59 research outputs found

    Consistent high-energy constraints in the anomalous QCD sector

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    The anomalous Green function and related form-factors (pi^0 to gamma^* gamma^* and tau^- to X^- nu_tau vector form-factors, with X^-=(KKpi)^-, phi^- gamma, (phi V)^-) are analyzed in this letter in the large-N_C limit. Within the single (vector and pseudoscalar) resonance approximation and the context of Resonance Chiral Theory, we show that all these observables over-determine in a consistent way a unique set of compatible high-energy constraints for the resonance couplings. This result is in agreement with analogous relations found in the even intrinsic-parity sector of QCD like, e.g., F_V^2 = 3 F^2. The antisymmetric tensor formalism is considered for the spin-one resonance fields. Finally, we have also worked out and provide here the relation between the two bases of odd intrinsic-parity Lagrangian operators commonly employed in the literature.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Comparison with the phenomenology extended. Matches version to be published in PL

    Resonance saturation of the chiral couplings at NLO in 1/Nc

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    The precision obtainable in phenomenological applications of Chiral Perturbation Theory is currently limited by our lack of knowledge on the low-energy constants (LECs). The assumption that the most important contributions to the LECs come from the dynamics of the low-lying resonances, often referred to as the resonance saturation hypothesis, has stimulated the use of large-Nc resonance lagrangians in order to obtain explicit values for the LECs. We study the validity of the resonance saturation assumption at the next-to-leading order in the 1/Nc expansion within the framework of Resonance Chiral Theory (RChT). We find that, by imposing QCD short-distance constraints, the chiral couplings can be written in terms of the resonance masses and couplings and do not depend explicitly on the coefficients of the chiral operators in the Goldstone boson sector of RChT. As we argue, this is the counterpart formulation of the resonance saturation statement in the context of the resonance lagrangian. Going beyond leading order in the 1/Nc counting allow us to keep full control of the renormalization scale dependence of the LEC estimates.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps figures. Added references, version published in Phys. Rev.

    A bottom-up approach within the electroweak effective theory: constraining heavy resonances

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    The LHC has confirmed the existence of a mass gap between the known particles and possible new states. Effective field theory is then the appropriate tool to search for low-energy signals of physics beyond the Standard Model. We adopt the general formalism of the electroweak effective theory, with a non-linear realization of the electroweak symmetry breaking, where the Higgs is a singlet with independent couplings. At higher energies we consider a generic resonance Lagrangian which follows the above-mentioned non-linear realization and couples the light particles to bosonic heavy resonances with JP=0±J^P=0^\pm and JP=1±J^P=1^\pm. Integrating out the resonances and assuming a proper short-distance behavior, it is possible to determine or to constrain most of the bosonic low-energy constants in terms of resonance masses. Therefore, the current experimental bounds on these bosonic low-energy constants allow us to constrain the resonance masses above the TeV scale, by following a typical bottom-up approach, i.e., the fit of the low-energy constants to precise experimental data enables us to learn about the high-energy scales, the underlying theory behind the Standard Model.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Version published at PRD with minor changes. New references have been adde

    Colorful Imprints of Heavy States in the Electroweak Effective Theory

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    We analyze heavy states from generic ultraviolet completions of the Standard Model in a model-independent way and investigate their implications on the low-energy couplings of the electroweak effective theory. We build a general effective Lagrangian, implementing the electroweak symmetry breaking SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R→SU(2)L+RSU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R\to SU(2)_{L+R} with a non-linear Nambu-Goldstone realization, which couples the known particles to the heavy states. We generalize the formalism developed in previous works~[1,2] to include colored resonances, both of bosonic and fermionic type. We study bosonic heavy states with JP=0±J^P=0^\pm and JP=1±J^P=1^\pm, in singlet or triplet SU(2)L+RSU(2)_{L+R} representations and in singlet or octet representations of SU(3)CSU(3)_C, and fermionic resonances with J=12J=\frac{1}{2} that are electroweak doublets and QCD triplets or singlets. Integrating out the heavy scales, we determine the complete pattern of low-energy couplings at the lowest non-trivial order. Some specific types of (strongly- and weakly-coupled) ultraviolet completions are discussed to illustrate the generality of our approach and to make contact with current experimental searches.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figures, 12 tables; v2: matches Journal versio
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