93 research outputs found

    A pilot study of endoscopically inserted biodegradable biliary stents in the treatment of benign biliary strictures and cystic duct leaks

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    Background and Aims: Self-expanding biodegradable biliary stents (BDBSs) have recently become available for use in endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC). The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of novel BDBSs in iatrogenic cystic duct leaks and benign biliary strictures (BBSs). Methods: Patients providing informed consent were recruited for the prospective study. Braided self-expanding poly-dioxanone BDBSs were inserted using ERC during from 2014 to 2016. Repeated liver function tests and magnetic resonance imaging were performed during follow-up. The main outcomes were treatment success and adverse events. Results: Thirteen patients, 5 women, median age 67 years (range, 43-79) underwent BDBS insertion for iatrogenic cystic duct leak (n = 7) or BBS (n = 6). Stent insertion using ERC was successful in all cases. All bile leaks were treated uneventfully with BDBSs. In BBSs, the clinical success rate of BDBS therapy was 83% in a median of 21 months of follow-up (range, 14-25). Early ERC-related adverse events included 1 cholangitis (8%) and 1 pancreatitis (8%), both in the stricture group. During the first 90 days, 23% of patients were readmitted for mild cholangitis. Conclusions: The short-and long-term safety of endoscopically inserted poly-dioxanone BDBSs was satisfactory. The management of cystic duct leaks and benign distal common bile duct strictures was highly successful. Episodes of mild cholangitis during stent indwelling seemed to be typical of BDBSs. The advantage of BDBSs is the avoidance of repeated endoscopy for stent removal. (Clinical trial registration number: NCT02353286.)Peer reviewe

    Regulation of p38 MAPK and glucocorticoid receptor activation by hydrocortisone in mono-and co-cultured pancreatic acinar and stellate cells

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    Background/objectives: Acute pancreatitis develops as an inflammatory response to pancreatic tissue injury. Postoperative pancreatitis has recently been associated with increased occurrence of complications. Activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 (p38 MAPK) pathway occurs early in acute pancreatitis and its inhibition has been suggested to alleviate pancreatic inflammation. Glucocorticoids are potent anti-inflammatory steroids whose use in the management of acute pancreatitis remains controversial. Our aim was to examine the effect of crosstalk between pancreatic acinar cells (PACs) and stellate cells (PSCs) on p38 MAPK and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activation and to assess the impact of hydrocortisone on these events. Methods: The long-term co-culture setting for mouse PACs and PSCs developed in our laboratory was used. Parallel 4d mono- and co-cultures with or without 10 nM hydrocortisone were performed followed by immunocytochemical analysis of nuclear GR and phospho-p38 MAPK (pp38 MAPK). Results: Hydrocortisone inhibited pp38 MAPK up-regulation evoked by co-culture in PACs and PSCs and increased nuclear translocation of GR in PAC monocultures and in co-cultured PACs and PSCs. In PSC monocultures and co-cultured PACs, ligand-independent expression of nuclear GR was observed. In the former no change in nuclear GR but a significant decrease in total GR as analyzed by Western blot was caused by hydrocortisone. Conclusions: Cellular microenvironment plays a significant role on p38 MAPK and GR activation in PACs and PSCs. Hydrocortisone is an effective means to inhibit p38 MAPK activation in PACs and PSCs. Both ligand-dependent and -independent regulatory roles for GR are suggested in the exocrine pancreas.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Smoking cessation intervention prior to orthopedic surgery : A study protocol to determine patient outcomes and feasibility

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    The aim of the study is to analyze the effect of smoking and smoking cessation on the incidence of complications among orthopedic and hand surgery patients, and to determine the feasibility of smoking cessation intervention, as well as factors predicting success in smoking cessation. Orthopedic and hand surgery patients will be invited to participate in the study, which will recruit 550 participants (at least 20% daily smokers). A participant will be defined as a daily smoker if he/she reports daily smoking and/or laboratory tests show active smoking. Data will be collected using a self-reported questionnaire and from medical records. Smokers will receive information about the benefits of smoking cessation and will be encouraged to quit. Medication or nicotine replacement therapy will be prescribed. Laboratory tests will be taken two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. Follow-up phone calls will be made at 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. The primary outcome is any complication, defined as a prolonged stay in hospital or any additional visit to or measure taken by a health service during the 12 months after surgery. Data on complications are mainly obtained from personal health records and from the information received at the follow-up; the rest of the data will be collected from the register of healthcare-associated infections. Secondary outcomes are the number and types of complications. The sample (n=550) was calculated to observe a 10% difference in complications between smokers and non-smokers (5% alpha level and 80% power), considering a 10% drop-out rate. Logistic regression and log-linear models will be used for data analyses.Peer reviewe

    Insulinoomat Tampereen yliopistollisen sairaalan erityisvastuualueella 1980-2010

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    METHODS: Retrospective analysis of insulinomas diagnosed in Tampere University Hospital. RESULTS: We found 23 iNET cases corresponding to an incidence of 0.7/million/year. All had neuroglycopenic symptoms and 83% had autonomic ones. The median diagnostic delay (from first symptoms up to diagnosis) was 25 months. Preoperative imaging found the tumor in 87%. Twenty-one out of 22 patients who underwent surgery recovered completely. CONCLUSIONS: Despite improved imaging the diagnostic delay of iNETs remained unchanged. Hypoglycemia and insulinoma should be considered as a cause of unspecific, symptomatic attacks

    Appendiceal neoplasm risk associated with complicated acute appendicitisa population based study

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    PurposeAppendiceal tumors are rare, but high neoplasm rates have been reported at interval appendectomy after periappendicular abscess. Non-operative management of uncomplicated acute appendicitis has shown promising results. The data on appendiceal tumor incidence and presentation among acute appendicitis patients is limited, especially in patient cohorts differentiating between uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis. Objective was to assess appendiceal tumor incidence and tumor association to appendicitis in patients with uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis.MethodsThis nationwide population-based registry study was conducted from 2007 to 2013. The Finnish Cancer Registry and the National Institute for Health Registry were used to combine data on all appendiceal tumors and acute appendicitis diagnosis with medical reports evaluated at eight study hospitals.ResultsAltogether, 840 appendiceal tumors were identified, and out of these, 504 patient reports were reviewed, including 472 patients in this study. Tumor was diagnosed at appendectomy for suspected acute appendicitis in 276 patients (58%). In the whole study, histologically acute appendicitis and tumor were both present in 53% (n=250), and out of these, 41% (n=102) were complicated and 59% (n=148) uncomplicated acute appendicitis. The associated tumor risk was significantly higher in complicated acute appendicitis compared with uncomplicated cases (3.24% vs. 0.87%, pPeer reviewe

    The association between appendicitis severity and patient age with appendiceal neoplasm histology-a population-based study

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    Purpose Recent studies have reported alarming appendiceal tumor rates associated with complicated acute appendicitis, especially in patients presenting with a periappendicular abscess. However, the data on histology of appendiceal tumors among acute appendicitis patients is limited, especially in patient cohorts differentiating between uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis. We have previously reported the association of increased appendiceal tumor prevalence with complicated acute appendicitis in this population-based study. The objective of this secondary analysis was to evaluate the association of both appendicitis severity and patient age with appendiceal tumor histology. Methods This nationwide population-based registry study (The Finnish Cancer Registry) was conducted from 2007 to 2013. All appendiceal tumors (n = 840) and available medical reports (n = 504) of these patients at eight study hospitals were previously evaluated, identifying altogether 250 patients with both acute appendicitis and appendiceal tumor. Results The severity of acute appendicitis was significantly associated with more malignant tumor histology. The risk of adenocarcinoma or pseudomyxoma was significantly higher among patients with periappendicular abscess (OR 15.05, CI 95% 6.98-32.49, p < 0.001) and patients presenting with perforated acute appendicitis (OR 4.09, CI 95% 1.69-9.90, p = 0.0018) compared to patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Similarly, patient age over 40 years was significantly associated with the risk of adenocarcinoma and pseudomyxoma (OR 26.46, Cl 95% 7.95-88.09, p < 0.001). Patient sex was not associated with a more malignant appendiceal tumor histology (p = 0.67). Conclusion More malignant appendiceal tumor histology of adenocarcinoma or pseudomyxoma was significantly associated with patient age over 40 years and complicated acute appendicitis, especially periappendicular abscess.Peer reviewe

    Muutoksen polku alkoholin käytössä alkoholihaimatulehduksen jälkeen – yhdeksän vuoden seurantatutkimus

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    Alkoholihaimatulehdus voi olla henkeä uhkaava ja alkoholin käytön lopettamista pidetään keskeisenä keinona ehkäistä uudelleen sairastumista. Tässä yhdeksän vuoden laadullisessaseurantatutkimuksessa kuvataan ensimmäiseen alkoholihaimatulehdukseen sairastuneiden (n=43) alkoholin käytölle asettamia tavoitteita, niiden toteutumista sekä kokemuksia muutokseen vaikuttaneista tekijöistä. Muutosta kuvataan kulkemisena erilaisilla poluilla (raittius, lähes raittius, kohtuus, kivikko). Raittiustavoitteen alussa valinneilla oli vähemmän runsasta alkoholin käyttöä ja enemmän raittiutta, vaikka heistä vain kolmannes säilytti raittiustavoitteen koko seurannan ajan. Myös juomisen vähentämisen valinneilla käyttö väheni ja lähes puolet heistä pysyi kohtuudessa seurannan ajan. Terveysongelmat koettiin keskeiseksi syyksi raittiuteen sitoutumiseen ja halu elää normaalia sosiaalista elämää syyksi raittiuden tavoittelusta luopumiseen. Pelko haimatulehduksen uusimisesta voi hillitä alkoholin käyttöä myös pitkällä aikavälillä vaikka henkilö ei haluaisi tai pystyisi sitoutumaan raittiuteen. Vuosittaiset seurantakäynnit sairaalassa saattoivat muistuttaa sairastumisesta ja siten edistää tavoitteen saavuttamista. Jatkossa tarvitaan lisää pitkän aikavälin tutkimusta alkoholiongelmasta selviytymiskeinoista alkoholihaimatulehdukseen sairastumisen jälkeen

    Long-term health-related quality of life in persons diagnosed with an insulinoma in Finland 1980-2010

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    Objective Insulinomas are rare pancreatic neoplasms, which can usually be cured by surgery. As the diagnostic delay is often long and the prolonged hyperinsulinemia may have long-term effects on health and the quality of life, we studied the long-term health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in insulinoma patients. Design, patients and measurements The HRQoL of adults diagnosed with an insulinoma in Finland in 1980-2010 was studied with the 15D instrument, and the results were compared to those of an age- and gender-matched sample of the general population. The minimum clinically important difference in the total 15D score has been defined as +/- 0.015. The clinical characteristics, details of insulinoma diagnosis and treatment, and the current health status of the subjects were examined to specify the possible determinants of long-term HRQoL. Results Thirty-eight insulinoma patients participated in the HRQoL survey (response rate 75%). All had undergone surgery with a curative aim, a median of 13 (min 7, max 34) years before the survey. The insulinoma patients had a clinically importantly and statistically significantly better mean 15D score compared with the controls (0.930 +/- 0.072 vs 0.903 +/- 0.039, P = .046) and were significantly better off regarding mobility, usual activities and eating. Among the insulinoma patients, younger age at the time of survey, higher level of education and smaller number of chronic diseases were associated with better overall HRQoL. Conclusions In the long term, the overall HRQoL of insulinoma patients is slightly better than that of the general population.Peer reviewe

    The association between appendicitis severity and patient age with appendiceal neoplasm histology-a population-based study

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    PurposeRecent studies have reported alarming appendiceal tumor rates associated with complicated acute appendicitis, especially in patients presenting with a periappendicular abscess. However, the data on histology of appendiceal tumors among acute appendicitis patients is limited, especially in patient cohorts differentiating between uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis. We have previously reported the association of increased appendiceal tumor prevalence with complicated acute appendicitis in this population-based study. The objective of this secondary analysis was to evaluate the association of both appendicitis severity and patient age with appendiceal tumor histology.MethodsThis nationwide population-based registry study (The Finnish Cancer Registry) was conducted from 2007 to 2013. All appendiceal tumors (n = 840) and available medical reports (n = 504) of these patients at eight study hospitals were previously evaluated, identifying altogether 250 patients with both acute appendicitis and appendiceal tumor.ResultsThe severity of acute appendicitis was significantly associated with more malignant tumor histology. The risk of adenocarcinoma or pseudomyxoma was significantly higher among patients with periappendicular abscess (OR 15.05, CI 95% 6.98-32.49, p ConclusionMore malignant appendiceal tumor histology of adenocarcinoma or pseudomyxoma was significantly associated with patient age over 40 years and complicated acute appendicitis, especially periappendicular abscess.</p