2,794 research outputs found

    Aprende inglés...sin barreras: un análisis crítico

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de un comercial de televisión que ofrece un conocido método de enseñanza de idioma inglés: Inglés Sin Barreras (ISB). Se parte de la idea de que alrededor de una lengua se configura un imaginario vinculado a ideologías subyacentes a una ecología lingüística donde, se generan presiones que otorgan al inglés tanto un prestigio alto como el valor que lo convierte en un bien de consumo. Así, con base en el modelo de análisis crítico de discurso de Norman Fairclough (2001), se identificaron los recursos discursivos y persuasivos que componen este mensaje. En el análisis resaltan un lenguaje visual y verbal que aglutina dos figuras del discurso: 1) la herramienta, con la que se logra el éxito; y 2) el movimiento hacia una condición ideal de vida. En ambos casos, el objetivo implícito en el mensaje es la autorrealización, concepto que en este caso está en consonancia con valores del individualismo occidental. Esto mismo es lo que mantiene vigente la liga entre el idioma inglés y un “mundo moderno”, y lo que otorga a dicha lengua un valor en el mercado. ISB, se presenta así como una herramienta que promete a la audiencia no sólo la posibilidad de lograr una movilidad geográfica; también promete una movilidad simbólica al interior de los sectores modernizados del país; aquellos más cercanos económica y culturalmente al modelo occidental de civilización

    New design parameters for biparabolic beach profiles (SW Cadiz, Spain)

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    165 profiles of seventy-one beaches along the Gulf of Cadiz (SW, Spain) were studied to improve the formulation of the beach profile in tidal seas. Maritime climate, degree of energy exposure and size of the sand grains were taken into account to study the two sections of the biparabolic profile. The objective of the study was the determination of more accurate formulations of the design parameters for the equilibrium profile that involves tidal seas. These formulations were modelled and validated based on existing profiles to quantify the error existing between the real profile and the modelling. This comparative analysis was extended by considering the formulations proposed by other authors. The best results were obtained with the proposal presented herein

    A Design Parameter for Reef Beach Profiles—A Methodology Applied to Cadiz, Spain

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    The southwestern coast of Spain is in a tidal zone (mesotidal) which causes the equilibrium profile to be developed in two different sections: the breakage section and the swash section. These two sections give rise to the typical bi-parabolic profile existing in tidal seas. The existence of areas with reefs/rocks which interrupt the normal development of the typical bi-parabolic profile causes different types of beach profiles. The objective of this article is designing an easy methodology for determining new formulations for the design parameters of the equilibrium profile of beaches with reefs in tidal seas. These formulations are applied on 16 profiles to quantify the error between the real profile data and the modelling results. A comparative analysis is extended to the formulations proposed by other authors, from which it is found that better results are obtained with the new formulations

    Inmigración, contextos locales de acogida y delincuencia: Un estudio empírico en Málaga capital

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    España es uno de los países de Europa en el que más ha crecido la población inmigrante durante los primeros años de este siglo. Sin embargo, durante el mismo periodo de tiempo, la tasa de delincuencia se ha mantenido constante, incluso ha descendido ligeramente, por lo que la evolución de ambos fenómenos no permite establecer una relación positiva entre ellos. Sin embargo, las evidencias empíricas han puesto de manifiesto que las experiencias de inmigración varían enormemente en función de las condiciones locales de acogida y que es importante prestar atención a los factores del contextos que facilitan la implicación de los inmigrantes en actividades delictivas. En España no se han realizado estudios empíricos que aborden a nivel local las condiciones familiares y sociales de los inmigrantes desde una perspectiva criminológica. Para suplir este vacío se ha realizado una aproximación a la delincuencia auto-informada de los inmigrantes asentados, a las condiciones de su entorno, y a sus percepciones sobre el control social. A partir de 174 entrevistas estructuradas a una población de conveniencia constituida por inmigrantes con tres o más años de residencia en Málaga capital durante 2017 y 2018, se explora la relación entre las condiciones locales y la participación delictiva, así como su percepción sobre instituciones del control social formal. Los resultados agrupados por procedencias desvelan ciertos factores del contexto social que fortalecen la integración de ciertos colectivos y permiten también conocer el grado de legitimidad otorgado a las instituciones policiales y judiciales. Todo ello contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de la población inmigrante asentada y de las necesidades implícitamente requeridas en términos de políticas públicas locales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Influence of Di erent Sieving Methods on Estimation of Sand Size Parameters

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    Sieving is one of the most used operational methods to determine sand size parameters which are essential to analyze coastal dynamics. However, the influence of hand versus mechanical shaking methods has not yet been studied. Herein, samples were taken from inside the hopper of a trailing suction dredger and sieved by hand with sieves of 10 and 20 cm diameters on board the dredger. Afterwards, these same samples were sieved with a mechanical shaker in the laboratory on land. The results showed di erences for the main size parameters D50, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. Amongst the main results, it should be noted that the highest values for D50 and kurtosis were given by the small sieves method. On the other hand, the lowest values were given by the mechanical shaker method in the laboratory. Furthermore, standard deviation and skewness did not seem to be a ected by the sieving method which means that all the grainsize distribution was shifted but the shape remained unchanged. The few samples that do not follow these patterns have a higher percentage of shells. Finally and definitely, the small sieves should be rejected as a sieving method aboard

    Planificación estratégica de abastecimiento de gas natural en construredes S.A.C, en la ciudad Trujillo

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    La presente investigación tiene como propósito la elaboración de un plan estratégico para la empresa Construredes S.A.C., dedicada a la prestación de servicios de ingeniería, construcción de redes de gas para diversos tipos de usuarios en zonas residenciales, multifamiliares, comerciales e industriales, la finalidad del estudio es establecer el objetivo de la empresa, por lo tanto se identificaran estrategias que ayuden al control y el desarrollo de la organización de la empresa logrando comportamientos más efectivos y eficientes. El plan estratégico tiene como efecto el análisis de elementos externos e internos del servicio de abastecimiento de gas natural en la ciudad de Trujillo que ejecuta Contruredes S.A.C., para realizar el análisis externo se utilizó el método PESTE (políticos, económicos, sociales, tecnológicos y ecológicos) los cuales nos ayudaron a identificar las oportunidades y amenazas y ´para el análisis interno se aplicó el método AMOFHIT en el que se analizó las fortalezas y debilidades del área de gerencia, operaciones, recursos humanos, marketing y estado financiero. Para el logróde los objetivos se hizo uso de instrumentos como entrevistas y encuestas; aplicadas al Gerente General, Gerente de Operaciones y a los empleados de la misma, con las cuales se logró identificar la situación actual de la empresa, para plantear la planificación estratégica. Se obtuvieron 13 estrategias, las cuales ayudarán a que Construredes S.A.C. conserve la orientación en el futuro y el presente, además de que beneficia a la coordinación y estabilidad organizacional.The purpose of this research is to prepare a strategic plan for the company Construredes SAC, dedicated to the provision of engineering services, construction of gas networks for several types of users in residential, multifamily, commercial and industrial areas, the purpose of this study is to establish the objective of the company, therefore, strategies that help control and develop the organization of the company will be identified, achieving more effective and efficient behaviors. The strategic plan has the effect of analyzing the external and internal elements of the natural gas supply service in the city of Trujillo executed by Contruredes SAC, in order to carry out the external analysis using the PESTE method (political, economic, social, technological and ecological) that helped us to identify the opportunities and threats and, for the internal analysis, the AMOFHIT method was applied in which the strengths and weaknesses of the administration, operations, human resources, marketing and financial status areas were analyzed. To achieve the objectives, instruments such as interviews and surveys were used; It was applied to the General Manager, the Operations Manager and his employees, with whom the current situation of the company was identified, to propose strategic planning. 13 strategies were obtained, which will help Construredes S.A.C. Maintain orientation in the future and the present, besides benefiting the coordination and organizational stabilityTesi

    Virtual resources for the improvement of teaching in the course of Port and Coastal Engineering (dregree in Civil Engineering)

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    Port and Coastal Engineering is a subject included in the third year of the degree in Civil Engineering (Civil Constructions and Hydrology specialty) taught at the Polytechnic School of Algeciras. As this is a subject with a very specific syllabus, there is no textbook (or even appropriate references) that contemplates all the related topics of the whole course. Moreover, there are many students who, for different reasons (repeaters, Erasmus, labour obligations, ...), cannot attend the regular classes. This lack of attendance has been leading to another problem: this kind of students have been leaving the subject for several years. In addition, understanding of the basic concepts becomes even more complicated for Erasmus students enrolled in the subject because of the language barrier. In order to solve this problem, a project of teaching innovation has been launched which consists of the creation of a set of evaluable tasks for the different topics addressed to be performed by the students. In this way, the students are motivated to keep up-to-date the course contents. A comparison of the last year results with those of the preceding five years is provided. Finally, an analysis of the significance of the improvement is also presented

    Aplicación de comités de expertos en el modelado del comportamiento humano en situaciones de distorsión visuo-motora

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    En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación de las arquitecturas neuronales basadas en comités de expertos en donde dan una buena solución en un problema de modelado del comportamiento visuomotor humano. La intención de este artículo ha sido la de mostrar la validez de las redes en comités sobre una aplicación de modelado de sistemas biológicos. Se trata por tanto de mostrar un modelo del comportamiento psicofísico humano, es decir, del comportamiento de las arquitecturas neuronales biológicas mediante redes neuronales artificiales en donde las redes en comité de expertos forman parte de la arquitectura global del modelo

    Social research applied to social networks. A methodological innovation for the analysis of Facebook Likes

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    Facebook is already part of our social imaginary. Its notoriety has grown exponentially in the Age of Big Data. This article illustrates some of the ways in which social networks might function as a major resource of information for social research. These possibilities are illustrated through the case study of groups of people who drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Method. This study is based on quantitative and qualitative tools: a short online survey questionnaire made accessible through Facebook, which allows the obtaining of quantitative primary data, and the qualitative analysis of the Facebook Likes (215,232) of the survey participants (n=1,437). Results. The analysis shows that three risk groups (high, medium, low) can be differentiated among participants based on their driving patterns under the influence of alcohol and drugs and on the basis of the life styles, which they reflect through theirFacebookLikes, and of classical structural variables. In particular, the high-risk group exhibits preferences and tastes that are closer to social discontent and resistance, and it is the group with the lowest educational level and the highest rate of casual employment. Conclusions. This research study shows the usefulness of social networks in the socio-demographic and cultural characterisation of risk groups, which must be a preliminary step to the design and dissemination of prevention and awareness-raising campaigns

    Increase in the Erosion Rate Due to the Impact of Climate Change on Sea Level Rise: Victoria Beach, a Case Study

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    This article provides a general methodology for calculating the retreat of the coastline and the volume of sand necessary to renourish a beach due to sea level rise (SLR) in the medium-long term. An example is presented, Victoria Beach, and a projection is made for the years 2030, 2040, 2050, and 2100. The results obtained take into account global sea level rise (GSLR), which is worldwide, and local sea level rise (LSLR), which considers climate variability and vertical land movements. Regarding GSLR, data were provided by the projections from IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) scenarios and empirical models, such as Rahmstorf and Pfeffer. The LSLR data came from the tide gauge station located in Cadiz. Finally, the results obtained showed that global warming impacts erosive effects and the subsequent volume of sand required to renourish beaches. The total sea level rise (TSLR) projections indicated for Victoria Beach are relatively higher than the GSLR projections. Even in the best IPCC scenario (RCP 2.6), Victoria Beach presents a significant erosion of 52 m, requiring a volume of sand of 1.0 Mm3 to supply renourishment.14 página