelizumab and rituximab, for multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid polyarthritis. Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction on a nasopharyngeal swab specimen was negative in all patients. SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. A high titer of post-vaccine COVID-19 convalescent plasma was administered with complete recovery in all patients

    De la racine à l’extrémisme : discours des radicalités politiques et sociales

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    Ce dossier entend traiter « des » radicalités, tant la radicalité ne peut être définie sans envisager son (ses) pluriel(s). Des radicaux, ces Républicains d’autrefois partisans de réformes allant dans le sens de la démocratie et de la laïcité, jusqu’aux doctrines contemporaines dites « radicales » lorsqu’elles vont jusqu’au bout de leurs conséquences, le champ lexical du terme renvoie à des éléments divers qui permettent d’en retracer l’évolution. Cette double appartenance signifie à la fois une forme de retour aux sources (la notion de racine) et son opposé : une transformation extrême entraînant des conséquences majeures. Cette livraison montre ainsi à travers trois études de cas une relation ambivalente à la radicalité. Elle s’intéresse à des stratégies de communication ou de positionnement travaillant l’affichage des radicalités : la polémicité, la réappropriation du stigmate induit par celle-ci, ou au contraire l’atténuation du discours afin d’éviter les sanctions juridiques, ou encore une référence aux origines permettant de se réapproprier une pensée censément antagoniste. Plus globalement, il s’agit ici de cerner ce qu’est un discours radical et comment se traduit le discours des radicalités politiques, sans que cela ressorte nécessairement comme un discours de haine. This special issue aims to cover multiple radicalities, as radicality cannot be defined without consideration of its plural (forms). From the radicaux, those early French Republicans who favoured democratic and secularist reforms, to so-called contemporary “radical” doctrines (when they continue to their ultimate consequences), the word’s lexical field refers to a variety of elements which enable us to track its evolution. This double affiliation signifies both a return to origins (the notion of root) and its opposite: an extreme transformation with major consequences. Through three case studies, this issue shows an ambivalent relationship to radicality. It focuses on communication or positioning strategies which determine displays of radicality: polemicity, the reappropriation of the stigma induced by it or, conversely, the toning down of speech so to avoid legal sanctions, or even a reference to origins allowing oneself to reappropriate some seemingly conflicting thinking. More generally, the question here is to determine what constitutes radical discourse and how the discourse of political radicality finds expression without it necessarily taking the form of hate speech. Este dossier pretende tratar de «las» radicalidades, ya que la radicalidad no se puede definir sin tomar en cuenta su (sus) plural(es). Desde los radicales, esos Republicanos de antaño partidarios de las reformas a favor de la democracia y de la laicidad, hasta las doctrinas contemporáneas dichas «radicales» cuando van hasta el fondo de sus consecuencias, el campo semántico del término se refiere a unos elementos diversos que nos permiten seguir su evolución. Esta doble pertenencia significa a la vez una forma de vuelta a la fuente (noción de raíz) y su opuesto: una transformación extrema implicando consecuencias mayores. Esta entrega demuestra en los tres casos estudiados una relación ambivalente con la radicalidad. Tratará de las estrategias de comunicación o de posicionamiento trabajando la demostración de las radicalidades: la polemicidad, la reapropiación del estigma que esa induce, o al contrario la atenuación del discurso afín de evitar las sanciones jurídicas, o también una referencia a las orígenes que permite apropiarse de nuevo un pensamiento aparentemente antagonista. Más generalmente, se tratará de acotar lo que es un discurso radical y cómo se traduce el discurso de las radicalidades políticas, sin que eso sobresalga necesariamente como un discurso de odio