2,155 research outputs found

    Medical Cost Trajectories and Onsets of Cancer and NonCancer Diseases in US Elderly Population

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    Time trajectories of medical costs-associated with onset of twelve aging-related cancer and chronic noncancer diseases were analyzed using the National Long-Term Care Survey data linked to Medicare Service Use files. A special procedure for selecting individuals with onset of each disease was developed and used for identification of the date at disease onset. Medical cost trajectories were found to be represented by a parametric model with four easily interpretable parameters reflecting: (i) prediagnosis cost (associated with initial comorbidity), (ii) cost of the disease onset, (iii) population recovery representing reduction of the medical expenses associated with a disease since diagnosis was made, and (iv) acquired comorbidity representing the difference between post- and pre diagnosis medical cost levels. These parameters were evaluated for the entire US population as well as for the subpopulation conditional on age, disability and comorbidity states, and survival (2.5 years after the date of onset). The developed approach results in a family of new forecasting models with covariates

    Cancer Risk and Behavioral Factors, Comorbidities, and Functional Status in the US Elderly Population

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    About 80% of all cancers are diagnosed in the elderly and up to 75% of cancers are associated with behavioral factors. An approach to estimate the contribution of various measurable factors, including behavior/lifestyle, to cancer risk in the US elderly population is presented. The nationally representative National Long-Term Care Survey (NLTCS) data were used for measuring functional status and behavioral factors in the US elderly population (65+), and Medicare Claims files linked to each person from the NLTCS were used for estimating cancer incidence. The associations (i.e., relative risks) of selected factors with risks of breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers were evaluated and discussed. Behavioral risk factors significantly affected cancer risks in the US elderly. The most influential of potentially preventable risk factors can be detected with this approach using NLTCS-Medicare linked dataset and for further deeper analyses employing other datasets with detailed risk factors description

    Groundwater Quality and Its Health Impact: An Assessment of Dental Fluorosis in Rural Inhabitants of the Main Ethiopian Rift

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    This study aims to assess the link between fluoride content in groundwater and its impact on dental health in rural communities of the Ethiopian Rift. A total of 148 water samples were collected from two drainage basins within the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). In the Ziway-Shala basin in particular, wells had high fluoride levels (mean: 9.4 ± 10.5 mg/L; range: 1.1 to 68 mg/L), with 48 of 50 exceeding the WHO drinking water guideline limit of 1.5 mg/L. Total average daily intake of fluoride from drinking groundwater (calculated per weight unit) was also found to be six times higher than the No-Observed-Adverse-Effects-Level (NOAEL) value of 0.06 mg/kg/day. The highest fluoride levels were found in highly alkaline (pH of 7 to 8.9) groundwater characterized by high salinity; high concentrations of sodium (Na+), bicarbonate (HCO3−), and silica (SiO2); and low concentrations of calcium (Ca2+). A progressive Ca2+ decrease along the groundwater flow path is associated with an increase of fluoride in the groundwater. The groundwater quality problem is also coupled with the presence of other toxic elements, such as arsenic (As) and uranium (U). The health impact of fluoride was evaluated based on clinical examination of dental fluorosis (DF) among local residents using the Thylstrup and Fejerskov index (TFI). In total, 200 rural inhabitants between the ages of 7 and 40 years old using water from 12 wells of fluoride range of 7.8–18 mg/L were examined. Signs of DF (TF score of ≥ 1) were observed in all individuals. Most of the teeth (52%) recorded TF scores of 5 and 6, followed by TF scores of 3 and 4 (30%), and 8.4% had TF scores of 7 or higher. Sixty percent of the teeth exhibited loss of the outermost enamel. Within the range of fluoride contents, we did not find any correlation between fluoride content and DF. Finally, preliminary data suggest that milk intake has contributed to reducing the severity of DF. The study highlights the apparent positive role of milk on DF and emphasizes the importance of nutrition in management efforts to mitigate DF in the MER and other parts of the world

    Fluoride Exposure from Groundwater as Reflected by Urinary Fluoride and Children’s Dental Fluorosis in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley

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    This cross-sectional study explores the relationships between children’s F− exposure from drinking groundwater and urinary F− concentrations, combined with dental fluorosis (DF) in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) Valley. We examined the DF prevalence and severity among 491 children (10 to 15 This cross-sectional study explores the relationships between children’s F− exposure from drinking groundwater and urinary F− concentrations, combined with dental fluorosis (DF) in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) Valley. We examined the DF prevalence and severity among 491 children (10 to 15 years old) who are lifelong residents of 33 rural communities in which groundwater concentrations of F− cover a wide range. A subset of 156 children was selected for urinary F− measurements. Our results showed that the mean F− concentrations in groundwater were 8.5 ± 4.1 mg/L (range: 1.1–18 mg/L), while those in urine were 12.1 ± 7.3 mg/L (range: 1.1–39.8 mg/L). The prevalence of mild, moderate, and severe DF in children’s teeth was 17%, 29%, and 45%, respectively, and the majority (90%; n = 140) of the children had urinary F− concentrations above 3 mg/L. Below this level most of the teeth showed mild forms of DF. The exposure-response relationship between F− and DF was positive and nonlinear, with DF severity tending to level off above a F− threshold of ~6 mg/L, most likely due to the fact that at ~6 mg/L the enamel is damaged as much as it can be clinically observed in most children. We also observed differential prevalence (and severity) of DF and urinary concentration across children exposed to similar F− concentrations in water, which highlights the importance of individual-specific factors in addition to the F− levels in drinking water. Finally, we investigated urinary F− in children from communities where defluoridation remediation was taking place. The lower F− concentration measured in urine of this population demonstrates the capacity of the urinary F−method as an effective monitoring and evaluation tool for assessing the outcome of successful F− mitigation strategy in a relatively short time (months) in areas affected with severe fluorosis

    Actualizing the venturing model in Ukraine

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    The financing of innovations is the driving driver of the innovative model of development of any country, and Ukraine in particular. In modern conditions, the importance of venture capital for the economy of Ukraine is growing against the background of reducing alternatives to raising capital for the development of small and high-tech businesses. The reasons for the current state of decline in the innovation and investment process in Ukraine are analyzed and identified. Peculiarities of venture investment in Ukraine are studied. It is determined that the vast majority of venture capital institutions, regardless of their field of activity, are used mainly by large industrial and financial groups to preserve assets and minimize taxation, rather than to finance innovation. The obtained results give grounds for the conclusion that the essence of venture entrepreneurship in Ukraine does not correspond to the American and European models. The current conditions turn venture funds in Ukraine from an instrument of innovative development into a means of making a profit for large financial and industrial groups, which is a hidden reason for slowing down the innovation and investment process. An updated Ukrainian venture model is proposed, taking into account the peculiarities of the economy and a thorough rethinking of the existing structure of venture capital. The introduction of a rational combination of public, private, and research components of the investment process is proposed, i.e. the need to involve universities, scientists, and the scientific elite in the venture industry. It is determined that this model is only one of the components of a comprehensive program to stimulate investment demand, which also includes: ensuring macroeconomic stability; ensuring economic freedom; ensuring economic security; an increase of investment resource; impact on investment propensity; liberalization and development of the financial market; stimulating investment activities through the mechanism of state support for business and science partnerships

    The Effect of Non-fluoride Factors on Risk of Dental Fluorosis: Evidence from Rural Populations of the Main Ethiopian Rift

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    Elevated level of fluoride (F−) in drinking water is a well-recognized risk factor of dental fluorosis (DF). While considering optimization of region-specific standards for F−, it is reasonable, however, to consider how local diet, water sourcing practices, and non-F− elements in water may be related to health outcomes. In this study, we hypothesized that non-F− elements in groundwater and lifestyle and demographic characteristics may be independent predictors or modifiers of the effects of F− on teeth. Dental examinations were conducted among 1094 inhabitants from 399 randomly selected households of 20 rural communities of the Ziway-Shala lake basin of the Main Ethiopian Rift. DF severity was evaluated using the Thylstrup-Fejerskov Index (TFI). Household surveys were performed and water samples were collected from community water sources. To consider interrelations between the teeth within individual (in terms of DF severity) and between F− and non-F− elements in groundwater, the statistical methods of regression analysis, mixed models, and principal component analysis were used. About 90% of study participants consumed water from wells with F− levels above the WHO recommended standard of 1.5 mg/l. More than 62% of the study population had DF. F− levels were a major factor associated with DF. Age, sex, and milk consumption (both cow’s and breastfed) were also statistically significantly (p \u3c 0.05) associated with DF severity; these associations appear both independently and as modifiers of those identified between F− concentration and DF severity. Among 35 examined elements in groundwater, Ca, Al, Cu, and Rb were found to be significantly correlated with dental health outcomes among the residents exposed to water with excessive F− concentrations. Quantitative estimates obtained in our study can be used to explore new water treatment strategies, water safety and quality regulations, and lifestyle recommendations which may be more appropriate for this highly populated region

    Distinct Transmission Cycles of Leishmania tropica in 2 Adjacent Foci, Northern Israel

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    TOC summary for table of contents: Infection with Leishmania tropica is emerging because of encroachment of rock hyraxes and transmission by multiple vector species


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    The article considers the main prospects for the use of the method of coating plasma spraying. The essence of plasma spraying is disclosed, and the main advantages and disadvantages of this coating formation method are indicated. The method is characterized by high productivity and the possibility of forming high-quality coatings on machine parts for various functional purposes. It was found that the low stability of the spraying process, the structural complexity of the plasmatron and the need for mathematical modeling are constraining factors in designing new technological processes of plasma spraying. The possibility of further increasing the efficiency of plasma spraying by developing methods and means of automation and computerization of the spraying process is substantiated. Obtaining the required physical and mechanical properties of coatings applied to worn working surfaces of machine parts by plasma spraying is achieved by using modern electronic computing machines in the development of technological application processes. Based on the research a mathematical model for evaluating the method of plasma coating deposition was obtained. It allows the choice of applied materials and technological processes, as well as modeling options of design and technology solutions that meet the optimization condition. The data obtained from the results of studies allow evaluation of the impact of technological modes of coating formation on the optimization parameter

    Generalized Gravi-Electromagnetism

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    A self consistant and manifestly covariant theory for the dynamics of four charges (masses) (namely electric, magnetic, gravitational, Heavisidian) has been developed in simple, compact and consistent manner. Starting with an invariant Lagrangian density and its quaternionic representation, we have obtained the consistent field equation for the dynamics of four charges. It has been shown that the present reformulation reproduces the dynamics of individual charges (masses) in the absence of other charge (masses) as well as the generalized theory of dyons (gravito - dyons) in the absence gravito - dyons (dyons). key words: dyons, gravito - dyons, quaternion PACS NO: 14.80H