5,919 research outputs found

    Efficient Delivery of Cash Transfers to the Poor: Improving the Design of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Equador

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    Many governments provide monetary transfers to low-income families. The mechanism through which these subsidies are distributed may contain several inefficiencies that diminish the net-value obtained by the recipients. In this paper, we build and estimate a behavioral dynamic model that allows us to evaluate the efficiency of current and alternative distribution mechanisms. The proposed model is simple and resembles the individual’s decision to collect the transfer. To estimate it, we use data from a cash transfer program in Ecuador where recipients incur high transaction costs each time they collect their benefits. Despite its simplicity, our model is able to replicate the observed data remarkably well. We use it to simulate alternative payment mechanisms and show that an adequate design of the delivery of payments can substantially increase the value of cash transfer programs.Cash Transfer Programs, Behavioral Model, Distribution of Payments

    Goal Driven Interaction (GDI) vs. Direct Manipulation (MD), an empirical comparison

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    Interacción'15, September 07-09, 2015, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain ACM 978-1-4503-3463-1/15/09. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2829875.2829892This paper presents a work in process about Goal Driven Interaction (GDI), a style of interaction intended for inexperienced, infrequent and occasional users, whose main priorities are to use a system and achieve their goals without cost in terms of time or effort. GDI basic philosophy is to guide the user about the "what" to do and the "how" to do it in each moment of the interaction process, without requiring from the user a previous knowledge to use the interface. This interaction style was introduced in previous work, where a description of its characteristics and the most appropriate user interface for it, were described. Those works included a methodology for the analysis and synthesis of the whole interactive process through a language of specification. This paper presents partial results we are collecting in real user testing, with the main aim of comparing GDI with direct manipulation interfaces (MD), nevertheless the most extended and commonly regarded as the most suitable for novice and experienced users.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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