64 research outputs found

    Momentum distribution of a freely expanding Lieb-Liniger gas

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    We numerically study free expansion of a few Lieb-Liniger bosons, which are initially in the ground state of an infinitely deep hard-wall trap. Numerical calculation is carried out by employing a standard Fourier transform, as follows from the Fermi-Bose transformation for a time-dependent Lieb-Liniger gas. We study the evolution of the momentum distribution, the real-space single-particle density, and the occupancies of natural orbitals. Our numerical calculation allows us to explore the behavior of these observables in the transient regime of the expansion, where they are non-trivially affected by the particle interactions. We derive analytically (by using the stationary phase approximation) the formula which connects the asymptotic shape of the momentum distribution and the initial state. For sufficiently large times the momentum distribution coincides (up to a simple scaling transformation) with the shape of the real-space single-particle density (the expansion is asymptotically ballistic). Our analytical and numerical results are in good agreement.Comment: small changes; references correcte

    Anderson localization of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in potentials with controlled disorder

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    We theoretically demonstrate features of Anderson localization in the Tonks-Girardeau gas confined in one-dimensional (1D) potentials with controlled disorder. That is, we investigate the evolution of the single particle density and correlations of a Tonks-Girardeau wave packet in such disordered potentials. The wave packet is initially trapped, the trap is suddenly turned off, and after some time the system evolves into a localized steady state due to Anderson localization. The density tails of the steady state decay exponentially, while the coherence in these tails increases. The latter phenomenon corresponds to the same effect found in incoherent optical solitons

    The Comparison of Forensic-Psychiatric Traits between Female and Male Perpetrators of Murder or Attempted Murder

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    The aim of this investigation was to define more clearly specific forensic-psychiatric characteristics of female murder or attempted murder perpetrators. The retrospective method applied was based on the comparison of the data from forensic-psychiatric assessments carried out in the Center for Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb, from 1983 to 1997 (including 70 female and 70 male subjects ā€“ who committed murder or attempted murder). Compared with men, female offenders were most often in some way emotionally related to their victims, and they were more often victimized themselves before committing the crime. In men alcoholism was a more significant circumstantial factor in the assessment of their accountability. Psychiatric security measures were more often given to male offenders. The intensity of aggression was lower in females than in males. This investigation reveals that there are some sex specific forensic-psychiatric traits of murder or attempted murder perpetrators. The obtained results could be of help in everyday forensic-psychiatric practice, both in assessments and treatment


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    Tijekom dvogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja (2004. i 2005. godine) obavljeno je istraživanje o visini prinosa i ekonomskoj isplativosti proizvodnje tri rane sorte soje (Dubravka 0, Marija 00 i Danica 000) različitih grupa dozrijevanja. Pokusi su postavljeni po split-plot shemi na poljima Zavoda za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo iz Osijeka, Kutjevo d.d. i PPK Nova GradiÅ”ka uz primjenu standardne agrotehnike za soju. Jaz koji nastaje porastom broja stanovnika i istovremenim smanjenjem poljoprivrednih povrÅ”ina iz godine u godinu sve je veći, a soja zbog velikog postotka bjelančevina (od 35-50%) i ulja (od 18-24%) preuzima vodeće mjesto u proizvodnji i ishrani čovječanstva. Soja zbog naknadne i postrne sjetve postaje zanimljiva poljoprivrednim proizvođačima diljem svijeta. Uzimajući u obzir agrotehničke mjere koje se koriste, uz pomoć tablica i grafikona dana je analiza čimbenika i usporedba isplativosti proizvodnje pojedine sorte soje u Hrvatskoj na povrÅ”ini preko tri hektara, kako bi se odredila najpogodnija sorta za domaću poljoprivrednu proizvodnju.During the two vegetation years (2004 and 2005) an examination was conducted on influence of three early breeds of soybean (Dubravka 0, Marija 00 and Danica 000) belonging to different groups of ripening in terms of level of crop yield and cost effectiveness. The tests were undertaken by split-plot scheme on the crop fields originated from Institution for seed and seedlings Osijek, Kutjevo d.d. and PPK Nova GradiÅ”ka using standardized agro measures valid for soybean in The Republic of Croatia. The difference between increase of the number of inhabitants and decrease in the crop fields area has risen significantly. Soybean, because of its high percentage of proteins (35-50%) and oil (18-24%), slightly for sure overtakes the first position in agricultural production and nutrition of mankind. Soybean is becoming more and more interesting to producers worldwide because of its rich seeding capability. Taking into account the agricultural measures used the analysis and comparison of production effectiveness between each breed of soybean in Croatian on the area more than three ha are presented in tables and graphs. In this way the best breed can be ultimately determined for domestic farm production

    Concentration of nutritional important minerals in Croatian goat and cow milk and some dairy products made of these

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    The concentration of the minerals (Ca, Mg and P) and trace elements (Zn, Fe) were determined in goat and cowā€™s dairy products. The aim of this work was to determine the concentrations of mentioned minerals and trace elements in fermented dairy products made of goat milk, as well as in East Croatia traditional White Slice goat cheese. Obtained results show that goat milk and dairy products from goat milk had higher concentration of Mg and Fe than these of cow milk. Goat milk and dairy products from goat milk also had higher concentration of P, whereas the concentration of Ca was equally in goat and cow milk. However, significantly lower concentrations of Zn in goat milk and goat milk products were determined. Levels of analyzed major and trace minerals were higher in fermented dairy products and cheeses than in liquid milk. The levels of major and trace minerals in White Slice cheese were greater than those in fermented milk products. High content of phosphorus in White Slice goat cheese than in White Slice cow cheese was determined

    Psychiatric Patients\u27 Experiences in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), and in Religious Support ā€“ A Pilot Study

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    In the Psychiatric Hospital Ā»Vrap~eĀ« an investigation on a 200 patient sample was carried out in the year 2000. The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the examineesā€™ experiences of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and religious support. 35.5% of the examinees had had previous experiences of CAM and religious support. The examinees born in towns used CAM methods and religious support significantly more often. The schizophrenic patients used CAM methods and religious support significantly more frequently than the patients with affective and anxiety disorders. Non-significantly more often CAM methods and religious support were utilized by women, examinees between 21 and 30 years of age, persons who graduated from junior college, those who live in cohabitation and patients of Islamic religion. Patients consulted priests most often. Significantly more often patients did not pay for the CAM treatments and religious support and non-significantly more often patients considered CAM therapy and religious support to be successful. Non-significantly more often patients consulted CAM practitioners and religious practitioners without being previously advised by their relatives or friends. Relatives of the patients advised them to consult CAM practitioners and religious practitioners significantly more often than the friends of the patients did. Considering the possible missed benefits and harm effects of CAM treatment as well as of the interaction between utilization of CAM methods/religious support and conventional treatment, this problem should be given full attention. Further investigations are required


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    Tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine obavljena su istraživanja o utjecaju lokaliteta i godine uzgoja na postotak ulja i bjelančevina u sjemenu. Ispitivanja su provedena na tri sorte soje - Dubravka, Marija i Danica, različitih grupa dozrijevanja. Pokusi su postavljeni po split-plot shemi na tri lokacije - Zavod za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo u Osijeku, Kutjevo d.d. i PPK Nova GradiÅ”ka. Ispitivane sorte pokazale su statistički visoko opravdane razlike (P<0,01) u postotku ulja i bjelančevina u sjemenu soje na različitim lokacijama i u različitim godinama ispitivanja. Dobiveni podaci ukazuju na mogućnost povećanja dobiti (većim postotkom ulja) u proizvodnji kroz izbor najbolje sorte za pojedinu lokaciju.During two vegetation years, 2004 and 2005, research work was conducted regarding influence of locality and year on oil and protein content in soybean seeds. Research work included soybean varieties - Dubravka, Marija and Danica. Trials were planted in split-plot design, in four replications at three different locations ā€“ Osijek, Kutjevo and Nova GradiÅ”ka. Results are showing statistically highly important differences (P<0,01) in seed quality for different varieties, different locations and different years. Results also pointing out possibilities for improvement of soybean production with the right choice of variety depending of location condition

    Reflection of a Lieb-Liniger wave packet from the hard-wall potential

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    Nonequilibrium dynamics of a Lieb-Liniger system in the presence of the hard-wall potential is studied. We demonstrate that a time-dependent wave function, which describes quantum dynamics of a Lieb-Liniger wave packet comprised of N particles, can be found by solving an NN-dimensional Fourier transform; this follows from the symmetry properties of the many-body eigenstates in the presence of the hard-wall potential. The presented formalism is employed to numerically calculate reflection of a few-body wave packet from the hard wall for various interaction strengths and incident momenta.Comment: revised version, improved notation, Fig. 5 adde
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