42 research outputs found

    Primary and Auxiliary Subunits of Sodium Channel Nav1 in Lymnaea Stagnalis

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    Voltage gated sodium channels (Nav ) are major contributors in the neuronal signal transduction, responsible for the action potential upstroke. They are members of the large 4x6 ion channel family, which also include the voltage gated calcium channels, and NALCN channels. The evolution of sodium selectivity in ion channels predates the development of the nervous system and sodium channels can be found in almost all animal lineages, including the most ancestral ones, like Placozoa and Apusozoa phylums. Two types of sodium channels, Nav1 and Nav2, are differentiated mainly based upon the structure of the inner pore, which dictates the ion selectivity of the channel. Nav1, which is represented in humans by 9 subtypes, Nav1.1-9, carries a selectivity filter motif DEKA which makes it highly selective for sodium ions. Nav2 which is ancestral to Nav1 has been lost in the vertebrate lineage but is found in the majority of invertebrates. Despite the structural homology with Nav1, the selectivity filter DEEA makes the Nav2 channel calcium selective. We have sequenced, cloned and identified splice variants in sodium channel Nav1 from a pulmonate fresh water snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. We also identified the sequence of the Lymnaea Nav2 channel, which is possibly expressed in the snail external sensory organs. Unlike the highly conserved α- subunits, the multifunctional auxiliary subunits of human sodium channel, ÎČ1-4, have no structural analogs among invertebrates, although insectal Tip-E and TEH have a similar function. We have identified putative molluscan sodium channel auxiliary subunits, LNavB1-4, which are secreted proteins with a conserved CUB domain, analogous to the CAM like immunoglobulin V-folds in mammalian ÎČ-subunits. CUB domains are found in auxiliary subunits of nematode and mammalian ligand gated channels, such as kainite receptors and acetylcholine receptors. Our hypothesis is that the NavÎČ subunits are an example of convergence, which evolved independently in different invertebrates and vertebrate groups to serve similar functions

    Eukaryotic Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels: On Their Origins, Asymmetries, Losses, Diversification and Adaptations

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    The appearance of voltage-gated, sodium-selective channels with rapid gating kinetics was a limiting factor in the evolution of nervous systems. Two rounds of domain duplications generated a common 24 transmembrane segment (4 × 6 TM) template that is shared amongst voltage-gated sodium (Nav1 and Nav2) and calcium channels (Cav1, Cav2, and Cav3) and leak channel (NALCN) plus homologs from yeast, different single-cell protists (heterokont and unikont) and algae (green and brown). A shared architecture in 4 × 6 TM channels include an asymmetrical arrangement of extended extracellular L5/L6 turrets containing a 4-0-2-2 pattern of cysteines, glycosylated residues, a universally short III-IV cytoplasmic linker and often a recognizable, C-terminal PDZ binding motif. Six intron splice junctions are conserved in the first domain, including a rare U12-type of the minor spliceosome provides support for a shared heritage for sodium and calcium channels, and a separate lineage for NALCN. The asymmetrically arranged pores of 4x6 TM channels allows for a changeable ion selectivity by means of a single lysine residue change in the high field strength site of the ion selectivity filter in Domains II or III. Multicellularity and the appearance of systems was an impetus for Nav1 channels to adapt to sodium ion selectivity and fast ion gating. A non-selective, and slowly gating Nav2 channel homolog in single cell eukaryotes, predate the diversification of Nav1 channels from a basal homolog in a common ancestor to extant cnidarians to the nine vertebrate Nav1.x channel genes plus Nax. A close kinship between Nav2 and Nav1 homologs is evident in the sharing of most (twenty) intron splice junctions. Different metazoan groups have lost their Nav1 channel genes altogether, while vertebrates rapidly expanded their gene numbers. The expansion in vertebrate Nav1 channel genes fills unique functional niches and generates overlapping properties contributing to redundancies. Specific nervous system adaptations include cytoplasmic linkers with phosphorylation sites and tethered elements to protein assemblies in First Initial Segments and nodes of Ranvier. Analogous accessory beta subunit appeared alongside Nav1 channels within different animal sub-phyla. Nav1 channels contribute to pace-making as persistent or resurgent currents, the former which is widespread across animals, while the latter is a likely vertebrate adaptation

    Emergence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in southern Germany

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    Background Over the last years, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) has caused devastating enteric diseases in the US and several countries in Asia, while outbreaks in Europe have only been reported sporadically since the 1980s. At present, only insufficient information is available on currently circulating PEDV strains in Europe and their impact on the European swine industry. In this case report, we present epidemic outbreaks of porcine epidemic diarrhea in three farms in South-Western Germany. Case presentation Epidemic outbreaks of diarrhea affecting pigs of all age groups were reported in three farms, one fattening farm and two piglet producing farms, in South-Western Germany between May and November 2014. In the fattening farm yellowish, watery diarrhea without evidence of mucus or blood was associated with a massive reduction of feed consumption. Severity of clinical signs and mortality in young suckling pigs varied significantly between the two affected sow farms. While mortality in suckling piglets reached almost 70 % in one sow herd, no increase in suckling piglet mortality was observed in the second sow farm. In all three cases, PEDV was confirmed in feces and small intestines by RT-qPCR. Phylogenetic analyses based on full-length PEDV genomes revealed high identity among strains from all three herds. Moreover, the German strains showed very high nucleotide identity (99.4 %) with a variant of PEDV (OH851) that was isolated in the United States in January 2014. This strain with insertions and deletions in the S-gene (so called INDEL strains) was reported to show lower virulence. Slightly lower identities were found with other strains from the US and Asia. Conclusion Phylogenetic information on the distribution of PEDV strains in Europe is severely lacking. In this case report we demonstrate that acute outbreaks of PEDV occurred in southern Germany in 2014. Current strains were clearly different from isolates found in the 1980s and were closely related to a PEDV variant found in the US in 2014. Moreover, the present case report indicates that variant strains of PEDV, containing insertions and deletions in the S gene, which were reported to be of lower virulence, might be able to cause high mortality in suckling piglets

    Examination on the Occurrence of Coinfections in Diagnostic Transmittals in Cases of Stillbirth, Mummification, Embryonic Death, and Infertility (SMEDI) Syndrome in Germany

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    The stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, and infertility (SMEDI) syndrome is most commonly associated with porcine parvovirus 1 (PPV1) infections. Little is known about the occurrence of coinfections with SMEDI-associated pathogens and the associations among these pathogens. In our study, we included 40 SMEDI-affected litters from 18 different farms. In total, 158 out of 358 available fetuses from diagnostic transmittals were selected by systematic random sampling and examined for PCV2, PCV3, PPV1, and Leptospira spp. by q-PCR. Results from diagnostic materials showed the following results: in eleven farms, PCV2 was present; in nine farms, PPV1 was present; in five farms, PCV3 was present; and in two farms, Leptospira spp. was present. The detection of Leptospira spp. was significantly associated with a PCV2 coinfection (OR: 26.3; p < 0.001). PCV3 positivity resulted in a reduced probability of detecting PCV2 in the corresponding fetus (OR: 0.078; p = 0.008). Fetal maceration was associated with Leptospira spp. detection (OR: 8.6; p = 0.003), whereas mummification (p = 0.047), reduced crown-rump length (p < 0.001), and bodyweight (p = 0.001) of fetuses were significantly associated with PPV1 and PCV2 coinfection and thus, presumably, a shorter time to death after infection, indicating an enhanced negative effect on the development of fetuses with PCV2 + PPV1 coinfection

    Impact of hormonal therapy on HIV‐1 immune markers in cis women and gender minorities

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    Background: Although sex hormones are recognized to induce immune variations, the effect of hormonal therapy use on immunity is only poorly understood. Here, we quantified how hormonal therapy use affects HIV‐1 immune markers in cis women (CW) and trans women and non‐binary people (TNBP) with HIV. Methods: We considered CD4, CD8 and lymphocyte measurements from cis men (CM), CW and TNBP in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. We modelled HIV‐1 markers using linear mixed‐effects models with an interaction between ‘gender’ (CW, TNBP) and ‘hormonal therapy use’ (yes/no). Models were adjusted on age, ethnicity, education level, time since start of antiretroviral therapy and use of intravenous drugs. We assessed the inflammatory effect of hormonal therapy use in 31 TNBP using serum proteomics measurements of 92 inflammation markers. Results: We included 54 083 measurements from 3092 CW and 83 TNBP, and 147 230 measurements from 8611 CM. Hormonal therapy use increased CD4 count and CD4:CD8 ratio in TNBP more than in CW (pinteraction_{interaction} = 0.02 and 0.007, respectively). TNBP with hormonal therapy use had significantly higher CD4 counts [median = 772 cells/ÎŒL, interquartile range (IQR): 520–1006] than without (617 cells/ÎŒL, 426–892). This was similar to the effect of CW versus CM on CD4 T cells. Hormonal therapy use did not affect serum protein concentrations in TNBP. Conclusion: This study highlights the potential role of hormonal therapy use in modulating the immune system among other biological and social factors, especially in TNBP with HIV

    Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea in Europe: In-Detail Analyses of Disease Dynamics and Molecular Epidemiology

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    Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) is an acute and highly contagious enteric disease of swine caused by the eponymous virus (PEDV) which belongs to the genus Alphacoronavirus within the Coronaviridae virus family. Following the disastrous outbreaks in Asia and the United States, PEDV has been detected also in Europe. In order to better understand the overall situation, the molecular epidemiology, and factors that might influence the most variable disease impact;40 samples from swine feces were collected from different PED outbreaks in Germany and other European countries and sequenced by shot-gun next-generation sequencing. A total of 38 new PEDV complete coding sequences were generated. When compared on a global scale, all investigated sequences from Central and South-Eastern Europe formed a rather homogeneous PEDV S INDEL cluster, suggesting a recent re-introduction. However, in-detail analyses revealed two new clusters and putative ancestor strains. Based on the available background data, correlations between clusters and location, farm type or clinical presentation could not be established. Additionally, the impact of secondary infections was explored using the metagenomic data sets. While several coinfections were observed, no correlation was found with disease courses. However, in addition to the PEDV genomes, ten complete viral coding sequences from nine different data sets were reconstructed each representing new virus strains. In detail, three pasivirus A strains, two astroviruses, a porcine sapelovirus, a kobuvirus, a porcine torovirus, a posavirus, and an enterobacteria phage were almost fully sequenced

    Nonlinear Effects in Models of the Galaxy: 1. Midplane Stellar Orbits in the Presence of 3D Spiral Arms

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    With the aim of studying the nonlinear stellar and gaseous response to the gravitational potential of a galaxy such as the Milky Way, we have modeled 3D galactic spiral arms as a superposition of inhomogeneous oblate spheroids and added their contribution to an axisymmetric model of the Galactic mass distribution. Three spiral loci are proposed here, based in different sets of observations. A comparison of our model with a tight-winding approximation shows that the self-gravitation of the whole spiral pattern is important in the middle and outer galactic regions. As a first step to full 3D calculations the model is suitable for, we have explored the stellar orbital structure in the midplane of the Galaxy. We present the standard analysis in the pattern rotating frame, and complement this analysis with orbital information from the Galactic inertial frame. Prograde and retrograde orbits are defined unambiguously in the inertial frame, then labeled as such in the Poincar\'e diagrams of the non-inertial frame. In this manner we found a sharp separatrix between the two classes of orbits. Chaos is restricted to the prograde orbits, and its onset occurs for the higher spiral perturbation considered plausible in our Galaxy.Comment: 23 pages, 22 Figures. Latex. Submitted to Ap

    Deciphering factors linked with reduced SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND Factors influencing susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 remain to be resolved. Using data of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) on 6,270 people with HIV (PWH) and serologic assessment for SARS-CoV-2 and circulating-human-coronavirus (HCoV) antibodies, we investigated the association of HIV-related and general parameters with SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS We analyzed SARS-CoV-2 PCR-tests, COVID-19 related hospitalizations, and deaths reported to the SHCS between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021. Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 and HCoVs were determined in pre-pandemic (2019) and pandemic (2020) bio-banked plasma and compared to HIV-negative individuals. We applied logistic regression, conditional logistic regression, and Bayesian multivariate regression to identify determinants of SARS-CoV-2 infection and Ab responses to SARS-CoV-2 in PWH. RESULTS No HIV-1-related factors were associated with SARS-CoV-2 acquisition. High pre-pandemic HCoV antibodies were associated with a lower risk of subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection and with higher SARS-CoV-2 antibody responses upon infection. We observed a robust protective effect of smoking on SARS-CoV-2-infection risk (aOR= 0.46 [0.38,0.56], p=2.6*10-14), which occurred even in previous smokers, and was highest for heavy smokers. CONCLUSIONS Our findings of two independent protective factors, smoking and HCoV antibodies, both affecting the respiratory environment, underscore the importance of the local immune milieu in regulating susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2

    The Interplay Between Host Genetic Variation, Viral Replication, and Microbial Translocation in Untreated HIV-Infected Individuals

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    Systemic immune activation, a major determinant of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease progression, is the result of a complex interplay between viral replication, dysregulation of the immune system, and microbial translocation due to gut mucosal damage. Although human genetic variants influencing HIV load have been identified, it is unknown how much the host genetic background contributes to interindividual differences in other determinants of HIV pathogenesis such as gut damage and microbial translocation. Using samples and data from 717 untreated participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and a genome-wide association study design, we searched for human genetic determinants of plasma levels of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP/FABP2), a marker of gut damage, and of soluble CD14 (sCD14), a marker of lipopolysaccharide bioactivity and microbial translocation. We also assessed the correlations between HIV load, sCD14, and I-FABP. Although we found no genome-wide significant determinant of the tested plasma markers, we observed strong associations between sCD14 and both HIV load and I-FABP, shedding new light on the relationships between processes that drive progression of untreated HIV infectio