60 research outputs found

    Management accountant's modern role and barriers to role change - Case Tech Inc.

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    Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee onko niin kutsuttua johdon laskentatoimen ammattilaisen modernia roolia olemassa, ja mitkä avainominaisuudet tähän rooliin yleisimmin liitetään. Tutkimus analysoi myös niitä tekijöitä, jotka määrittävät roolimuutosprojektien onnistumista, keskittyen erityisesti esteisiin roolimuutokselle. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja perustuu case-tutkimukseen joka suoritettiin syksyn 2012 ja kevään 2013 välisenä aikana. Case-tutkimus keskittyi tarkastelemaan roolimuutosprojektia, jonka case-organisaatio oli käynnistänyt vuonna 2008. Kaiken kaikkiaan 15 haastattelua suoritettiin organisaation laskentatoimen ammattilaisten sekä liiketoimintayksikköjen johtajien kesken. Lisäk-si, tutkimus hyödynsi case-organisaation sisäisiä dokumentteja, muistioita sekä muuta materiaalia empiirisenä todistusaineistona. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että johdon laskentatoimen ammattilaisen moderniin rooliin voidaan liittää tiettyjä ominaispiirteitä, mutta tarkkaa roolikuvausta ei ole saatavilla, eikä sitä ole mahdollis-ta tarkkaan määritellä. Lisäksi, case-yrityksessä tunnistettiin lukuisia esteitä roolimuutokselle, jotka vaikuttivat yrityksen ajaman roolimuutosprojektin onnistumiseen. Näin ollen, tulokset osoittavat, että roolimuutosprojekti ei ole onnistunut vaikuttamaan organi-saation laskentatoimen ammattilaisten rooliin tähän mennessä. Tutkielmassa ehdotetaan, empiiri-seen todistusaineistoon ja tutkimustuloksiin perustuen, uutta moniulotteista laskentatoimen muu-tosmallipohjaa, jota voidaan käyttää roolimuutosprojektien analysoimiseen. Ehdotetun muutosmal-lin toimivuus tulisi varmistaa tulevien tutkimushankkeiden avulla

    Endogenous brain-sparing responses in brain pH and PO2 in a rodent model of birth asphyxia

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    Abstract Aim To study brain-sparing physiological responses in a rodent model of birth asphyxia which reproduces the asphyxia-defining systemic hypoxia and hypercapnia. Methods Steady or intermittent asphyxia was induced for 15-45 min in anesthetized 6- and 11-days old rats and neonatal guinea pigs using gases containing 5% or 9% O2 plus 20% CO2 (in N2). Hypoxia and hypercapnia were induced with low O2 and high CO2, respectively. Oxygen partial pressure (PO2) and pH were measured with microsensors within the brain and subcutaneous (?body?) tissue. Blood lactate was measured after asphyxia. Results Brain and body PO2 fell to apparent zero with little recovery during 5% O2 asphyxia and 5% or 9% O2 hypoxia, and increased more than twofold during 20% CO2 hypercapnia. Unlike body PO2, brain PO2 recovered rapidly to control after a transient fall (rat), or was slightly higher than control (guinea pig) during 9% O2 asphyxia. Asphyxia (5% O2) induced a respiratory acidosis paralleled by a progressive metabolic (lact)acidosis that was much smaller within than outside the brain. Hypoxia (5% O2) produced a brain-confined alkalosis. Hypercapnia outlasting asphyxia suppressed pH recovery and prolonged the post-asphyxia PO2 overshoot. All pH changes were accompanied by consistent shifts in the blood-brain barrier potential. Conclusion Regardless of brain maturation stage, hypercapnia can restore brain PO2 and protect the brain against metabolic acidosis despite compromised oxygen availability during asphyxia. This effect extends to the recovery phase if normocapnia is restored slowly, and it is absent during hypoxia, demonstrating that exposure to hypoxia does not mimic asphyxia.Peer reviewe

    Surge of Peripheral Arginine Vasopressin in a Rat Model of Birth Asphyxia

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    Mammalian birth is accompanied by a period of obligatory asphyxia, which consists of hypoxia (drop in blood O-2 levels) and hypercapnia (elevation of blood CO2 levels). Prolonged, complicated birth can extend the asphyxic period, leading to a pathophysiological situation, and in humans, to the diagnosis of clinical birth asphyxia, the main cause of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). The neuroendocrine component of birth asphyxia, in particular the increase in circulating levels of arginine vasopressin (AVP), has been extensively studied in humans. Here we show for the first time that normal rat birth is also accompanied by an AVP surge, and that the fetal AVP surge is further enhanced in a model of birth asphyxia, based on exposing 6-day old rat pups to a gas mixture containing 4% O-2 and 20% CO2 for 45 min. Instead of AVP, which is highly unstable with a short plasma half-life, we measured the levels of copeptin, the C-terminal part of prepro-AVP that is biochemically much more stable. In our animal model, the bulk of AVP/copeptin release occurred at the beginning of asphyxia (mean 7.8 nM after 15 min of asphyxia), but some release was still ongoing even 90 min after the end of the 45 min experimental asphyxia (mean 1.2 nM). Notably, the highest copeptin levels were measured after hypoxia alone (mean 14.1 nM at 45 min), whereas copeptin levels were low during hypercapnia alone (mean 2.7 nM at 45 min), indicating that the hypoxia component of asphyxia is responsible for the increase in AVP/copeptin release. Alternating the O-2 level between 5 and 9% (CO2 at 20%) with 5 min intervals to mimic intermittent asphyxia during prolonged labor resulted in a slower but quantitatively similar rise in copeptin (peak of 8.3 nM at 30 min). Finally, we demonstrate that our rat model satisfies the standard acid-base criteria for birth asphyxia diagnosis, namely a drop in blood pH below 7.0 and the formation of a negative base excess exceeding -11.2 mmol/l. The mechanistic insights from our work validate the use of the present rodent model in preclinical work on birth asphyxia.Peer reviewe

    GABA actions and ionic plasticity in epilepsy

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    Concepts of epilepsy, based on a simple change in neuronal excitation/inhibition balance, have subsided in face of recent insights into the large diversity and context-dependence of signaling mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and neuronal network level. GABAergic transmission exerts both seizure-suppressing and seizure-promoting actions. These two roles are prone to short-term and long-term alterations, evident both during epileptogenesis and during individual epileptiform events. The driving force of GABAergic currents is controlled by ion-regulatory molecules such as the neuronal K-Cl cotransporter KCC2 and cytosolic carbonic anhydrases. Accumulating evidence suggests that neuronal ion regulation is highly plastic, thereby contributing to the multiple roles ascribed to GABAergic signaling during epileptogenesis and epilepsy.Peer reviewe

    Brain interstitial pH changes in the subacute phase of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in newborn pigs

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    Brain interstitial pH (pHbrain) alterations play an important role in the mechanisms of neuronal injury in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) induced by perinatal asphyxia. The newborn pig is an established large animal model to study HIE, however, only limited information on pHbrain alterations is available in this species and it is restricted to experimental perinatal asphyxia (PA) and the immediate reventilation. Therefore, we sought to determine pHbrain over the first 24h of HIE development in piglets. Anaesthetized, ventilated newborn pigs (n = 16) were instrumented to control major physiological parameters. pHbrain was determined in the parietal cortex using a pH-selective microelectrode. PA was induced by ventilation with a gas mixture containing 6%O2-20%CO2 for 20 min, followed by reventilation with air for 24h, then the brains were processed for histopathology assessment. The core temperature was maintained unchanged during PA (38.4±0.1 vs 38.3±0.1°C, at baseline versus the end of PA, respectively; mean±SEM). In the arterial blood, PA resulted in severe hypoxia (PaO2: 65±4 vs 23±1*mmHg, *pPeer reviewe

    Central nervous system distribution of buprenorphine in pregnant sheep, fetuses and newborn lambs after continuous transdermal and single subcutaneous extended-release dosing

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    Buprenorphine is used during pregnancy for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Limited data exist on the central nervous system (CNS) permeation and distribution, and on the fetal exposure to buprenorphine. The aim of our study was to determine the extent of buprenorphine distribution to CNS in the pregnant sheep, and their fetus at steady-state, and their newborn lambs postdelivery, using three different dosing regimens. Twenty-eight pregnant ewes in late gestation received buprenorphine via 7-day transdermal patch releasing buprenorphine 20 mu g/h (n=9) or 40 mu g/h (n=11), or an extended-release 8 mg/week subcutaneous injection (n=8). Plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, and CNS tissue samples were collected at steady-state from ewes and fetuses, and from lambs 0.33 - 45 hours after delivery. High accumulation of buprenorphine was observed in all CNS tissues. The median CNS/plasma concentration-ratios of buprenorphine in different CNS areas ranged between 13 and 50 in the ewes, and between 26 and 198 in the fetuses. In the ewes the CNS/plasma-ratios were similar after the three dosing regimens, but higher in the fetuses in the 40 mu g/h dosing group, medians 65 - 122, than in the 20 mu g/h group, medians 26 - 54. The subcutaneous injection (theoretical release rate 47.6 mu g/h) produced higher concentrations than observed after 40 mu g/h transdermal patch dosing. The median fetal/maternal concentration-ratios in different dosing groups ranged between 0.21 and 0.54 in plasma, and between 0.38 and 1.3 in CNS tissues, respectively, with the highest ratios observed in the spinal cord. Buprenorphine concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid were 8 - 13 % of the concurrent plasma concentration in the ewes and 28 % in the fetuses. Buprenorphine was quantifiable in the newborn lambs' plasma and CNS tissues two days postdelivery. Norbu-prenorphine was analyzed from all plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, and CNS tissue samples but was nondetectable or below the LLOQ in most. The current study demonstrates that buprenorphine accumulates into CNS tissues at much higher concentrations than in plasma in pregnant sheep, fetuses, and their newborn lambs even 45 hours after delivery.Peer reviewe

    Real-time monitoring of human blood-brain barrier disruption

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    Chemotherapy aided by opening of the blood-brain barrier with intra-arterial infusion of hyperosmolar mannitol improves the outcome in primary central nervous system lymphoma. Proper opening of the blood-brain barrier is crucial for the treatment, yet there are no means available for its real-time monitoring. The intact blood-brain barrier maintains a mV-level electrical potential difference between blood and brain tissue, giving rise to a measurable electrical signal at the scalp. Therefore, we used direct-current electroencephalography ( DC-EEG) to characterize the spatiotemporal behavior of scalp-recorded slow electrical signals during blood-brain barrier opening. Nine anesthetized patients receiving chemotherapy were monitored continuously during 47 blood-brain barrier openings induced by carotid or vertebral artery mannitol infusion. Left or right carotid artery mannitol infusion generated a strongly lateralized DC-EEG response that began with a 2 min negative shift of up to 2000 mu V followed by a positive shift lasting up to 20 min above the infused carotid artery territory, whereas contralateral responses were of opposite polarity. Vertebral artery mannitol infusion gave rise to a minimally lateralized and more uniformly distributed slow negative response with a posterior-frontal gradient. Simultaneously performed near-infrared spectroscopy detected a multiphasic response beginning with mannitol-bolus induced dilution of blood and ending in a prolonged increase in the oxy/deoxyhemoglobin ratio. The pronounced DC-EEG shifts are readily accounted for by opening and sealing of the blood-brain barrier. These data show that DC-EEG is a promising real-time monitoring tool for bloodbrain barrier disruption augmented drug delivery.Peer reviewe

    BDNF-induced TrkB activation down-regulates the K+–Cl− cotransporter KCC2 and impairs neuronal Cl− extrusion

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    Pathophysiological activity and various kinds of traumatic insults are known to have deleterious long-term effects on neuronal Cl− regulation, which can lead to a suppression of fast postsynaptic GABAergic responses. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) increases neuronal excitability through a conjunction of mechanisms that include regulation of the efficacy of GABAergic transmission. Here, we show that exposure of rat hippocampal slice cultures and acute slices to exogenous BDNF or neurotrophin-4 produces a TrkB-mediated fall in the neuron-specific K+–Cl− cotransporter KCC2 mRNA and protein, as well as a consequent impairment in neuronal Cl− extrusion capacity. After kindling-induced seizures in vivo, the expression of KCC2 is down-regulated in the mouse hippocampus with a spatiotemporal profile complementary to the up-regulation of TrkB and BDNF. The present data demonstrate a novel mechanism whereby BDNF/TrkB signaling suppresses chloride-dependent fast GABAergic inhibition, which most likely contributes to the well-known role of TrkB-activated signaling cascades in the induction and establishment of epileptic activity

    Vasopressin excites interneurons to suppress hippocampal network activity across a broad span of brain maturity at birth

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    During birth in mammals, a pronounced surge of fetal peripheral stress hormones takes place to promote survival in the transition to the extrauterine environment. However, it is not known whether the hormonal signaling involves central pathways with direct protective effects on the perinatal brain. Here, we show that arginine vasopressin specifically activates interneurons to suppress spontaneous network events in the perinatal hippocampus. Experiments done on the altricial rat and precocial guinea pig neonate demonstrated that the effect of vasopressin is not dependent on the level of maturation (depolarizing vs. hyperpolarizing) of postsynaptic GABA(A) receptor actions. Thus, the fetal mammalian brain is equipped with an evolutionarily conserved mechanism well-suited to suppress energetically expensive correlated network events under conditions of reduced oxygen supply at birth.Peer reviewe
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