4 research outputs found

    Summary of results from unsupervised random forest analyses examining whether threatened and endangered plant species can be grouped by distributional and biological traits, previous abundances, or a combination of traits and abundances.

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    <p>Check mark indicates the variable was included in an analysis, and asterisk indicates the variable was identified as an important grouping variable.</p

    Abundance variable importance values.

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    <p>Variable importance for the previous abundance variables from the random forest analysis examining whether listed plant species can be grouped by previous abundances only, including both population-based and individual-based abundances (n = 197). Variable importance is measured as the mean decrease in model classification accuracy when values for that variable are randomly permuted. Abbreviations: Pop.Historical = Number of historical populations, Pop.Listing = Number of populations at time of ESA listing, Pop.Writing = Number of populations at time of recovery plan writing, Pop.Listing/Hist. = Proportion of historical populations remaining at time of listing, Pop.Writing/Hist. = Proportion of historical populations remaining at time of plan writing, Ind.Listing = Number of individuals at time of listing, Ind.Writing = Number of individuals at time of plan writing, Ind.Writing/List. = Number of individuals at time of plan writing remaining at time of listing.</p

    Summary of abundance variables included in our analyses.

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    <p>Summary of abundance variables included in our analyses.</p

    Traits variable importance values.

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    <p>Variable importance for the distributional and biological traits from the random forest analysis examining whether listed plant species can be grouped by traits only (n = 213). Variable importance is measured as the mean decrease in model classification accuracy when values for that variable are randomly permuted. Abbreviations: duration = life history duration, max.ht. = maximum plant height, max.flower = maximum flower size, range, reprod.mode = reproductive mode, reprod.repetition = reproductive repetition, physiogdiv = physiographic division.</p