252 research outputs found
Securitization of Migration in Hungary and the Case of Endless State of Crisis Due to Mass Migration
"...színe elé tárom, úgy, mint a fiú az atyjának..." : Bocskai István és Jan Zamoyski kapcsolata
Over the past centuries, Hungarian–Polish relations have been characterised by intertwining and cooperation in many areas. The aim of this publication is to provide data on Hungarian–Polish relations in the early modern period through the relationship between István Bocskai of Kismarja (1557–1606), a politician, Hungarian and Transylvanian prince (1605–1606), and his contemporary, the Polish Chancellor and Great Crown Hetman Jan Zamoyski (1542–1605). Based on relevant sources, it seems that the two persons came into contact in 1583, the year when Jan Zamoyski married István Bocskai’s niece, Krisz-tina Báthory. Their relationship to the Báthory family and the kinship nexus between them was decisive in their relationship, but it is also possible to observe how their personal lives influenced their relationship, and how the official, diplomatic dimension played an increasingly important role in it. The relationship between István Bocskai and Jan Zamoyski spans more than two decades, and Zamoyski is the longest-lasting alter in Bocskai’s so-called egocentric network. Their mostly unpublished correspondence – found in archives and manuscripts – can be registered between 1583 and 1605. In addition to letters, they kept in touch through personal meetings and occasionally through their confidants and envoys
New intergovernmentalism and the common security and defence policy
A tanulmány egyrészről az integrációelméletek egy új irányzatának, az új kormányköziség állításainak és hipotéziseinek, valamint az elméletet ért kritikáknak a szintézisét kívánja nyújtani, másrészt az új kormányköziség hipotéziseinek érvényesülését vizsgálja az Európai Unió közös biztonság- és védelempolitikája területén. A témával kapcsolatos szakirodalmi áttekintés és elemzés alapján azt találjuk, hogy bár az új kormányköziség hipotéziseinek többsége általánosságban és a közös biztonság- és védelempolitika vonatkozásában is megerősíthető, ugyanakkor vannak vitatható pontjai is a megközelítésnek, mint például a megengedő konszenzus csökkenésére vonatkozó megállapítások, illetve azok, amelyek a szupranacionális intézményeknek az egyre szorosabb unió iránti elkötelezettsége csökkenésére figyelmeztetnek
On the margins of the second treaty of Szőny data for the history of the signing of the treaty of Szőny in 1642
Growing interest can be observed in recent research focusing on the peace treaties between the Ottoman and the Habsburg Empires. In the present study, I provide some additional data and information on the history of the so-called second Treaty of Szőny (1642). After the review of contemporary political scene and the antecedents to the peace talks, I exclusively highlight one node of the communication network during the second Treaty of Szőny. I present this communication channel through the letters of the members of the famous Esterházy family (Dániel Esterházy and his elder brother, Miklós Esterházy). The correspondence of the Esterházys with other people points out the major problems of the earlier treaties between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans, for example the conscious falsification of the texts of the treaties. In addition, it is possible to learn other interesting details about the negotiations
Ego-network of István Bocskai in the light of his correspondence (1576-1598)
István Bocskai (1557–1606) was an outstanding person of the Hungarian history at the turn of the 16th and 17th century, who is one of the greatest letter-writer in the early modern age. The total exchange of letters (about 500 pieces) has been scattered over 30 various source-publications and source-books, while the unpublished letters can be found in different Hungarian and foreign archives. In my paper I focus on the social network of István Bocskai in two less-known periods, using a special approach (ego-network). My research is based on the correspondence of István Bocskai, that is one group of ego documents. My aim is to present, by 134 records (letters and testimonies) clean-cut, main tendencies.
* The research related to this paper was supported by the Ministry of Human Capacities (Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma) through the grant (code no. 20391-3/2018/FEKUSTRAT). This paper is written as a contribution of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence, the Department of Medieval and Early Modern Hungarian History (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) (University of Szeged) and the MTA–SZTE Research Group of the Ottoman Age
Az EU közös kül- és biztonságpolitikájának jelenlegi helyzete, különös tekintettel az Európai Külügyi Szolgálatra
Common Foreign and Security Policy was constructed as intergovernmental cooperation by the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, but since then we can experience some steps towards the closer cooperation of the member-states. For instance the Amsterdam Treaty introduced the position of the High Representative of CFSP, and the member states launched the European Security and Defence Policy in the framework of the CFSP in 1999. The Lisbon Treaty follows this process: it eliminates the pillar structure and gives to the European Union legal personality, strengthens the status of the High Representative and establishes the European External Action Service. Nevertheless, the CFSP remains basically intergovernmental cooperation, and the main reason of this is the behaviour of the member states, which strive to maintain their sovereignty in the field of foreign policy-making. In my paper I would like to examine the decision-making system and the implementation process of the CFSP from normative and institutional perspective, stressing the opportunity of the European External Action Service through which member states could secure a more united European foreign appearance
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