24 research outputs found

    Self Control Belajar Siswa di Sekolah dalam Menghadapi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan atas dasar masih adanya indikasi siswa yang memiliki self control belajar yang lemah, padahal mereka berada pada era revolusi industri 4,0 yang mengharuskan seseorang memiliki self control belajar yang baik. Jika ini tidak dilakukan tindakan preventif maka akan mengganggu proses belajar siswa di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengungkap tingkat self control belajar siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 36 orang. Data diungkap menggunakan angket dengan skala self control dan dianalisis menggunakan rumus persentase dan skor ideal. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa rata-rata tingkat self control belajar siswa di sekolah berada pada kategori cukup baik. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada guru bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah untuk membuat program bimbingan dan konseling dan memberikan layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan tema self control belajar siswa


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    The background of this research is that nowadays we were still found some students who still do some bullying at school, so the purpose of this study is to reveal the intensity of student bullying behavior in schools related to 1) physical bullying, 2) verbal bullying, 3) relational bullying, 4) cyberbullying. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with 30 students as respondents. Data was collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using the ideal score formula. The results of this research study is indicate that the average of the respondent has an intensity of bullying behavior in the medium category.

    Peer conformity in the "manis manja" community

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    Peer conformity is a problem that almost everyone experiences; both adults and adolescents often adjust their behavior and opinions to their peer group. Thus, this study analyzed the condition of peer conformity in the waria community "Manis Manja." This study used a descriptive quantitative approach that tried to describe the data as it is. The participants in this study were members of the waria community "Manis Manja" in Kerinci Regency, which amounted to 10 people. The research data were revealed using the Peer Conformity Scale, which has been tested for validity and reliability. The study's results were processed and analyzed using statistical analysis of categorization norms. The results showed that the condition of peer conformity in the "Manis Manja" community in Kerinci Regency was in the medium category, meaning that members of the "Manis Manja" community made adjustments to their group environment by the norms or rules in their group, and tended to follow the styles and behaviors of other group members. Peer conformity influences adolescent behavior through the behavior in a group. This research is the first to describe peer conformity in the transgender community. This research is the first to reveal the condition of peer conformity in the "Manis Manja" waria community, Kerinci Regency. This research discusses the problem of peer conformity in the "Manis Manja" community

    Penerapan Perilaku Altruistik dalam Layanan Konseling Individu Oleh Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya indikasi guru BK di sekolah dalam melaksanakan layanan konseling individu belum memperlihatkan perilaku altruistik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengungkapkan tingkat penerapan perilaku altuistik dalam layanan konseling individu oleh guru BK di sekolah menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 74 orang yang pernah mendapatkan layanan konseling individu dari guru BK. Hasil peneltian ini mengungkapkan bahwa rata-rata tingkat penerapan perilaku altruistik guru BK dalam melaksanakan layanan konseling individu berada pada kategori sedan

    Profile of the problem of the adolescent with parents as Indonesian migrant workers

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    Adolescents who have parents as Indonesian Workers have a tendency to be closed, quiet, less able to socialize, have been learning problems and lack discipline that needs the attention of all parties. Therefore, this study aims to uncover adolescent problems, including personal problems, social relations, and academic problems. This study used a qualitative method of intrinsic case study approach with two teenagers as respondents. Data collection by in-depth interviews, and the validity of the data by data triangulation, then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The research findings revealed that the problems experienced by respondents were not self-confidence, lack of attention from parents, not confident, anxiety, economic problems, broken relationships with parents and siblings, difficulty socializing, not confident away from parents, easy feeling sad when talking about parents, careless, daydreaming and not listening to the advice of others. Then their social relations are good, and some are difficult to get along with the community and like to be alone. After that their parents support the lectures that theme have undergone, but there are also respondents who experience financial constraints and poor learning skills in college

    Pemantapan Tauhid Remaja Masjid Melalui Kegiatan Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok

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    Remaja sedang berada pada tahap perkembangan yang membutuhkan pembimbingan dan contoh yang benar dari orang dewasa agar mereka bisa tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik, dalam hal ini termasuk pemantapan tauhid agar mereka mampu menjalani kehidupan dengan iman yang mantap kepada Allah SWT. Sehingga dibutuhkan metode yang sifatnya friendly agar mereka mudah dalam memahami tauhid dengan benar, salah satu metode yang bisa ditawarkan yaitu dengan memberikan layanan bimbingan kelompok. Metode kegiatan ini terdiri dari lima tahap yaitu 1) pembentukan, 2) peralihan, 3) kegiatan inti, 4) penyimpulan dan 5) penutup dengan peserta kegiatan yaitu anggota remaja masjid yang berjumlah 15 orang dan kegiatan ini dilakukan sebanyak lima kali pertemuan. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa anggota remaja masjid telah memiliki wawasan, dan pemahaman akan tauhid yang benar


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    Gadget addiction in children in the current age of information technology is a global problem experienced almost all over the world, so it is necessary to prevent, reduce and cure solutions for children who are already addicted to gadgets. So the Community Service activities in Desa Baru Sungai Betung Mudik, Kerinci Regency, were carried out assistance to parents in reducing the tendency of gadgets to children. The activity method is carried out in talk shows and psychological consultations for people who need psychological handlers, especially the problem of gadget addiction. This PkM activity was carried out on Friday, February 4, 2022, with activity partners, namely the village community of 30 people. The results of PkM activities show an increase in public understanding and insight into the dangers of gadgets for children if not given wisely, including for the family itself. Then the results of psychological consultations showed that there are parents who complain about their children who are difficult to escape from the device, so it is necessary to do a special follow-up. It is recommended to parents to make a schedule for children to play with gadgets and interact with children, so on for the village government to provide sports facilities for adolescents so that adolescent energy can be channelled positively

    Drug Abuse In The Perspective of Understanding Students In Junior High School

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    Drug abuse is a serious social problem in Indonesia. One of the factors that can influence the occurrence of drug abuse is the lack of understanding of students about the dangers of drugs. Therefore, this study explores students' understanding of drug abuse in junior high school. The research method used was quantitative, and the sample consisted of 100 junior high school students in Kerinci, which were taken using convenience sampling. The data were collected using a scale of students' understanding of drugs that had been tested for validity and reliability. The results showed that most students had a relatively good understanding of the dangers of drugs. However, there are still some students who do not understand the dangers of drugs, especially regarding the long-term impacts and legal consequences that can be obtained due to drug abuse. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that more intensive efforts are still needed to improve students' understanding of the dangers of drugs. Schools can develop more active and creative educational programs to improve students' understanding of the dangers of drugs and invite parents and the community to get involved in efforts to prevent drug abuse among adolescents. This conclusion can be used as a reference for developing programs and policies to combat drug abuse in Indonesia, especially among junior high school students


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    Abstract: Self-confidence is essential for students in the classroom learning process, so school counselors must increase student confidence. One of the methods used by school counselors is the show-and-tell method. So the purpose of this study is to uncover the effects of the show-and-tell method in increasing student confidence in the classroom. This research is a type of qualitative research with descriptive analysis. Then for the collection of informants, a snowball sampling technique is used with key informants of school counselors at The State Junior High School 4 Sungaipenuh City. The data is revealed using a structured interview format, and then the interview data is processed through the data reduction stage, data presentation, and conclusion drawing; so on to maintain the validity of the data is carried out by triangulation of the data. The results of this study revealed that the show-and-tell method carried out by school counselors on students can make students become confident individuals in the classroom.Abstract: Self-confidence is essential for students in the classroom learning process, so school counselors must increase student confidence. One of the methods used by school counselors is the show-and-tell method. So the purpose of this study is to uncover the effects of the show-and-tell method in increasing student confidence in the classroom. This research is a type of qualitative research with descriptive analysis. Then for the collection of informants, a snowball sampling technique is used with key informants of school counselors at The State Junior High School 4 Sungaipenuh City. The data is revealed using a structured interview format, and then the interview data is processed through the data reduction stage, data presentation, and conclusion drawing; so on to maintain the validity of the data is carried out by triangulation of the data. The results of this study revealed that the show-and-tell method carried out by school counselors on students can make students become confident individuals in the classroom

    Pendekatan Tazkiyatun An-Nafs untuk membantu mengurangi emosi negatif klien

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    Emosi merupakan kondisi psikologis yang bersumber dari dua faktor dalam hidup manusia, yaitu adanya faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal merupakan aspek bawaan dan genetik, yang mana tidak bisa dipisahkan dari bagaimana individu berperilaku dan merespon, akan tetapi bisa di bentuk dan dikendalikan. Serta faktor eksternal merupakan pengaruh lingkungan yang mempengaruhi persepsi subjektif dan komunikasi sosial individu. Kondisi ini merupakan dinamika manusia dalam hidupnya akan tetapi juga bisa menjadi bencana dalam hidup sosial, banyak masalah yang muncul dari manusia yang tidak bisa mengatur emosi mereka dalam berperilaku emosi ini dikenal dengan emosi negatif dalam islam disebut dengan nafsu lawammah dan amarrah. Banyak teknik konseling yang telah dilakukan untuk membantu klien dalam membantu klien mengatur meosi negatifnya tapi teknik tersebut hanya menyentuh permukaan dari kesadaran individu itu saja tetapi tidak menyentuh transendennya diri klien seperti akhlak dan pemikiran yang mendalam akan diri klien. Seperti yang disampaikan oleh Assagioli dengan psikologi transpersonalnya bahwa pikiran dan keinginan diri merupakan diri yang transenden. Begitu juga Al Ghazali mengatakan dalam Tazkiyatun An-Nafs akhlak merupakan pikiran dan hati yang mendalam untuk membantu membentuk emosi positif dan melepaskan yang negatif. Dalam artikel ini akan didiskusikan secara lebih mendalam mengenai emosi, dan aspeknya serta bagaimana tazkiyatun an-nafs bisa disintesiskan sebagai pendekatan konseling untuk membantu melepaskan emosi negatif klien serta artikel ini merupakan pengembangan dari artikel sebelumnya di tahun 2017. Emotion was a psychological condition that came from two factor in human life, internal and external factor. Internal factor was a gift and genetic aspect, that can not be seperated from how an individual to behave and react, but can be shape and control and external factor was an environment influence that affect a subjective perception and social communication of individual. This condition can be a human dynamica in their life but also can be a disaster in social life, there are many problem came from how individual can not control or manage their emotion to behave in their life, this emotion call a negative emotion, in islam call such nafsun lawammah and amarrah. Many technique has been done to help the client in manage of their negative emotion, but that technique only touch on a surface of client’s counscioussness but not a trancendence of their self such an akhlak and deepest mind. Like told by Assagioli in transpersonal psychology that mind and will was a trancendence of self and al ghazali with tazkiyatun an-nafs approach told that akhlak was an deepest mind and heart to shape a positive emotion and release a negative emotion. In this article will discuss for further about emotion and their aspect and also how tazkiyatun an-nafs approach can be a synthesis to help release a negative emotion of client, this article was expanded from article in 2017 before