554 research outputs found

    Study of Preservation Using Lactic Acid Bacteria from Fermentation of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) to Shelf Life of Fresh Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    This study aims to determine the best concentration of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) solution from fermented cabbage to tilapia fish during storage. This study used a completely randomized design with the percentage of addition of LAB solution as a treatment (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%). The results of this study indicate that the LAB solution concentration has a significant effect on the physical, chemical, and microbiological quality of fresh fish where the higher the concentration, the higher the resulting value. The LAB solution concentration as the best preservative was found in the LAB solution with a concentration of 6%. The results of the physical properties on the observation of the eyes, gills, meat, and texture met the SNI requirements, namely 7 to the 12th observation hour at a concentration of 6%, but on mucus and odor at the 12th observation hour at a concentration of 2%, 4%, and 6 % still fulfills the SNI requirements, namely 7. The chemical properties at pH until the 24th hour of storage were 6.33 and protein content 21.88%. The microbiological properties of tilapia by giving LAB 6% solution at the 12th-hour observation still met the maximum limit of microorganism growth with a value of the number of colonies/plates 4.2 x 105 cfg / g

    Views of Trainee Science Teachers in Kuwait Regarding the NoS Dimensions and Their Conception of Creativity in Science Education

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    Science educators are often advised to pay attention to trainee teachers’ views on issues related to education, particularly the nature of science (NoS). Views on the NoS can be translated into pedagogical practices and then transferred to students; therefore, teachers should hold informed views about the NoS. This study sought to explore the views of trainee science teachers in Kuwait about the NoS and its aspects or dimensions. It also aimed to identify the possible connections among the NoS dimensions and teachers’ views on creativity in science. This multi-method study involved 152 trainee science teachers. The research instruments consisted of a questionnaire about teachers’ views of the nature of science (VNoS), a questionnaire about teachers’ views of creativity in science education, and semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that trainee science teachers hold naïve and sometimes perplexing views of the NoS dimensions, and they are more likely to follow a traditional positivist worldview when they discuss the nature of scientific knowledge. Also, the findings revealed trainee teachers’ views of creativity in science education as well as significant correlations among six NoS dimensions and creativity. Detailed findings are discussed to draw conclusions and address possible suggestions for science educators and for the community of science education research

    Utilization of Waste Cane (Saccharum Officinarum) as Mixed Polyurethane Material in Making Buoy

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    This study was conducted in April 2015 in the material and fishing laboratory, Depatmane of agulatic resources wtilizatian. The aim fo the research is to giwe information abrut the lest composition of sugar cane dregs as a canpenal wite polyuretahane for buoy. The methad used is experimental suger cane dregt mixedinte polyurethane and descriptkehy analyzed. The results chaws that compointoin of compaud will raedi the bertresult if the ratius of polyurethane and suger cane dregt 3 : 1 (75 : 25 gr). Reaveage theyang is 151 gr at 100 %, meauwlile accordy to calculati pe bouyaucy 198373 m2.kgf, density 0,71 gr/m3, its volume 203,38 cm3 and Density value based reduction for 24 hours 923.25 kg/m3

    Propuestas agroindustriales para la reutilización de desechos agrícolas generados en el cantón Junín, provincia de Manabí.

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    La investigación se identificó por medio de un mapeo la variedad de desechos agroindustriales junto con sus porcentajes según información de las familias que habitan en diferentes sitios del cantón Junín y se valoró el interés por el aprovechamiento de la variedad de productos agrícolas que se cultivan en diferentes sitios de este cantón y para ello, se logró una disminución o detención de proceso deterioro, así mismo la restauración o rehabilitación de ecosistema, aumento de cobertura boscosa incluyendo árboles frutales.The research identified through mapping the variety of agro-industrial waste along with its percentages according to information from the families that live in different places in the Junín canton and the interest in taking advantage of the variety of agricultural products that are cultivated in different places in this canton and for this, a reduction or arrest of the deterioration process was achieved, as well as the restoration or rehabilitation of the ecosystem, increase in forest cover including fruit trees

    Surface and Underground Water Level Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Node with Energy Harvesting Support

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    In this paper development and testing of a wireless sensor node that is powered by solar energy harvesting is described. Implemented wireless sensor node is characterized by low cost and consumption, long mean time between maintenance, simplicity, flexibility, modularity and miniature design in applications for monitoring of environmental parameters. As a replacement for relatively expensive battery supply and in order to minimize maintenance costs, energy harvesting solution that uses a miniature solar panel and supercapacitor is tested. This node is used for measurements of water levels of surface and underground waters for application in agriculture. For this purpose the node is expanded with a capacitive sensor for measurement of water levels, which is particularly discussed in this paper as simple and innovative solution

    Primjena informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u logopedskom radu u Hrvatskoj

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    Djeca i osobe sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama, ali i one s razvojnim jezičnim poremećajem suočene su s različitim ograničenjima u svakodnevnom funkcioniranju. Važnu ulogu u komunikaciji i stjecanju znanja kod osoba s teškoćama imaju okolina i različiti oblici asistivne tehnologije (AT). Posljednjih godina bilježi se procvatu području visokotehnoloških uređaja namijenjenih komunikaciji, kao jednog od brojnih rješenja unutar asistivne tehnologije. Razvoj takvih visokotehnoloških pomagala i sustava bio bi nemoguć bez napretka informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT), koje u današnje vrijeme svoju primjenu pronalaze u područjima logopedske procjene i podrške. U Hrvatskoj se posljednjih godina sve više pozornosti posvećuje primjeni IKT-a u okviru logopedskog rada. Budući da postoji malo istraživanja o stvarnoj uporabi IKT-a među logopedima u Hrvatskoj, provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj bio ispitati osviještenost i stavove hrvatskih logopeda o primjeni IKT-a. Osim osviještenosti, ujedno je ispitana osposobljenost logopeda za primjenu IKT-a, trenutni trendovi u korištenju IKT-a među logopedima, kao i prepreke njenoj većoj primjeni. Za tu svrhu napravljen je online upitnik namijenjen diplomiranim logopedima iz Hrvatske. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 120 logopeda. Analizom prikupljenih podataka može se zaključiti da su logopedi u Hrvatskoj dobro osviješteni o mogućnostima i prednostima IKT-a u radu s korisnicima, generalno imaju pozitivne stavove. No, izdvajaju se i neki aspekti koji nisu u potpunosti zadovoljavajući i koje bi trebalo unaprijediti, te promjene koje bi trebalo uvesti kako bi se prednosti i mogućnosti IKT-a bolje prepoznale i iskoristile. Dobit će se uvid u vrste IKT-a koje logopedi koriste, kao i njihova perspektiva u odnosu na primjenu IKT-a

    Information and communication technology acceptance model for empirically testing primary science teachers’ use of ICT in Kuwait

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    Research has indicated that teachers’ perceptions have an important influence on their use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching. The main aim of this study was to develop and assess a theoretical model that can predict and explain female primary school science teachers’ use of ICT by focusing on a range of psychosocial factors. To achieve this, the technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, 1989) was adapted. TAM is considered to be a suitable theoretical framework on which to base the study because of its unique approach to examining behaviour towards the use of technology and its wider applicability in behavioural studies. There are two key predictors in TAM, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Further, the model also has a variable that is known as behavioural intention, which is closely linked to actual behaviour. In the current study certain extensions to the model were added to explain variance not predicted by the standard TAM variables of usefulness and ease of use. The proposed ICT Acceptance model was developed by adding the constructs perceived external barriers, self-efficacy of using ICT in teaching, and subjective norms to the original TAM, to assess its performance in predicting teachers’ use of ICT in teaching. Using a survey questionnaire, data were collected from a total of 500 Kuwaiti female primary science teachers. Structural equation modelling (SEM) using AMOS 21.0 software was employed as the statistical analytic technique to assess the proposed model (ICTAM). The survey results revealed that the proposed model demonstrated a good fit. Interviews were also conducted with 21 female science teachers which provided greater details in more depth about why teachers make an effort to use ICT even if it is not provided by the schools. The study revealed important information about factors that affect teachers’ acceptance of ICT in teaching science. It identified which barriers have to be removed in order to encourage science teachers to use ICT in their teaching. Moreover, suggestions were made for successful implementation of ICT in teaching science

    Factors Affecting Part-time Students Performance in Pakistan

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    This research is concerned about part-time student performance within higher educational institutions in Pakistan. Part-time students contain a significant share of the student population. In the perspective of working students as part-time studying, there are some significant factors that should be considered seriously to perform well. This research was examined to find the relationship of soft skills (motivation to learn, stress, time management) among part time-students’ performance in south Punjab of Pakistan. Primary data was collected from a sample of 140 part-time enrolled students. Correlation and regression analysis were tested in this research. The result showed that time management was the most significant factor of student performance. Same as stress has significant but negative correlation with student performance. The study concluded that these soft skills have significant importance with the part-time working student performance


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    Therapeutic communities are important for the integral development of the patient whose purpose must be framed in enhancing the personal, family and social environment related to emotional states and substances. The objective of the research was to identify the prevalences of relapse triggers in drug addicts from two health entities; using the non-experimental design, descriptive type, quantitative approach, the target population was chosen due to the small number of patients that make up the two institutions and therefore it was delimited based on sociodemographic characteristics, substance users, hospitalized patients and factors of risk for relapses, the unit of analysis being patients in the process of recovery and treatment with a total of 37 patients distributed in the Foundation Casa de Acogida Manos y Voces Amigas, and the Admitimos Group of Narcotics Anonymous of the canton Portoviejo, aged between 17 and 55 years old. In the investigative process, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Nuclear Beliefs Questionnaire related to drug use and craving were applied. The results revealed that the causes of relapse show a prevalence of 40 % for group one and 35.29 % for group two; followed by low self-esteem with 50 % for group one and 64.71 % for group two; and poverty with 10 % for group one and group two do not present results. It is concluded that it is necessary to continue and expand the study with other variables from different social contexts and from both sexes.Las comunidades terapéuticas son importantes para el desarrollo integral del paciente cuyo propósito deben enmarcarse en potencializar el ámbito personal, familiar y social relacionado a los estados emocionales y de sustancias. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar las prevalencias de los factores desencadenantes de las recaídas en personas drogodependientes de dos entidades de Salud; utilizando el diseño no experimental, tipo descriptivo, enfoque cuantitativo, se escogió la población de nivel diana debido al reducido número de pacientes que integran las dos instituciones y por ello se delimito en función de las características sociodemográficas, consumidores de sustancias, pacientes internados y factores de riesgo para recaídas, siendo la unidad de análisis los pacientes en proceso de recuperación y tratamiento con un total de 37 pacientes distribuidos en la Fundación Casa de Acogida Manos y Voces Amigas, y el Grupo Admitimos de Narcóticos Anónimos del cantón  Portoviejo, en edades comprendidas entre 17 y 55 años. En el proceso investigativo se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y el Cuestionario de Creencias Nucleares relacionadas con el consumo de drogas y el craving. Los resultados revelaron que las causas de la recaída muestran una prevalencia del 40 % para el grupo uno y el 35,29 % grupo dos; seguida de la baja autoestima con el 50 % para el grupo uno y 64,71 % para el grupo dos; y pobreza con el 10 % para el grupo uno y el grupo dos no presenta resultados. Se concluye que es necesario continuar y ampliar el estudio con otras variables de diferentes contextos sociales y de ambos sexos.  &nbsp