95 research outputs found

    Exploring the Concept of the Digital Educator During COVID-19

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    T In many machine learning classification problems, datasets are usually of high dimensionality and therefore require efficient and effective methods for identifying the relative importance of their attributes, eliminating the redundant and irrelevant ones. Due to the huge size of the search space of the possible solutions, the attribute subset evaluation feature selection methods are not very suitable, so in these scenarios feature ranking methods are used. Most of the feature ranking methods described in the literature are univariate methods, which do not detect interactions between factors. In this paper, we propose two new multivariate feature ranking methods based on pairwise correlation and pairwise consistency, which have been applied for cancer gene expression and genotype-tissue expression classification tasks using public datasets. We statistically proved that the proposed methods outperform the state-of-the-art feature ranking methods Clustering Variation, Chi Squared, Correlation, Information Gain, ReliefF and Significance, as well as other feature selection methods for attribute subset evaluation based on correlation and consistency with the multi-objective evolutionary search strategy, and with the embedded feature selection methods C4.5 and LASSO. The proposed methods have been implemented on the WEKA platform for public use, making all the results reported in this paper repeatable and replicabl

    Generation of human computational models with machine learning

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    Services in smart environments pursue to increase the quality of people?s lives. The most important issues when developing this kind of environments is testing and validating such services. These tasks usually imply high costs and annoying or unfeasible real-world testing. In such cases, artificial societies may be used to simulate the smart environment (i.e. physical environment, equipment and humans). With this aim, the CHROMUBE methodology guides test engineers when modeling human beings. Such models reproduce behaviors which are highly similar to the real ones. Originally, these models are based on automata whose transitions are governed by random variables. Automaton?s structure and the probability distribution functions of each random variable are determined by a manual test and error process. In this paper, it is presented an alternative extension of this methodology which avoids the said manual process. It is based on learning human behavior patterns automatically from sensor data by using machine learning techniques. The presented approach has been tested on a real scenario, where this extension has given highly accurate human behavior models

    Taladro Robótico

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    Un taladro robótico, es un mecanismo capaz de moverse sobre los 3 ejes del plano en tres dimensiones (X, Y, Z), de tal forma que puede realizar acciones en el plano X, Y. Dependiendo del posicionamiento del sistema del eje Z, se pueden realizar diferentes acciones, sin perder la precisión con la repetición de las funciones. Se realiza con el fin de hacer un tanto más fácil y óptimo el desarrollo de circuitos impresos para estudiantes de electrónica. Se toma como base, principalmente que, para diseñar y desarrollar un circuito impreso se debe seguir una serie de pasos. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, por medio de investigación, se ha llegado a la deducción de que los dos últimos pasos del proceso son los que más toman tiempo, los cuales son, la perforación de la baquela y el soldado de los componentes electrónicos. Una vez analizado y entendido el problema, se tiene que en un circuito impreso, si se tratan de perforar más de 50 orificios, se va perdiendo la precisión y el proceso se vuelve tedioso y molesto. Por el contrario, si se elabora utilizando un sistema de control, con un microcontrolador pic 18F4550, por ejemplo, se desarrolla un trabajo óptimo y más preciso

    Determinación del efecto de la preparación y distribución de paladio soportado en Gamma Alúmina en una reacción de oxidación parcial de un alcohol

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    This work analyzes the effect of the time of impregnatingand previous state of the support in the distribution ofPd/ -Al O prepared by impregnation method varying 2 3time between 1 and 5 hours and considering twoprevious states (wet and dry). The characterization of thesupport and the catalysts and after using them in a PBRfor the partial oxidation of the Isopropanol to atemperature of 180°C and two time factors W/F (15 y 8 AOgcat/mol/h) was made by means of techniques like X-RayDiffraction (XRD), superficial area by BET method,Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), among others. Theproducts of the reaction were quantified by means of GasChromatography. Uniform and Egg shell distributionswere obtained, uniform catalysts activated by reductionand calcination were used.Se analizó el efecto del tiempo de impregnación y estadoprevio del soporte en la distribución del Pd/ -Al O 2 3preparado mediante la técnica de impregnaciónconsiderando dos tiempos (1 y 5 horas) y variando elestado previo (húmedo y seco). Se caracterizó el soportey los catalizadores antes y después de usarlos en unreactor de lecho empacado (PBR) para la oxidaciónparcial del Isopropanol a una temperatura de 180°C ydos factores de tiempo W/F (15 y 8 gcat/mol/h). Las AOtécnicas de caracterización usadas fueron Difracción deRayos X (XRD), área superficial por el método BET, yMicroscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM), entre otras.Los productos de la reacción fueron cuantificadosmediante Cromatografía de Gases. Se obtuvierondistribuciones uniforme y cáscara de huevo, se usaroncatalizadores uniformes activados por reducción ycalcinación

    Leveraging omic features with F3UTER enables identification of unannotated 3'UTRs for synaptic genes

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    There is growing evidence for the importance of 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) dependent regulatory processes. However, our current human 3'UTR catalogue is incomplete. Here, we develop a machine learning-based framework, leveraging both genomic and tissue-specific transcriptomic features to predict previously unannotated 3'UTRs. We identify unannotated 3'UTRs associated with 1,563 genes across 39 human tissues, with the greatest abundance found in the brain. These unannotated 3'UTRs are significantly enriched for RNA binding protein (RBP) motifs and exhibit high human lineage-specificity. We find that brain-specific unannotated 3'UTRs are enriched for the binding motifs of important neuronal RBPs such as TARDBP and RBFOX1, and their associated genes are involved in synaptic function. Our data is shared through an online resource F3UTER ( https://astx.shinyapps.io/F3UTER/ ). Overall, our data improves 3'UTR annotation and provides additional insights into the mRNA-RBP interactome in the human brain, with implications for our understanding of neurological and neurodevelopmental diseases

    The non-specific lethal complex regulates genes and pathways genetically linked to Parkinson’s disease

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    Genetic variants conferring risk for Parkinson's disease have been highlighted through genome-wide association studies, yet exploration of their specific disease mechanisms is lacking. Two Parkinson's disease candidate genes, KAT8 and KANSL1, identified through genome-wide studies and a PINK1-mitophagy screen, encode part of the histone acetylating non-specific lethal complex. This complex localises to the nucleus, where it has a role in transcriptional activation, and to mitochondria, where it has been suggested to have a role in mitochondrial transcription. In this study, we sought to identify whether the non-specific lethal complex has potential regulatory relationships with other genes associated with Parkinson's disease in human brain. Correlation in the expression of non-specific lethal genes and Parkinson's disease-associated genes was investigated in primary gene co-expression networks utilising publicly available transcriptomic data from multiple brain regions (provided by the Genotype-Tissue Expression Consortium and UK Brain Expression Consortium), whilst secondary networks were used to examine cell-type specificity. Reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks generated regulons of the complex, which were tested for heritability using stratified linkage disequilibrium score regression. Prioritised gene targets were then validated in vitro using a QuantiGene multiplex assay and publicly available chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing data. Significant clustering of non-specific lethal genes was revealed alongside Parkinson's disease-associated genes in frontal cortex primary co-expression modules, amongst other brain regions. Both primary and secondary co-expression modules containing these genes were enriched for mainly neuronal cell types. Regulons of the complex contained Parkinson's disease-associated genes and were enriched for biological pathways genetically linked to disease. When examined in a neuroblastoma cell line, 41% of prioritised gene targets showed significant changes in mRNA expression following KANSL1 or KAT8 perturbation. KANSL1 and H4K8 chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing data demonstrated NSL complex activity at many of these genes. In conclusion, genes encoding the non-specific lethal complex are highly correlated with and regulate genes associated with Parkinson's disease. Overall, these findings reveal a potentially wider role for this protein complex in regulating genes and pathways implicated in Parkinson's disease

    A new real exchange rate index for Colombia: Third market competition adjustment

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    En este documento se propone un nuevo índice de tasa de cambio real para Colombia, que incluye dentro de las ponderaciones de cada país un ajuste por su competencia en terceros mercados. Se utilizan datos de comercio a 3 dígitos de la Clasificación Uniforme para el Comercio Internacional (CUCI) de 39 países con frecuencia anual. Los resultados sugieren diferencias importantes respecto al índice ponderado únicamente por comercio bilateral, que es el calculado y publicado actualmente. En particular, las ponderaciones de Estados Unidos y China son significativamente menores en el indicador propuesto, y por grupos de países Latinoamérica y el Caribe tienen el mayor peso. El nuevo índice presenta una mayor depreciación en el periodo de análisis, 2007-2021. Adicionalmente, se calculan índices ponderados por cada uno de los componentes de la nueva ponderación, y se encuentra que el índice de la competencia en terceros mercados se distancia considerablemente del índice de competitividad actualmente calculado, sugiriendo una menor competitividad de Colombia.This paper presents a new real exchange rate index that includes weights accounting for both direct trade links and third-market competition effects. We use trade data at 3 digit Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) level for a set of 39 countries annually updated. We find important differences between this new index and the one weighted only by bilateral trade, which is currently calculated and published by the Central Bank of Colombia. In particular, the weights for the USA and China are significantly lower in the new index, while by groups of countries, Latin America and the Caribbean have the highest weight. The new index shows a larger depreciation during 2007-2021. We also construct indexes weighted by each component of the total weight of the new index, and we find that the index based on third-market competition differs considerably from the current competition index, suggesting a lower competitiveness of Colombia.Pendient

    Reducción de la resistencia al avance de un buque mediante la aplicación de pinturas especiales al casco

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    La crisis económica, el impacto medioambiental y el consumo continuado de los combustibles fósiles propician cualquier iniciativa que conlleve un ahorro de energía. En el mundo de los buques, uno de los objetivos ha sido siempre el alcanzar un casco hidrodinámicamente óptimo que con un mínimo de potencia proporcione la velocidad deseada. Esta resistencia al avance se debe esencialmente a dos razones: a la fricción entre el agua y el casco del buque y a la generación de olas debido a la presencia de la interfase aireagua. El presente trabajo recoge las labores llevadas a cabo para evaluar la posibilidad de minimizar la resistencia debida a la fricción mediante la aplicación de pinturas especiales al casco del buque. El análisis se ha aplicado a un buque de cooperación en materia de pesca que ha sido estudiado hidrodinámicamente en el Canal de Ensayos Hidrodinámicos de la E.T.S.I. Navales. Para el estudio de la reducción de la resistencia de fricción se han ensayado dos planchas con una superficie mojada equivalente al modelo utilizado en los ensayos hidrodinámicos con dos tipos diferentes de pintura. También se han llevado a cabo cálculos numéricos con un código comercial de tipo viscoso con la posibilidad de evaluar la rugosidad. Se pretende también con ello proceder a la validación de dicho código para la consideración de la rugosidad

    IntroVerse: a comprehensive database of introns across human tissues

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    Dysregulation of RNA splicing contributes to both rare and complex diseases. RNA-sequencing data from human tissues has shown that this process can be inaccurate, resulting in the presence of novel introns detected at low frequency across samples and within an individual. To enable the full spectrum of intron use to be explored, we have developed IntroVerse, which offers an extensive catalogue on the splicing of 332,571 annotated introns and a linked set of 4,679,474 novel junctions covering 32,669 different genes. This dataset has been generated through the analysis of 17,510 human control RNA samples from 54 tissues provided by the Genotype-Tissue Expression Consortium. IntroVerse has two unique features: (i) it provides a complete catalogue of novel junctions and (ii) each novel junction has been assigned to a specific annotated intron. This unique, hierarchical structure offers multiple uses, including the identification of novel transcripts from known genes and their tissue-specific usage, and the assessment of background splicing noise for introns thought to be mis-spliced in disease states. IntroVerse provides a user-friendly web interface and is freely available at https://rytenlab.com/browser/app/introverse

    Mejoras en el diseño agronómico de la instalación de riego dirigidas al aumento de la productividad técnica y económica del agua en limonero temprano

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue incrementar la productividad en limonero temprano mediante mejoras en el diseño agronómico de la red de riego. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en una parcela experimental en Torre Pacheco (Murcia), en árboles adultos de limonero ‘Fino 49’ injertados sobre Citrus macrophylla Wester. Se han evaluado dos diseños del sistema de riego: diseño convencional (2L), con dos tuberías portagoteros (6 goteros árbol-1); y un diseño con mayor superficie mojada (3L), con tres tuberías (9 goteros árbol-1). Partiendo de los resultados agronómicos, se ha realizado un análisis económico comparativo entre dos diseños del sistema de riego. El diseño 3L fue el más productivo técnica y económicamente. El Producto Bruto Económico (PBE) fue un 14% superior en el diseño 3L respecto al 2L; el Producto Bruto Técnico (PBT) lo fue en un 6,2%. Este resultado se debe a dos motivos: por un lado y en mayor medida, al incremento en la proporción de limón de primer corte del diseño 3L y, por otro lado, a la disminución de limón derivado a la industria. El Margen Bruto (MB) sigue la misma pauta que el Producto Bruto (PB), ya que los costes diferenciales (CD) son de poca envergadura. El precio ponderado del kg de limón medio (PBE/PBT) es de 0,367 € kg-1 y 0,341 € kg-1, en 3L y 2L, respectivamente, y supone un ingreso de 2.631 € extras por hectárea y año a favor del sistema 3L. Por último, resaltar que el diseño 3L destaca principalmente por ser es más productivo económicamente, en relación al agua aplicada (€ m-3)