3,754 research outputs found

    European Union’s key figures

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    With the objective to draw some conclusions about macroeconomic stability and economic structure, this article examines for the 28 Member States of the European Union, the following aspects: GDP and AIC per capita, General Government Gross Debt, Labour Productivity (monetary units and percentages), Average Annual Wages, Annual Hours Worked, Jobless and Average Hourly labour Costs. To develop this analysis, Member States have been divided into three blocks by the number of inhabitants: less than 6 million, between 6 and 17 million and more than 17 million

    Crony capitalism and neoliberal paradigm (Part II)

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    This is the second and final part of Crony Capitalism and Neoliberal Paradigm, the first part was posted earlier on this very blog

    Rerouting Globalisation: from economic to human development

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    When the different stages of a production process are carried out in different countries, a form of global integration is being developed. The global integration of the production process is usually understood as economic globalisation. This internationalisation process is a result of strategies, such as specialisation, cost-cutting, innovation in manufacturing processes and marketing, outsourcing, sub-contracting, in which only the economic aspects are considered, putting aside human development

    Crony capitalism and Neoliberal paradigm (Part I)

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    It is easy to see how almost all the European Union’s Member States, as well as other western advanced economies, are facing greater social inequalities, the spread of precarious/poorly-paid job conditions, greater tax burdens on households/SMEs, stagnation or slow economic growth together with high unemployment rates and cuts in core government functions. All these factors are leading to an impoverishment of the middle classes. From this picture arises, at least, one question: Is this situation a harsh consequence of a global economic crisis, or, on the contrary, the crisis is a response to a particular type of socio-economic paradigm—commonly known as “the system”? This article, divided in two parts, aims to answer that question: part 1, concentrates on negative socio-economic effects of crony capitalism, and part 2, deals with the relationship between crony capitalism and the global neoliberalism paradigm now reigning in most countries

    Greece: any better times or more pitfalls ahead?

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    In 2015, Greece, an EU state member since 1981 with a population of 10,846,979 people, recorded the highest level of GGD (General Government Gross Debt to GDP ratio) in the EU-28, at 176.9%. Concerning the volume index of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita in PPS (Purchasing Parity Standards) we find Greece’s GDP per capita dropped from 4% lower than the EU-28 average in 2004 to 29% lower in 2015. However, GDP is a measure of a country’s economic activity, and therefore it should not be considered a measure of a country’s well-being. If we take the AIC (Actual Individual Consumption) per capita in PPS (Purchasing Power Standard) as a better indicator to describe the material welfare of households, Greece showed an AIC index per capitalower by some 19% than the EU-28 average in 2015. Labour productivity per hour worked expressed in US (whichmeansGDPperhourworkedexpressedinUS (which means GDP per hour worked expressed in US ) was estimated among the lowest in the EU-28, at 32in2015.Curiously,GreecehasthehighestaveragehoursworkedperyearintheEU28,at2,042hours,itsaveragehourlylabourcostisamongthelowestintheEU28,at14.5,itsaverageannualwagesatUS32 in 2015. Curiously, Greece has the highest average hours worked per year in the EU-28, at 2,042 hours, its average hourly labour cost is among the lowest in the EU-28, at €14.5, its average annual wages at US 25,211 and unemployment rate of 24.90%. 43% of pensioners live on €660/month on average, and many Greek pensioners are also supporting unemployed children and grandchildren

    Socio-economic reflections on the Euro Zone

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    Six months is a long time in politics and this includes humanitarian politics in Europe. ‘Refugees welcome here’ (#Refugeeswelcomehere) was a catchphrase reflecting widespread sentiments and political will in Europe last summer and early autumn – a warm welcome to the first waves of arrivals from war-torn zones

    The military in five biopics of democracy

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    Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine organizado por el Instituto de Cultura y Tecnología Miguel de Unamuno y celebrado del 9 al 11 de septiembre de 2010 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridEl género del biopic cinematográfico, especialmente sobre figuras públicas, se presta de manera natural a su instrumentalización política. El autor utiliza cinco películas de la Transición y la Democracia españolas para explicar mensajes de legitimación en relación con el Ejército. El retrato de personalidades de la Guerra Civil se ha construido casi siempre de manera monolítica y sin ambigüedades, algo que el lenguaje cinematográfico ha debido exacerbar, dejando al descubierto propaganda al servicio de autonomías y partidos políticos, justificaciones e ideas contemporáneas autocomplacientes.The genre of the biopic film, especially about public figures, naturally lends itself to political manipulation. The author uses five films in the Spanish Democratic Transition and messages explaining standing under the Army. Portrait of Civil War personalities are almost always built on a monolithic and unambiguous language rather than the film had to exacerbate, exposing propaganda in the service of autonomy and political parties, self-serving justifications and contemporary ideas.Publicad

    Beneficios de la implementación de la Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada en España

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    La Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada se identifica por el conocimiento experto, el nivel de formación, las competencias y habilidades avanzadas. Se diferencia por el alcance y complejidad adquiridos, profundizando en un área específica de conocimiento. Nuestro objetivo es analizar los beneficios de la implementación de la Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada en España y describir el desarrollo de sus competencias. Se realizó una revisión sistemática mediante la elaboración de un protocolo de búsqueda para evaluar los beneficios de la Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada en España en las bases de datos CUIDEN, CINAHL, WOS, Medline, SciELO, Scopus, Cochrane, JBI y GuiaSalud. Se incluyeron estudios publicados entre 2014 y 2019 en inglés y español. Se realizó de acuerdo a los criterios PRISMA, utilizando la herramienta FLC 3.0 para la evaluación metodológica y de la evidencia de los estudios. Se analizaron 11 artículos. Los beneficios del modelo de la Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada en la población son: disminución de reingresos hospitalarios, menor frecuentación de urgencias, estancias hospitalarias más cortas, satisfacción de pacientes y cuidadores, y menor consumo de recursos. Las competencias de práctica avanzada se identificaron mediante las herramientas clinimétricas APNCAI e IDREPA. El desarrollo de la Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada es heterogéneo en los diferentes niveles asistenciales, atendiendo principalmente a pacientes pluriplatológicos por Enfermeras Gestoras de Casos. El desarrollo de la Enfermería de Practica Avanzada es necesario para la mejora de la atención sociosanitaria de la población, mayor eficiencia del sistema sanitario y el reconocimiento de las enfermeras.Grado en Enfermerí

    Management Experience as President of the EUROAVIA International Board 2017-2018

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    The following document reflects the results of nineteen months of work at the international management level of EUROAVIA, an EU wide-spread YNGO with sixty years of heritage in the aerospace sector and more than 2500 students coming from 42 universities in 17 different countries. The study covers the main achievements, difficulties and decisions taken during the plannification and execution periods of the Business Year 2017-2018 of EUROAVIA: The course followed based on communication, visibility and opportunities as cornerstones, an internal analysis and a disruptive structural reorganization, a financial management that allowed hitting the largest ever income in the history of the organization, a renewed policy for industrial partners and deep focus on European institutions, and other issues related to the everyday run of an organization. As a subsequent goal, this document aims to help any organization of similar nature to improve its performance through the lessons learned by Juan Manuel Lora Alonso as Former President of EUROAVIA. As a final remark, the reader shall be familiarized with the importance of student’s organizations such as EUROAVIA and their contribution to the industry shaping process of the future and its benefit for society.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacia