359 research outputs found

    A new method to simulate vertical and horizontal structure in galactic disks

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    We have modified the particles in an N-body treecode to have different softening lengths in the horizontal and vertical directions. This allows us to simultaneously have thin enough particles to resolve the vertical structure in galactic disks, and horizontally large enough particles to suppress the vertical heating due to two-body effects

    Distant Galaxy Clusters Identified From Optical Background Fluctuations

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    We present the first high redshift (0.3 < z < 1.1) galaxy clusters found by systematically identifying optical low surface brightness fluctuations in the background sky. Using spectra obtained with the Keck telescope and I-band images from the Palomar 1.5m telescope, we conclude that at least eight of the ten candidates examined are high redshift galaxy clusters. The identification of such clusters from low surface brightness fluctuations provides a complementary alternative to classic selection methods based on overdensities of resolved galaxies, and enables us to search efficiently for rich high redshift clusters over large areas of the sky. The detections described here are the first in a survey that covers a total of nearly 140 sq. degrees of the sky and should yield, if these preliminary results are representative, over 300 such clusters.Comment: Submitted to ApJ

    A Panoply of Cepheid Light Curve Templates

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    We have generated accurate V and I template light curves using a combination of Fourier decomposition and principal component analysis for a large sample of Cepheid light curves. Unlike previous studies, we include short period Cepheids and stars pulsating in the first overtone mode in our analysis. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations show that our templates can be used to precisely measure Cepheid magnitudes and periods, even in cases where there are few observational epochs. These templates are ideal for characterizing serendipitously discovered Cepheids and can be used in conjunction with surveys such as Pan-Starrs and LSST where the observational sampling may not be optimized for Cepheids.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in AJ fixed embarrassing typo